They set up 15 different control groups that were to be pressured by the following messages, to see which ones were most effective at getting people to accept the vax. THESE WILL BE THE FUTURE HEADLINES AND MANIPULATIONS, BET ON IT!!!

pressure: "message about how COVID-19 is limiting people's personal freedom and by working together to get enough people vaccinated society can preserve its personal freedom." 

pressure: "message about how COVID-19 is limiting peoples's economic freedom and by working together to get enough people vaccinated society can preserve its economic freedom."

pressure: "message that COVID-19 presents a real danger to one's health, even if one is young and healthy. Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is the best way to prevent oneself from getting sick."

pressure: "message about the dangers of COVID-19 to the health of loved ones. The more people who get vaccinated against COVID-19, the lower the risk that one's loved ones will get sick. Society must work together and all get vaccinated."

pressure: "message about how COVID-19 is wreaking havoc on the economy and the only way to strengthen the economy is to work together to get enough people vaccinated."

pressure: "message is about the danger that COVID-19 presents to the health of one's family and community. The best way to protect them is by getting vaccinated and society must work together to get enough people vaccinated. Then it asks the participant to imagine the guilt they will feel if they don't get vaccinated and spread the disease."

pressure: "message is about the danger that COVID-19 presents to the health of one's family and community. The best way to protect them is by getting vaccinated and by working together to make sure that enough people get vaccinated. Then it asks the participant to imagine the embarrassment they will feel if they don't get vaccinated and spread the disease."

pressure: "message is about the danger that COVID-19 presents to the health of one's family and community. The best way to protect them is by getting vaccinated and by working together to make sure that enough people get vaccinated. Then it asks the participant to imagine the anger they will feel if they don't get vaccinated and spread the disease." 

HERE THE FAVORITE: THE SCIENCE RIP. If you are against vaccines, you are too stupid to understand science. PROBLEM: Those who know the vaccines are destroying people are better at science than any other group. But you know, it's called displacement. HERE IT IS:

pressure: "message about how getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is the most effective way of protecting one's community. Vaccination is backed by science. If one doesn't get vaccinated that means that one doesn't understand how infections are spread or who ignores science." 

I swear, if anyone in the open public, (where I can get ahold of them physically) comes at me with that science bullshit, they will eat a chair.

pressure: "message which describes how firefighters, doctors, and front line medical workers are brave. Those who choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 are not brave."

That's another doozie, why on earth would you need to be "brave" to take a vax unless they know damn well it will destroy people? Who are they trying to fool?

The New York Post is responding to pressure:

It's now looking like the lockdowns may have been a huge mistake

A comment: The only error was in guaging public reaction, if people had gone along with this crap it would be full speed ahead. And though the NYP does admit that corona was not particularly deadly, they still vastly overstated it. 

Here is what the NYP did not say: That Corona was launched by the most filthy elitists the world has ever seen, to allow them to destroy their competition and profit hugely while they transformed the world economy into a monolithic communist enterprise. We can see other things they wanted from this scam, such as universal ID and ID to travel, even within a country and that was a hallmark of the old Soviet system. This would have all been plausible if they did not pull the contact tracing and ID crap. There were too many obvious add ons riding the Coronavirus Omnibus.

So now they are apologizing and backing up. Too late. WAY TOO LATE, they played their hand, got flushed, and the next one is not going to be so easy. 

As a result, prepare for massive civil unrest in the United States, they did not get away with Corona and they desperately want a fall back.

There are bloggers out there saying that we should not confront the protestors because doing so goes against the tactics that are in the book "The art of war". And the case is plausible - if the police are against you and with the protestors - if the police are going to arrest YOU for defending yourself it really is a foolish combat decision to confront the protesters. But I find the alternative - retreating and letting them burn it to the ground to be quite unpalatable, and will instead say: Art of war: If the police are the enemy, right in there with the protestors, providing them support and backup, then whatever action you take must be done well enough to avoid all contact with the police while you get the job of shutting this shit down done. 

That means: Small caliber, noise suppression, hilltop or other clear line of sight, huge distance and whatever you do, make damn good and sure it is not done from your home or business. If you're a shitty shot hang it up now, we need those who can hit an apple with a .22 at 200 yards consistently and there are LOTS AND LOTS of those types out there in the great Americana. It is beyond easy to mask the sound of a .22 which is not a loud gun anyway. You'd mask the sound of a .22 down to oblivion by merely shooting through a hole in a 4X8 foot sheet of plywood, or whatever else, preferably foam backed. The cops need to have a mystery to solve, for god's sake don't just be the idiot that hands themselves in by shooting from your own turf, loud and proud. 

So that's where we are at. Covid failed. You don't get reports like that in the New York Post unless someone threw in the towel, and believe me, they are NOT SORRY. They are definitely going to immediately go to plan 2. You had damn well better be prepared.

FACT: In this current hostile environment, where the government itself, which is supposed to be your protector, is enabling the attackers and punishing you for defending yourself, it is up to YOU to borrow your buddie's .22 and defend your home from as far away as you can possibly see it (and what is going on) and still get a clean, private shot. You need to do that from "under the blue spruce that's up the street, 3 blocks away." Even something as simple as shooting from a place like that would mute a .22 down so far everyone would be clueless provided the end of the barrel was well under the tree. 

Use your buddie's gun to protect your home, and hand him yours. That way identification of what did what will be difficult if it comes to that. I'm not joking when I say the lowly .22 is the gun for this, you are not likely to kill anyone (it's possible but not like an AR) and I challenge even the Hulk Hogan from the 80's, in THAT SHAPE, to continue looting and burning shit with a .22 in the ass. They'll ALL QUIT over that. That will be my compromise: Hey, we're not trying to kill everyone, but we ARE trying to restore order and look, I can prove it, I had a 30.06 and instead grabbed the Marlin tube feed. 

Save the 30.06 or AR for the Chinese invasion. There, you'll need it.

5G warfare  1 0 1

The first few chemicals used are on the list of WW1 chemical warfare agents on Wikipedia (others are degradation products from the human body processing these poisons): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_chemical_warfare_agents

The two nano-chemicals I believe were used on our aircraft are (confirmed by a private jet company as the main chemicals used for Fogging):

BACOBAN: https://new.parkdentalresearch.com/shop/index.php?route=product/product&path=101_103&product_id=351

VIRACLEAN: https://www.catalog.md/drugs/vira-clean.html





The cognitive impairment from this experience cannot be described (from perfect health to vision loss, nausea, hearing loss, loss of equilibrium, inability to process information, inability to speak, read or write, seizures and so much more. I am blessed to work in health and to have gone on an immediate and rigorous detox program which helped significantly though long term- impairment may be the outcome as these are very noxious poisons. Others on our flight or other flights might not be as lucky.


First, they spray a sheet of positively charged ‘nano-glass’ called electrostatic spraying (sometimes with chemicals and sometimes without), then they aerosol the entire plane with the active nano-particle chemicals (as shown on the websites above), which are said to self-replicate for up to 10 days after application, only they are using the chemicals between every single flight, and in some cases all night long for 8 hours straight. Traveler’s then board the plane just 60 minutes after application.

Apparently the nano-material technology makes it so that the product cannot be re-applied repeatedly and once coated, it will reject more coating for the next 10 days back into the air.

This is advertised as making the product go-farther with less use’ but when applied repeatedly as airlines are doing, the result is that these charged atoms spew back into the air as a potent positively charged aerosol being attracted to the next neutral or negatively charged atoms that enter the flight, such as the body and lungs of human beings.

As if this were not enough, they end the treatment with a UV light blast of the entire aircraft, using mercury lights which when turned on, release a potent mercury vapor into the air, to further cause harm to the coming passengers.

If you dig into this, you will quickly see that this is nothing short of an aerosol vaccine program meant to incept healthy humans with unapproved, unconsented poisons and nano-technology.

The worst part is that this is already happening in schools, and some public places, and soon to be in stores, malls, movie theaters, condo building lobbies and subways, buses and rental cars. Children around the world are being diagnosed with rare brain diseases and I believe it’s from exposure in schools.

I have PDF’s full of info I can send you if you want more info on Fogging, however, my own personal poisoning, awful as it is, is not why I contacted you.

Through this experience both my travel partner and I are now extremely EMF sensitive and upon returning to Canada, became incapacitated once in 5G radiation. I became quickly aware that I am now (thanks to nanobot brain poisoning) a walking human Geiger counter. The nanobots in my brain allow me to sense with inhuman accuracy every single deviation in microwave frequency and I feel every 5G tower, meter, street light, receiver long before I see it.

This led me to dig into the 5G/ nanobot/transhumanism agenda rabbit hole and fell across what I believe is a global genocide agenda using 5G frequency. This agenda is set to be rolled out this coming October, and continued from city to city until next August and will result in hundreds of millions of deaths in the US, Canada and possibly much more worldwide.

This is the real reason why I contacted you:

  • I believe the above mentioned fogging chemicals are being dumped on us via chemtrails and in public spaces, and will be used to falsify a second COVID wave, as the new COVID symptoms are identical to those of Benzalkonium chloride and radiation poisoning.
  • I believe this is an aerosol mass-vaccination agenda. The coming COVID vaccines will also contain nanobots and nano-technology.
  • I believe that anyone infected like I am (and soon to be everyone) will be hyper-reactive to 5G and will become a physical part of the electrical smart grid pulling frequencies to their brains as if they were a human tower. This enables mind control, implanting of emotional reactions, and thoughts via frequency manipulation and creates transhumanism.
  • I believe they locked people down earlier this year under the false guise of a virus so they could roll out 5G in every part of the world on current infrastructure so that nobody would notice.
  • I have traveled extensively this last month trying to find a 5G-free safe haven and there are none. Even remote areas of Canada and impoverished areas of Central America have 5G infrastructure already in place and frequencies already being emitted.
  • 5G is NOT a WIFI issue, this is an electrical agenda and the microwaves pulse into the house and environment via electrical wires, signals, smart meters, and house-hold appliances and plugs, NOT VIA WIFI ROUTERS EXCLUSIVELY.
  • Areas with 3G or less WIFI strength actually have 5G infrastructure already set up in their electrical systems.
  • Areas around the world without WIFI at all are still experiencing microwave pulsing throughout the day.
  • Big Tech used the term 4.5G (4G PLUS) to build the 5G infrastructure without drawing attention to 5G itself which is highly controversial and not widely accepted by the population.
  • I believe that the global plan is to vaccinate people (both through inoculation of the willing and forced aerosol poisoning of the resistant) with nanobots and then to blast 5G anytime there is population resistance to first control people, then to actually kill them.
  • I believe that 5G, and only 5G, is why people died in WUHAN in 2019, then Italy, Queens NY, now Sweden (being blasted as we speak) and so many other areas to come. They were dosed with, or vaccinated with nanotech, and then the frequency was increased as a test to see which frequencies had people falling dead and at which rate.

Here is why 5G built into our electrical system is so dangerous:

  • 4G is 7GHZ or less
  • 4.5G (4G Plus) is 7-12 GHZ
  • 5G is 15-300 GHZ
  • At 10 GHZ the human immune system starts to falter, sleep is impaired and healing is minimized
  • At 10-30 GHZ, disorientation sets in, feeling tired, drowsy, weak, trouble sleeping, dry mouth, dehydration, poor cell turnover and lowered hemoglobin, depression, anxiety and other symptoms of radiation poisoning/ microwave syndrome.
  • At 35 GHZ the oxygen molecules in the air and our bodies begin to spin, making it impossible for our hemoglobin to uptake oxygen causing asphyxiation. 75% of healthy people will die in the first 2-3 days of being exposed to 35 GHZ consistently. The healthiest will die within a week.
  • At 50 GHZ, nothing survives, including birds, bees, trees etc.
  • At 60 GHZ everything goes up in flames (similar to the wildfires in the US right now- in 5G areas)
  • They are currently experimenting daily with frequency changes (I feel every shift) to normalize people’s symptoms and exposures so no one notices what is happening. They are experimenting to see how high they can go before people start noticing.
  • I have been in areas where the map shows only 4G or even 3G and yet they have 5G frequencies already pulsing.
  • They increase the frequencies at night so people sleep poorly, causing a weakened society, and lower it during the morning, increasing again in the afternoon.
  • 5G is the most dangerous large-scale and immediate-acting bioweapon in all of history.
  • 5G is the equivalent of having a loaded gun pointed to every single one of our heads, no matter where you live, where you work, what your race, what your social status or how much money or skills you have, you are the mercy of that dial.
  • If you have electricity right now, you can be killed in an instant if they blast the frequency through your home at anything over 35 GHZ.
  • Here is a woman who shares the global plan in more detail, with dates, escape routes and timelines if you are interested: https://www.lindaemmanuel.com/index.html
  • See a 5G map here (not super accurate or up to date as they are doing this in secrecy but shows the different classifications): https://www.nperf.com/en/map/5g

This is the genocide agenda:

  • All 5G infrastructure is already in place. Look at receivers already placed on your streetlights, smart meters, your electrical outlets and appliances, the towers themselves, rooftop receivers, etc.
  • Next is poisoning people with aerosols, and toxic food and water to falsify the second wave
  • Once people are in lockdown, they cannot leave their homes- these areas are then easy 5G kill zones.
  • The government can choose to increase the frequency anytime they decide and depopulate as much as they want, in any chosen area.
  • I guarantee that unless you are very far off-grid, without any electricity and no neighbors who have it either, you are, as we are, currently sitting in a potential kill zone.
  • I have tried reaching out to colleagues, health pioneers and other popular leaders in the natural movement but everyone is afraid to share this as they feel they will be killed immediately and censored to block the sharing of this info.

Here is what I am hoping you, or some of your connections, may be able to do:

  • Turn off the smart grid somehow
  • Deactivate these smart meters, streetlights or shut down/ de-activate the satellites
  • Block or get access to control the frequencies to disable them from being used at frequencies over 7GHZ
  • Anything at all to help the root issue from a technical side because just telling people as I’ve been doing and warning the public is not enough. Media is corrupted and the truth is censored, this will never make it viral fast enough to create change or save humanity or the planet.
  • I am praying that you look into this and can come up with a viable solution to help block or disable this potential global agenda.
  • I am here to answer any questions you have, will assist in any way I can, and will make myself available to provide you with any further info, content, links, resources, or anything else I can do to assist your efforts.
2020, 5G, Alternative Media, Civil War, Health, Illness, MSM, NWO, News, Radiation, Vaccine, Warfare, internet, wifi,


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