A german nurse gave 9,000 shots of saline instead of the death shot
She is now being hung for saving a medium sized city worth of people.
Get into the system, do the shots, and make damn good and sure they are only saline. Screw the records if possible to make sure the people you saved cannot be hunted down.
Rand Paul got Banned by Youtube
He was hitting truths that were, as they say, "disinfo". Disinfo is now defined as "Any information that is not approved" even if it is 100 percent accurate.
There's no question the guy's a sleezeball but if they are ditching him, it can only mean they needed a bigger sleezeball.
Came across a doozie, and it is legit.
The following was posted to social media and I do not know what the original source was. This NAILS IT, this is where we sit: Probably 10-20 million killed or disabled by the shot. Don't think so? Read it and weep.
"With a glut of millions of people out of work and over 20 million illegal aliens in the nation also looking for work, why are there signs up everywhere that businesses are asking for new employees?
Answer; the covid pandemic and the covid shots have killed off so many people that the system is about to collapse for lack of workers. How is this possible? The death of people the past 18 months has not been fully documented. On one hand they reported too many illnesses from covid to get people to get the vax, and we only had an estimate of the dead. But once the covid shots were available and people by the thousands started to die, those death numbers were then not fully documented properly.
The death of a loved one is a private and personal event that a family handles internally. They grieve, they talk among themselves and accept that burden of sadness and recovery, then they fade away back into society as another cog in the machine - and the true number of dead is never presented by the CDC, the government or the news media.
The true number of dead will never be known. If it was true that the economy was recovering and that there were lots of people ready for jobs, there would not be more jobs available than unemployed! It is just that simple. The numbers don't lie. People are missing...where did they go? THEY DIED. And there isn't enough trained people available to take their positions in factories and businesses of all kinds. Is this why the democrats brought in millions of illegals? Because they knew millions of Americans would be dead from a pandemic?!?
Ask yourself why the article below states that there are more jobs available than unemployed. In the world we have been shown all our lives, the very opposite should be the case. Because of the poor economy, many companies shut down, we should still have millions of unemployed that would need jobs. But this is clearly not the case. The experts tell us that there isn't enough people in the US to fulfill job positions across the nation.
It is obvious that more people died during this pandemic and the covid shots than they are admitting to. The citizens swallowed their lies hook, line and sinker. The powers in control killed off millions, hid the true numbers, and now push for mandatory shots to kill off even more. Just how obedient and accommodating do citizens have to be? Who will speak for the dead? Will even a whimper of a complaint rise up against the masters?
My comment: This ended up being true. Whoever came up with this then linked to a report from Zerohedge that showed the statistics that prove this.
LOOK OVER THIS REPORT CLOSELY. Though this zerohedge report does not even mention dead people, you'll find it totally shows millions have to be dead for those numbers to wash. You'll find that this is BANG ON. Millions of people are missing. At least 10 million. Add the illegals not charted, and it is probably 20+ million.
The MSM is saying there are tons of job openings because no one wants to work. But when you go over the stats and who's on unemployment, there are not enough people alive or on unemployment in the U.S. to fill the jobs available, even after the economy has imploded and there SHOULD be large numbers of people available.
In order to hit that kind of an employment deficit there have to be around 20 million dead or disabled people.
Here is how I see this, and how it is 20 million disabled or dead -
1. The economy contracts due to lockdowns. 50+ million jobs vanish.
2. Lots of businesses die, and 30 million jobs vanish permanently.
3. Huge numbers of people go on unemployment (50 million or so)
4. Economy re-starts in earnest and perhaps 20 - 30 million jobs come back.
5. Some people opt to stay on unemployment and treat it like welfare (8 million)
6. There are then over 10 million job openings that cannot be filled.
2. Lots of businesses die, and 30 million jobs vanish permanently.
3. Huge numbers of people go on unemployment (50 million or so)
4. Economy re-starts in earnest and perhaps 20 - 30 million jobs come back.
5. Some people opt to stay on unemployment and treat it like welfare (8 million)
6. There are then over 10 million job openings that cannot be filled.
7. 50 million lost jobs, 20-30 million jobs came back, 8 million decided not to work, the rest wanted to work and there's 10 million surplus jobs. 10 million unfilled positions -8 million who don't want to work = 2 million people automatically missing from that alone. Add 10-20 million jobs permanently wiped out - It has to be 12 - 20+ million dead.
How bad was that genocide anyway? I WILL SAY THIS: "They" wanted a total wipeout of America, and had ENORMOUS SUCCESS. They were so successful at killing off millions with their death shot that they are not willing to throw in the towel yet. They have met resistance. Practically no one wants that shot, despite the media pumping it and it is because SO MANY PEOPLE ARE NOW DEAD THAT PRACTICALLY EVERYONE KNOWS SOMEONE WHO DIED FROM THE SHOT AND NO AMOUNT OF MEDIA HYPE WILL FIX THAT. If that shot did not devastate families and circles, with all the media hype out there, people would be lining up for it in droves. The extent to which it destroyed society is too obvious for people to go along with it, even with the MSM lying 24/7 and not uttering a peep about what has really happened.
BOTTOM LINE: All those body bags people talked about are being used.
If what I said is not what happened, there should not be a single job opening anywhere, too many jobs are gone forever for that and there are not enough on unemployment to account for openings.
I personally know of 3 different people I'd see at family parties or other parties plus 2 I would eventually see that died directly from that shot, and the shot was not distributed in Mexico to anywhere near the extent it was distributed in the U.S.
The damage in Mex stopped quickly, early on, because people talk here, if ONE gets maimed a hundred will automatically know and then NO ONE will go in for the shot. They got a few people early on until the results came in.
A couple brief items:
They are claiming they are out of ICU beds in Arkansas because of COVID.
REMEMBER: This is the same medical system where a majority of the doctors did not get jabbed while gleefully pushing it on everyone else. The same medical system that is totally dishonest enough to charge 1000X the real price of what they give people (Rememer Anascorp lady who got billed $180,000 for two doses and "other related "care"?) That stuff costs $50 (FIFTY) a dose. RETAIL. They make it in Mexico and re-brand it for the U.S. - in Mexico it is called Alacrex. The EXACT SAME scorpion is in both places. How did it increase from $50 to $50,000+ per dose in one quick border jump? Actually, it is less of an overcharge than the $0.01 aspirin that costs $12. Try getting an aspirin THAT CHEAP in an American hospital.
So the heathenously dishonest medical system is saying suddenly, overnight, their ICU's went from about 70 beds occupied to over 1,300 in Arkansas. ALL WITH COVID. Do you believe them? Ask them the price of Alacrex!!!
When dealing with this level of dishonesty, a medical system THIS DISHONEST, don't believe a word they say. The jab alone is proof the American medical system is not only un-ethical, it is anti-ethical.
Do not believe there is a SINGLE ICU bed in Arkansas being occupied over LEGIT Covid.
Texas Supreme Court at least bats a guy to first.
I threw in the towel a couple days ago when an activist judge said the Dem senators who ran away in Texas could not be arrested upon return. That has now changed. The Texas supreme court over-ruled and not only CAN they be arrested now, they probably will be.
Where do you get the sinovax?
A reader wrote to me asking for advice on how to get down to Mexico for the sinovax "because the shot would be mandatory in the U.S. and he wanted something other than what was on offer."
A RESPONSE: Don't worry about it, because as soon as they make it mandatory and the right people get pinched, the correct neighborhoods would get burned and they'll back off. NO SHOT is ok, and nothing else qualifies. We know the shot is not what they said. If even Joel figured that out, STOP BEING PATHETIC AND RESIST FOR ONCE.
Don't bother. Hold your ground, and if your phone cuts off or your power goes out or you can't buy food or ANYTHING ELSE SIMILAR HAPPENS, THAT will be when you go into the correct neighborhoods and put things right. You don't back down for this, doing so would be absolutely pathetic.
CUOMO: Why would they hang a sleazeball? Did he say no to Covid passports??
Agenda 21,
Supreme Court,