NOTHING will happen against Biden until Kamala is scammed in.
We are seeing the exact same pattern we have seen before: Huge story breaks. Promises of action. A stall. An after hope. THEN NOTHING. If anything at all was going to happen, it would have happened, the clock has ticked out. You will see the after hope, and then the nothing part.
Kamala WILL be the next president, the deep state "security measures" will see to it and there's nothing we can do to stop this. Once she's in, WATCH OUT, they saw Trump as a slap in the face and have already stated his supporters need to be "removed from society" and they have said it openly. They are so sure they have this in the bag that they are SAYING IT OPENLY.
The final outcome of the Biden bust: Exactly what the Bolsheviks wanted: Kamala in, without Joe ever sitting in the oval office. This is going to happen, like it or not, as the days tick down to Nov 3 and NOTHING happens to Biden to remove him from providing an opportunity to steal Kamala in you are going to sit there and watch it all, like a slow motion asteroid impact.
Everyone knows Trump has this in the bag, including them. All this did was make them more brazen and more determined to steal the election, while depending on Twitter and more to subvert everyone who blows the whistle on this to cover it up. They will succeed, and are using the media and false polls to make people believe there are two factions of equal size in America that are rooting for both sides. It has to be that way to make a steal believable, but we all know the reality. As I have said all along, Trump is at about 87 percent approval with Biden below 10 percent and the balance going to chaff. They have not backed off on lying about this, - and IT WILL BE KAMALA come hell or high water. You don't expect them to accept jail by allowing a real election, when they control it all, DO YOU?
Look at how they are stealing the election below, and then scroll back up and read this Pic:
Here is why they are distributing these messages now: Because after the Biden laptop (absent his arrest) they KNOW everyone will know they rigged the election and stole it, and they are letting their victims know ahead of time that if they try to put it right, they'll be destroyed. This is an open threat stating that they have already subverted the nation and expect you to comply with the takeover. WITH THIS, WE KNOW BIDEN WILL "WIN" AND KAMALA WILL BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT. BE PREPARED, LOCK AND LOAD because she and the rest of her cronies have made it perfectly clear it will be the gulag. This time they did not stay shut up about it.
One important thing to note here is how stunningly dishonest this "warning" is, Every last statement is a lie including "blame yourself, you started it". When you are dealing with that kind of dishonesty threatening your life, the ONLY option is to kill it. There is no other way. If they actually follow through with this, Fuck them and any "law enforcement" that shows up to nail you for it, DO NOT BE KYLE, WHO TURNED HIMESELF IN, MY GOD PEOPLE ARE BRAINWASHED INTO DESTROYING THEMSELVES NOW, YOU HAVE TO BREAK THAT PROGRAMMING. And though the Chinese made sure they had Biden by the balls, it won't be the Chinese that actually steal this election, nor will it be the Chinese that take you to the gulags or burn your homes, - it will be ONE THING: THE XXX.
And I'd like to remind everyone of the warnings I occasionally give about wooden houses: I am ON THE RECORD stating they would use fire to destroy us in our wooden homes, and that the building codes were put in place by the (XXX controlled) masons to make good and sure that when THIS TIME CAME, - THIS TIME, THE TIME WE ARE IN RIGHT NOW - that you'd be snuffed without a whimper. What th
e hell are you going to do after one of these a-holes arrives silently at night and burns you to ashes, IF you survive it? You are going to get on the train, that's what. THIS LETTER STANDS AS EVIDENCE THAT THE BOLSHEVIK XXX ARE NOT GIVING UP ON THE STEAL, you had damn well better be mentally prepared to do what it will take to stop this.