Cut it short, there are reactions, even strange behavior. You be the judge. 

Stumbled across this and it is differet enough to post by itself:

My neighbor was vaxxed and then basically his family took his keys he was in such a brain fog. Nearly had 3 wrecks. Truckers and cops reported impaired people having many single car wrecks, weaving, acting drunk - only common denominator is a recent vax. The people know they are screwed up but don't realize how bad.

People also showing ambien-like effects where they are dream-walking: going to stores, have strange interactions and remembering nothing of it later. Doctor friend told me this has happened to SEVERAL patients and they have no answers. One lady approached her SIL for sex. She is not the type and remembers nothing of it. This crap can break up families. She later approached a neighbor for sex. ASLEEP THE WHOLE TIME. What a disaster. On top of that it will probably also wreck your immune system and kill you at some point.

A comment: We have noticed older people (who qualified for the vax earlier) are now often seen(by us, directly):

Backing out into busy traffic without looking, one almost hit a car when was stopped at the light and the car had to go psycho on the horn while they kept backing up despite that and car avoided the fender bender by pulling right up to the bumper in front of us-

Super psycho idiots simply backing out into other busy traffic without a care in the world, traffic that's going 50mph and only miracles stop the crashes. I have NEVER seen this before, EVER, it's totally unaware backing with no consideration whatsoever.

Lots of people coming to very abrupt halts and blocking high speed traffic that could smash them to smithereens, and they stay paused for a LONG TIME, and then after being completely stopped, turn off the road at an absolute snail's pace. I have NEVER seen that before, and it is happening a lot now. It's as if they can no longer calculate how to slow down and turn off the road in one move.

Totally weird and erratic parking, with no consideration to the parking lines. That NEVER used to happen, at least in this town EVERYONE paid attention to that detail, until now.

We are changing driving habits to allow ways to accelerate away from being rear-ended (at least more than we already was) and we don't think green lights are really green anymore, they are instead light initiated stop signs and you had damn well better look before crossing. Really got a fantastic look at the traffic situation, it is simply not the same anymore.

It is FAR WORSE than having a bunch of drunk drivers on the road, because at least drunk drivers are still functioning and thinking, they are just doing it drunk. What we saw today was people driving as if they were totally mentally impaired, as if they were missing whole pieces of their brains. Processing not done at all. Not like they are processing traffic while drunk, they are simply not processing it at all.

And By The Way: No, the FDA has never approved any corona vax

This is to make this topic clear because trolls are slamming social media today saying the vaxxes are approved. They are not approved. Here is what is going on: 

Authorized for use does not mean approved. The approval process would rule these vaxxes out, so administration of them was accomplished via subversion. They could not get decent people to approve them, so they bypassed that. It is called a coup, subversion, and there's nothing more to the story.

When people start twitching out en masse, (probably in August, see the next post written by a communist who obviously knows something) the FDA can just say they never approved it, so they are clean. And they are not.


"I have a startup company and as such I work every day of the week. Every day I'm on the road heading back and forth from home to my office in the Raleigh-Durham area via I-40. 

Recently, I have noticed a massive uptick in seemly bizarre accidents. Vehicles of all kinds, usually singular, running off the road and crashing. Not in bad weather. Not in the middle of the night. Just all of the a sudden. 

I have also noticed folks driving kind of "dazed" looking, weaving about, stopping erratically and in particular not driving at speed -- usually like 10 mph below the speed limit on secondary roads, but very fast on primaries. 

I've driven in the local market for a very long time and I have not seen this kind of behavior before. Wondering if its the beginning of Vaxxed brain damage of some kind???" 


Now that you mention it...its been happenning here in aus too. 

Just a spate of pointless accidents. 

No cause...just running off the road into ditches and rivers...into poles...into other cars.. 

For no reason. 

Not even speeding. 

Its like everyone is having sudden heart attacks or blackouts behind the wheel. 


I've been noticing this over the past 2 to 3 weeks but it has become really much more pronounced in the last week. 

I also seen something similar with parking. I see people driving around parking lots looking for a spot to park in, driving past open spots repeatedly and then finally choosing some random spot to park in. Like they couldn't "choose" one. Really strange. 


Maine here. Delivery driver. 

Definitely good observation that i have made myself. The part about people driving ridiculously slow now, barely even keeping with the speed limit. I don't even wait for them anymore, I usually blow past them in the opposite lane, get a quick look at them, and there is definitely a light being dimmed in the upstairs department. 

Really getting bad in the last few weeks, luckily I am in vacation so I have avoided the roads, so can't say if things have gotten worse, but its to the point that i had many thoughts recently to quitting my delivery job. 

I honestly don't fear dying from a covid, my big fear is being taken out while driving by someone having a bad reaction to the vaccine. 


My father in law is aggressively pro-vax. In the the last couple of days he is having dizzy spells and is very light headed. He is vaxxed by the way. He has stopped driving due to these symptoms. Can see this causing many accidents among the vaxxed. 


I have observed a note worthy amount of head on collisions, and high impact with trees across the USA, Also a noteworthy amount of unrestrained operators 


 I've ridden in my sisters SUV in recent days with her to visit a hospitalized relative. She is a nurse and was vaxxed about 3 months ago. She was driving very erratically and sort of drifting though lanes. I've never known her to be in an accident in decades of driving... but she had some close calls the last couple of days. She doesn't push the vaxx as hard as she did back in January either.. possibly because she has had some symptoms might suspect the "kill shot"? But she doesn't mention anything 


Went out Friday- southern tier NY, very rural - shopping in Hornell. 

When I returned home I immediately told my spouse how crazy 19 was (towards the Interstate), many trucks driving right near the double lines, cars weaving as though the driver was in another world. 

Have you guys noticed anything like that in your areas?

Adverse Reactions are real, it's not an conspiracy b.s.

Table 1: Number of people who have received the first dose of a vaccination for COVID-19 in the UK between 8 December 2020 and end of 21 April 2021.

CountryNumber of doses
England 27,891,208
Wales 1,727,455
Northern Ireland 883,813
Scotland 2,755,175

Table 2: Number of people who have received the second dose of a vaccination for COVID-19 in the UK between 8 December 2020 and end of 21 April 2021.

CountryNumber of doses
England 9,346,865
Wales 635,655
Northern Ireland 311,850
Scotland 635,655

As of 21 April, an estimated 11.2 million first doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and 22.0 million first doses of the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine, and 0.1 million first doses of the Moderna vaccine had been administered, and around 6.8 million and 4.4 million second doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine respectively.

The estimated number of doses administered differs from the estimated number of people vaccinated due to the different data sources used.

Table 3: Number of suspected ADR reports received in the UK up to and including 21 April 2021.

  Number of reportsNumber of reportsNumber of reports  
CountryPfizer/ BioNTechOxford University/AstraZenecaModernaBrand unspecified
England 41,168 130,431 144 283
Wales 3,013 6,696 38 31
Northern Ireland 1,131 1,557   4
Scotland 4,065 10,136 33

Table 4: Number of suspected thrombo-embolic events with concurrent thrombocytopenia ADR reports received for the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine in the UK up to and including 21 April 2021

CountryNumber of reports
England 169
Wales 7
Northern Ireland 5
Scotland 16
Unknown 12
Age range (years)Number of reportsNumber of fatal reports
18-29 24 6
30-39 28 8
40-49 30 4
50-59 59 12
60-69 31 6
70-79 20 3
80-89 5 2
90-99 1 0
Unknown 11 0
SexNumber of reportsNumber of fatal reports
Male 89 17
Female 120 24

For a medicine or vaccine to be considered safe, the expected benefits will be greater than the risk of having harmful reactions. It is important to note that most people take medicines and vaccines without having any serious side effects

To note, direct comparison of the summary provided here and the analysis prints is not possible. This is because this summary includes reports of CVST or other thrombo-embolic events with concurrent thrombocytopenia. Yellow Card reports may contain more than one reported reaction and the analysis prints are listed by individual reactions rather than whole reports. Therefore, summing the reactions listed in the prints will not equate to the total cases included within this summary.

COVID-19 mRNA Pfizer- BioNTech Vaccine Analysis Print Report Run Date: 26-Apr-2021 Data Lock Date: 21-Apr-2021 19:00:03 All UK spontaneous reports received between 9/12/20 to 21/04/21 for COVID-19 mRNA Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine

Repeate: For a medicine or vaccine to be considered safe, the expected benefits will be greater than the risk of having harmful reactions. It is important to note that most people take medicines and vaccines without having any serious side effects
Summary lets read that again:....without having any serious side effects.
206228 reports
722732 drug reactions
1032 people dead. 

About 33 million people have been vaccinated.


COVID, Health, Hälsa, Illness, News, Vaccine,


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