Israel is now running psy ops to blackball the palestinians before their destruction
My response: Sorry dude, everyone is aware of Israel's lies. You say they spent billions on weapons, when you bulldoze entire communities over kids throwing rocks and never ever EVER get shot at? How stupid are you to entertain the notion of anyone believing you anymore anyway? Pieces of rubble from the homes you demolished are the only weapons the Palestinians have, OH, YES, those "weapons" cost billions by your definition I guess, the cost of a whole house per throw.
The palestinians have no weapons and are not launching rockets. The Israelis are launching paper tube rockets with no explosive load at all from Gaza, (over 1,000 of them now) and recently bitched about having to step it up to the first "ballistic missile launches (3 of them now) that might have had somethig on them because the paper rockets were not doing the trick.
HERE IS HOW IT WORKS: Israel launches bottle rockets from Gaza to get sympathy, spews hate on the web, and then attacks. There you have it, RIGHT THERE.
Do you think screwing communications again is going to get me to go silent? Good luck with all that!!!
The best Palestine coverage is HERE.
The disaster has happened
Who would have thought they'd slander and blacklist anyone who caught onto this, just so they could continue screwing people over with blood clots caused by this attack on their blood, to get the raw materials needed to build whatever the elite wanted?
The vaccine does not have enough liquid volume to create the effects we are seeing, even if it was pure ferrofluid. What is going on with people is far beyond the basic shot and it's base ingredients. Magnets need either something large to attract to, or something in their immediate vicinity to stick to something, many of the magnets being shown in the magnet stick videos are too week to grab anything through a piece of fabric, we are dealing with something serious with this vax -
Trolls have attacked this topic, saying "I am wrong with my assessment" when I am clearly NOT. This vax is making magnets stick to people. That is solidly proven, it is not theory, it is fact. It is also NOT theory that there is no magnetic liquid that could be injected into people at 0.5 to 1.0 ML volume at the depth the needle puts it that would have any chance at all of having even the strongest magnets stick to it from the length of an entire needle away. This means whatever is in that shot is designed to gather a magnetic substance, and the ONLY THING THE BODY HAS that could be grabbed like that is the iron in the blood. And the blood does not like being raped, so it clots as a defense mechanism.
There is no way out of this folks, that's the whole deal from start to finish. The perverts who made the shot are so far off the deep end they could care less if massive numbers of people clot up and die from having their blood raped to build whatever the perverts want, and they don't care, THIS PICTURE PROVES THEY DON'T CARE.
They murder raped children on these beds, and jail broke the guy who plotted it all. They are the ultimate perverted trash, it takes THIS level of depravity to formulate a shot like that. If anyone who gets that shot, even to keep a job, knows this, they are responsible for their own demise. Obviously there's a chance they'd get saline, but who the hell would ever take that chance?
One hour of Covid shots detected by stud finders, metal detectors and magnets
REPEAT: I have definitely figured out why the covid vaccine is causing blood clots
The shot is the most sinister thing ever done out in the open, while in secret.
WAIT FOR IT: Massive mandatory vaccine mandates
Vaccine injection sites will likely necrophy and turn into huge open sores
The world will soon change in huge ways no one ever thought or dreamed of. The genie is out of the bottle, that vax has already fundamentally changed those who received more than saline. Since when have people had a magnetic spot? That's a fundamental change in their existence. This won't end well, bet on it.
The Magneto protein reports are legit, the vax is clearly for remote mind control
100 percent of the information in the quoted report below is from 2016 or earlier, they had time to work on this. This is what the vax is, obviously.
The vax is supposed to install a remote controllable system into people's brains that will make the controllers able to force people to believe or act on whatever the controllers want
From The Guardian, in 2016 (which means this tech is older than that)Genetically engineered 'Magneto' protein remotely controls brain and behaviour
"Badass" new method uses a magnetised protein to activate brain cells rapidly, reversibly, and non-invasively
And more - the covid swabs which swabbed the cribriform plate which is right on the brain probably had this tech in them too.
Whatever this shot does probably connects to 5G, just like everyone feared.
I am not going to say what this Article on Sputnik News is about, (and you'll understand when you see it) just click it. I guarantee it is worth it.
FACT: There are over 2,000 gay exclusive parasite infections possible. A majority are not noticed. Such a worm may well be one of them.
ON THIS PAGE (scroll down:) WHAT IF all the blood clots are happening because the shot released a bunch of nanobots, which attacked the blood to steal the iron from it's hemoglobin so they could build something at the injection site that is making magnets stick? I BET that's not a "what if".
And I'll make a bet that eventually they'll transport at least part of that structure to the right hand or forehead . . . . .
Russian virus software company Kaspersky: CIA behind Colonial pipeline attack
Well, it did not take a virus company to tell me that!!!
And I'll add something - I am suspicious of that crack on the bridge. I think someone cut that. There's no rust coming off the crack which during it's development should have had rust drips coming off of it yet it's just a perfect cut. I don't know what saw they'd have used for that because the beam is about half as tall as a semi, but you know, with the mossad running around they'd find a way to get it done. That could have been done with a big band saw and under the conditions it would not have been cut straight, it would have looked pretty much like that. The beam is so big someone could have cut that from the inside also with a modified cutoff saw. Come on now, does this look like a crack that's been developing since the 1960's, or does this look like a brand new cut??? And the ridiculous timeline to repair is suspicious also, if they wanted to they'd get a barge under that, control the water levels with the lock system to keep it all stable and fix that in a couple days. That metal is clearly not degraded, they'd get perfect welds.
It looks like a brand new cut on metal that was in perfect condition. This does not look like it developed over time, if this crack developed, where are the rust stains? ANSWER: The CIA assessed that the public was not buying the bullshit, settled on a 4 million payout to make it all plausible, and they at least still have both Mississippi cargo traffic and a key land traffic artery shut down.
After watching a lot of magnets stick to vaccines and hearing what people are saying, my conclusion is:
The needles being used for the vax are too small for an ID chip and an ID chip, even at full size, probably would not be enough to attract a magnet.
If they are going to have nanobots build a magnetic structure in the body, those nanobots have to work with whatever the body has available to do it with. The only readily available source of magnetic metal in the body is hemoglobin in the blood, where a nano tech device could get iron to build something with. I don't think a shot alone that was only 1CC or less could have made people THAT magnetic. They are VERY magnetic. which means whatever is under their skin making that happen had to come from their own bodies if a magnet will stick to it right through their skin.
At first I figured it might just be the shot and that you'd need a neodymium magnet to see the effect. But ordinary ceramic magnets and flexible refrigerator magnets also work, and they work with force, often over an area 4 inches square. It is not a fringe effect. Something serious is going on with this, that involves the body being instructed to build something that is either metallic or emits a magnetic field.
WHAT IF all the blood clots are happening because the shot released a bunch of nanobots, which attacked the blood to steal it's hemoglobin so they could build something at the injection site? I BET that's not a "what if".
Alex FINALLY featured the magnetic Covid vax
So the question is, now that Alex has this, what they are going to do? His audience is so huge it is going to be a real problem shutting it up, especially since anyone with a magnet can prove it is true, the elite can't just go to these people who are now magnetic and take it all back. They might have been able to bury my half million or so views but they simply won't bury Alex and his 10 million plus once everyone links it out. Snopes can't even troll this, but you can bet Snopes will try.
Things are going to get real interesting now. What on EARTH are the psychopaths going to do now that their vax has been provably and demonstrably busted? Think anyone is going to be going in for THAT? Think anyone is going to be going in for their regularly scheduled updates? Probably not!!! They have about 5 percent of the global population nailed with this, that will be enough for the freak show. WAY MORE THAN ENOUGH. Every single case will be a nuclear weapon against their con job. A lot of people might be stupid enough to get the vax absent this new revelation, but now that people are all over the place that can prove it is not actually a vax it is GAME OVER.
What is the tribe going to do now? Blow a bridge? Set off a nuke? Do an alien scare? They need SOMETHING - ANYTHING - they don't want to give up. Their credibility is so horribly doxxed over this they'll never get over it. They are totally primed to do something truly horrific now, (as if the vax was not horrific enough) - it definitely was - but they will probably want something that works a whole lot faster than poking people with needles now. Let's just hope to God the shedder spreaders don't finish the job for them. Let's all hope they did not hit critical mass yet.
Surprise! This does not look like a conspiracy. It is a good reason to shut I-40 down
Get the Covid vax, go to hell?
And he causeth ALL to receive the mark . . . . . The scriptures do not say people took the mark by their own choice, the scriptures say IT WAS CAUSED. "All" is a bit subjective, because the bible also explicitly states that there will be those who gained victory over the mark, with the not so explicit part of that being that those who avoid the mark will probably be homeless as a result, eating pigeons and trash. If you really want to refuse the mark because you believe in God, you're going to have to prove it by suffering deep hardship.
As a side note, I always figured the best place to get through this time period would be the Mississippi delta region where it floods, IF you can find a spot in that region where there's dry ground long enough to grow crops. You'll get all the catfish and critters you need to survive, and your mosquito repellent will have to be smoke. That's how the Indians squelched the mosquitos, a fire right in the center of the teepee. They probably smelled GREAT but that would be a LOT better than being eaten alive, and to top it off, the smoke is a natural and very effective antiseptic.
One negative aspect of that region is that the critter thing goes both ways - you'll easily catch enough to survive, but you also have to survive THEM. Lots will eat you and it is getting worse.
One positive aspect of that region is it is totally drone hostile and you can vanish into the swamp a lot more easily than you can vanish anywhere else. Home in a Banyan tree or cypress grove . . . . the waters only go so high . . . .
Another side note - Mosquitoes are a real threat
No one should try being outside without at least a $20 tent that seals off perfect, the mosquitoes will destroy anyone who has no protection at all. And if you are trying to stay hid, a small tent is far better than a big one.
Vile pro-lesbian Army recruitment video
THIS is the Army that sat on it's @ss and let the election be stolen.
THIS is the Army that supported a blatant obvious coup.
THIS is the Army that is failing to defend the country from domestic enemies who are distributing a poison jab.
And if anyone had any doubt that type of corruption is what the Army is made of, this lesbian video ought to at least be enough to make total idiots consider there might really be something wrong and they sold it GOOD. WHAT a sales pitch!
Back in the day, the ENTIRE new testament fit on a 1.44 meg floppy. That's not too much to read, is it?
Pipeline update:
HERE IS A GOOD ONE: Your Microsoft "daily covid pass"
Things that probably should not be ignored that I am not interested in
Over 120 retired military generals and other top brass declared Biden stole the election
Trump is cracking off a few good comments from his new web site also, but I am not interested, because people who are thrown out via a coup HAVE NO CLOUT, as are people who are "former presidents". What can Trump do now? Jared kept Trump on a leash until all was lost, and it really is lost.
I am not interested in Gretchen Whitmer shutting down a pipeline to Canada.
I am not interested in the mars probe or helicopter
The blades on the drone should have been thin plastic that kept it's shape only from the stresses put on it by the way it was bent. Instead, we got solid molded blades, and that's BULLSHIT when daisy wheel blades which weigh truly damn near nothing and can still be strong enough to do the job should have been used. By the time the blades the mars copter supposedly uses produced useful lift, they'd break the sound barrier, cavitate, and lift NOTHING. The daisy wheel blades would not work in earth's atmosphere for practically anything at all, but on Mars, by the time you spun those up significantly, centripital force would have helped them hold their shape and they'd be taking ENORMOUS bites of air, which is exactly what you'd need on Mars. Jet engines work with blades that work on the ground at altitudes close to mimicking mars only because at max altitudes all are supersonic and are functioning half way as ram jets. You get NONE of that advantage with a stationary drone on mars, pinwheel blades are what would have actually worked. The second I saw what it had, I called B.S. but had already called B.S. so I did not even bother with it. Until a slow boring day, when I'm discussing "things that I am not interested in". I am not a believer. They stole the cash, ran simulations to fool a few dupes at "mission control", and that's the end of it. The paint bucket sky itself that I mentioned earlier proved they did not program the simulator right, - a total lackey common core screw up.
Sadly, I have even lost interest in what Israel is doing.
Israel is taking paper tubes with D sized rocket motors (or larger) - motors made for model rocketry that can only push a paper tube, and THAT's what THEY THEMSELVES are launching at themselves. Any stories about damage in Israel are total bunk, it is all just a show because Israel wants Palestine out of the way for the formation of the "eretz Israel" which must happen before #(*&$^(*@*(&$#b (insert Jewish bullshit) and I'll follow with the truth - this stuff has to happen before the battle of armageddon, and "that bastard borne to a profound whore" according to them returns to kick their asses.
I won't mince words, that's exactly what is going on, and all the while they claim to be for God, they live on a mountain of lies - "The vax is safe". "The election was not stolen". "The earth is warming because of us". And yada yada, you know the gig and it is going to DAMN THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE WINNING ON LIES AND DECEPTION ALONE, AND WHO IS THE KING OF LIES? YOU KNOW WHO. It sure is not the God they claim to worship!!!
So they are screwing themselves over big, while seeking their "victory". Satan may have been powerful but he is simply not going to cut it as their protector when all their hens come home. The christian scriptures are quite clear about how everything God made got corrupted by those bastards so badly that God himself had to come and fix it.
Zealotry works in cults. And that's exactly what they have become - a doomsday destroy EVERYONE ELSE in the world CULT "so they own it all" when God returns as their prophecies state they will at that time. This would ALL BE GOLDEN for them, and submissible as righteous scripture if they got it all by being honest. God told them to lead the world and take ownership by righteous example - by being so righteous they automatically win it all. That sure as hell is not reality. They failed in that regard all the way out to divide by zero. Scripture makes it perfectly clear GOD HATES LIARS, and if everything the Jewish people are is based on what God hates, what's he going to do to them when he comes back????
Rumors about the pipeline:
Second fact problem with this story is that there was no virus attack on the pipeline itself. All of the hardware and controls are secure, it works 100 percent. They switched it off because the computers in the offices that bill what goes through it don't work. The pipeline itself works just fine. A national emergency could be declared to have the gas on NOW, with the gov taking up the slack via emergency funding, and they won't do that because it is not part of the plan.
RUMOR: There's no problem at all, and they switched it off so they could reserve the fuels it carries for war. Israel really wants a war now, and why would they want that?
WHY would Israel want war RIGHT NOW, on an emergency timetable?
What does the tribe do when it can't get it's way? It starts killing people and breaking things, that's what. And under war powers, they COULD force everyone to get that damn vax, like it or not.
Here is what I think:
Americans: You can kill half the population with a bioweapon shot, but as long as you don't take their guns, they won't shoot!!!
11 different videos of magnets sticking to the vaccine site
What I learned from these vids: It is not a spurious weak effect. It sticks with enough force to attract weak refrigerator magnets. You do not need a neodymium magnet to test this. AND, you can forget MRI's, probably forever because the magnet sticks to weeks old shots just as strongly as it sticks to shots from the same day. This means it is not dispersing. I don't know what to say.
The site may have been boring with this being for the most part the only topic for 2.5 days (3 before I do more updates), but this site is the one that broke this, and it was worth it. The genie is out of the bottle.
I wonder how long it will take Natural News and Alex and Rense to pick up on this . . . . UPDATE, Rense has this now.
UPDATE: The I-40 bridge in Memphis is now closed
UPDATE: Nothing is wrong with the Colonial pipeline. They shut it down by choice because with problems on the IT side of their business, they were afraid they would not be able to do accurate billing. We were promised an oil shortage, and we got it!
To my surprise, a lot of people are having a hard time believing the following post about magnets sticking to a fresh covid injection. However, if you're not supposed to get an MRI for 6-10 weeks after the shot, I beg to question why not? WHY NOT?? Answer: Because you can't put magnetic materials into an MRI, and the shot needs to totally disperse, because it is indeed magnetic. And how would it be magnetic? Nanobots, obviously.
Covid jab CONFIRMED: Magnets stick to a fresh covid jab.
I have now confirmed the shot probably contains nanobots, because you are supposed to wait 6 - 10 WEEKS after the shot before you get a MRI most likely because the nanobots have to disperse or the MRI will rip your arm apart. PROOF OF THIS IS RIGHT BELOW THE VIDEO. IT IS NOT BULLSHIT.
That's a strong attraction. How's that going to work in an MRI???
LET ME GUESS: People appear to be dis-connected from their souls and many notice they have been dis-connected and change in big ways after the shot because those nanobots go into your brain (or wherever else they are supposed to go) and they physically sever the body/soul connection. I BET I AM RIGHT.
There probably is no coronavirus, but the spike protein alone would do enough.
What if all they did was spread a spike protein around where people would breathe it in, and it was failing to successfully spread well enough, so they started jabbing everyone they could with it?
Site upgrade underway.
Obrador has accused the Biden administration of plotting a coup in Mexico, and he's right.
The political opposition is accepting illegal money from Washington DC to fund massive ad campaigns intended to oust the Morena party that supports Obrador. They are constantly running ads calling Obrador and Morena the death of Mexico, while they say "This is what Obrador did to the children" and then they drop concrete slabs on musical instruments, in addition to dropping slabs on "great accomplishments" and saying That's what Obrador is doing to Mexico. The commercials are very well done but ridiculous on their face - and I asked Claudia if she thinks the Mexican people would actually believe that. She said the idiots will. And an idiot's opinion still matters in a democracy. The Mexican media has become just like CNN so I can't tolerate watching it, but that's what I noticed from what little I do watch.
Obrador has traced the money funding this back to Washington DC, while Washington is also beefing up the cartels in more than fast-and-furious type operations, in addition to assisting them with corrupted border policies to help them get additional drug money to give them the power to oust Obrador. Obrador has had excellent success in reducing cartel activity, and Biden/Harris are doing all they can to reverse that. What can you expect? That's what the scamming criminal American left does.
ABC international reported: "Much has changed the attitude of the Mexican president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, towards the White House after the departure of Donald Trump. At his first major meeting with the US vice president, who has recently assumed the task of solving the migration crisis at the border, the Mexican president has come accusing his northern neighbor of interventionist and financier of coup plotters, to which he has added the rudeness of communicating to Kamala Harris that she was not going to stay for the entire meeting - held virtually by the pandemic - for other commitments. Even so, in the face to face, Lopez Obrador has said: "Let's seek understanding, don't fight."
My comment: He obviously knows what is going on, and has taken a delicate approach, which might not be appropriate when the Terminator is after both him and Mexico. He's in a difficult spot, and all I can say is that Mexico is now getting a good look at what vote fraud in America truly looks like. The American people sure as hell did not ask for this or vote for it.
I have noticed that quite a few Mexicans are fooled by the con job media and as a result don't like Obrador. They don't realize that Obrador is the reason why Mexico is still for the most part normal after the Covid scam, Obrador was handed the literal "kobayashi maru" and has thus far saved the ship.
Israeli attack on Al-Aqusa probably a hoax.
FACE IT: The world is racist. (or so they'd have you think!)
DEPRESSION: A well known reader and supporter asked me for help with his daughter's depression, here it is:
First of all, NEVER put her on antidepressants because they will only set her back. Here is what is more likely to work, and some of it may be hard to get away with:
Modern society is at war with communists who invoke thoughts, lifestyles, and attitudes that lead straight into depression. The happiest women are comfortable with NOT going to college for the brainwashing and have families by the time they are 18, IF they find a decent man. You don't get to see decent women do that in the U.S. a whole lot anymore, but Mexico, where this is common, proves it. The depressed girls are all in college while there are enormous numbers of happy young home makers. Women are not psychologically equipped to be without children and family, it is what they are made for and anyone who says otherwise is a fool, and I don't care how they got that way.
You'll always hear "I am SO GLAD I went to college and SO HAPPY WITH MY LIFE, please pass the zoloft! The women that go into the colleges end up so depressed that's a completely normal outcome. They are "so happy with their independence" they need antidepressants to get through it. That's a cold hard reality, a majority of college girls do not have a "chemical imbalance," instead, they are depressed because the professors shredded their existence while feigning good and making them "independent". Biology is a lot more assertive than a brainwash, the women will NOT be happy and the rampant antidepressant apocalypse is the result.
The above is the #1 cause of depression. Childless homes after a college brainwash, and visits to the college recommended "toy store" as a substitute. Women are not made for that, it will destroy their happiness EVERY TIME unless they are some sort of mechanical fruit cake and that does happen.
If there is a biological reason for the depression, here is what I have discovered
I don't know if you will be able to convince your daughter to eat more salt if she's not getting enough, the brainwash in that regard is very thorough.
You mentioned she's been depressed since long before college (in your social class, college is assumed.)
Let me guess her mom was not the nicest, but on top of that failed to discipline your daughter. I'd bet that's the case. Let me guess that when YOU went to discipline your daughter, her mom got in the way. And now, let me tell you hard fact:
Kids that never got discipline are always unhappy and depressed. ALWAYS. Kids need an anchor and it has to be carefully balanced between discipline and kindness. Too much discipline is far better than no discipline however. The kid who is too disciplined won't be as happy as possible, but will be a LOT happier than one that was not. You can spoil the hell out of a kid, and if you keep solid discipline in place as a reference, you'll never end up with a "spoiled brat". And even without spoiling, the kid might not expect much but won't be happy if there's never a reference to tell them where "center" is.
That's my comment on your situation, and I'll guarantee you'll never find that on the web, that would probably trigger bans.
My final advice to sum it up, without enough information to fully assess your situation:
2. No fluoride from any source.
3. EAT SALT, AND I MEAN IT. Salt everything to "yummy", your body will tell you if you got too much because it won't be yummy anymore.
4. If you are in a position to, apply the "thundering velvet hand". This probably won't work at her age or if a college professor destroyed her but if you can manage that, it will probably do wonders.
There used to be boot camps people could go to for situations like this, but they are probably all "woke" now and if so, they'll do more harm than good. Such places can hit "reset" if they are any good, even if your daughter's behavior is not bad and she's just depressed, hitting reset can work wonders. If you can find one that has not been turned to garbage she might come out happy and stay happy. That's thunder without a lot of velvet.
One more thing: Demonic posession can take the form of depression. You don't always turn into something rabid. What happens is whatever the entity can influence someone towards that gives the demon pleasure, and they thrive on suffering. A scapular might work, if it will work it will feel to her like she put on poison (for a while). This is a stretch but it's worth a shot, the other reasons I mentioned are probably more likely but we had a kid in this extended family freak out over a proper scapular. After enforced wearing, the kid TOTALLY changed, and I mean TOTALLY. This kid went from being nothing but stark raving screaming trouble to a total model angel from that alone. Absolutely nothing else was done, the scapular alone did it.
A very interesting study of the covid test swabs was done
Going over the slides I did recognize one item - a "morgellons" microbe that is a weaponized GMO form of Dictyostelium discoideum which was chosen as a weapons platform because it is so able to withstand harsh conditions and immune to all antibiotics. The only thing that will wipe it out is thymol. I have actually looked into Morgellons deeply but have not posted about it here much. However, after I looked over the slides I noticed two things that are a feature of the morgellons microbe - a hook shaped structure that can penetrate cell walls, and the ability of multiple organisms to bond together and form structures. Dictyostelium discoideum has an ability to penetrate other micro organisms and cells, and it is used for both predatory reasons and sexual reproduction (that microbe has sexual, asexual, and communal reproductive abilities) and for the sexual reproduction ability it stabs itself through the microbe it is going to reproduce with. If it wants to eat another microbe it either engulfs it or stabs it. That structure is visible in one of the microscope slides.
On one of the slides you'll see the microbes attached to each other to form a larger organism, and the stabber is showing on the one on the top.
Additionally, Dictyostelium discoideum has an ability to bond and form multi-cellular communal structures that are also a feature of morgellons. This is what the fibers and patterns are that people see in morgellons.
Look up what Dictyostelium discoideum can form in the wild, and then compare it to what morgellons forms in the body. It is a match, and there's no way that microbe belongs on a test swab, GMO weponized form or not.
It was very convenient for the morgellons coverup - "Ah, Dictyostelium discoideum! That can't prey on people. You contaminated your slide!" That microbe is so common such a ruse would work.
Man walks out with his covid shot still in the vial
Contractor for masks in Belgium was a shady shell company, and the masks may have contained the disease - SEE THIS.
VERY SCARY: Distributors back buying lumber from retailers
I think so.
This is ominous, I think they are liquidating society and getting rid of materials society needs to build with. Why sell materials to a society that is on the way out?
Tesla owners are going to pay the price soon enough also when electricity goes through the roof.
5.99 gas??? THAT is what vote fraud looks like.
A CBS news video that quotes lower prices and then shows a gas station sign at $5.99 is HERE.
An anonymous social media post NAILED IT:
All those dead vaxxed people is what they use to promote a new strain.
Stupid sheep go baaaaa.
And rush in to take vax...
Which kills them..
Which they call a new tripple mutant strain.
The stupid sheep go baaaa.
And rush in to take vax...
Which kills them.
Which they call the super dooper quadruple mutant strain.
All the stupid sheep go baaaa...
And rush in to take the vax...
Is the internet glitchy today or is it just me?
Some people are saying Trump's new web site will not load
It is simply not the same anymore.