Mirror from the states 

Obama is NOT a Muslim

"My thoughts on the real Obama, mask off: 

Another big lie that won't die is that Obama is Muslim. The MSM and every troll in town keeps reinforcing this with some comment or other. Obama is a Zionist Jew, and he helped create and back ISIS which is a US mercenary army acting as proxy for Israel to destroy neighboring Syria. A Muslim would not have done this. Militant "Islam"(NOT) is a Saudi based false flag training program to defame Islam, but Obama is not that either. He does token controlled opposition to Israel as window dressing, but he has done more for Israel than Bush or Clinton. His sealed bio hid the fact that his mother Ann Dunham was Jewish as were the rest of them (certainly his brother Malik who exposed him). They were also a CIA employed family. Being CIA explains how easily he was groomed as president (like Bush Sr.), and what a fraud he is.

My response: Obama is obviously not a Muslim. If there is any Muslim in Obama, it is a cheese cloth veil to hide the crypto Jew within. You are right, and whatever Trump does for Israel is going to pale in contrast to what Obama has done, under Obama Israel launched the greatest massacres in Palestine in Israel's recent history. Any pretext of Obama being Muslim is nothing but a transparent joke. Obama is a satanist with a crypto Jew shell covered with a cheese cloth transparent veil of Islam made from the cheapest synthetic material you can possibly get from China. 

A six year old girl used sleeping mom's thumb to place $250 Amazon order

A six year old girl waited until her mom fell asleep on the couch during a movie, and then used her mom's smart phone and thumb to place an order for 12 pokeymon toys on Amazon. I thought this would be a fake news story, but it looks like it is not, See this.

Mexico to seize U.S. assets?

Mexico has threatened to seize $100 billion in U.S. assets in Mexico if Trump follows through with policies he has stated would happen against Mexico. This means: General Motors manufacturing? SEIZED. Other corporate manufacturing, SEIZED.My comment: THAT WOULD BE A GREAT WAY TO TELL AMERICAN CORPORATIONS HOW SMART IT WAS TO SEND AMERICAN JOBS TO MEXICO. Kick them in the shorts. I'M ALL FOR IT! 


"Translated that means that should Trump follow through on threats to expand the wall, withdraw U.S. participation in NAFTA or stop remittances, Mexico could target U.S. assets in Mexico. Those assets are estimated by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative to amount to over $100 billion." See this

Warning shots fired at Iran

I almost did not mention this until Drudge put it up. A Navy vessel fired several warning shots at Iranian war boats that approached it rapidly in the strait of Hormuz. My opinion: Who cares? This type of thing happens a lot, to the point of being meaningless. 

There was another headline on Drudge that I don't really believe: Alibaba is going to create 1,000,000 jobs for Americans over the next few years. QUESTION: How is a Chinese web site that does little more than sell Chinese products going to put 1,000,000 Americans to work without putting 5,000,000 out of work at the same time by undercutting American manufacturing? Good question. 

Hollywood wants to go on strike over Trump

Hollywood is showing its true colors leading up to the Trump inauguration. And my opinion is that they can stuff it. I have for decades figured America would be a lot better off without that cesspool. Yesterday, they even had the audacity saying that they are what defines America, and that "America would die without them." 

Sorry. I don't think that Ernie and Bert magic bed rides through the stars, the overt gay agenda, and overbearing immorality shown by Hollywood in any way defines America. And when I see obvious prozac and drug destroyed soulless actors try to portray people of high honor in movies about historic events it makes me gag. I can't stand to watch it.

Seriously, I used to like Adam Sandler until I figured out he was filth, I used to really like Jim Carey until he spoke out so strongly against guns and proved himself to be dirt in other ways, and now, after getting shown the light time after time in countless other examples, if the actor is Jewish I simply can't watch a movie. I am that disgusted with it all. Fortunately Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson are still out there, and very popular. Aside from animated movies those two are about the only thing I can watch without spitting nails.

So Merril Streep can use an awards ceremony all she wants to push politics and all I'll do is gag, I don't do movies much and for all I care they can all just go away. Practically anyone her age and "Hollywood" played an active part in destroying the nation with their politicized spleck and if they go on strike, I'll rejoice as Indy media rises to fill the gap. There is a huge campaign against piracy in Mexico, and as a result, even Mexican wal marts have a huge selection of Indy Media films that never saw the big screen that they sell for $1 to encourage people to not buy pirates, and many of those are every bit as good as their Hollywood conterparts. There is a variety of topics that Hollywood refuses to match. And it is not all politicized or trying to accomplish an agenda. Why can't a movie just tell a story, rather than try to prove a point? I am sick of it all. And therefore Indy media and foreign films are pretty much all we ever watch here. Hollywood really can stuff it. 

On that note, one prime example of Hollywood getting it's butt handed to it on a dirty rag is a Russian animated series called "Masha and the bear". It is at least equal to to anything Hollywood puts out nowadays and it is minus the petty politics. Check this out: Masha and the Bear. Russian and Spanish versions have hundreds of millions of hits. This series is absolutely enormous in Mexico. All the episodes are this good. This is a great insight into just how much Hollywood is not the only thing going.

If this series is not available on American television anywhere, it would prove beyond a doubt that American propaganda is so entrenched that you simply are not allowed to see anything decent from elsewhere go mainstream. 

We really can do without Hollywood and I'd be happy if they pouted themselves into irrelevance. 

Fox News is on an EMP rant

Bunker for the elite disguised as an "EMP attack" shelter

Foxnews did a report about the re-opening of the Cheyenne mountain complex that is very eye opening.

First of all, they talk about EMP resulting in the deaths of 9 out of 10 Americans. That's a load of BUNK. YES, an extended power outage for the entire country could result in massive deaths. NO, an EMP would not be the cause. And on top of it all, practically everything we would need that would prevent starvation runs on diesel, which does not need an electrical system to work. In field testing for EMP systems that were specifically designed to fry electronics, as of 2007 (the last time I really looked into it) the maximum range for any system was 2 miles in perfectly dry air, which was reduced significantly in high humidity and reduced to as little as 200 yards in rain. And the obstacles were so great (being the laws of physics) that it was concluded that electronics frying EMP bombs would only be a localized battle field type weapon. 

Nuclear EMP, which is at a much lower frequency can have an impact for hundreds of miles, but it will not wipe out electronics because it only affects extremely long wire runs (due to its lower frequency) which would mean the grid. Reality is not like the movie "the day after" which was pure B.S. from start to finish. And there is a problem with actually hurting the grid nowadays - lightning suppression systems that are everywhere would simply cause the system to shrug off EMP. This is not the 1940's or 50's anymore, the grid is a lot more abuse resistant than it was back then.

My conclusion is that the Cheyenne mountain facility is not being re-opened for any reason related to EMP. My guess? The elite have lost their bunkers in many places, and they are therefore eyeing the re-opening of that facility which is probably connected to whatever transport systems they have underground, and the $700 million that is "needed for electronics upgrades" is really going to go towards comfy mattresses and wine closets. You could never legitimately re-open Cheyenne mountain and get it all dolled up like new for that low of a price tag, something else is going on.

There will NEVER be a legitimate EMP attack on the entire country of America. But it is definitely possible to fake a nationwide EMP attack with the cell phone system, which can now be used to shut down almost every car, every smart appliance, every cell phone, and make people believe it was an EMP. I believe 100 percent that was a big reason for the cash for clunkers program - to get rid of the best older cars that could not be shut down that way. One of the rules for the cash for clunkers program was that you had to prove beyond all doubt your car was in absolutely perfect condition before it qualified for being destroyed. This was accomplished via insurance records, and emissions/safety check records which all had to be absolutely perfect in the two years prior to the cars being turned in, or they'd be refused. NOT ONE CAR that was a real clunker was destroyed by that program unless it happened by accident. QUESTION: WHY? 

The TU-154

Mike sent a question about what happened with the Russian TU-154 that went down with the choir aboard. This is something I covered early on. Russia concluded it was most likely downed by a French naval vessel that was equipped with an electronic attack system as a provocation for war. Russia did not take the bait. 

A huge number of great messages came in today but I have a huge headache and it is far more than normal messages. I will get to them tomorrow, but to summarize the gist of it:

1. The language gaffe in the CIA report may not have been a gaffe at all. Obviously they were talking about "influence on the Presidential election campaigns," However, if that influence was referred to as an "influence campaign" rather than an attempt to "influence the campaign" then it would not be a gaffe at all. But the failure to provide differentiation in the wording to specify what they were talking about is still very bad even if it was not quite as bad as I first thought. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and stop laughing at them, but MY GOD, even without the gaffe the CIA report is absolutely pathetic. 

I still think it was a gaffe and that they subcontracted it out because it says right in the text that the report is a "product".

2. I know there are serious issues with the Fort Lauderdale shooting that are getting censored. My gut says it was a brain washed patsy who arrived with blanks and media magic and crisis actors did the rest. But I don't feel like commenting on this beyond that right now. And it really may have been to cover up the DHS takeover of the election process, which with Trump in power I think will backfire badly.

3. Obviously Trump is in severe danger, and they fully intend to kill him if they can get away with it. But I also think it is practically assured that Trump is a big time alt media conspiracy fact seeker and he's not even a little bit stupid about anything, and I mean anything. He did what it took to get in, and basically misled politicians thus far, and once he's safely in charge a lot of people are going to be stunned that he really is "one of us". Obviously the elite know this, which is why he is definitely in danger, with MSM figureheads calling for his assassination, intelligence upper ranks calling for his assassination . . . . . He's a lot smarter about this than I thought he was and that is good.

On that note, Anonymous sent:

"I previously posted my strong concerns that Donald is in danger. It has since come to mind another possibility that I can only surmise, having no direct evidence. One of his first priorities was to make strong ties with the military through General "Mad Dog" Mattis. He is known to be reasonable, but is quite ruthless when provoked. He is also respected by troops who are loyal to him. Mattis is the ideal one to give Trump a life insurance policy based on threat of reprisal. That is most likely in play so that Donald's death will result in certain military actions against the Cabal and specific leaders taken out. Like an offer they can't refuse that has been privately delivered and in effect on his death or harm to him period. He dies, you die without conditions. That would cause the Cabal to even take measures to protect him."

4. A while ago I talked about how the homeless were being taken as practice detainees. And I really think this is going on, even now. With that as a preface, I am just going to post this mail:

Just a reminder, while we celebrate Trump's victory, the situation on the ground is still dire. The homeless problem here in Seattle is still getting worse by every single day. And they are still disappearing by the hundreds at a time. We are now seeing tent cities setup on the massive concrete barriers that divide I-5 in the downtown area. These islands are extremely dangerous to reach on foot, because you need to cross 5 lanes of downtown interstate. But people are desperate enough that they are now camping in places that require some serious footwork (and balls) to reach. This is probably because all the spaces in the city are getting filled too quickly, and so they can avoid being harrassed and inevitably disappeared by the cops.

Martial law is most definitely out of the question. It would be a logistical nightmare from hell. But mass riots are going to be inevitable if something is not done quickly. Unfortunately, 99.5% of the population is too brain-dead too even notice ANYTHING at all. Their lives consist of wake up at 5, work their slave labor job, go back to their moldy tinderbox (house), and drink/drug themselves into a stupor while watching the Seahawks game. They are obviously too mentally retarded to take part in any actual rebuilding effort (a "new deal" type project). Lots of them have fancy degrees saying they know how to build things, but they only understand how to build repeat whats in the textbook.

Look at the laughable Seattle tunnel project for a perfect example. The 2 TBM machines that dug the channel tunnel were designed and fabricated in Kent, WA. But somehow, it made sense for us to custom order the largest tunnel boring machine EVER, from Japan, and have it delivered to our specially fitted pier, where hundreds of valuable waterfront acres have been turned into a massive construction site. This option was chosen over a simple "cut-and-cover option which would have been finished years ago and would have had twice as many lanes, without tearing up massive chunks of the city for years on end.

Most of the real innovators in America are on the verge of, or in the process of "going galt". I myself walked out of my engineering job, because I was sick of being verbally abused every day while being paid barely enough to eat and drive to work. The average population here is beyond hopeless, and most likely will not survive without a major, naturally occurring, purge. Its not worth it, working your ass off everyday just to uphold an incompotent child-like population.

When I hear someone say "where did all these homeless people come from? It's so strange, I dont get it." It's very hard to resist the tempation to grab a baseball bat to knock these people out of their comas."

There is a lot more than this in the message box, and a lot more to report on but I have a headache. I will do it tomorrow. 

CIA report

I have changed my report on the CIA Russian Influence report to give them the benefit of the doubt on the language gaffe I mentioned in the first report. But even without that, the report is enough of a joke. So all I am going to do is remove the language gaffe part of it.

The intelligence report referenced in the report below is HERE. The only things of substance in the report are from 2012 and then they are tenuous at best. 

The report CLEARLY STATES that there was no assessment made on the impact of Russian influence on the 2016 election, even though it is advertised as such all through it! Here is a direct quote, that shows the gaffes. I'll get a capture up later, but for now the site is in combat mode so I cannot upload the capture. This is a text copy/paste from the report:

Scope and Sourcing 


Information available as of 29 December 2016 was used in the preparation of this product. 


This report includes an analytic assessment drafted and coordinated among The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and The National Security Agency (NSA), which draws on intelligence information collected and disseminated by those three agencies. It covers the motivation and scope of Moscow’s intentions regarding US elections and Moscow’s use of cyber tools and media campaigns to influence US public opinion. The assessment focuses on activities aimed at the 2016 US presidential election and draws on our underst anding of previous Russian influence operations. When we use the term “we” it refers to an assessment by all three agencies.

* This report is a declassified version of a highly classified assessment. This document’s conclusions are identical to the highly classified assessment, but this document does not include the full supporting information, including specific intelligence on key elements of the influence campaign. Given the redactions, we made minor edits purely for readability and flow. 


We did not make an assessment of the impact that Russian activities had on the outcome of the 2016 election. The US Intelligence Community is charged with monitoring and assessing the intentions, capabilities, and actions of foreign actors; it does not analyze US political processes or US public opinion. 

OK, LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT: They said, in their own words, that they did not make an assessment of the impact the Russian activities had on the 2016 election. AND: 

As Sputnik News pointed out in the next report - Old and outdated data used, this report was actually finished in 2012, dredged up and re-badged, decorated, and sold as something that was relevant for an entirely un related election in 2016.

So there you have it, the BEST nuke they have against Trump and it is a LOAD OF OUTDATED UNRELATED CRAP. 

Good for a laugh. Banana republic all the way!


Trolls are out in full force acting ignorant about why people are happy they are losing their health care!!!!! WHAT A JOKE! Obviously no one wants to be forced to pay endlessly increasingly over priced health insurance! Obamacare was NOT "national health care", it was absolutely NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING MORE than a mandate to force people to buy exhorbitantly over priced health insurance under threat of prosection, fines, and jail time. 

They are setting the stage already for Trump to just smash it gone on DAY ONE. 

The autistic beating

Anonymous black guy sent: (this is pretty good) 

About your white kid getting beat not being a hate crime...I'm a black American and I think what those animals did to that kid is disgusting! So disgusting until the only possible way to get justice is to violate the 8th Amendment of the US Constitution! (I mention my race because I want you to know, not all of us lack compassion or agree with the Dhimmicrat Party!)

Turns out those idiots picked the wrong victim! - there are laws against harming someone because of their disability, and since he is disabled it turns out that YES, THIS *IS* a hate crime! But the only justice is in God's hands because to seek it anywhere else is to violate the 8th Amendment. Anything less than an 8th Amendment violation is to cut the perps of this nightmare a big fat break when compared with what they did to him. And as we all know, criminals have more rights than the law abiding citizenry these days.

May God bless you and continue to protect you in your well-planned struggle to keep getting the truth out. Crazy world we live in these days!"

My response: Thanks for that, it adds perspective! 8th Amendment, (it is short): "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment". So what this writer is saying is that "cruel and unusual punishment" would be the only way to get even! Ha, good one. 

With regard to Trump firing every single foreign ambassador,

Anonymous from Britain sent: 

Good for you Donald fire the f******g lot, don't stop, don't listen to quislings, head down fists up plough into the b******s. Listening to the BBC here in UK and it's absolutely shameful the way the anti Trump Russian agenda is being presented as being true facts 99% of the time with the 1% of the other side of the argument being put across like it was a fairy tale. Right wing propagandists being given air time with sympathetic announcers asking the "right" questions to help them make their point and not one iota from the other side of the debate. Totally disgusting."

My response: The MSM is going to go the way of the "Russian hackers", just watch. All they will do is spin while the world moves on around them. What good could it possibly do to bash Trump in Britain anyway? Family is family I guess, and the Jews own the press in both locations.

The final electoral college count is done, making Trump's win official

The DOW almost hit 20,000 for the first time!

It was within a point at 1999.63 and then dropped a few points, you can watch this progress HERE 

Obviously this is a drugged and hyped market that can suddenly turn into confetti, but this is interesting nonetheless.

Russia did not hack the DNC, McCaffee speaks up. SEE THIS

2017, Donald Trump, Hollywood, Obama, wikileaks,