This tripped instant bans on popular forums, now for certain this type of instant ban gets put in place when a topic is globally censored, like "tsunami bomb" was at the time of the Japan earthquake.

Apreciado Jaime: 

You can NOT imagine what gov pretends here. Intel is coming out directly from military personnel who so terrified about orders received, involving to act against the people, they have become involuntary insiders.

In Spain extermination plans started with elderly during the first 3 months of this year; so researchers have realized the 30.000 dead is very conservative figures. We have testimonials of elderly caretakers, in nursing homes, who received orders to closing doors and many of them escaped from these nursing homes because the could not resist the screams of elderly asking for food and water while knocking doors till the y all died.

Second extermination plans is just starting in September, target: children, via fake PCR and AI vaccines.

September also will see a new massive lockdown starting th 18th


possible borders closure


First, main big supermarkets and Second small groceries closing due to lack of supplies, which means disappearance of fresh products like fruits and vegetables.

Army trucks will deliver canned food, some infected with new strains of botulism


Possible internet closing to avoid people ask for help abroad Mass detentions, concentration camps, FEMA like Water, gas and power outages of indeterminate duration Food and water shortages

This is what they WANT TO DO, another thing is they will not be able since cabal is sinking here and there, but probably they will try to harm as much as possible.

Dale Recuerdos a Claudia y se mejore lo antes posible. Un fuerte abrazo

A comment: What could possibly be in that message that would trip auto bans on major forums? 


The Association des Officiers De Réserve (Association of Army Reserve Officers) spent 50 days investigating issues related to the 2020 “pandemic”. The report has been prohibited from disclosure for the time being. However, in view of the urgency and seriousness of the situation, we have chosen nevertheless to communicate it to civil society.

You have in your hands the “for the general public” version, with the Investigation Group’s names and the Unit’s symbols redacted.



May 13, 2020

In accordance with your instructions and in forwarding to you this report, the Investigation Group has the honour to convey to you its findings on the characteristics of the COVID-19 epidemic, as we were able to observe them.

In order to propose a prevention protocol and to provide information on therapeutic approaches, it is necessary to establish the parameters of the pathogenic agent, which has revealed serious inconsistencies in the official version.

These inconsistencies have led to the identification of obvious corruption and an agenda contrary to public welfare, culminating in criminal and genocidal intent, and the implementation of a totalitarian state, which are reported in our conclusions.

Head of the Investigation Group, [Name and signature withheld] WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Original document: Rapport d’enquête d’un groupe d’officiers de réserve sur la pandémie de COVID-19 et ses liens avec le SARS-CoV-2 et d’autres facteurs

Exerpt follows:

• The coronavirus is transmitted by ingestion, by respiration and through the mucous membranes. The virus does can not pass through healthy skin.

• A sneeze throws it up to 4m, it can stay 45 minutes to 3 hours in suspension in
air in microparticles
• Its incubation time is 2 to 14 days.
• This virus is very elaborate, it can trick the immune system and even turn it around
against the patient, even infest bacteria to make them highly pathogenic, such as
we will see it later
• its pathogenic power can be increased by electromagnetic radiation,
as we will demonstrate (5G)
• This virus is very fragile: the only thing that protects it is a thin layer of fat
• In the external environment, it is sensitive to temperature and desiccation.
• He does not like heat, nor UV (sun) nor dry environments (or which absorb humidity).
• It decays under conditions depending on the nature of the surface, the temperature
and humidity (data varying according to the studies)
We live in an environment very different from that of our ancestors and there are more projects
and more important so that these waves are even more around us.
It has been said that the city of Wu-Han is way ahead of the installation of 5G antennas.
Ten thousand antennas are in this region and therefore they could contribute to the power
pathogen of the virus.
If we summarize, this virus is artificial and its pathogenic power is increased by 5G antennas.
5G is presented as "a technological innovation with unprecedented performance".
However, this technology operates on the 3.4 to 3.8 GHz band, i.e. on giga-hertzian frequencies that directly interfere with human consciousness (structure cytoskeletal system of the brain) and which are recognized as "probable carcinogens to humans" (group 2B) by the WHO since the IARC press release of May 31, 2011 (press release n ° 208).
"gradual ramp-up" is planned for this band, which will reuse the frequency of BLR-WiMax networks (local radio band) and use the mesh of networks existing systems to achieve coverage similar to that achieved in 4G. The government has since the containment measures, given all latitudes to operators to install additional antennas: to cope with the increase in use Internet during lockdown, orders made under state law emergency health emergency permits operators to new "radio installations". The operators can therefore "add bandwidth" by freeing themselves from the
usual regulations. Thus, there is no obligation to inform town halls, and therefore users. Under the law health emergency, "the obligation to send an information file to the mayor or
inter-municipal chairman for the operation or modification of an installation radio "is suspended.
Emergency laws therefore facilitate the installation of 5G antennas.
In any case, it does not seem credible that operators invest to withdraw their installations after containment, as we want to believe. 
According to the GSM Association, which brings together more than 750 operators from around the world, no sign has not been able to certify any health risks. This goes for phone users portable devices, as well as for people who live near cell towers. We will notice however that this peremptory declaration of the operators - known refrain - between in flagrant contradiction of the WHO / IARC press release (No. 208 of May 31, 2011) which classifies these electromagnetic waves in group 2B as "probable carcinogen for humans", after the meeting of a working group of 31 researchers from 14 countries.
This study focuses on the use of mobile phones, "telecommunication devices wireless ”, considered probable carcinogens. We don't even talk about exposure to relay antennas whose impact on their environment is undoubtedly exponential, this all the more so if we consider the “ramp-up” (sic) planned for this band.
The 26 GHz band (already used for speed radars and security gantries of airports) is tested in Chatillon and Rennes. Some information can be found on the ARIASE and ARCEP websites.
On the website of ARCEP (Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Posts)
we can find the logbook of the different phases of experimentation with 5G in the cities of Belfort, Bordeaux, Grenoble, Lannion, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes, Toulouse or even Paris.
the fifth generation of wireless communication technology, is, according to the operator of
Orange mobile telephony, is "designed to respond to the very great growth in data and the connectivity of modern society. "
This new technology offers data exchange and storage capacities impressive and virtually unlimited call volumes. For this, 5G uses a millimeter wave (MMW) unexploited bandwidth, between 30 and 300 GHz, thus than some low and medium frequencies.
More efficient than 3G and 4G in many ways, 5G technology opens the field possibilities in different fields of application:
• More speed for navigation with mobile telecommunication speeds multiplied. Up to 100 gigabits of data per second, or 100 times faster than current 4G. Enough to fill a personal film library provided
in just a few seconds on the internet, compared to several hours today.
• The remote control of objects is only possible if the latency, that is, say the reactivity time of network antennas is considerably reduced. Currently, the latency is around 35 milliseconds (ms) at a
minute. 5G will reduce the latter to 1 ms. Mandatory condition for remotely control drones or connected cars. Thus we will notice that the setting in place of 5G is a prerequisite for the generalization of drones intended for all control , that is to say for the establishment of a totalitarian society.
• Telemedicine has high expectations for the 5G revolution. For several years now,
“tele-monitored” surgical operations are piloted thousands of kilometers away, especially in developing countries, where qualified medical personnel may be lacking. 5G technology should improve quality image transmitted and increase the chances of successful operations. Improvement of health systems also go through a hyper-connection, made possible by 5G.
An innovative advance that will allow better synchronization and increased communication between hospitals, better monitoring of medical records of patients, to name but a few.
• More unexpectedly, the mining sector has high hopes for the 5G revolution.
This new technology should allow a significant strengthening of security and productivity by reducing CO2 emissions. In Sweden, the underground mine Boliden Kankberg is a pioneer in this area. A 5G network has been installed there in under the EU-funded Sustainable Intelligent Mining Systems ( SIMS ) project European. One of the concrete actions allowed by the 5G underground network is
the use of drones to explore tunnels without risk to humans. The inspections of the galleries after blasting and landslides may be delegated to remote-controlled machines, regardless of network disturbances in outside. A gain in safety, time and therefore productivity.
However, whatever reservations one may object to the establishment of a world controlled by ubiquitous drones - which we seem to be heading towards, in defiance of the civil liberties - the main concerns about the generalization of 5G come from the multiplication of relay antennas emitting electromagnetic waves.
The increase in the number of antennas is explained by the fact that millimeter waves do not go through solid constructions. They are easily absorbed by buildings, rain and vegetation, thus interfering with the signal. In addition, these waves high frequencies have much shorter wavelengths, which limits their spread. To overcome this problem, smaller cell stations must be
installed everywhere in our environment (lampposts, utility poles, houses …).
Faced with this proliferation of transmitting antennas, many are wondering about the medium to long-term effects of broadband on health.  
There are two families of radiations: ionizing radiations vs non-radiations.
The former modify DNA due to their wavelength (λ) like UV, X-rays
or Gamma (γ), causing mutations that cause cancer. Non-ionizing radiation
like electromagnetic waves, do not cause changes in DNA but have
a definite thermal effect whose long-term effects are probably underestimated.
They can damage biological tissues by heating.
In France, it is the National Frequencies Agency and the National Health Security Agency
which is responsible for investigating the controversial risks of 5G. In 2011, a working group “
radio frequencies and health ”was created to measure the health impact of exposure to
populations. The 2013 report did not highlight “proven health effects”. ANSES
also states that the overall exposure is "low in relation to the exposure limit values
currently in use ”.
However, the International Cancer Research Center ( IARC) , which is part of
World Health Organization (WHO), has classified radio frequencies from 30KHz - 300 GHz
(Hertz) as possible carcinogens for humans (Group 2b).
Annie Sasco, big name in Environmental Health and fierce opponent of the deployment of
5G, warns against the health risks of cell towers. She already denounced in 2012
in an article in L'Express, that the conclusion of the absence of health risks could be
biased by conflicts of interest. Public health doctor by training, Annie Sasco has
worked at WHO most of his career. She added in December 2018 on
TV5 Monde, the "increased risk of brain tumor", especially for children, as well as "
damage ”already observed on insects and trees.
It is useful to refer to the following page:
which notes that the circles of operators obviously pro-5G, in conflicts of interest, flood the
biased information press unrelated to the current state of scientific knowledge on
the health impact of G.
It will be noted in particular that: "the effect of pulsed electromagnetic waves on cells
human is proven, confirmed by numerous studies. Then, the consequences on
the state of health of a person is obviously different, cancer for example can have a
multi-factorial cause. However, DNA modifications have been observed, for example, in
adjacent to antennas , and this at field strength values ​​well below the limit value of
6V / m. These DNA modifications have also been recognized by Swisscom in their
It is common ground that more than 240 scientists who have published peer-reviewed research
on the biological and health effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields
(EMF) signed the international call of scientists:
““ Many recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects the  living organisms at levels well below most international guidelines and national. Effects include increased risk of cancer, cellular stress, increased harmful free radicals, genetic damage , structural changes and
functional reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, of disorders neurological and negative effects on the general well-being of humans. The damage goes far beyond humans, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects on life as vegetable than animal e ”.
The scientists who signed this call are arguably the majority of experts in effects of non-ionizing radiation. They have published over 2000 articles on the fields electromagnetic in professional journals. FCC RFR exposure limits regulate the intensity of the exposure taking into account the frequency of the carrier waves, but ignore the signaling properties of the RFR.
Last year, a $ 30 million study carried out by the National
US toxicology (NTP) found "clear evidence" that RFR exposure of
damaged DNA in rats and mice of both sexes.
In the same vein, Arthur Robert Firstenberg petitioned the WHO, the UN and
the EU stating that “The deployment of 5G is an experiment on humanity and
the environment qualified as a crime by international law ” .
The national association for health security in wireless technologies refers to a study
study by Lai and Singh on the cumulative effects of magnetic fields on fractures of the
DNA chain (Bioelectromagnetics Research Laboratory, Department of Bioengineering, University
of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195-7962, USA.)
Let's be clear :
5G electromagnetic radiation damages human cellular DNA.
Exposed cells (of all kinds targeted in the human body) react by producing a cascade of protective immunological substances. These substances are packaged in an intracellular structure called an endosome. The endosome is expelled from the cell, thus becoming an exosome (Nobel Prize in Medicine 2013).
The exosome circulates and binds to ACE2 receptors in the lung, intestine and heart.
Immunological chemicals in the exosome penetrate ACE2. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, or ACE2 is an enzyme linked to the outer surface of plasma membranes of cells of the lung, arteries, heart, kidney and apparatus digestive. It plays an important role in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) which regulates water and sodium homeostasis and arterial pressure.
ACE2 is reputed to be the entry point into human cells for certain coronaviruses, including 
the human coronavirus NL63, SARS-CoV13 (coronavirus causing SARS) and SARS-CoV-2 (at
the origin of COVID-19).
In addition, it should be noted that the schedule of 5G deployments seems to coincide with the
maps of the appearance of the coronavirus and with the places where the incidence of the new coronavirus is highest, which moreover provoked popular reactions in some countries aimed at
destroy or set fire to numerous relay antenna towers (United Kingdom, Hong-Kong).
In this regard, YouTube has removed all videos associating 5G with the spread of the coronavirus,
since the beginning of February.
Still, there would be a correlation, to check once available the new cards falling
installations carried out during containment according to emergency laws, between deployment
massive 5 G and the cradle of the spread.
Indeed, the epidemic started in China, which is the promoter of 5G (10,000 antennas on
Wu-Han, official 5G demonstration area, end of 2019), and Italy was not far behind
in this race to deploy, the major Italian cities are already fully equipped
in 5G at the end of 2019. Lombardy (Milan) was one of the first Italian regions equipped with
5G and the region most affected by Covid-19: as the Italian newspapers headlined at the end of 2017,
"Milan dreams of being the European capital of 5G", Vodafone Italia having launched a plan of 90
million euros to cover 100% of the Italian economic capital in 2019.
Comparison of 5G deployment maps and hospitalized patients in France (the
difference between the number of hospitalizations and the number of deaths resulting from a
difference in the treatments applied, for example between Marseille - Professor Raoult - and the
There were, officially and before the containment of March 17, 2020, 450 5G relay antennas
established in France, especially in the cities of Marseille (95), in the Paris region (85),
Montpellier (53), Lyon (22), Toulouse (22) and Bordeaux (22).
First of all, it should be noted that:
- severe cases of COVID-19 are linked to a phenomenon of thrombosis, as alerted
several field doctors, we now know;
- this thrombosis results from cytokine shock, which is an inflammation process, therefore
an immune problem:
indeed: venous thrombosis (DVT) is a major cause of morbidity and
mortality. While venous thrombosis has long been considered a
disorder related to the clotting of the blood, many show that the immune system
and an inflammatory process are at the origin of thrombosis ("Deep vein thrombosis
(DVT) is a major origin of morbidity and mortality. While DVT has long been considered as
blood coagulation disorder, several recent lines of evidence demonstrate that immune
cells and inflammatory processes are involved in DVT initiation. »Immune factors in deep
This being said, let's see what the pathologies specifically related to exposure to
electromagnetic fields, involved in the strong presumption of a link between patients
hospitalized for COVID-19 and a deployment of 5G facilities:
For this, we will refer to a Bibliography on reported biological phenomena
("Effects") and clinical manifestations attributed to electromagnetic waves. Institute of
naval medical research MF12.54.015-0048, report no.2n revised. 106 pp. [NOTE: this document
has been reduced to 25 pages so we can post it here and does not contain all 2311
“More than 2000 references on biological responses to electromagnetic waves and
microwaves, published until June 1971, are included in the bibliography. Attention
particular attention has been paid to the effects on humans of non-ionizing radiation at these
frequencies. […]
Note : This document is not classified.
The value of Glaser's 1972 document is to counter assertions that no "credible" research would not exist which would highlight non-thermal effects. It's about misrepresentation promoted by those unfamiliar with the publications or do not want to admit that these waves, at current exposure levels, can be harmful. Credible research has existed for decades, largely ignored by officials
public health and health professionals. 
This is one of the first large-scale compilations of the literature on the effects biological waves of electromagnetic waves, which appeared for the first time in 1971. The author has classified biological effects into 17 categories (see below).
Even if it is clear that the radiations which cause thermal effects, can
also cause side effects, not all of the effects mentioned above are related to
the heat. Indeed, a large part of the publications show that at exposure levels
low, these effects are not thermal . This is the type of research that has helped regulators
formulate their microwave guidelines. Non-thermal studies were
ignored by the World Health Organization, an organization to which many
countries are seeking help, and therefore the guidelines differ depending on the order of
size from lowest in Salzburg, Austria (0.1 microwaves / cm2) to highest (5,000 microwaves / cm2)
waves / cm2 for occupational exposure) established by ICNIRP (International Commission for
Non-ionizing radiation). That's a 50,000-fold difference!
One way to interpret this is that we have two guidelines, one to prevent
thermal effect and, the other more limited, to prevent biological effects , some of which
can have serious health consequences.
What is striking is that microwave disease (a group of symptoms experienced by
personnel working on radars) was previously called neuroasthenia (feeling ill) and
is now called electrosensitivity. In all cases, the symptoms are associated with
exposure to electromagnetic waves initially radar waves; then computers; and more
recently various sources of wireless technology, including mobile phone, broadcast
TV and radio and WiFi or WiMax antennas, wireless routers, smart meters, etc.
2020, America, France, Health, Illness, NWO, News, Radiation, Vaccine, Vaccine Scam, Virus,


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