Awesome link: How to track your ballot by state 


The first drop did indeed happen. IMPORTANT: THE FIRST LINK POSTED WAS WRONG, TRY IT NOW. The site referenced below is HERE.

UPDATE, THE SECOND DROP HAPPENED AS STATED (to be dropped every hour for the next 13 days), at first I missed it because they are dropping them into the scrolling window on the left, before dropping them into the main column.

Confirmed: The files do indeed show Hunter torture raping Chinese children ages 8-10 and it was filmed by the communist party under the order of Xi for the explicit purpose of blackmailing the Democrat party, on which they have an enormous pile of additional dirt. Those videos have not been released yet but I am betting they will be, for now they are sticking to papers that prove corruption.

The Chinese billionaire got pissed off waiting for Biden to steal the election and then bury this, and he took it into his own hands. PLEASE NOTE: They state they will be releasing the sexual abuse of children with these drops. Threats are already being made by the establishment to prosecute anyone who does for downloading and viewing child porn. 

So far so good, the first and second drops happened on schedule.


We remember Biden saying "we are headed into a dark winter" VERY CLEARLY and did not realize it was a code name for something BAD.

I usually don't pay attention to Alex, but this really nailed it, this is far beyond damning and a solid warning. The report is here, and my comments are below.

Here's a summary: In 2001 there was a bio terror war game scenario called "dark winter" run by John Hopkins center and staged at Andrews Air Force Base that had a major outbreak, the need for an emergency vaccine, riots, and an economic collapse. And that's exactly what the elite want and are preparing for. I just figured Biden meant they'd cut the lights and freeze everyone to death during a "dark winter" they caused, but there is a lot more to that statement than that. The report on Infowars is a MUST READ. He deserves credit for this one (produced by Infowars) so go there to read it. 

I want to repeat this to make it very clear: the "Dark Winter" exercise outlines a disaster so bad there will be no getting over it, and BIDEN KNEW WHAT IT WAS AND SAID WE ARE GOING INTO IT. He was involved in this enough to know what it was. That was one hell of a threat that just flew right over everyone's heads - a threat that could easily make the Deagel forecast happen. We had damn well better make sure Trump becomes president, one way or another, come hell or high water.

How Elections are Stolen

A friend of mine who is a successful CEO in a very competitive market sent the following after I chatted with him about the last debate. He may appear on this site occasionally now, under the name of Russ Clarke


How elections are stolen

Russ Clarke, Oct 23 2020 

The Democrats are taking a very business-like approach to stealing the upcoming election in order to take control of the United States. It's not unlike Texas Instruments who had a focused plan to take over the calculator market in the 1970's. In the case of Texas Instruments they recognized a predictable ongoing drop in the price of components year after year so they priced their calculators so cheap that no one could compete. Their goal was to have the lion's share of the market by the time their components costs dropped significantly below their revenue stream. They accomplished their goal and they became enormously profitable. Their risk in the process was running out of money and going bankrupt if they incorrectly assessed the situation.

In the case of the Democrats [and the deep state in general] the case is similar in some respects to Texas Instruments. But instead of investing in taking over a specific market to gain control of the lion's share of the revenue streams the Democrats are investing in corruption to take in enough votes to allow them to take over all the levers of power in the United States. The Democrats risk in this case is jail time if they incorrectly asses the situation and fail to accomplish their goal. They are way down the learning curve and have a clear understanding of how each avenue of corruption contributes to their vote total. The qualification of their candidate is less important than the overall corruption and deception needed to acquire votes.

They look at it this way: Each crime yields a certain percentage to the vote total. Deceased voters yield X%, Illegal immigrant voting yields Y%, Social media censorship yields Z%, etc. Their bag of tricks includes a wide assortment of criminal tools. Besides what I mentioned above here are a few more ...

* voter intimidation at the polls

* carefully timed fake news

* Inserting a virus into voter machine software

* vote harvesting like what is being currently done by Ilhan Omar in Minnesota

* Vote reminders sent exclusively to Democrats by Facebook, Google and other social media

* Merging likely Republican name/addresses into the computer database at certain Postal Sorting centers to separate out selected mail-in ballots for disposal.

So if the Democrats piecemeal enough tricks together to win then they take control of America and they receive a "get-out-of-jail-free" card. They mean business! 

At this point, after seeing what I saw last night at the debate, our only hope is to pray.

The scriptures make it quite clear that when people are corrupted enough, God allows evil to have it's way until all is destroyed. I do not believe America is there yet. I believe God will at least consider sparing America if the large number of good people remaining pray for it. 

Last night at the debate, Biden made it perfectly clear that if the left takes over, all honesty goes straight out the door and we will be ruled by those who live by the lie, and completely. I do not see where the American people, who never voted for this to begin with (with everything in the past taken via subversion and election theft) - I do not see how mainstream America deserves such a smack down.

First of all, I'd like to once again remind people that God is real. I know there has been a lot of talk lately (since we can now envision it) that all of creation we see is only energy and does not really exist, and that we do not live in base reality. However, in a different way, the bible itself states exactly that. There is no dishonesty there. There was only the inability of people who never witnessed the power of computers able to create artificial worlds to comprehend how it could be true. - let me explain -

The bible makes it perfectly clear that not one thing happens in this world, from a bird dropping a feather to a great storm - without God knowing it and willing it to happen. Permitting it to happen. People overlooked this and silently likely thought "not really, that's just conjecture, it is not really that way." After all, absent computers creating artificial worlds we can walk around in - crappy computers, that common people buy can do this - absent that example, how could anyone figure out that there really could be a supreme being out there that can, within it's mind, create all of this? The Bible says it is so. And now, with what we have, it is possible to look at this if you read the scripture and realize that yes, it really is all real, just like the bible says.

The bible says God created your soul, your body, and everything you observe. And that none of it exists without him. What if that's an accurate statement? We now know how that can happen. It would be stupid to ignore it. God is right there with you, to hear your prayers. It matters not how all of this exists, it matters that you are real, your body is real, your life is real, and that you have value. And all of this is going to be allowed to crash if we sit here ignorantly and fail to remember who is in charge, and that we can ask for our nation to not be destroyed and if the numbers are sufficient, God will give us what we ask for.

It is time to pray. Pray that your country is not taken away by those who hate God and actively work against him. Pray for evil to not take it all over at this moment. Pray for time to be given to those who have not found the way yet and are still sitting on the fence. Pray for the liars to lose. Pray for God to have mercy on those who are still good, and to allow another chance for things to be put right. Pray for the will of the people to prevail this election, even if the Democrat side has no intention of honoring it.

The steal is on. They absolutely will succeed if God does not step in to stop it. And all you have to do to make it happen is to sit back and allow it to, without a single prayer to break the silence. 

Comment on debate:

Now we know what kind of trouble we'll be in if Biden gets in, he's a perfect straight faced liar. I'd also like to know how he held together so well and in a discussion with a friend afterward got the probable answer: 

Most likely, during the 5 days that he vanished, he received several complete blood removal cycles replaced with transfusions of children's blood, and probably had an adrenochrome booster hooked up to keep him going. He was also programmed with all the answers, including the lies. Yes, it would be expensive but this was worth it. This is something the elite do and it does work, any of them that appear to look better than they did years ago is likely doing this. Yes, that's one thing we are trying to stop -

Outside of that, I felt Trump should have brought up the laptop more and at least should have mentioned the torture rape of chinese children by Hunter and how that was going to be used for blackmail, thus disqualifying Joe. Trump did not totally bomb this topic and probably would have done better if the attack dog moderator had been fair, and she was not. She was not as bad as the first moderator but was definitely beyond biased. The left has it's behind to save and I think she walked a tight rope to "save it" while not angering the public too badly.

When Trump left, witnesses heard him say "Now let's finish this". Hopefully he meant "finish Biden," because Biden provably and demonstrably committed perjury with some of the lies, and they were done so brazenly there's a chance they can be punished given the setting and without a doubt can be used to hang him. Trump ought to start doing commercials with Biden brazenly lying, back to back with proof of the lies.

We'll have to see where this goes, last night we got a good look at what straight faced liars Biden and the left overall are. They have to be stopped at all cost because when they do kick off their "removal of Trump supporters from society", like they have now repeatedly said they will, the way Joe lied is going to be the lie told about YOU, and how/why you vanished.

And they'll do it straight faced, and with aplomb. 

A great report from Turning Point Project

I don't usually post other people's stuff verbatim but this particular piece is one of those times when I will: 

America's Last Chance?

On election day, you will have to make a choice between two political parties and two presidential candidates. Several days later you will in all probability have to make another choice. In the case of a closely contested election, whose side will you take? 

No matter who wins, the losing side will very likely charge that the election was stolen. And if, the losing side is the Republicans, that claim could very well be true.

If Republicans produce solid evidence that the election was, in fact, stolen, what then? Should they, nevertheless, graciously step aside in favor of the illegitimate "winners" for the sake of peace, and in the hope that the American system will eventually right itself. After all, our constitutional system of checks and balances was designed to prevent one faction in government from acquiring excessive power.

But what if this is the last chance election? What if one side has no intention of respecting the Constitution or of upholding the system of checks and balances? What if one side wants to pack the Supreme Court and give voting rights to Washington D.C, Puerto Rico, and any other U.S. territory likely to vote Democrat? What if future elections are no freer than the sham elections held in totalitarian societies?

Our system of government assumes that all parties adhere to the same basic principles - life, liberty, equality under the law, freedom of speech, freedom of religion. It's understood, of course, that different people will apply those principles in different ways. The system is designed for differences of opinion. But is it designed for widespread betrayal? What if one faction or party simply rejects those principles? What if, for example, a political party only gives lip service to freedom of speech while actively working to suppress it? What if government representatives no longer believe in the oath of office they took - "to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic"?

Generation after generation of Americans have assumed that we would never come to that point. But we're at that point now.

Some suggest that we're on the brink of a coup. That is quite likely. But the big coup that will transform our government and our lives beyond recognition has been built on the foundation of numerous smaller coups. Of course, "smaller" is not exactly the right word. Some of these coups - such as the takeover of our educational system from kindergarten through graduate school - have been massive. While most Americans were looking the other way, left-wing educators managed to steal the affections and loyalties of our children. As President Trump put it in his July 4th Mount Rushmore speech: "Against every law of society and nature, our children are taught in school to hate their own country and to believe that the men and women who built it were not heroes, but were villains."

In recent years, we have also witnessed two other large-scale coups - the takeover of the mainstream media by people who reject the American heritage, and the takeover of social media by a collection of "woke" billionaire technocrats who look upon freedom of speech as an outmoded relic of the past. However, the biggest coup of all, thus far, is the takeover of the Democratic Party by the revolutionary left. Should the Democrats win the election, the 245-year-old American experiment in liberty will come to an end - perhaps gradually at first, but then with increasing speed.

When the full force of the new revolutionary order is felt, people won't know what hit them. They won't know because they don't have the historical context to understand that the taking away of liberties is what revolutionary leftists always do. Younger Americans will know everything about the danger of climate change and the virtue of wearing a mask, but they will have learned precious little about the Soviet gulags, the Chinese communist re-education camps, and the imprisonment and torture of dissidents in communist Cuba.

There is no guarantee that the American system of government and the American way of life will survive. We cannot, as columnist Tony Blankely observed 15 years ago, "assume that the benign trends of the recent past will continue." Instead, he cautioned, "we need to think in terms of when current trends will stop - and what will follow them."

Of course, we should not think of the American experiment with self-government as a trend. Rather, it is one of history's most splendid achievements - a priceless gift to succeeding generations. We must be prepared, however, for the possibility that it can come to an end, or rather, be put to an end. And we must, as Blankely warned, think about what will follow. We may have to start thinking about that future in as little as two weeks. 

Trump released the audio of the 60 minutes interview, and IT IS BAD.

He upstaged them bigly by doing this. My only point of concern is that Trump actually believes the polls which show a 50/50 split for Trump/Biden, which means all of his advisors are lying to him and he can't figure it out. That will be crucial when the election is stolen. The actual numbers are: Biden 5.3 percent, Trump 87.5 percent and the rest undecided or going to third party. I have this ready to go in it's entireity in case Faceplant vanishes it, as I expect them to. For now, it is here.  

UPDATE: THE MOST IMPORTANT LAST FIVE MINUTES OF THE INTERVIEW MALFUNCTION REPEATEDLY OVER FACEBOOK SO BADLY IT IS UNWATCHABLE (obviously on purpose) so I have the last five minutes posted at the link below. Also, people are getting so mad at this that they are missing the most important biased part, which is right at the end, (they are shutting it off because they can't handle hearing this level of bias) and are therefore missing the end. 

Here are the last five minutes (audio only) for those effectively blocked by Facebook from viewing (due to excessive glitching), and I recommend (because of the rage going on over this, which is causing people to turn it off) - I recommend people listen to the last five minutes of this, (most people make it to at least five minutes in, so they might as well be the most important five)

Now, right at the beginning there is a CLASSIC example of just how bad this is, Trump says "they should open up carefully) and immediately the interviewer says "Now, when you say open up, you don't say carefully". Ha, it is like she has a zombie script to follow that does not even hear what is said five seconds before. PERFECT. That's why Trump walked out.


I did not see the original video for this campaign speech, but this was probably a freudian slip, a true look at what is going on in Kamala's mind. She states "Over 220 million Americans died over several months". That's the actual number in the Deagel report, and about as long as it would take to genocide America. You can't make this stuff up - watch the short video below and then ask yourself, how the hell a number she pulled out of her hat matches what has been stated for years on a mysterious web site, about America biting the dust. 

Our TAKE: They are going to stage a "disaster", biological or whatever, and already know the number of people they want dead, an amount that happens to match America's white population of 237 million. They'll say "over 220 million" and not 237 million because there are chosenites mixed in with the white population, and the chosenites are not going to get genocided. Quite clear here, PLAIN AS DAY.

We have heard these same people say that after the "election", Trump supporters WILL be removed from society. How many are there? 220 million AT LEAST. The writing is on the wall folks, plain as day. 



The following (carefully composed) photo is 100 percent legit and was taken at 6:20 PM EST October 16

UPDATE: I have come across a claim (by a known troll) that this was taken on September 10. That does not really matter if true, and I am not digging that, it is possible it was taken then and they waited to post it and I doubt it ayway because the troll (though popular and impossible to issue a reply against is an abject liar.) In this case it does not matter anyway, the meat of the issue is the same.


Here we have 1. The Chinese billionaire that had to flee the communist party, who has 3 hard drives of dirt on Biden colluding with communist china to destroy the United States. 2. Steve Bannon, who has had a copy of Hunter Biden's hard drive for 2 weeks. 3. Rudy Giuliani (who is turning out to be a VER GOOD Jew, yes, it is possible), AND 4. The Chinese virologist who confirmed the wuhan lab made the virus and as rumor has it, also knows Biden and the Democrats had the wuhan lab create the virus (paid for with 2.7 million U.S. tax dollars by Fauci) for the sole purpose of de-railing Trump's election with a totally scammed mail in vote scheme.

DISCLAIMER: Do not know the context of vide which appears to show a man being forced to get a coronavirus shot.

I found this on a popular forum. The way it was embedded made it impossible to even figure out where it was hosted. There was no context given. I managed to at least get it to run independently by going into the page source and ripping what I thought was the file out of it. I then dropped it into a Russian download site that was all Russian because every last English download site failed, and it found it and downloaded it. It ended up being on Bitchute but I searched for hours and could not find out where on Bitchute. It may be a private video. 

Here is what can be known from the audio of the video:

1. The guy being forced to get the shot called an ambulance.
2. The doctors are forcing him to get the shot because he has a cough.
3. The guy getting the shot has a cell phone and was able to upload the entire incident, and the doctors had to know it was happening.
4. Two of the doctors that actually restrained the guy for the shot were wearing body cams.
5. It is possible this happened in a nut house, but why the other context? How did the guy end up in this situation from an ambulance call? If he was insane, why would he be allowed to have a phone to cause mayhem with?
6. He was clearly not getting psych meds, the shot was for something else.

7. The guy getting the shot sure did not sound insane. 

Despite having the Russian download site be able to snipe the video, I cannot find the original page it was on to get context. So I am posting this just for thought. It took HOURS to finally download this. Why was this obscured so badly?

Even if the guy was "declared insane" that's such an easy label to apply that with a simple mandate from the government, this could happen to anyone. Don't want your shot? You're a paranoid NUT CASE, we have a world to save!!!

Natural News: Coronavirus vaccine trial subjects report extreme exhaustion, shortness of breath, day-long headaches and shaking so violently that one of them cracked a tooth"

I am only going to comment, Go there to read it

My comment: I doubt ANYONE who took that vaccine is actually talking. The comments from people, (even the guy who shook so violently he cracked a tooth) are ALL POSITIVE, and "it was worth it" and "it only lasted a day". That's BULLSHIT. If ANYONE shakes from a reaction so bad they start breaking teeth, IF they don't die, they sure as hell won't be over it in a day. Obviously, the testimonies are fake. And I bet I know why: 

This stuff is being said because it is known by the vaccine pushers that this one's a devastator, and they want to condition the public to say "no matter what happens, it was worth it, even the guy with a broken tooth said it was worth it" AND "It only lasts a day, so if I think it lasts longer than that, I AM NUTS." This is perfectly obvious. The vaccine is a total devastator and they are trying to con us into accepting it. "Hey sally, I feel SICK AS HELL, so sick I am having convulsions, there's something wrong here" Sally: Oh, there's nothing wrong, that's all conspiracy. You were supposed to be over it in a day, WTF is wrong with you??? I am going in for my shot NOW



The Michigan supreme court said no to the Corona bullshit, and THIS WAS THE RESPONSE FROM THE COMMUNISTS. Here is the snake speak and procedure for the final destruction of states and nations, outlined BEAUTIFULLY, by the Bolsheviks. LEARN FROM THIS.

They intend to use the COVID "emergency" to execute constitutional powers to "protect the public" by locking the public down and taking whatever property they want. They did this AFTER the supreme court said no. 

I'll try to rip this and post it as they did in powerpoint

Authority and Actions Under the Public Health Code to Prevent and Control the Spread of Disease

Presented by:
Denise Chrysler, Director
Office of Legal Affairs
Michigan Department of Community Health


Protection of the publics health

"The public health and general welfare of the people of the state are hereby declared to be matters of primary public concern. The legislature shall pass suitable laws for the protection and promotion of the public health. 

Const 1963, art 4, 則 51 


Michigan Department of Community Health

"Pursuant to section 51 of article 4 of the state constitution of 1963, the department [of community health] shall continually and diligently endeavor to prevent disease, prolong life, and promote the public health through organized programs, including ... prevention and control of diseases..." 

MCL 333.2221(1)


Michigan Public Health Code

"...shall be liberally construed for the protection of the health, safety, and welfare of the people of this state." 

MCL 333.1111(2) 


Powers of Director of Michigan Department of Community Health

If the Director determines that conditions anywhere in this state constitute a menace to the public health, she is authorized to take full charge of the administration of applicable state and local health laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances 

MCL 333.2251(3) 


Director's Powers Imminent Danger Order

"Upon a determination that an imminent danger to the health or lives of individuals exists in this state, the director immediately shall inform the individuals affected by the imminent danger and issue an order . . . . The order shall incorporate the director's findings and require immediate action necessary to avoid, correct, or remove the imminent danger." 

MCL 333.2251(1) 


Powers of Local Health Officer

The Director of the Department of Community Health has statewide jurisdiction. 

Under Part 24 of the Public Health Code, local health officers have most of the powers granted to the Director to respond to public health emergencies within the area served by the local health department

For example, MCL 333.2451 authorizes local health officers to issue imminent danger orders within the local health department's jurisdiction 


Director's Powers Emergency Order to Control Epidemic

"If the director [or local health officer] determines that control of an epidemic is necessary to protect the public health, the director, by emergency order, may prohibit the gathering of people for any purpose and may establish procedures to be followed during the epidemic to insure continuation of essential public health services and enforcement of health laws." 

MCL 333.2253; MCL 333.2453 


Violation of Director's Orders

A person who violates a rule or order of the department is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 6 months, or a fine of not more than $200, or both. MCL 333.2261 

An individual may be arrested if violation occurs in the presence of a police officer, or the police officer has reasonable cause to believe individual has violated a rule or order. MCL 764.15(1)


Director's Powers Warning Notice Against Carrier of Disease

Allows director or local health officer who determines "that an individual is a carrier and is a health threat to others" to issue a warning notice requiring person to cooperate in preventing or controlling transmission of disease. 

Must inform the individual that if he or she fails to comply with the warning notice, the health department shall seek a court order

Must also inform the individual that, except in an emergency, the individual will have a right to a hearing before the court issues its order

MCL 333.5203 


Director's Powers Petition Court for Order Against Carrier

"If a department representative or a local health officer knows or has reasonable grounds to believe that an individual has failed or refused to comply with a warning notice issued under section 5203, the department or local health department may petition the circuit court for the county of Ingham or for the county served by the local health department for an order..." 

MCL 333.5205(1) 


Director's Powers Emergency Action Against Carrier

"To protect the public health in an emergency, upon the filing of an affidavit by a department representative or a local health officer, the circuit court may order the department representative, local health officer, or a peace officer to take an individual whom the court has reasonable cause to believe is a carrier and is a health threat to others into custody and transport the individual to an appropriate emergency care or treatment facility for observation, examination, testing, diagnosis, or treatment and, if determined necessary by the court, temporary detention." 

MCL 333.5207(1) 


Department's Powers Inspection or Investigation

State and local health departments are authorized to inspect or investigate: - A suspected outbreak or exposure - Any matter, thing, premises, place, person, record, vehicle, incident, or event MCL 333.2221(2)(d), MCL 333.2241(1), MCL 333.2433(2)(c), MCL 333.2446 


Department's Powers Inspection or Investigation

State and local health investigators are to be provided with medical and epidemiological information pertaining to individuals who have, are suspected of having, or may have been exposed to a disease or condition of public health significance 

Communicable Disease Rules, R 325.174(2) 


Departments Powers Inspection or Investigation

"[The communicable disease rule] which requires that personal medical information of an individual with a disease shall be provided to an investigator of the Michigan Department of [Community] Health or a local health department, is within the statutory authority granted to the Department of [Community] Health by the Public Health Code to make investigations of reported cases of diseases." 

Op Atty Gen 1986, No 6376, p 336 


Department's Responsibilities to protect private health information

"Medical and epidemiological information which identifies an individual and which is gathered in connection with an investigation is confidential and is not open to public inspection without the individual's consent or the consent of the individual's guardian, unless public inspection is necessary to protect the public health as determined by a local health officer or the director." 

Communicable Disease Rules, R 325.181(2) 


Director's Powers Maintain Court Actions

To compel compliance with Imminent Danger Order 

To compel compliance with Emergency Order to Control Epidemic

To obtain warrant to inspect or investigate and to seize property

To obtain an injunction

MY COMMENT: So seizing property helps contain a disease. GOT IT. sounds about right.


Director's Powers Maintain court action to obtain warrant to inspect or investigate and to seize property

Application for warrant may be filed by State or Local Health Department 

Issued by Magistrate based on facts stated in affidavit

May authorize property to be seized

May direct law enforcement to assist health department in inspection or investigation

MCL 333.2241-2247, MCL 333.2446

My comment to the above: They are using the laws for restaurants as an excuse to take people's homes in the name of Covid. 


Director's Powers Maintain court action to obtain warrant to inspect or investigate and to seize property

Application for warrant may be filed by State or Local Health Department 

Issued by Magistrate based on facts stated in affidavit

May authorize property to be seized

May direct law enforcement to assist health department in inspection or investigation

MCL 333.2241-2247, MCL 333.2446 


Director's Powers Maintain Court Action for Injunction

State Health Director or Local Health Director may maintain action 

May seek court order to restrain, prevent, or correct:

- A violation of a law, rule or order that health department has duty to enforce

- An activity or condition that health department believes adversely affects the public health

MCL 333. 2265, MCL 333.2465

Once again, they are using the rules for the food service industry to establish a Covid tyranny where they take your property. It is not legitimate at all, but that's how communists get it done. If they can steal power this way, even if totally mis-applied, they will do it.


Directors Powers Quarantine, Isolation, & Immunization Police Power

The power of government to impose restrictions on private rights for the sake of the public welfare, order, and security 

Subject to constitutional limitations, especially to the requirement of due process and right to equal protection


Director's Powers Quarantine, Isolation, & Immunization

Compagnie Francaise De Navigation A Vapeur, 186 US 380 (1902) 

Jacobson v Massachusetts, 197 US 11 (1904)

Rock v Carney, 216 Mich 280 (1921)



Campagnie Francaise de Navigation a Vapeur v Louisiana State Board of Health, 186 US 380 (1902) Quarantine held to be: 

Legitimate exercise of police power

No violation of Commerce Clause 


Immunization Jacobson v Massachusetts, 197 US 11 (1905)

Involved mandatory vaccinations, not quarantine. 

Based on earlier quarantine decisions, valid exercise of state's police power.

Expressly recognized power of local administrative agencies to develop and implement health regulations. 


Jacobson v Massachusetts

"The liberty secured by the Constitution of the United States to every person within its jurisdiction does not import an absolute right to each person to be, at all times and in all circumstances, wholly freed from restraint. There are manifold restraints to which every person is necessarily subject for the common good" 


Quarantine & Isolation Rock v Carney, 216 Mich 280 (1921):

Plaintiff quarantined by local authorities for 12 weeks. Lower court upheld exercise of police power. 

Supreme Court reversed, but recognized:

"That the power exists in the boards of health acting through their respective health officers to quarantine persons infected with these diseases either in their homes or in detention hospitals, such detention to continue so long as the diseases are in their infectious state . . ." 

Quarantine & Isolation Rock v Carney, continued

"When sufficient reasonable cause exists to believe that a person is afflicted with a quarantinable disease, there is no doubt of the right of the health authorities to examine into the case . . . remembering that the persons so affected are to be treated as patients, and not as criminals." 

Thank you for your attention.
Denise Chrysler
(517) 373-2109
[email protected] 


So there you have it. All the powers they could possibly need to steal everything you have and slam you into an "isolation camp", but don't worry, you'll be treated as a patient after they do that, not a criminal and you'll "get to leave" when they say you can.

2020, Alternative Media, Congress, Donald Trump, Election, Election Theft, Government, Health, Illness, MSM, News, Politics, Presidential Election, Rigged Election, Troll, Trump, Voter Fraud,


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