Supposedly "toothless Russia" shot up a convoy of evacuating Israeli citizens, "situation grave".
Ukraine is offering Russian soldiers an amount equal to about $65,000 USD to desert. Where's that money coming from?
A spectacular piece of war propaganda so hoakey it makes me want to vomit.
AS IF a lost cell phone would really have a lengthy text chat that showed a russian soldier constantly saying "momma" and saying all the talking points the West would ever want heard - "We were lied to", The Ukranians don't want us," "We are killing civilians" "We are bombing cities" "I am afraid momma" and then the soldier is dead and they find the phone with that on it, conversation still open. BULLSHIT!!!Anonymous is a probable CIA front where "the world's best hackers" use established back doors into microprocessors and operating systems that were intentionally put there by American and Israeli intelligence to "magically" get into anything right when needed. Russia's payment system got hacked like it was scheduled right after Russia announced it's allies could dump euros and dollars because those currencies cannot be trusted. HOW?? Minix and Microsoft, and a trillion dollar budget, that's how! Even if they don't use microsoft it won't matter with the processor level back doors.
Russia can't do anything to retaliate because it was not the CIA that did it, no, it was a nebulous group called "ANONYMOUS!!!" Anonymous - out there working hard, staying organized, staying funded and striking the hardest targets down, from MOM'S BASEMENT. RIGHT.Zelensky is trying to get Ukraine into the European Union. We'll have to see where that goes. If so, the EU approves of leaders who incessantly shell their own people for years on end.
It appears to me that Putin had his ducks in a row before making this move in Ukraine. Nothing the West is doing is having any real impact on Russia. Sure, Russian planes cannot land abroad but who needs tourism in times like these? The west simply can't do anything of substance that will actually inflict pain it seems. Every time they think they have it, Putin just squids off in a different direction.
Putin is telling Ukranian citizens in Kiev to evacuate NOW. The Ukranian military is doing all it can to prevent people from evacuating because they want to use them as human shields (knowing Putin has morals)
China has announce that they are going to step past making consumer goods and will begin going after "True high tech".
Pakistan will sign on to Russia's alt banking system and start buying oil.
HA HA, like hell the average Ukranian wants that!!! What, is the WEF using the Ukraine incident to sell the New World Order or what?? Not a good selling point I'd say. Straight from "tinfoil nut job hatter conspiracy" to proud bragging on FOX. My oh my how things come around when the mask comes off.I hate to say it, but it really looks like Putin is the irrefutable good guy in all of this. And he's frustrated by "the empire of lies". "Empires of lies" happen when universities get infiltrated and kids are taught by the tribe that the truth is not what matters, what people believe is the truth is what matters. Imagine a news agency or politician with THAT as the moral foundation . . . . . what do you get? "An empire of lies". The KGB may not have been nice to deal with, but they did not operate on falsehood. They were blind to a lot. Putin is not going to accept "the empire of lies" very well. INSIGHT:
Some of the top KGB people paid a visit to Brigham Young university in the 1970's. They stood on top of the arts building and looked down at all the cars in the parking lot. They said "Wow, the staff has really nice cars". They were corrected: "Those are the student's cars". They did not believe it, and instead believed the United States took cars from all over the country and parked them there for a fake show. They, even being what they were, did not believe the United States could possibly be like that. They were honestly in error. They were not liars. There's a big difference between being honestly wrong and a pathological liar. And, to top it all off, Putin's not even wrong this time around.
Putin has morals, and he's cornered by "an empire of lies". What will he do? Time will tell but I'd start with cutting off oil and gas to Europe if the West gets any friskier.
PUTIN WAS KICKED OUT OF THE WEF. That's a REAL GOOD sign. If he was the enemy of all of us the way Biden is, he was not "good enough" at it.
A lot of people have been spewing crap about what is going on with Russia right now. It is impossible to know. Therefore I am going to call this my flavor of crap and I'll point out where I am not guessing so you can come up with your own crap.
I am not guessing: No nukes went off since the start of the attack, the last ones to go off were ones I posted a couple weeks ago and they were probably a warning. The crap circulating today is recycled blasts from the past along with some possible fuel tank explosions, but no context, not even photographic context, is given. When I have called things nukes, they definitely were because the full context is there and it is obvious.I am not guessing: The U.S. government knew a nuclear threat was underway and after the two nukes went off that were prominently posted here a couple weeks ago (wherever they were, I am thinking Siberia now.) Right after that Pelosi and half of congress left the country and Pelosi bee-lined for the Knesset where she gave a speech. After that she went to Europe with no set date on her return. It's all proven by a leaky Jewish paper that let the cat out of the bag and it is reported down the page a ways. No matter what is presented to prove she's in the U.S. (nothing has been since the Knesset speech) but if they decide to fake it, Pelosi is not in the U.S. along with much of the government. Her splitting after those two nukes went off pretty much proves Putin is not happy with her. 2+2, the math is too simple, not guessing.
NOT GUESSING: Russia's losses are exaggerated. Drudge stupidly posted that Russia lost 160 tanks and that it was a "devastating loss" and he took it down right away. Russia's war plan IS TO LOSE "160 tanks", that would not be a surprise or a problem if it happened. Russia has a S***load of tanks, they produced them, produced them, produced them, and when they were all done producing everything they could possibly need, they produced more. I don't know how many thousands of tanks they have but it is probably right around 12,000 with a total number of armored vehicles that might be called "tanks" sitting at 27,000 They are not great, but they are not garbage, they are good enough to get the job done.
It is obvious America's anti tank weapons work fine against Russia's tanks but that said, America's tanks are also killable by Russia. Russia has superiority in this area just because what they have is "good enough" and the numbers are massive. THAT SAID, did Russia really lose 160? Probably not. There were probably a fair number of Ukranian tanks mixed in with that because you can't tell the difference. Ukraine uses Russian tanks.
NOT GUESSING: It looks like all of Europe is getting on board with re-supplying Ukraine with weapons to use against Russia. That's BAD NEWS because it makes them a rightful target and Putin said he'd strike. NOT GUESSING: Russia is going to get kicked out of SWIFT, IF the threats are followed through on and it already looks like that is a done deal. NOT GUESSING: The bragging about "freezing Russias assets, totaling in the hundreds of billions was a load of CRAP, Putin knew this was going to happen and he protected those assets and they are not frozen. The people moving to freeze them assumed they'd win. They did not. So that's going to be a problem for NATO.
NOT GUESSING: Russia totally obliterated Ukraine's air force in the first hour and they only had ONE plane left that flew to a neighboring country to land because all airstrips in Ukraine were destroyed in the FIRST HOUR. It was so bad that Ukraine only got ONE plane in the air, the rest were destroyed on the ground. Therefore, NOT GUESSING: Russia is in fact kicking ass. NOT GUESSING: Russia also sank Ukraine's entire navy in the first hour. That's also kicking ass. NOT GUESSING: Therefore, idiots in the western media calling Russia toothless can't really be idiots, they are lying and they know it. THEREFORE: NOT GUESSING: Take the entire dietribe from the western press and toss it.
NOW FOR THE GUESSING: Rumor has it that the not so great offer of a large number of MIG 29's by European countries come with a great offer - that they'll be flown by European pilots and supported by bases outside of Ukraine. NOT GUESSING: Russia knows all about the MIG 29 and can take them out of the sky like pigeons. THEREFORE, A GUESS: My guess is that the offer may have included MIG 29's but they won't be flown over Ukraine. Instead, the most advanced American weapons with American operators are now going to be over Ukraine and the MIG-29 story was B.S. to cover for why so many Russian targets are soon to be getting blown up "from out of nowhere". MARK MY BEAUTIFUL GUESS: AMERICA IS GOING ALL IN AND WILL NOT UTTER A PEEP ABOUT IT.
Guessing: America will use decoys to fool Russian air defense systems into thinking they are shooting down those migs so ordnance is wasted and there's a plausible excuse for why stuff is blowing up when American systems are put to use.
ANOTHER GUESS: My guess is that China is going to figure this out or probably already knows, and when America's assets are distracted they'll take Taiwan. A GUESS, FROM CLAUDIA: China is going to use Russian cover to set off their own nukes where they see appropriate and they'll blame it on Russia. MY GUESS: Israel is going to have a heyday doing the same. Remember the spider art work I posted a couple years ago, where the spider's body literally looked like it was probably housing a nuke? That art work circulated all the important countries and was probably a threat to allow Israel to place their own nukes (that are not in spiders) in the victim nations and Israel will be setting those nukes off also (that were left behind after the spiders were gone, representing it's "eggs",) where Israel sees appropriate. Maybe even to start a nuclear war with Russia. Russia will scream "it was not us" but what are they going to do when their radar is full of approaching ICBM's? Israel will get the perfect samson execution, to cover for their damn vax catastrophe. By way of deception . . . . . and they'll have most of their nukes left because everyone elses got used.
Guessing: Israel wants nuclear war so bad that they'll inspire it themselves with a few false flags if Putin cannot be pushed into it. There are mixed stories out there, some saying Putin is bluffing and others saying he is serious, but Israel is the wild card, they could really milk this situation and they have a history of that . . . .
Guessing, but it's pretty obvious: Gas prices are going to go through the roof no matter what happens, even if not a single nuke goes off. Everything is likely to crash. There will be CHAOS.
China has given "or else" with regard to Taiwan
Sweden has just given 5,000 shoulder fire rockets, 5,000 body armor kits and 135,000 MRE's to Ukraine. THAT would be an escalation like no other.
The Netherlands has just given 50 anti tank launchers with 400 rounds, 100 sniper rifles with 30,000 rounds and 200 stinger missiles to Ukraine.
Denmark has offered 2.700 anti-tank weapons
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