NOT RUMOR: Chinese state media really did label Soros a terrorist

I am not going to bother with links on this because I spent an hour and a half trying to hunt down the official state media release and all that is left is what sites like PressTV posted about it. I would prefer to have captured the actual page with that headline, where they really did say he's a terrorist but unfortunately China did not have the guts to back it up by leaving it posted after facing ridicule and I can say that as well as anyone else. Who, other than a total moron, sell out, or troll would ridicule China for saying something so obvious anyway? Certainly no one with any real credibility would. NOT DEAR CHINA, (but better than the tribe), WHEN YOU GET IT RIGHT, DO NOT RUN LIKE COWARDS AND DELETE IT WHEN YOU FACE RIDICULE. I cannot believe China was gutless enough to chicken out to Soros. Perhaps that is insight all by itself. IF YOU ARE RIGHT, YOU ARE RIGHT, NEVER TAKE THAT BACK. 

This is an important tweet

Psaki is held accountable for her B.S. by an unrelenting reporter. Psaki is also lying, because the Biden admin shut down the help line people stranded there were told to use. They can no longer contact anyone to say they are stranded. If you listen to the end, at the beginning it looks like they successfully got the Americans out, but her last line refutes that, YES, Americans ARE stranded there. So why did Biden shut the help line down? I usually don't pay attention to Psaki simply because she makes me gag. I know I am supposed to be "getting the latest" but with her, I can wait.


China is releasing it's own MRNA vax!!!

OUUCH, I will not be going for that even if China happens to be more trustworthy than Pfizer, I refuse to be modded and will go down in flames before accepting that. The book of revelations has in it that mankind corrupted (or polluted) the work of God to such an extent God had to fix it, and my guess is that even if China has good intentions (doubt that very much), but even if so, my guess is that "made in China" will not cut it.



Soros will obviously be behind the next genocide.

It is not only Australia, catastrophe is scheduled everywhere

This is the most important and well done video I have ever seen. It is essential, WATCH IT. "They" bought up all the shipping companies and invaded all sectors of government, and therefore we have THIS:


This video features people across Shipping, energy, and food sectors in America and Europe saying one thing: A disaster is being planned and orchestrated RIGHT NOW. The objective of a war is to control food and energy, thereby gaining control of the people. Usually that is done with bombs and bullets, but this time it was done via infiltration, and this video proves the war is lost. I won't bother with telling you to prepare because it is safe to assume you are not stupid.


People need to pay attention to Australia

The government there is clearly setting up a genocide. Here is what I think happened there:


50 years ago Australia was singled out by the "elite" as a potential survival stronghold for the white race. They did not want to wipe out the United States and Europe only to have their plans screwed over by "the land down under". They saw South Africa the same way and took action at around the same time, but South Africa was easier to destroy so it is already over with there. Australia was an entirely different story.


The plan with Australia was to keep life looking as normal as possible until the agents of the "elite" (who are the jewish community, I'll not kid anyone here) managed to successfully work as a team to infiltrate every institution they needed to accomplish a police state lockdown with no substantial resistance from the people. This involved the infiltration of all the police departments, municipalities, the national government, the local governments - any place there was a pressure point to apply forceful control, and they got them all. It would take fewer than 1,000 well placed people to accomplish this and the manner in which institutions function would complete the rest of the dirty work by default.


This same effort was applied to the merchant sector, where they put their people right at the pinch points to ensure the merchant sector would comply with orders to murder people via the denial of access to food and other essentials unless the people complied with orders from the institutional sector. This same situation is happening in Europe and the United States, but the United States was a very robust country that paid attention to things well enough to avoid a weapons ban. Australia on the other hand has no defense, and now that the infiltration is complete, we are going to see what the Jews want for ALL OF US. Never forget that it was predominantly the Jews who were the "pirates of the Carribean" as well as the ones running the slave trade, they have a real history of enslaving populations and have mastered the process. Australia is standing out from the rest of the world as a five star example of that process coming to fruition "out of nowhere".


Now that this process is complete Australia is seeing the consequences. There is absolutely no reason for any of the lockdowns but Australians are being punished for resisting the vax more than any other country. Prior to all of this they were only about 5 percent jabbed because they were not stupid. Something had to be done to get them under control and get them jabbed, and we are seeing that now - literally dead airspace above the country with not even parcel delivery of foreign packages happening. A totally communist style system where people are not allowed to go literally farther than you can yell without papers and approval to do so. Suddenly, overnight, Australia went from being a "free country" to a lockdown situation that is in excess of the old Soviet union and East Germany. Even in those locations, historically, you could at least walk all of Berlin and the outlying areas, not so in Australia, where you can now only go 2,000 meters. That's less than a casual fitness bike ride.


Here is proof Australia is going to murder an enormous portion of it's population: If you don't get their jab, (which will kill an enormous portion of the population) you will not be able to work. If you lose your job because you did not get jabbed, you cannot get unemployment. You will therefore eventually starve to death. Australia has already issued the mandate: Get jabbed or die. That has not happened anywhere else yet, and the speed at which it happened in Australia was literally overnight, the Jews merely activated their sleeper cells and threw the country in the waste basket overnight.


As of now, Australia is discussing forcing people to show proof of vaccination to buy food. That's not in place yet but one thing is clear: If "someone" saw fit to simply slam all of Australia into such a filthy lockdown while they successfully, on order, shut down air traffic to such an extent you can't even mail packages in, at the same time they mandated vax passports to even work, at the same time they said if you get fired you cannot get unemployment and therefore cannot buy food, that "someone" clearly plans to commit mass genocide.

The only thing that will stop Australia from matching the other horrific genocides the Jews triggered elsewhere is it's low starting population. Australia can't match Ukraine even if they kill every single man woman and child. That's where Australia is headed if the Australian people do not rise up immediately and put this right, "they" are simply going to toss it in the trash.


Accepting the jab is the wrong answer. All of Australia KNOWS what that shot really is. Only a solid rebellion with consequences will ever stop the monster at their door. Peaceful protest at this point is the best way to die.

New "Arizona audit that will hang them all" a probable psy op

I did not bother with this for a reason but it appears to be going viral so I have to say something. Hate to disappoint you but . . . .
 1. Yes the audit was done in the right way and is legit.


2. NO, it will not matter because it was not an official audit.


3. Even the official audit has been shut down. There will be no release, therefore:


4. The audit everyone is talking about today is psy op level hopium that will do nothing but cause people to sit on their butts and DO NOTHING. Arrests coming? HA HA, that's B.S.


So how do I know the official audit will never be released? Easy!!!

1. It was soon to be released in January.
2. It was then again soon to be released in late January.
3. It was soon to be released in February.
4. It was then again soon to be released in late February.
5. It was soon to be released in March.
6. It was then again soon to be released in late March.
7. It was soon to be released in April.
8. It was then again soon to be released in late April.
9. It was soon to be released in May.
10. It was then again soon to be released in late May.
11. It was soon to be released in June.
12. It was then again soon to be released in late June.
13. It was soon to be released in July.
14. It was then again soon to be released in late July.
15. It was soon to be released in August.
16. It was then again soon to be released in late August.
17. It was soon to be released in September.



They will release this when they admit who shot Kennedy. It IS as big of a secret.


Anyone who thinks private boots on the ground doing a private audit will cause anything to happen is LOST. Go do a blog about the Zapruder film.



The Australian government has placed the ultimate siege. No travel allowed. Quarantine in place. Get the jab or you cannot work. You cannot receive at least foreign mail. There are ZERO commuter flights over Australia at this time with a few military flights and a few courier flights. It is perfectly clear the Australian government has issued an ultimatum: Get double jabbed, or get genocided.


It is SO BAD that Americans trapped in Australia cannot even go to the embassy and even if they could, even the embassy cannot arrange a way for Americans to fly out. 


Earlier today I reported that the USPS and now confirmed other mail carriers are no longer delivering to Australia. Anything addressed to Australia is being sent back "return to sender". If Australia had a legit plague going on, why would they block incoming deliveries? Answer: There is no plague, Australia is being set up for genocide. Genocide is the only conceivable reason to block all INBOUND deliveries that would be needed to support a population in trouble. The government wants supplies to dwindle to zero without replacement. That air traffic map makes this perfectly clear.


2021, America, Australia, Coverup, EU, Europe, Government, Health, NWO, Setup, Vaccine, falseflag,


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