"Kamala cannot be president" is making the rounds after Biden's 3d render glitch
Here are the facts regarding the world we now live in: There's no such thing as law. Thieves and thugs have seized the federal government. They are so tasteless and unqualified that when in front of top world leaders they appear like club scene stoners with dyed hair. That belongs at Shanique's salon, NOT AT A GLOBAL CONFERENCE. We are being insulted by those who stole the election.
Here is the reality we live in: We have a trans and obviously evil assistant secretary of health, making decisions about children. We have an election that was run on broken law, where in all important areas the entire foundation was fraudulent, and then the fraudulent foundation was used to steal it and the courts would not even acknowledge that the entire foundation it was run from was fraudulent, with rules put in place that happened totally outside the legal process. For that alone, it's not a legit election, and THAT is what blue screen Biden, not qualified to fill the role Kamala, Miss Purple Hair on the world stage and the trans secretary of health rode in on. It's all fake, and all a fraud.
IN THIS SITUATION, DO YOU REALLY THINK KAMALA NOT BEING QUALIFIED TO BE EVEN VICE PRESIDENT WILL BE BLOCKED FROM BECOMING PRESIDENT? I don't think so, because the law has already been 100 percent broken, it will be whatever those who staged the coup want. Kamala CANNOT be even Vice President because that position may require you to become president and you HAVE TO qualify for that. You can forget the American gun owner making a difference too. Evidently all we are going to see as far as action from gun owners is more FBI fronted fakery with their paid goons to justify taking the guns.
FACT: The Pfizer CEO has not had any Corona vax yet, let alone the Pfizer shot. All for thee, and none for me!!! I won't even eat cake.
A few quick, but very important items
Everyone walked out after exhibit A, there will be no exhibit B today.
Toyota has warned, and is continuing to warn the world not to switch to electric cars too fast
Toyota is stating straight up that there's no way the electrical infrastructure is going to be able to handle having everyone driving electric cars, especially with leftists shutting down as much generating capacity as they possibly can. Toyota is also stating that electric cars are going to continue to be expensive into the forseeable future. And Toyota is also pointing out that only 2 percent of the U.S. car fleet is electric at this time, so real problems are being totally obscured by this.
In Mexico, you can get 400 watt panels brand new on the (real) market, (not Home Depot) for about $130 USD.
At home depot, even in Mex, that same panel costs over $600 from the exact same manufacturer. So it will be key to not get ripped off for this -
Let's say you buy an electric car for $30,000 because the price dropped a bit. IF you then turned around and bought $3000 worth of panels that were priced fairly, you'd get 10,000 watts of generating capacity and your car itself would be the battery, you could skip that cost. Such a solar array could be arranged to provide whatever DC voltage the car was set up to accept (and that can be done, very easily.) With such a setup, you'd get about 45 miles of driving from one hour of charge at Tesla's ratings, and there are other electric cars that would go farther. These panels would not be on the car, obviously. But if you pushed that out to an entire day of charging under good conditions, you'd get the equivalent of about 6 hours of full sun, and put hundreds of miles of range on the car in one whack for nothing but a small additional expense at time of purchase.
Additionally, if your car was in use during prime charging time, you could put a grid tie inverter on those panels and send the power out during peak hours and then take it all back at night, for free. Solar panels may become a standard add on to any electric car purchase in the near future. If you can skip the storage part of the solar equation and use the car for that, solar (can be) very cheap to do.
Trump just made a very important statement
Someone has something to hide. They are not telling the truth. If they had succeeded in killing him, the story would have been the usual: He got drunk and crashed.
Woods has likely stated what actually happened, but in a world where the president passes through microphones you'll never hear it.
The volcano in Iceland just blew. The magma is super hot
Wishing them the best for more reasons than my own, I hope they get 500 square miles of new land in the best direction possible.
The eruption is supposedly VERY noxiously gassy, which means Thunberg will soon be complaining about how diesel trucks are choking spotted owls. They don't care about how things correlate, if they can hatch a story about global air quality and never mention this eruption, you can safely bet they will. This one, despite being a rather mild (yet high volume) eruption is a very stinky one.
There have been changes since I last posted to what the real story is with this eruption (overnight it went from a "once every 14,000 year eruption" that will "probably persist for hundreds of years" to "A probably benign once every 6000 years (there's that number again)" eruption. Wait and see I guess.
A few random items
Biden "stumbled on the stairs to air force one????" Not hardly. After their fake of Biden they just got busted for, they need to convincingly humanize the corpse so they released a "poke fun" video of him tripping to "prove he's actally not spawning amoebas". AND PEOPLE GOT SUCKERED BY IT. I don't believe the Biden tripping video is anything other than an AI generating it, the microphones told the WHOLE story without picking up a voice or noise at all. How could they? They were just bytes off a hard drive.
Breaking: The states that had the highest COVID vaccination rates are now getting outbreaks of COVID more than the states with the lowest vaccination rates. I'm sure they will find a way to push that one away, they lie about everything.
A judge has ruled the details of Ghislaine Maxwell are too sensational and unpure to reveal to the public. Because that's a secret after all, we have absolutely NO RIGHT TO KNOW. In a world where an enormous segment of the population plays video games where they realistically spread guts everywhere, we can't get the details about Ghislaine because they are too "unpure". HOW CUTE. Like I said, we need a crater so deep starting just south of Arlington and ending just south of Baltimore - SO DEEP we get a nice new expanse of ocean. That's the only way to solve "we can't give you the details" while the FBI goes around shooting up asians and blaming whitie. How about THAT for "sensational" and "unpure"??? They'll certainly air THAT all day.
LOTS of social media posts about prices skyrocketing in the U.S. HERE IS REALITY:
Check the USD to PESO exchange rate. It has been hovering right around 20 since before COVID. Since that ratio is stable, if there was a legit reason for prices in the U.S. to skyrocket it should reflect with the ratio of pesos to dollars dropping. That ratio is not dropping.
All other items, from bicycles to tires to microwaves to TV's to yoghurt to rice to Ramen to fresh tomatoes to YOU NAME IT are the same in Mex as they always were. If the prices are going up in the U.S., someone is SCREWIN YA. There's no reason for this at all, COVID cannot be blamed.
Death toll in Iraq now an admitted 2.3 million
This all happened before I was doing this site, but I was still online screaming about the official lie. The U.S. MSM was claiming U.S. forces were doing only precision strikes and only killed a few thousand (or hundreds of) Iraqis, depending on the day and who was lying. That was not the case AT ALL. Here is what really happened in Iraq:
The U.S. went in and carpet bombed and killed hundreds of thousands of people at a time. The worst example of this was the city of Najaf, where the U.S. military sealed off the city and attempted to kill every single man there. They totally leveled sections of that city so badly that absolutely nothing was recognizable, it was rendered to dust. In that ONE city and ONE assault alone, they killed a minimum of 270,000 people.
Now, years later, the truth about how brutal the U.S. forces were is starting to creep out. They were, in reality, horrific beyond belief. Punish a single soldier for doing "un-needed killings there"? Like what was in the news when Trump did a pardon? THAT'S BULLSHIT, all done for optics to maintain an illusion of righteousness. The reality was that they butchered wholesale and those that were not killed were, at an extremely high ratio maimed while depleted uranium (the preferred choice for American combat there) poisoned the ground so badly that future generations are now dealing with extremely high rates of birth defects.
The U.S. was doing THIS KIND OF BULLSHIT: They attached magnets to the jet rotors and coils to the cowlings to form enormous generators that were then used to power extremely nasty microwave transmitters they'd swoop down on people with, and turn the liquid inside their eyeballs into opaque and permanent cataracts. I was getting posts from American soldiers laughing about how small animals would instantly burst into flames when hit by that.
But for me, that's a 15 year old rant. Bush was responsible for that and he used 911 that HE DID as an excuse. Nice guy he was. On to the next atrocity I guess, which is shaping up to be the COVID vax.
So now we are supposed to believe green screen Biden said Putin is a killer with no soul. That's quite a claim, when the Biden presented has no heart, no spleen, no left or right hands and NO BRAIN. He's probably got a trillion amoebas and perhaps a few grubs burrowing through him by now.
Hey, there's a Russian sub missing now. One nicely placed if it can get through the strait of Gibraltar undetected. HEY PUTIN, GIVE AMERICA A NICE 4th of July show. If the American gun owner is nothing but a scaredy cat that can have it's treat taken, maybe Putin can do the job the American gun owner obviously won't do with a whole bunch of 10 megaton corrections on the 4th of July. Too bad a sub can't launch Tsar Bomba. Putin knows we did not ask for this sh*t. Let's all hope the guy has enough of a heart to do us all a favor.
PLEASE DO NOT USE KILOTONS!!!! Do not waste your efforts. For god's sake and ours, DO NOT USE KILOTONS.
No multiple warhead missiles, PUT THE SINGLE BIG ONES ON. America does not need suggestions, America needs results. A crater from just south of Arlington to just south of Baltimore.
The best possible outcome to the Deagel report would be:
If the Deagel report instead worked out like the Ukraine genocide and the heartland was targeted by the left and wiped out, the entire underpinning of America would be destroyed and in the end, within a year or two, there would be NOTHING AT ALL left. 100 million losers and parasites would wear the graces of China thin in a damn hurry and "learning to code" would not be a way out of it.
The following was posted AFTER the hacks, but it might cause more:
You get an unstable and noisy AM reciever that can at least do a fairly good job of locking onto a distant AM music station and, with POOR sound quality that has good frequency response play that loudly through submerged speakers. That is the ONE THING the NSA and no listening device can counter, the incoming signal is too unpredictable with static and noise for them to use anything to effectively filter it out. By the time they are done "filtering" your submarine noises will be gone too.
Might as well start shitcanning it all, rather than support this PATHETIC TREASONOUS NOT ELECTED REGIME.
Don't even bother with digital noise makers or any other noise makers, they can handle that and phase cancel all of them perfectly. What they cannot handle is a shitty AM station. They simply can't predict and filter that. It is hopeless. It is the only thing that will work.
The best method would probably be to set up a very shitty AM transmitter on the same ship as the reciever at very low power (a few milliwatts) use a very powerful but not too stable receiver and then intentionally have it not pick up well. Have the signal get mixed with a bunch of switch clicks or whatever else, perhaps there will be enough trash in the environment for you to do nothing like that (the NSA never bothered with that, the environment was always enough) Play a bunch of polkas and old country tunes. Make sure they are good and staticky but still partially understandable. Pipe them through underwater speakers. It'l screw all efforts to hear small noises.
This is a factual bona-fide method the NSA used to bury all efforts to intercept audio in unusual situations that had a large area where listening devices could be a problem. It is not suitable for small rooms because the radio would have to be talked over. The radio has to be loud but far away and possible to talk under. Your sub will definitely "talk under". The ocean is perfect. Absolutely perfect. The AM radio method works far better than any commercial jammer because no matter what the advertising says, the NSA will figure out a way around it. AM radio is different. It is a big secret. It is what works. AM noise and distortion with poor signal is simply too unpredictable for anything in existence to handle. You DO want your polkas and old country tunes, don't just use AM noise.
You'd probably want to use thousands of watts and point the speakers down on a mountain or other rough surface to ramdomize it all and foil directional sensors.
A MESSAGE TO THE PENTAGON: If you are going to sit on your asses and support a regime you know is out to destroy us, I want you to lose. To hell with you.
The early headlines which I ignored claimed Putin only recalled one. That's not newsworthy. But there is now news surfacing that following major insults from "Biden" - the man who is not - Putin recalled ALL AMBASSADORS to the United States. That's a prelude to war.
So here we have a "president" so phony he only exists in a computer. Trolls are trying desperately to call anyone who notices the green screen error "crazy", "delusional" "stupid" "too simple to see what really happened" and everything else possible which means THAT was a legitimate blooper, they did not want that getting out as some have claimed. Confirmed: BIDEN IS NOT PRESIDENT, SO WHO IS REALLY INSULTING PUTIN?