So here is their reward for "bugging it good". Fukushima, the condensed version.
So in the days immediately prior to 3/11 for some odd reason the U.S. navy was right over the Japan Trench dropping "sonobouys", some of which submerged to great depths, to monitor submarines. It is well documented that they were there doing it.
Then, on 3/11 the earthquake happened. But there was a problem with this earthquake - it was stated to be enormous yet the highest seismic reading picked up in all of Japan was a 6.67 and not a single building fell in all of Japan except for a dilapidated welfare shelter 100 miles inland, right where the max seismic reading of 6.67 occurred. If the earthquake was as stated, Korea, China, Taiwan, and Russia would have all shared in the devastation, yet they felt nothing. The only damage was tsunami damage, and it was devastating damage, compliments of a few of those sonobouys which mysteriously exploded with the force of nuclear weapons.immediately after the tsunami, typing the word "tsunami bomb" into ANY forum or any online communication venue tripped auto bans. Gee, I wonder why.
Just prior to 3/11 Israel was gifted the Stuxnet virus, which was specificallyt designed to destroy nuclear facilities. HOW CONVENIENT. Here are a few fast facts to wrap this up because I hate typing on this tablet-
Fukushima never lost offsite power from other parts of the island. Instead, the switch gear in the switch yard refused to engage even after it was totally replaced after the tsunami. Stuxnet could cause that.
There were 11 diesel generators, and five kept running and were never swamped, but the switch gear would not engage, allowing them to run from generator. The story is that they got swamped, but the reality was that 5 did not, they kept working and were simply not allowed to provide auxiliary power because once again, the switch gear, even after replacement, would not engage. Stuxnet would do that.
In a hurry, large semi truck mounted generators were brought into Fukushima, hooked up to the emergency power input switch gear, and VOILA, just like offsite power and onsite power, now power brought in from elsewhere could not be engaged because the switch gear refused to engage. Once again, Stuxnet would do that.
In the control room however, all was well. The pressure and temperature readouts were normal. But the pumps were off, so Tepco had installed auxiliary water injection ports that could allow water trucks that could pump to 2, 700 PSI to pump water into the reactors, to cool them. But there was a problem when they hooked up - despite the control rooms reading normal at no more than 1150 PSI, the pumper trucks could not overcome the pressure inside the reactors and get water into them, even when pumping at 2, 700 PSI. OBVIOUSLY STUXNET WOULD DO THAT. And then, the reactors started exploding and melting down. Israel then threatened to blow up more nuclear sites in Japan, and even attacked a couple in South Korea to less success, *very brief coverage of that, they expunged it quick because it was too obvious a coincidence and JAPAN THEN DID THE 160 TRILLION YEN PAYOUT TO THE WORLD BANK.
Funny thing, I saw it all over the news, and even Ben Fulford commented on it, and now, you cannot find jack on that topic!
So dear folks (and attackers) what is it like living in a nuclear blackmail world? I bet they never told Trump. He would not go for that.
A robot has photographed reactor 2's melted core for the first time
That's right, reactor 4 "exploded" when it did not even have a core, all blamed on gas from #3, which is a load of B.S.
REACTOR 4 IS BUILDING 7, THE HARDCORE SECRET OF THE ENTIRE TSUNAMI INCIDENT IS THERE. Read the Fukushima report linked at the top of this page, it has been put there permanently for a reason.
Silly do-nothing headlines:
Sheriff says governor should be arrested
"Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee should step down, be held in contempt or arrested for approving a "sanctuary" law, according to the Spokane County sheriff.Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich told host Harris Faulkner on "Outnumbered Overtime" Inslee took the same oath of office that he did, promising to respect federal law.
My comment:It does not matter what someone says, it matters WHAT SOMEONE DOES ABOUT IT.
Big nothing. Action, not words.
California school teacher quits over 10 year old's sex ed
"A whistle-blowing former public school teacher is sounding the alarm about new middle school sexual education standards in California that sexualize children and teach them dangerous sexual behaviors before the age of adolescence."It's shocking, " Rebecca Friedrichs, the founder of For Kids & Country, said in an interview with The Christian Post. She spoke of relay races where 10- and 11-year-old girls are trained to put condoms on a prosthetic male erection as the boys watch on.
Kids as young as 11 years old are trained in how to engage in oral and anal sex and taught to experiment with bisexuality by public school teachers.
"It is medically risky on multiple levels. And when you read the curriculum ... it's written almost like a college fraternity wrote this curriculum in a very crass and a juvenile way, " she said of the ongoing sexualization of children.
My comment: Talking about it will accomplish nothing, especially when parents do nothing about it. Big nothing headline, ACTION, NOT WORDS.
Author of the Steel dossier to be interviewed by federal investigators
"The author of the now-debunked 'Trump Dossier' has reportedly agreed to speak with US investigators regarding his role in creating the key document used to justify FISA warrants against the Trump campaign in 2016."Former British spy Christopher Steele, the author of the anti-Trump dossier of salacious and unverified claims about the president's ties to Russia, has agreed to be questioned by investigators from the United States, according to a report in Britain, " reports Fox News.
My comment: Gee, that's DANDY. AN INTERVIEW. For launching an attempted coup. Are they serving donuts and cappuccino with that? WOW, almost THREE YEARS into this, and they got to the point of "interview". That ought to get the Q club JUMPIN but as usual, it is NOTHING. No action. No arrests. ONLY WORDS.
Yes, that's what we are getting - words only. No indictments, no NOTHING except for people who played on OUR side of the team.
Are you tired of winning yet?
Russia is not abandoning Maduro and Venezuela
This morning I saw a piece from the Wall Street Urinal linked on Drudge which claimed Russia is going to abandon Maduro because Russia is tired of dealing with continued pressure from the United States to unseat Maduro. I called it BUNK on the spot, thinking "yep, that's just an example of "fake news" and as it turns out, I was right.As it turns out, Russia is very upset with this fake reporting, and Spoken to other news outlets to debunk it.
If something is in the news and it is not here, it is probably because I called BUNK on it, as was the case this time until I saw Russia's response.
Astronomers are worried that Elon Musk's Starlink internet satellites will Ruin astronomy
It is a legit complaint. The deployment of Starlink was extremely visible. So far, Starlink has proven it is a potential nightmare for observatories. But there's critical information regarding this that is not being spoken by ANYONE. And it is totally obvious:Right now, the numbers are highly disputed but there are up to 8,000 functioning and non functioning satellites in orbit, with a high majority of them being nonfunctional. No one complained about them. Why would there be no complaints? Easy answer: Because many of them were designed to be non reflective. If the satellite is matte black, no telescope is going to see it unless it has tracking software that points it directly at the satellite. If Elon Musk's starlink satellites raised such a ruckus, there are only three probable causes of that ruckus.
Probable scenario 1: Elon wanted them to be visible, so he made them reflective so they'd show up as good as possible. Lack of forsesight if this is the case.
Probable scenario 2: They are not reflective because Musk thought ahead, and the ruckus is being caused by rocket plumes emitted by the satellites, which will show up very clearly until the satellites position themselves, and then the satellites will "vanish".
Probable scenario 3: There's nothing wrong or different about Musk's satellites at all, but Google hates competition and is skewing public perceptions against Musk as much as possible, so Google's own constellation of satellites (and Facebooks as well) can be launched later and "done right". Musk is not part of "the club", he's another Trump, and he gets tons of undue backlash as a result.
My opinion is that there's no limit at all to how many satellites can be tolerated by astronomers, provided they are matte black so they don't show up in a photo frame unless someone wants them to. If Musk did not think of that with the first 60 he had better think of that with the remaning 1140.
We stand by our statements that NO ONE on the Democrat side, having anything to do with Hillary, Obama, or the Trump investigation, will be friedI'll just state the obvious again: No one AT ALL on Hillary's side of the equation has been busted for huge offenses, and lots of people on Trump's side of the equation have been busted for nothing. It has now come to light that Mueller fabricated "evidence" in the phony show called the "Trump Russia investigation" and now that it has come to light this happened, there HAS TO be prosecution against him but BANK ON IT: "160 trillion Japanese yen" says absolutely NOTHING at all will happen to the deep state, these people got away with the Fukushima disaster, 911, the Sumatran tsunami and more, including flooding Europe and much of the United States with mongrels. WHAT THE HELL IS TRUMP? Nothing. Not compared to that. He can't do jack, even if he is still Trump and with the latest hairstyle I am starting to doubt even that.
Hate to be a doomer when Hannity is screaming TICK TOCK louder than ever, but stating the obvious - that NO ONE on Team Hillary got properly busted, not even Pedosta, is becoming quite easy now, anyone ought to be able to see there's a problem that is not being resolved and will not be resolved. FACT: Barr's wife knits and bakes with Mueller's wife. They are family friends. Think anything proper is going to happen? NOT IN A MILLION YEARS.
So they will force Google to shuffle a few files, a task that could be accomplished by a lone geek and a supercomputer, fine them $50 and make the public cheer. That is NOT PROGRESS, but if they can sell it that way, they will. I, at this point, predict the deep state will win and probably already has. One more ramble here: The lowly MAYOR of the town where "We build the wall" put in their wall has ordered it torn down because it violates a city ordnance that says no wall can be more than six feet high. Obviously that mayor is an enemy of the United States and he gets to walk on over to Krispy Kreme and have a cappuchino while enjoying a multi million BONUS from cohorts of El Chapo. WINNING. If enemies of the United States were not large and in charge, that mayor would be dragged behind a pickup truck until the crows ate his intestines. That's what that bastard deserves, too bad justice will not be served.
Oroville:I am going to put the Oroville report down here later. There is something wrong with the dam that they are obviously hoping to skate through this year, and fix when the water levels have dropped. Problems like this are common on earthen dams, and they already tried to grout it and failed. The big issue I see with this is that they failed to find the real cause of failure of the first spillway, and still have to deal with it. The new spillway is a lot stronger than the old and will probably hold if they need to use it, but this is a problem that should not be ignored by anyone downstream. Have your bug out bag packed and keep the tank topped off for a while and leave at the first warning but don't go anywhere yet.
GOOD RIDDANCE CNN, let's see if you can survive this move amidst sinking ratings and employee layoffs.
WHITE 19 year old (probably blown away by leftist college professors) runs over white girl ON PURPOSE"because she was white
The driver, identified as Steven Ray Becky, allegedly tried to flee the area, but a witness held him down until police arrived, the Salt Lake Tribune reported. Asked by investigators why he hit the girl, Becky allegedly said: "because she was white."
My comment: How does a 19 year old white guy veer totally over to the shoulder of oncoming traffic to nail a white girl on a scooter? ANSWER: Just brainwash him into hating his own race in college and then get him stoned.
This is squarely and purely 100 percent certified results of brainwashing to make whites hate their own race. Usually people have to pay off student loan debt to receive a full indoctrination, this kid will circumvent that by cutting out early and going to prison instead
RT: NSA handed ALL data on ALL Americans over to Israel
This included ALL data on government officials with the agreement that "Israel would respect that data and delete it".Obviously they did not delete it, because they used that data when Obama was in, to fully corrupt the entire U.S. government. Any government official that was not 100 percent in lock step with destroying the United States got removed from office and replaced with one that was. This NSA list is probably how Obama purged the command structure of the U.S. military of so many decent people.
But it is worse than that. Israel got handed detailed profiles on ALL non-** company leaders and owners and most likely everything the NSA had on all non-**owned companies, including all the company contacts and supply lines. Such data could be used to bring the value of a company to zero so the ** could buy it up for nothing and subsequently revive it. The bottom line now is that there is very little of significance the ** don't own, and there are very few government offices, right down to the city level, that they don't own also.
This RT report is scathing, and if you read between the lines, it is obvious Israel used the NSA data exactly the way I said above. RT played it safe and did not take it to the ultimate conclusion.
Get it while the getting is good! Pause it exactly 4 seconds into the video and look at the floor - an Israeli flag is painted there. BUSTED.
ANOTHER FAKE ISRAELI VIDEO BITES THE DUST. And I am sure that once they realize this blunder, the video will be VAPORIZED, get it while the getting is good.
According to Reuters Kim Jong executed his negotiator over failed NK summit with Trump>
My comment: DOUBT IT. First of all, Reuters quoted a South Korean newspaper, not a North Korean newspaper, and Reuters will lie it's butt off to get a war started as well as CNN will. Since there's no solid way to know if this really happened absent North Korea publishing itself, I am going to express a little doubt here and point out something obvious: A little over a week ago the Mossad staged a false flag in the gulf to kick off a war with Iran. It may have failed, but who's to believe the ziopress is not just trying to get a war started with NK by printing yet more BUNK?Here's a word of advice: Not so dear and definitely maligned and purely hostile ziopress: If you don't want us calling B.S. on everything you print, don't lie so much, in fact, don't lie at all. By doing so you put us in a difficult position: what to believe and what not to believe. So when a nuke DOES go off in Israel, NO ONE will believe your media when you cry and show burned bodies and a huge crater, after all you run Hollywood and deep fakes are a reality. You should not have blown your chance to have us trust you by posting SO MUCH PATENT B.S.
On that note, I am calling B.S., Kim Jong did not execute his top negotiator, no, this is just some a-holes spewing a war chant. And if I am wrong, it is because YOU, the ziopress, SUCK.AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! OOOOUCH!!
They are promoting the HELL out of this "Rocket Man" movie, if Pokemon got the same rave coverage it would have blasted to $30 billion. And it is obvious Rocket Man is going to have heavy gay undertones, who gives a crap about Elton John's life anyway, let alone when it is obviously going to be a huge gay pride display? I'll bet the rave coverage will make it BLAST to #1 on Friday night, and Saturday the gay theme is going to flush it to the $.99 rack.I thought this was rumor, and then Drudge posted it
Journalists really were detained filming Bilderberg participants arriving, and this year it is all HUSH HUSH. Kushner is going to be there, but Trump is not. And I'll bet $50 Kushner is going to get marching orders that will do the United States ZERO good.You can't really blame Ivanka for going rogue, because regardless of what the feminists say, mentally stable women really do have enormous respect for a man that deeply influences their behavior, and her being the way she is, with much of her effort at conflict with Trump is only proof Jared is a traitor. If he was not, it would show in Ivanka. Trump would be a lot better off if he just ditched the advice of both and hopefully he'll figure that out. I have no doubt whatsoever Kushner latched onto Ivanka for the sole purpose of keeping Trump, who was then already a billionaire, under the close watchful eye of the tribe by putting an enemy squarely at the center of Trump's business. It is modus operandi for the tribe. I doubt Jared is disappointed with her, but I also have zero doubt he sees her as a tool more than anything else. THE FACT KUSHNER IS AT BILDERBERG PROVES IT, absolutely no good will come of this.
Ron Paul has done a 21 minute video and asks the question: Are they trying to kill Assange?ANSWER: I guess Ron missed the fact that Pamela took him out in 2016 and he was not even at the embassy this whole time. All they did was put him in the spotlight for a short time so they could show a face, get him "officially" out of the embassy, and subsequently say he "died in prison" and even if he does not "die" he's already effectively brain dead and he's never coming back. This is a major blunder for them, it just proves Britain has gone full blown cold war COMMIE. Yes, Assange is indeed in the Queen's dungeon and it is a lot worse for him than the old days, where all you'd worry about is a little skin rot and the rats eating your feet.