In this speech she calls out the Italian President for teaming up with Bill Gates in a global coup. Here is a quote from the speech:
We, the people, will build the fires of resistance to such an extent it will not be possible to repress all of us. I ask you, leader (of parliament), to be our spokesperson who will give advice to President Conte: Next time you receive a phone call from the "philanthropist" Bill Gates, forward it directly to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. If you won't do this for us, tell us how we should define you, the "friendly lawyer" who takes orders from a criminal.
The full transcript follows.
Hobbes said that absolute power does not come from an imposition from above, but by the choice of idndividuals who feel more protected renouncing their own freedom and granting it to a third party. With this you are goin on anesthetizing the minds with corrupted mass media, with disinfectant, and NLP, with words like "regime", to "allow" and "permit" to the point of allowing you to regulate our emotional ties and feelings.
So in this way, phase 2 is nothing other than the execution/continuation of phase 1. you just changed the name, as you did with the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) We have understood that people, for sure, don't die from the virus alone. So people will be allowed to die and suffer for other reasons thanks to you and your laws - for misery and poverty - and as in the "best" regimes, the blame will be dropped only on citizens.
You take away our freedom and say that we asked for it. Divide and conquer.
It is our children who will lose more, who are RAPED SOULS, - raped with the help of the -so called- "guarantor of their rights" and of Cisma - (the Italian Coordination of Services against Child Abuse.)
In this way, the right to school will be granted only with a bracelet to get them used to probation, to get them used to slavery - involuntary treatment and to virtual enslavement. All this in exchange for a push scooter and a tablet. All to satisfy the appetites of a financial capitalist who's driving force is the conflict of interest, conflict well represented by the WHO, who's main financier is the well known "philantrhopist and savior of the world": BILL GATES.
We all know it, now.
Bill Gates, in 2018, predicted a pandemic, simulated in October 2019 at an event called "Event 201", together with Davos, Switzerland. For decades, Gates has been working on depopulation and dictatorial control plans, on global politics, aiming to obtain supremacy on agriculture, technology, and energy. Gates said, (I quote exactly from his speedh:) "If we do a good job on vaccines, health, and reproduction, we can reduce the world population by 10-15%, only a genocide can save the world" With his vaccines, Gates managed to sterilize millions of women in Africa, Gates caused a polio epidemic that paralized 500, 000 children in India, and still today with DTP, Gates causes more deaths than the disease itself and does the same with his sterilizing GMO's, designed by Monsanto and "generously donated" to needy populations by Gates.
All this while he is alread thinking about distributing the "quantum tattoo" for vaccine recognition, and mRNA vaccines as tools for reprogramming our immune system.
In addition, Gates also does business with several multinationals that own 5G facilities in the U.S.A. and on the same table there is the entire deep state in Italian sauce:
SANFOI, together with GLAXO (pharma) are friends of Raneiri, Guerra, Ricciardi, and of the well known virologist that we pay 2, 000 Euros every 10 minutes for the presentations on Italian TV.
Sanfoi and Glaxo sign agreements with medical societies to indoctrinate future doctors, making fun of their autonomy of judgement and their oath.
High tech multinationals, like Roman engineering, which is allied with the noble Mantoan, or bending spoons of Pisano (ad campaigns for companies) are there for control and management of our personal medical records in agreement with the European Agenda ID 2020, an electronic identification system which aims to use mass vaccination to build a digital ID platform. ID 2020 is a continuation of the transfer of data to IBM, which was started by Renzi, who in 2016 gave an enormous contribution to the gates global fund, increasing it's funding by 30 percent.
At the deep state talbe there are the people of Aspen, like the Saxon Colao, who was paid 800 euros per hour for his reports, - reports which had no scientific review and subsequently dictated politics as a "Bilderberg general", staying well away from the battlefield.
The list is long, very long.
On the list there is also Mediatronic, by Arcuri, and many more.
The Italian contribution to the International Alliance Against Coronavirus will be 140 million Euros, of which 120 million will be given to GAVI Alliance, a "non profit" created by the Gates Foundation. This is just part of the 7.4 billion received by the EU to "find a vaccine" against coronavirus - vaccines which, as I said - will be used by Gates. There is no money, of course, for preventive treatments which have the collateral effect of being super cheap (such as prophalactic use of drugs like Ivermectin and chloroquine which condition the blood and prevent infection well into the future from only one dose) - no money for prevention, real prevention, which takes into consideration our culture, our food, and our ability to move freely in the environment.
The real goal of all of this is total control. Absolute dominion over all people, who will be transformed into guinea pigs and slaves who have no soverignty and free will. All of this thanks to tricks and hoaxes disguised as political compromises while they rip up the Nuremberg code with involuntary obligations, fines, and deportation via facial recognition and intimidation endorsed by dogmatic "scientism" that will be protected by our "multi president" of the Republic who represents the real cultural disease of this country.
We, the people, will build the fires of resistance to such an extent it will not be possible to repress all of us. I ask you, leader (of parliament), to be our spokesperson who will give advice to President Conte: Next time you receive a phone call from the "philanthropist" Bill Gates, forward it directly to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. If you won't do this for us, tell us how we should define you, the "friendly lawyer" who takes orders from a criminal.
Thank you.
Trump won the Coronavirus discussion and is the most trusted world leader
Coronavirus has made quite a few Mexicans fans of Trump. They are sick of the economic shut down and are now hosting giant quiet parties (which are still not permitted) to intentionally infect everyone with coronavirus on purpose. They have someone known to be infected attend, and infect themselves on purpose.
They don't want the vaccines and are doing it this way instead. They have figured out the world leaders hate Trump because he's the only one standing for the people. They circulated an image lately that depicts Trump in a tank chasing Hillary on a tricycle. They hate Hillary and love Trump. This is not an isolated group, it appears practically all Mexicans are onto the scam and a large number have flipped in favor of Trump, specifically because of the shut downs and the virus, which they know is to wreck economies and give the globalists power.
If they are THAT aware, it is probably game over for the globalists, waking up is not just an American thing . . . . .
I gotta say, it has been nice to have Claudia around the house more but this crap has got to stop.
Governor Whitmer hired a company to set up a geo-fence around a protest, capture everyone's cell data, and track them when they went home.
She slipped up and said "That's how I know that those who attended the protest now have a higher incidence of coronavirus."
This is not in the MSM anywhere, it is being spread on social media. Here is one such post:
Governor Whitmer was questioned early this week about her claiming protesters at the capital were spreading Covid around the state when they went back home. How could she prove it, she said I can't. But common sense says it does -
Well there was another protest today In Lansing. During her bitch session about it "today" she claimed that she tracked the Covid spread by protestors on the very first protest ( earlier said she couldn't). She said "a company" on the very first protest setup a 'geo-fence" and tracked those protestors to their homes. And there was a spike
So earlier this week she couldn't track it ... and today she claims she did track it by cell phone.
Am I seeing something illegal about this. How did she not know and now knows everything! By surveillance of your cell phone without your permission.
A comment: There you have it folks. And don't bet on there actually being a spike in cases as she stated, this is all for a control grid and nothing more. Now she knows where her primary opposition lives. Perhaps the "spike in covid cases" was in fact just getting rid of key people. If not now, it soon will be.
Something very fishy happened with the phone I use as a modem
Went over to the home of another family member and told them about the phone I have, that I got for about $35 new. As it turns out, it has the same chipset that went into an Honor phone that costs about $175. It is an excellent phone. And I said I have a hunch it is immune to attacks. Wrong
Have had this phone as a modem for a little over a year. Know all about this phone and how it runs, uses batteries, etc. I showed them the picture of the LA health director and was talking about that, and suddenly the phone got blistering hot despite the processor running completely normal (there was no load on it) and I took the battery out. Even after rebooting it did the exact same thing. Went into the battery usage stats, and the applications only used 8 percent of the battery, the rest of the power went somewhere else . . . and with it at 75 percent charge it said at the current rate of power use the battery would be gone in 8 minutes. I was only having it on for about 30 seconds at a time, during which time the phone would become blistering hot.
When removing the battery, it stayed cool, but it started to bulge a little from the massive discharge rate. It was as if they somehow used the RF section to sink all the power, in an effort to destroy the phone - it never got sluggish, it was not a processor attack. I did a factory reset and it cleared the problem. The phone went back to perfectly normal. That means something got onto the phone and caused this. I believe it was some sort of government or deep state sponsored malware that causes phones to burst into flames. If I did not catch this while it was happening, it certainly would have.
Now using the phone to administer after the factory reset. Everything seems totally normal.
Now believe that cell phones have something built into them to allow remote destruction. They'll probably, at some point, enable this in a large number of phones and say an EMP did it or for whatever other reasons they want the phones wiped out, in whatever group they want them wiped out in
This is just an observation. It was obviously in suicide mode and this was cleared with a factory reset.
WHISTLEBLOWER: There are only 2, 891 true coronavirus deaths in the U.S, the rest is inflated stats
Bet that sounds preposterous - that everything they put us through was an absolute hoax. But remember, these same people did Sandy Hook, 911, and other egregious scams including Windows 10 so let this be their last hurrah, they are getting old and will soon dissolve into the sand. Oh, and by the way, I mistakenly said they'd allow you to upgrade from Windows 8 to Windows 10 for "free" and though that's part of the story, they even extended the offer to Windows 7. Why? Because Gates makes more money selling you out than actually selling a product. He's not running a charity. ANYWAY - here it is:
"Last month, New York funeral home directors blew the whistle about inflated coronavirus death numbers. Death certificates mark "COVID-19" as the cause of death even when the deceased hadn't tested positive for coronavirus, much less actually died of the virus. This week, a San Diego county supervisor suggested the numbers are even more inflated.
"We've unfortunately had six pure, solely coronavirus deaths - six out of 3.3 million people, " County Supervisor Jim Desmond said on the radio show Armstrong & Getty Extra Large Interviews, The San Diego Union-Tribune reported. San Diego County had reported roughly 190 deaths at the time - the current number is 200. Desmond went on to criticize California's lockdown. "I mean, what number are we trying to get to with those odds. I mean, it's incredible. We want to be safe, and we can do it, but unfortunately, it's more about control than getting the economy going again and keeping people safe, " he said.
Response: Certification Of Vaccination ID and "Contact Tracing". "unfortunately, it's more about control than getting the economy going again and keeping people safe." BINGO.
And by the way, African nations are beginning to kick the WHO out after the president of Tanzania busted the WHO for saying fruit and bot flies test positive for the virus. That was an absolutely fabulous bust.
Going to say it like it is:
DO NOT HURRY WITH THIS, it will always be "free" because once you have it, Bill Gates has you by the balls.
Trump has just officially announced the vaccine will not be mandatory, and will be for "only those who want to get it". PREDICTION: This will be the least popular vaccine ever released.
Found where "Karen" came from
Who is "Karen?" Karen is the woman that calls the cops on people for violating coronavirus rules. Karen is a snitch. Karen is selfish and whatever she does is OK, but whatever anyone else does is not ok. Karen is the perfect scamming leftist. And here's where Karen started, with a real woman, named Karen who drove an hour and a half to the beach and then complained to the BBC that other people were there. So now we have this: This, is Karen:DO NOT be a "Karen". That's far worse than being an NPC and in this day and age people understand the importance of doing away with obvious communist snitches.Everyone thinks the Russians were somehow bad people over how they complied with communist directives and turned each other in. But here's the reality of it all: In every society there are about one people in 10 who are so self righteous and of low moral character that they get a thrill out of ratting everyone out, that happens EVERYWHERE. And in the U.S, coronavirus quarantine snitches ended up being EVERYWHERE, just like the snitches in Russia. To survive a communist takeover, these types have to be dealt with by the general public. Let Karen be a warning and for god's sake don't be one. Tank used to destroy 5G towers?There is a story going around about a cell phone company worker who "measured the output from 5G towers, saw the levels were catastrophic, and then stole a tank and destroyed 6 of the towers.". This story is false.
Here is what actually happened -This happened in 2009, long before 5G -A man who worked for Telestra in Austrailia got a microwave brain injury from one of the towers (that's definitely possible if you put your head right in the beam up close and keep it there) and after leaving the company he got even by stealing a tank and mowing the towers down. He was a well spoken geek. So yes, a man did go on a tank rampage against cell towers, but it happened over 10 years ago and had nothing to do with 5G.The story would be GREAT if it happened today and it was against 5G but unfortunately that's not the case. Someone is mis-representing an old story and throwing in a bunch of B.S. that never happened. So know the context if you plan to re-post the story somewhere, and as it is being presented now, it amounts to fake news.Fake news goes viral because the communists want it to. Fake news is not a threat to them. They can just point, laugh, and say, yeah, that did not happen the way they said, look! The internet is full of CRAP. And while making sure the algo's stop facts from spreading they boost the bullshit and then say "all the bullshit" justifies shutting everyone down. This may be satire, but it appears a bot may have actually written it as stated.Washington Free Beacon: I forced a bot to read 1, 000 Jennifer Rubin columns, and then write one of it's own
My comment: If you want to put the mind of a leftist under a microscope, just enter everything they have written over a specific time frame and have the bot sum it up and spew it out. You'll get your microscope view. WOW, this is BANG ON in so many ways.
Biden is right. Trump's disaster gambit lacks competence.
By Jennifer Rubin President Trump tweeted rage on Wednesday, the worst in history. To compare with decent man Joe Biden, the difference is leadership courage. Trump possesses the bad qualities without precedent, said the expert. The expert is also a victim of Trump because he is an elite nonwhite immigrant.That's why Trump invented birtherism, a sin of racism against Barack Obama. The respected African American was our most popular president who deserved to lose to Mitt Romney. The extreme right wants to deport him, according to the recent poll. Sadly, I regret the GOP emoluments culture that experienced a 90 percent increase in spineless anxiety, feverish to enable him. Congratulations, Mitch McConnell.
As we know, Trump helps Congress threaten a dangerous inaction. Never mind abandoned ethics, because the White House doesn't fit this falsehood-in-chief. The president ignored coronavirus, which made evidence of Democratic Party to confirm a large government of inclusive science. It is hardly surprising that Trump would favor death, literally.Emphasize these points: First, egregious Trump lies destroy facts. Second, we know Biden is the right president who made the decision perfectly. The Post reported it as antidote to Trump pandemic. Quote, said the Democrat. Third, ethics are compromised by downward economics. Trump dismantled justice for the first time in history without American support. Fourth, white grievance.A fatal decision, folks.
Needless to say, when Republican Party assault on Constitution, the result indicates Trump's ego lacks credibility. That's why the American people unsuccessfully avoided death on his watch. Use data to attack the virus, Andrew Cuomo explained. Trump's latest Twitter tantrum is evidence to the contrary, but female Nancy Pelosi is the reason why. The result: dysfunction, disunity, and disgrace. This continues at the Free Beacon and it does appear to be bot gibberish. But oh, the nature of the gibberish! It's like a repair guide you'd hand to a shrink.
This may be satire, but it appears a bot may have actually written it as stated.Washington Free Beacon: I forced a bot to read 1, 000 Jennifer Rubin columns, and then write one of it's own
My comment: If you want to put the mind of a leftist under a microscope, just enter everything they have written over a specific time frame and have the bot sum it up and spew it out. You'll get your microscope view. WOW, this is BANG ON in so many ways.
The result: dysfunction, disunity, and disgrace. This continues at the Free Beacon and it does appear to be bot gibberish. But oh, the nature of the gibberish! It's like a repair guide you'd hand to a shrink.
The World Health Organization has been exposed for what it is
As a result lf fruit testing positive for Corona and other corona related reasons, it appears Africa is going to ditch the WHO and Trump is going to also. Additionally, word is going around that Trump himself is taking hydroxychloroquine, Zithro, and magnesium right now. It looks like the corona scam may be DOA, this might end up being a prime opportunity to see where the most die hard communists are. And by the way, don't count on prosecutions, Barr has already said no one in the Obama admin is going to be prosecuted, let alone investigated.
Trump got roped in by another scammer.So the people who did corona are going to simply walk away from it like a dead horse and go ride another.The global wind map I used to quote all the time has been subvertedLast year I noticed that it became a platform for fronting B.S. (possibly because it was very often referenced at the time. ) And this year they are upping the ante even more. However, there are other reliable sources out there.
You will see that on the exact same setting, is now claiming there's a storm off the coast of India with 196KM cat 3 winds, but Ventusky has a much different story to tell - the winds are only a weakl cat 1 at 133 KM/h. This is too big of a difference to be credible, somebody's lying again. GUESS WHO. The one that supports a global warming agenda?
"Car-b-q" - Mexican definition:When a politician gets about 5 percent as corrupt as an average American politician, the people unmask that politician, stop his car at night by ramming it (or whatever). They then rip the politician out of the car, beat the living hell out of the politician, hang the politician, then put the dead body back in the car and burn it.
Car-b-q. America needs one BAD.
Salon owner in Oregon who chose to open had "Child Protective Services" launch an investigation on herOk, so this is how it is going to go: COMPLY OR WE'LL TAKE YOUR KIDS. That's worth an immediate shooting war over, how the * can people take this crap just because kikedom screamed "VIOLENCE IS WRONG"? There is a time for EVERYTHING. To everything there is a season, and when they demand compliance or your kids are gone, it is the season for taking violent action.
The state cannot be allowed a monopoly on violence anymore, The state, controlled completely by * via rigged elections cannot be used as a tool for the implementation of unanswered Jewish violence against the populace. People had damn well better wake the hell up and hold them accountable WITH BLOOD, or it's game over and if they are too skittish about going straigh to the culprits, they had damn well better take out the GOY BASED enforcement arm of kikedom.
Now watch them send a patsy or stage a hoax to claim this site caused it. So what, said it like it is.
It is obviously blood, or it is OVER.Obviously I'll be doing nothing down here because this country is totally in the clear with these types of issues because people still have enough guts to put things right with hangings and car-b-q's where needed.
But I lay awake at night, tossing and turning over what the Jews are doing to America with absolutely no one taking any sort of tangible action - , for GODS SAKE Americans had damn well better stop them. Protesting is not violence. Crying is not violence. Petitioning is not violence. Shitposting about what you are "going to do" is not violence.
CIVIL WAR WITH BULLETS FLYING, hangings, and car-b-q's are violence, and are the only thing that's going to cut it if opening your business gets CPS at your door. What kind of a monster would do that to someone just for opening a business? We now know exactly what the Corona scam was for. How much more do we need than this to prove it? Could you have, in December of 2019 ever guessed a FREAKING VIRUS would become enough of a platform for "abuse" to send CPS to someone's door just because they opened their business?
What kind of freak clown show are we living in now? Are people going to actually accept this????Cloudflare kept Davidicke blocked until around 6PM london time on the 18th but I checked at midnight London time and it is working. Dear KIKEDOM: Sabotaging people like this is not going to cut it, and setting up fake "protection" like cloudflare, which you subsequently weaponize is just another reason to go for blood.Let's just say it like it is:
The * launched Coronavirus and were disappointed when people figured out how to cure it.
So disappointed they did all they could to ban the cure. On top of that, they got a failure of a virus even despite Cuomo trying to maximize deaths in New York by sending infected people to nursing homes and NOW, AFTER THE FAILURE, THEY ARE "REALLY GOING TO PROVE THEY ARE RIGHT" BY SENDING CPS TO ANYONE'S DOOR WHO DOES NOT COMPLY WITH RANDOM RULES THEY SET UP THAT ARE NOW ROOTED IN FAILURE. F*** THAT, IT'S TIME FOR A CAR-B-Q. AMERICA: GROW SOME BALLS!
What to post when a communist lies on a forum, for the purpose of causing a COVID victory:
Here I see a blood sucking communist seeking a fat paycheck when the party takes over after making it happen by lying on forums and blogs to sway public opinion into allowing enslavement.
I got news for ya pal, you may think it is fun to get paid trolling as a scamster, but when the party takes over, they are going to know you are a lying scamster and they only accept that when it benefits them. As soon as it does not, it will be ADIOS, double tap and trench.
WAKE UP. REMEMBER: AFTER A COMMUNIST TAKEOVER, THEY ALWAYS KILL AT LEAST SOME OF THE TRAITORS THAT HELPED THEM TAKE OVER, - NO ONE LOVES A TRAITOR INCLUDING COMMUNISTS, EVEN WHEN THE TRAITOR WAS USEFUL To those trolling: You'll have tested your luck if your trolling works. I won't cry for you if you get the BIG ADIOS.______________________________
A great quote from social media: "Anyone who still believes there is a pandemic either has Down syndrome or is a traitor operative paid to spread lies. There are no other options. The facts are very clear at this point.Intermission?
I WAS A FOOL, I GOT SUCKERED.Stage one of the Corona show has failed. And we are now in the waiting period to see if Gates&co have something bigger and badder planned. They failed with terrorism. They failed with this virus. But they have not ultimately failed until they actually give up, and they will not give up.
So here's a little advice: When this corona show finally comes to a close, don't fall for the next scam. We all got suckered by this hook line and sinker, including me. I actually thought there was something bad going around that was going to kill lots of people. I actually thought rents and property values were going to drop because there would be so many dead.
Figured I'd get through it, but I also thought I'd see people die because they did not listen to advice on how to survive. AND I WAS A FOOL. I GOT SUCKERED.
If I was thinking evil, here would be my next play: I'd release an upgraded version and call it the same thing. You know, sort of like Dos 6.0 where it said "stacker, by Stac Electronics" when you typed "DBLSPACE" suddenly replaced by the next version of dos where that mistake was cleaned out a week later. Tell people how gracious you are for upgrading them for free while you really send a product out that only has that one blooper removed.
MAKE BETS: They are troubleshooting this virus in a lab somewhere, trying to figure out where it went wrong. The problem is probably as simple as removing one little "DBLSPACE" mistake and then they'll graciously release it, and scream "HEY LOOK, WE WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG, IT REALLY IS BAD." Only this time, they have a population that is pissed off over the first failure because it was a failure. We did not get our money's worth out of this, and somebody aims to please. They will fix it. What happens when they do?
We'll have to all get popcorn for the next one, but I'd say accepting the consequences of non compliance will be far better than complying and waiting for a jack boot at the door. We all know where they wanted to take this nowCuomo putting coronavirus patients in nursing homes where they'd have the most death impact proves they want the fatality rates high.
They really did want a big killer. Other jurisdictions wanting to take kids from parents just because parents or kids "got infected" as determined by a test where fruit "tests positive" for the virus proves they wanted to split families up with this, which is something communists love to do. There is no coronavirus test, it is all a hoax. If in Africa fruits, birds, and goats all test positive the test is a HOAX.
And they wanted to use that hoax to split families up with B.S. testing where anyone they wanted to target would be positive. They wanted to wipe out the economy and put their globalist "everyone now has to live with less" mantra in, that they could not get after their "climate change" scam failed.
They wanted everyone out of their cars, sitting in their homes waiting to be picked off by storm troopers (when the time came, it now will not come for this particular event) while a 5G system was put in that can track everyone without the use of GPS provided they "social distance" and never get within six feet of each other. Why did they massively accelerate the installation of 5G during all of this? Was 5G, a system no one asked for, really "essential"? To the plan perhaps, but not to us.We all know what they wanted with this failure.
WE HAVE BEEN WARNED. "Covid-19" - A stealth virus that takes weeks to incubateAnd when states decide to start opening up, it takes 5 hours.Folks, there is no virus. It is getting to the point where it is safe to say that either nothing was released, or a failure was released.
With San Diego authorities coming out yesterday and stating that there were not 190 deaths as stated, it was only 6, and many others blowing the whistle in the same way, it is now obvious we are looking at a chest cold which according to San Diego authorities likely killed less than 3, 000. And that's about right for a cold, - a mortality rate that is right around 5 percent of the seasonal flu. So if there was no outbreak, what was there, REALLY?
A Coup D��etat. Look at what they accomplished: A devastating economic shut down (A primary goal of a hot war) and widespread, massive house arrest of enormous sections of the population (A goal of war, if it is communists that declared war).
Here is what I am already doing:I am boycotting all stores that are playing the Corona bullshit.
I'll go in with a mask, but if it is this crap with "one person per family only" they can stick it, I am DONE WITH THAT, I'll go to the little mom and pop stores instead.
This "one person per family B.S. is probably an echo of the food lines in Russia, and social distancing is for ONE THING: The 5G tracking system which can get confused when people are within six feet of each other. That's all there is to this, it is time to just say no. As of 10PM London time, Icke's site is still down from where I sit and it looks like cloudflare sabotage.
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead in Israeli apartment
He was speaking out against the demonization of China over Corona. Israel claims heart attack, but he was not very old. This does not look good for international relations.
Take a look at this billboard in New York that was reported on by Weak News and look at the commentsThe comments were posted here in sequence un edited. They really were all negative, even on a Leftist rag. I am surprised Weak News did not censor this.
This likely shows the true reality of all comment sections, even leftist ones.It is not just an image at NewsWeek, there is a huge long report there about how Trump is responsible and none of the readers bought a single line of it. Too good.
Something very fishy happened with the phone I use as a modem
I went over to the home of another family member and told them about the phone I have, that I got for about $35 new. As it turns out, it has the same chipset that went into an Honor phone that costs about $175. It is an excellent phone. And I said I have a hunch it is immune to attacks. I was wrong
I have had this phone as a modem for a little over a year. I know all about this phone and how it runs, uses batteries, etc. I showed them the picture of the LA health director and was talking about that, and suddenly the phone got blistering hot despite the processor running completely normal (there was no load on it) and I took the battery out. Even after rebooting it did the exact same thing. I went into the battery usage stats, and the applications only used 8 percent of the battery, the rest of the power went somewhere else . . . and with it at 75 percent charge it said at the current rate of power use the battery would be gone in 8 minutes. I was only having it on for about 30 seconds at a time, during which time the phone would become blistering hot.
When removing the battery, it stayed cool, but it started to bulge a little from the massive discharge rate. It was as if they somehow used the RF section to sink all the power, in an effort to destroy the phone - it never got sluggish, it was not a processor attack. I did a factory reset and it cleared the problem. The phone went back to perfectly normal. That means something got onto the phone and caused this. I believe it was some sort of government or deep state sponsored malware that causes phones to burst into flames. If I did not catch this while it was happening, it certainly would have.
I am now using the phone to administer the site after the factory reset. Everything seems totally normal.
I now believe that cell phones have something built into them to allow remote destruction. They'll probably, at some point, enable this in a large number of phones and say an EMP did it or for whatever other reasons they want the phones wiped out, in whatever group they want them wiped out in
This is just an observation. It was obviously in suicide mode and this was cleared with a factory reset.
WHISTLEBLOWER: There are only 2, 891 true coronavirus deaths in the U.S, the rest is inflated stats
I bet that sounds preposterous - that everything they put us through was an absolute hoax. But remember, these same people did Sandy Hook, 911, and other egregious scams including Windows 10 so let this be their last hurrah, they are getting old and will soon dissolve into the sand. Oh, and by the way, I mistakenly said they'd allow you to upgrade from Windows 8 to Windows 10 for "free" and though that's part of the story, they even extended the offer to Windows 7. Why? Because Gates makes more money selling you out than actually selling a product. He's not running a charity. ANYWAY - here it is:
"Last month, New York funeral home directors blew the whistle about inflated coronavirus death numbers. Death certificates mark "COVID-19" as the cause of death even when the deceased hadn't tested positive for coronavirus, much less actually died of the virus. This week, a San Diego county supervisor suggested the numbers are even more inflated.
"We've unfortunately had six pure, solely coronavirus deaths - six out of 3.3 million people, " County Supervisor Jim Desmond said on the radio show Armstrong & Getty Extra Large Interviews, The San Diego Union-Tribune reported. San Diego County had reported roughly 190 deaths at the time - the current number is 200. Desmond went on to criticize California's lockdown. "I mean, what number are we trying to get to with those odds. I mean, it's incredible. We want to be safe, and we can do it, but unfortunately, it's more about control than getting the economy going again and keeping people safe, " he said.
My response: Certification Of Vaccination ID and "Contact Tracing". "unfortunately, it's more about control than getting the economy going again and keeping people safe." BINGO.
And by the way, African nations are beginning to kick the WHO out after the president of Tanzania busted the WHO for saying fruit and bot flies test positive for the virus. That was an absolutely fabulous bust.
Going to say it like it is:
DO NOT HURRY WITH THIS, it will always be "free" because once you have it, Bill Gates has you by the balls.
Trump has just officially announced the vaccine will not be mandatory, and will be for "only those who want to get it". PREDICTION: This will be the least popular vaccine ever released.
Agenda 21,
Bill of Rights,
Deep State,
False Flag,
Free Speech,
Human Rights,
Medical Issues,
New World Order,
News Media,
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