Video shot from a sailboat offshore proves there was no wind on the ocean from any hurricane and that the winds in lahaina were local only to lahaina. How could that happen? Weather mod.
We found the holy grail. But for people to understand this, First have to post the Beaufort scale and remind people that the winds in lahina were at least 80 mph, and were strong enough to knock power poles over. Also need to point out that the hurricane that was given credit for the winds was 500+ miles away, and WE have proof that hurricane contributed ZERO mph to the winds in lahina, which were in reality local, only covering Lahaina and nearby areas.
The Beaufort scale, wave height, and how it proves the weather machine and not a hurricane made the winds.

The Beaufort scale is a formula for wind speed and wave height. And there is a direct correlation that is always consistent. Here it is, read it and weep, this, along with the video from a sailboat a mile offshore proves 100 percent that the winds in Lahina were completely local and that the burning had to be an act of war.
The waves out on the water prove beyond all doubt that the natural winds were only about 4-7 mph. There was no hurricane causing the wind, if there was, this image would not be possible.

Look, it's so calm out on the water that a bird is happily sitting on the sailboat rigging, and looking out to sea there are no significant waves, the surface is still glassy. look at the beaufort scale and see what wind speed will give a glassy appearance with absolutely no white caps.

Now look at this zoom in to the other side, where the local winds local ONLY TO LAHAINA were stirring up the water near shore, but not for a long enough distance to build large waves. This proves that only Lahaina had winds, how could that happen??? It's called atmospheric heating from a Haarp device, and they were considering how much power the system got (environmentally conscious or perhaps just cheap) and they did not bother with putting high winds more than a quarter mile offshore.

This report is so conclusive it is admissible as evidence. This would win in court.
Conclusion: no strong wind at sea, and horrific wind on land, right where needed, proves the Lahaina fire was an act of war, case closed.
If the wind was made by a hurricane as stated in the official BS, the waves would have been 50 feet tall.
A disaster declaration three weeks before the lahaina fire (the first time in American history a disaster declaration was issued before the disaster happened,) put in place an emergency procedure to handle the disaster which removed power from elected officials and put land management into the hands of an unelected beurocrat who just so happens to want Lahaina to be a "smart 15 minute city". Coincidence???
Closing: Trolls will bash this because they have to if they want their jobs, but the Beaufort scale is not political, and it is accurate.
It is hard to decide what topic is most important now, Lahaina or a recently released report by TASS which expressed extreme irritation in the Russian governmennt towards America for running biolabs and releasing diseases on purpose. First Lahaina.
I have been through piles and piles of material on Lahaina. Here are the bullet points on what happened there.
1. Power lines did not start the fire.
2. The hurricane did not produce the perfect wind, I strongly suspect a weather warfare system did.
3. The fire was arson, and even if it was not additionally lit once it reached Lahina, (it was) but even if that was not done, I think the weather warfare system alone would have done a comparable job.
4. It is absolutely obvious that the fire was re-spawned where needed (to ensure complete destruction where wanted) by a space based laser, which was probably recently launched by Nasa. I am typing this offline so I can't look it up right now, but recently Nasa launched an enormous rocket and I 100 percent believe it launched a weapons platform that will be used to spark fires everywhere.
5. The police did indeed blockade people into Lahina to get the death count as high as possible. Not all of the police were in on this, there were normal cops in with the fire telling people to evacuate and guiding traffic while the rogue cops were keenly placed perfectly to trap everyone and force them to burn to death. Who was in charge of it all? The same police chief that oversaw the Vegas police force during the Harvest Festival shooting in Vegas. FIGURE THE ODDS, that puzzle piece alone is 100 percent proof both the Harvest Festival and Lahina were government ops.
6. Lahina was burned for the sole purpose of taking the land, which is why the police barricaded people in. The so-called elite wanted to take the ancestral lands from Hawaiians who were sitting on it indefinitely via contracts with the U.S. government that in effect made the land a protected "indian reservation" for as long as the locals did not sell it off. They were refusing to sell it off. And with many many many ancestries now wiped out, the land is there for the taking.
7. It is a hard reality that not a single private property owned by the island's Jewish inhabitants burned. Not ONE, not ONE SINGLE elitist propety burned, even though there were plenty RIGHT THERE.
8. Prior to the fire, the WEF singled out Lahina to be re-built as a smart 15 minute city. And the WEF wanted all of Maui to be a "smart island" Therefore, the existing infrastructure was very inconvenient.
9.The elite have expressed concern about Martha's vineyard being too close to the mainland, and about the seasonably cold climate. They want a different Island to hide out on while they burn the world, and Maui fits the bill perfectly.
I have been through piles and piles of material on Lahaina. Here are the bullet points on what happened there.
1. Power lines did not start the fire.
2. The hurricane did not produce the perfect wind, I strongly suspect a weather warfare system did.
3. The fire was arson, and even if it was not additionally lit once it reached Lahina, (it was) but even if that was not done, I think the weather warfare system alone would have done a comparable job.
4. It is absolutely obvious that the fire was re-spawned where needed (to ensure complete destruction where wanted) by a space based laser, which was probably recently launched by Nasa. I am typing this offline so I can't look it up right now, but recently Nasa launched an enormous rocket and I 100 percent believe it launched a weapons platform that will be used to spark fires everywhere.
5. The police did indeed blockade people into Lahina to get the death count as high as possible. Not all of the police were in on this, there were normal cops in with the fire telling people to evacuate and guiding traffic while the rogue cops were keenly placed perfectly to trap everyone and force them to burn to death. Who was in charge of it all? The same police chief that oversaw the Vegas police force during the Harvest Festival shooting in Vegas. FIGURE THE ODDS, that puzzle piece alone is 100 percent proof both the Harvest Festival and Lahina were government ops.
6. Lahina was burned for the sole purpose of taking the land, which is why the police barricaded people in. The so-called elite wanted to take the ancestral lands from Hawaiians who were sitting on it indefinitely via contracts with the U.S. government that in effect made the land a protected "indian reservation" for as long as the locals did not sell it off. They were refusing to sell it off. And with many many many ancestries now wiped out, the land is there for the taking.
7. It is a hard reality that not a single private property owned by the island's Jewish inhabitants burned. Not ONE, not ONE SINGLE elitist propety burned, even though there were plenty RIGHT THERE.
8. Prior to the fire, the WEF singled out Lahina to be re-built as a smart 15 minute city. And the WEF wanted all of Maui to be a "smart island" Therefore, the existing infrastructure was very inconvenient.
9.The elite have expressed concern about Martha's vineyard being too close to the mainland, and about the seasonably cold climate. They want a different Island to hide out on while they burn the world, and Maui fits the bill perfectly.
The above bullet points are certified fact. From these points, here is the story.
Lahaina was burned by the elite who want to take Maui and convert it into a playground sanctuary. They want the population dead and faked a disaster to accomplish that. Most likely they used a recently deployed weapons platform sent up by NASA on "the largest rocket ever launched", a weapons platform that probably also sparked the fires in Greece, Turkey and Canada. It will be used to fake "climate change" - a well known hoax which they are now blaming the wildfires on. With this weapons platform they'll have no problems eliminating "competition and inconvenience" wherever it is, whether it be a car on the highway that "mysteriously caught fire and immediately exploded, killing everyone", a rebel hideout in the wilderness, or the home of an inconvenient doctor that suddenly simply had an instantaneous fully involved fire in their home that left zero time for anyone to evacuate.
Sadly, that's where we are at, and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
Lahaina was just like Jenin in Palestine, including the death toll. Actual death toll in Jenin was 4,500. Let's see if they eventually con Maui down to double digits too. Maui: A land without people, for a people without land!!!
Cute wording for a headline to an article that states point blank that the US is manufacturing and releasing bioweapons and then managing the results for gain.
QUOTE: There is also proof of attempts to deliberately enhance pathogenic properties of agents causing socially significant infections," the embassy noted. REPEAT: Causing socially significant infections. You know, COVID.
Russia stating this is news. However, right from week one of Covid I pinned this on Fort Detrik, where the original release caused, in the area surrounding Ft Detrik, the beginning of the e-cigarette "glass lung" con job. From there, "covid" then spread until it hit China, and once in China a stupid bat story was foisted on the public. Problem: 7 variants in the US and 3 in all of Asia at that time proved it was introduced on US soil. Russia is not stupid about this, any more hanky panky from the US will result in consequences.
QUOTE: There is also proof of attempts to deliberately enhance pathogenic properties of agents causing socially significant infections," the embassy noted. REPEAT: Causing socially significant infections. You know, COVID.

Russia stating this is news. However, right from week one of Covid I pinned this on Fort Detrik, where the original release caused, in the area surrounding Ft Detrik, the beginning of the e-cigarette "glass lung" con job. From there, "covid" then spread until it hit China, and once in China a stupid bat story was foisted on the public. Problem: 7 variants in the US and 3 in all of Asia at that time proved it was introduced on US soil. Russia is not stupid about this, any more hanky panky from the US will result in consequences.
Trump's interview with Tucker Carlson hit 230 million views the last I checked.
And Biden won. They will steal it again because no one died for committing the last theft.
Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin shot down by Russia
Shortly after Wagner, a paramilitary mercenary company that is fronting for Ukranian forces had it's main head in Russia - Yevgeny Prigozhin - warn the WEF to halt it's depopulation program OR ELSE, RUSSIA shot down the chartered jet he was on as it approached the Moscow airport.
QUESTION: Who is in bed with who? Ominous. Yes, Russia had a reason (I guess) to shoot down the jet once they found out the real leader of the Ukranian military was on it, but did his statement to the WEF have anything to do with the shoot down? Questions.
Now Wagner is launching drones and threatening to attack Russia outside of political channels. Looks like the wool has been pulled down and the real force behind it all is now exposed, and Wagner guesses it is so powerful on it's own it does not even care. That speaks volumes all by itself.
QUESTION: Who is in bed with who? Ominous. Yes, Russia had a reason (I guess) to shoot down the jet once they found out the real leader of the Ukranian military was on it, but did his statement to the WEF have anything to do with the shoot down? Questions.
Now Wagner is launching drones and threatening to attack Russia outside of political channels. Looks like the wool has been pulled down and the real force behind it all is now exposed, and Wagner guesses it is so powerful on it's own it does not even care. That speaks volumes all by itself.
Alternative Media,
Weather Warfare,