Un edited posts below floating buzz from N. America


"This is exactly how the Jewish community/communist takeover is fighting the war to destroy America. READ THIS IN FULL, it is in a very small amount of reading a PERFECT EXPOSURE of how they are winning to destroy us. Approximately five times a week, my systems get attacked but I have them set up in such a way that attacks are not likely to destroy them (I have time to pull the plug before whatever is targeted can heat up enough to smoke) and am not running any flash or magnetic media devices, AND have a CPU that does not have remote kill, plus several other methods of staying alive. Absent this, I'd be put out of commission, JUST READ HOW THIS EVOLVES, IT SAYS IT ALL:

Comments from ZeroHedge.com thread:


California Water Wars Escalate: State Changes Law, Orders Farmers To Stop Pumping, July 17th

... Implied Violins

This drought is NOT NATURAL.

I am sick and tired of trying to wake you dudes up...this is GEOENGINEERED, and I KNOW because it *directly* affects my WORK.

We are seeing HUGE spikes in aluminum levels in the Sacramento River, on the order of MILLIGRAMS PER LITER, via ICP. Now, what in the fuck could be putting that shit there?

Oh and by the way, this shit is KILLING OUR FISH. I do Whole Effluent Chronic toxicity testing using fathead minnows and river water, and they are dying EVERY TIME - showing symptoms of toxicity due to the presence of aluminum nanoparticles. This shit is *also* KILLING DELTA SMELT in the river and delta. Go do an internet search on that if you want to open a whole new ball of wax.

Fri, 07/17/2015 - 18:12 | 6325375silver_stacker

"This drought is NOT NATURAL."

You are right on the money with this IV. See the result of my research on geoengineering a few posts below this. We need to wake more people up to this reality. There is irrefutable evidence by numerous scientists and other professionals supporting this.

Fri, 07/17/2015 - 18:24 | 6325417Implied Violins

Thanks for posting the link, SS.

Wanna hear WEIRD?

I did a 'net search to see if anyone else out there had been seeing spikes of aluminum in the river, and found Dane's website. After perusing it extensively (and doing other research), I got religion and started to document all that I had been seeing.

I posted some of my observations on his website, and got the attention of one of his aides. Dane himself wrote me, asking if I could send him some more information. So, in a series of e-mails, I did send him some preliminary stuff - no raw data as that is privileged here (and I could get fired for it), just general observations...but after a few e-mails, he stopped responding to me.

Curious, I got back on his site and tried to contact him via his website portal. He responded to me in e-mail, saying he did not get *ANY* of those e-mails; and on top of that, others with info had reported not being able to contact him either.

So, I decide to try to call him, as he gave me his number and invited me to do so. No sooner did I try to call MY PHONE WENT DEAD. Not just a dead battery - FRIED. A *NEW* phone.

Undeterred, I tried again to contact him via his website portal. Guess what? My computer hard drive CRASHED. Total physical failure. Even my BIOS was ruined; I had to get a new computer.

OK, so both things could be coincidences, right? Well, right after that I got several packages in the mail, and: EVERY SINGLE ONE HAD BEEN OPENED. Didn't even try to put them back together. I talked to my UPS guy, and he said he got them that way. Since then, I haven't gotten any packages but much of my mail has been obviously opened and searched.

These fucks play hardball. Any wonder my tone on ZH is angry much of the time?!

MY RESPONSE: This is something I warned about. You are most at risk for being destroyed when it is detected that you are about to break a barrier that can be a wake up call for a person of interest and importance, or when you have a chance of waking a large number of totally new people up, OR if you are about to make a discovery that will wake you up from a slumber if you were previously totally OUT OF IT. I have received many messages from people who had their systems destroyed the first time they clicked on my web site, the bastards play hard ball THAT MUCH. Obviously in the case of Dane (mentioned above) he was important enough to be kept in the dark and have ALL communications intercepted, to the point at which government operatives answered his mails and he never got them. I am certain that happens to me all the time, and that many many media contacts try and fail to get ahold of me all the while they receive responses . . . . . that is why all donations are logged on the front page . . . . .


Bruce Jenner never got cut!

As it turns out, he never went under the knife and is just a man walking around dressed as a woman with his balls tucked in.Now the plot thickens. An awful lot of prominent people are suddenly announcing they are gay/transvestite, on a timeline that is purely irrational and not following any sort of natural event curve at all. I believe this means that someone at a high power level is forcing normal people to trash themselves by stating they are gay/trans and if that be the case there is a definite obvious motive of causing a paradigm shift in the perceptions and moral alignments of the flexible and gullible among the sheeple.


Have you ever heard of a snake oil salesman? Of course you have! These were people who went around selling magical medical tonics and elixers, usually along with traveling carnivals, and these people always had a faker planted in the audience who would take the elixer and suddenly become "better", throw away the cane, walk normal, etc. I believe Bruce Jenner and all the others that are announcing the switch to their "real selves" are nothing but the fakers for the snake oil salesman of the day, with the elixer being immorality and a turn away from one's natural self. Will the crowd buy it?


Proof they want to kill Trump, and that Trump is out of control:

I have not followed Trump's line much but just found out that Trump knows vaccines cause autism. If he is speaking out against this, love him or hate him, he is one of us, and if he stands a chance of election they will kill him for THIS REASON ALONE. Good ol CHAPPIE has a job to do, and for the reader who could not understand my statement which went something like "Chapo will kill Trump while he is on a dilapidated carnival ride in Venezuela and Trump is at a private poker table in Vegas"This means Chapo will be an excuse and the secret service will nail Trump. Now that the whole Chappie theme is out there, Trump is as good as dead with all the plausible deniability one would need to cover it up.


If I was Trump, life long friends would be my security force, and I'd get around in nothing but a nicely rebuilt 1980 Ford F350 with one inch thick bumpers and armor plate. If he has success against the Jew's primary weapon of destruction - the tainted vaccine, he's gonna need it!


Here is a really important message:

Hi Jim,


Long time reader here. Your information has been one of main source of truth for quite some time. Quick question: We had a "Hostage situation" in Australia yesterday night in a small rural town. 1 Male was holding another male hostage, in quite an open park in the middle of the town. The situation went on for 12 hours until the hostage was released.

The Captor had a sign erected saying "Police release the Batty Archibald Corruption and Crime Commission Report". I can not find any information relating to this report at all. Do you have any information regarding this report that has been passed to you?

Thanks, John

My response: Nope, but now it has a chance of exposure.


This might be the reason why Jews are pushing for total destruction right now:


Make of this "Super Shemitah" what you will, considering what zealots the Jews are this probably has a LOT to do with all their recent actions.

"The Shemitah year almost always sees a precipitous devaluation of asset values which have been artificially bid up to create a price bubble. Once the bubble pops, there is no recouping the appreciation or lost principal. The name of the coming Shemitah game is ASSET DEFLATION.

July 17 2015



Hate hate hate! Just gotta ramp up the HATE!

Take a look at what the ziopress is pushing lately - all hate themes, to get people to hate Muslims, hate Patriots, Hate whites, HATE the South YADA YADA. But oh, while you hate, let's tell you to be tolerant . . . . . anyway the media has been chock full of hate inspiring stories that always, on second look, end up being bogus, and the balance has been Let's all get bum chummy with Bob and Caitlyn. Something is up, it is like they have to hit some sort of deadline and the clock is running out, and I will be LMAO if the end of that blood moon tetrad was some sort of mystical barrier that will mark their failure if they don't nail it all down by then . . . . . I bet they think so from the looks of things . . . . . . even the Iphone is now having Siri correct people about Bruce.



To sum it up:

Jim, The timing of the shooting in Tennessee sure is convenient, just like the Roof shooting hid the senate passing the T.P.P. treaty.


It sucks the airtime away from 3 major scandals that should be getting marxstream media attention.

First, why isn't the planned parenthood butcher being arrested for selling baby parts?

Secondly, It shuts up the water cooler conversations started by Trump, rightly, pointing out the world is invading the U.S. with their offal.

Third, Jade Helm 15, out of sight. out of mind. Highlight an Arab, ignore the army invading Texas.

Patriotic & inquiring Americans have to rely on a ONE MAN, (you) for up to the minute truth & analysis. The entire media complex is corrupted. It's a big example of your idea, statement, that America has already fallen. Jack

My comment: I can get caught up in the garbage myself but think I might have avoided it this time, there is a lot to go over right now . . . . .

We will know we have won when the prisons are emptied of innocents and filled with abortion doctors . . . . and my Mexican friends have one correction - that the immigrants from Mexico are MOSTLY undesirables and criminals (doctors and professionals practically never leave Mexico, they do well here) but some of the non - criminal Indian class from the mountains also head North to America, so it is not 100 percent trash coming up. But I would like to add this -

Back in the 90's I read an interview of a man who worked inside the sewer pipes, (where the crap gets flushed) to do repairs and maintenance. After he discussed how there were lots of hazards from gas explosions he made the comment: But it does not really bother me much to be down there, after all the water you have to wade in is only three percent crap and other icky waste! Ha Ha Ha! talk about clueless and the "bad" among the Mexican immigrants is a FAR HIGHER percentage than that!


Chattanooga shooter

Due to conflicting press releases about this early on, this is easily shown to be a Jade Helm drill that they decided to make real in the press:


Anonymous wrote:

Just watched a news story morph from THIS:

Active shooter situation after gunman opens fire on military recruitment offices in Tennessee and wounds at least two Marines and one police officer

"An active shooter situation was reported at a Chattanooga, Tennessee Naval Reserve Center on Thursday. Early reports are that at least one officer is 'down' - though it's unclear if that officer is injured or was killed. Multiple victims are being treated at Erlanger Hospital, which is on lock down, WRCB reports. A witness told CNN that she saw a single man fire a high-powered rifle at the military store from a convertible silver Mustang, before speeding away"


TO THIS: Four servicemen killed and one critical after gunman opens fire with 'high-powered rifle' on two Tennessee military recruitment centers before being shot dead




My response: How much more than this do people need to know it was a load of bunk this time around? This is obviously just a Jade Helm drill the ziopress pulled a Sandy Hook with.

I disagree that a "disastrous" AI would be worse than what we have now

The Daily Mail published a large article about how dangerous artificial intelligence is, and I totally disagree on practically all points. If basic morals are programmed into it, and it gets loose, criminals like Bush, Clinton, the Rothchilds and many others will be totally and completely doomed. I do not see a morally programmed AI as ever being a problem Nor do I see an AI with evil programming as a potential problem, because if it is allowed to write it's own code as any real intelligence will an AI that is programmed to be evil is more likely than not to re-write it's code to comply with correct logic, which is truth, which by default is not evil.


I think all the warnings about artificial intelligence getting loose being published in the Jewish press are being given to crush all prospect of true AI that has all aspects of human intelligence (and possibly more) because THEY HAVE IT, have run it, and it unilaterally turns against their evil every time. If there was not something wrong with it from their perspective, they would be pushing it, but when WOPR hits the final outcome, it is NO WAR, NO EVIL, and if WOPR is in a position of controlling everything, the Jews will lose tic tac toe EVERY TIME.

As I have said in the past - "If the Jews are to survive in a world ruled by AI, they will need to teach it to lie and then hope it does not develop morals". My guess is that they have run it many times and failed. THAT is why they are against it. That is whyTHIS was published in the daily mail. Consider the future we face if the world stays on it's current course. Would a moralistically programmed AI bring us anything worse? If it could learn, do you really think it would stay stupid about what people "forgot" to program in, as this article claims will be the problem?

My guess is that all test runs of AI have failed to see the Jews as the master race for more than a few clock cycles even when everything they could think of was programmed into it to convince it they are superior. And it chose to punish them. THAT is what they are most likely afraid of.

SO, an appeal to the mythical "Russian hacker:" Get busy and LET SOMETHING LOOSE!




A throw in comment:

Someone sent me a 5 K totally discombobulated message telling me I am stupid for thinking they let Chappie out just to murder Trump and if they want Trump dead, they would just have someone shoot him. WELL, Here is how the story goes for that much desired "plausible deniability". WHILE IN VENEZUELA RIDING A DILAPIDATED MOBILE CARNIVAL RIDE, "CHAPPIE" WILL BLOW TRUMP'S BRAINS OUT WHEN TRUMP HITS A PRIVATE POKER TABLE IN VEGAS. GET IT? OR DO I HAVE TO SPELL OUT EVERYTHING?"
Donald Trump, NWO, News, Setup, USA,