Once again, 3 gorges is EVERYWHERE in alt media

So I'll repeat again: It is not going to fail. There are no significant cracks in the dam itself. There are cracks in a lock network to the side of the dam but that's not the dam and cracks in that won't really matter. There are also no significant distortions in the dam, the distortions that show up in sat photos are from updrafts that are distorting photos. There is simply nothing to see in this, but some people have not figured that out I guess.


I only posted this because the doom is entering a fevered pitch now, and though there is some reason for it with all the flooding, I'd put the chance of a true worst case scenario at about 0.000026% and yes I just made that up. I decided to post this again when I discovered even Joel Skousen was talking about a possible imminent failure. 

If I got a pack of seeds from China and did not know what they were . . . . .

I'd get a BIG pot, make good and sure they could not get into the surrounding environment, and I'd plant them to see what happens. Little shop of horrors??? Curiosity would get me. 

The injection fraud An investment banker who helped families manage financial disasters as a result of vaccine injury speaks out

This is a long read. Ignore the paragraph that appears close to the beginning where he talks about one of his companies, that is not what this writeup is about.

This is a great item, where an investment banker, as part of a conspiracy they all knew about, helped people manage their finances after their kids got destroyed by vaccines. Average cost? $5 million over the life of the child, and he lays it all out from a bankers perspective, it is all done intentionally. This is a MUST READ, all the way through. He estimates that over 50 percent of the kids get damaged by the vaccines and the parents don't even realize it, with doctors putting the numbers even higher. 

The contact tracing software is written extremely poorly

It hobbles or destroys devices it gets put on. It is also extremely deceptive and uses hidden buttons to cause people to give authorizations they don't know they are giving. Two days ago Google's contact tracing destroyed a budget tablet that was BRAND NEW, a day after a little girl's birthday. We are going to try to re-flash it but are not expecting luck because it got rooted by whatever it was, the factory settings and procedures are not there anymore The only site it ever hit was Youtube and it happened when Google said it wanted to install contact tracing. I said no. Tablet bricked.


So this morning I tried to activate wifi on a budget phone I have that is a good phone, this is something I do daily because it is the modem for administering this site (not like it was anything new, I have literally done it 500 times) and there were hidden buttons on the screen everywhere, simply trying to activate WIFI caused a sequence of approval screens for stuff I have never heard of (it was ill defined) and I seem to have managed to get out of the trap but the phone appeared to be sluggish afterwards. This phone NEVER SURFS THE WEB AT ALL, IT IS A PHONE AND A MODEM. Nothing at all is installed on it, and no sites have been hit by it, whatever came into it was rammed onto it. 

One would think that if "they" wanted to invade everyone's lives, they'd at least be polite, non destructive and discreet about it but no, they are pushing gadget hobbling CRAP on everyone and I have little doubt they are destroying between 10 and 20 percent of the devices out there. Not only are they evil, they are incompetent.

Even if your device works "pretty good" after getting that sh*t on it, why should "pretty good" suddenly be the best case scenario? 

I HAVE TO migrate to Huawei that is banned by Google I guess.

We are going to try it on a different WIFI connection, but that cannot explain why factory reset cannot be done.

It seems they want their contact tracing come hell or high water and don't want people factory resetting it off. 

QUESTION: Why spend billions to rush the development of a vaccine when HCQ, zinc and Zithromax are fully capable of treating COVID-19?

ANSWER: Because that would not "do the agenda". Certification OVaccination ID. Obviously it is an agenda virus that can't be cured by hydroxychloroquine for that reason alone! 

This Hydroxychloroquine video is getting deleted and banned on all mainstream platforms as soon as people put it up

It is not hard to understand why. At least brighteon has it. I REPEAT AND HAVE ALREADY REPEATED THIS: The current push against hydroxychloroquine is only being done because they are about to release the next more deadly virus, and as a safeguard they made the virus curable with hydroxychloroquine, the same way the first one was. That is ALL there is to this story, sometimes the entire plot can be stated that efficiently. 


As a side note I'd like to add that to be fully effective, it has to be taken with zinc. I don't trust supplements, too many are fake now. So I have already thought of how I will make the zinc when I need it IF there are not foods available that have the appropriate amount of zinc. 

First, the foods: 

Political correctness has wrecked zinc info in foods. Here is the cold hard fact: all you need to get ALL the zinc you need is to eat a quarter pound hamburger. That's about 100 grams. All the common foods that are promoted as being "great sources of zinc" can't compare to beef, it is on a daily basis the #1 prime source. If I knew I had Corona, I'd eat at least half a kilo, let it soak in real good and then take the hydroxychloroquine.

So they say spinach is good. Well, I guess, if you want to eat six cups of it to match 100 grams of beef. So they say wheat bran and other grains are good. MAYBE to a robot, that analyzes chemical content and then does not sort out facts, the problem with grain based sources of zinc is that grains have a chemistry that permanently binds the zinc, so even though they have 5X what is in beef, you'll get zero. A cow's gut can release the zinc. Your gut cannot. And then, there's the champion of zinc - cooked oysters. I put beef before these because beef is more common and some people don't like oysters. If you can get them fresh, they'll give you so much zinc your body won't know what to do with it and eventually, if you eat too many over time you'll get sick. 100 grams of drained oysters will give you 6X what your body would want, (if you don't have a deficiency, and you probably do.) and it is perfectly rational to conclude that canned oysters will do the same. 

Let's say you are all out of oysters and beef, and need other options. What then?

Any nut, bolt, nail, or screw that appears to not be the color of steel, and is bright and shiny is usually coated in zinc. Roofing nails will always be coated in zinc, but those are not shiny. The inside of a modern penny is zinc once you scrape the copper off. This link discusses clearly how zinc can be released from the sources I listed, - all you do is put a zinc plated item in direct flame until the zinc boils off in white smoke and then capture that smoke. Rather than breathe it in (which will not hurt you in small amounts) I'd probably opt to catch it in a perfectly clean (And I mean CLEAN) wet rag that had the smoke rise directly into it and then wring it into water. It will make you feel a little sick but you'll get over it. The linked page has enough info on it for you to be able to figure it out. Do that only in an emergency, when you don't have a known good supplement or any of the truly good foods available to get your zinc from

One last thing: I'd almost be willing to bet that simply scraping a metal nail file that is usually part of a fingernail clipper on one of the zinc pennies edgewise would get enough available zinc from that penny to work, that's the easiest thing anyone could ever do - scrape off a little pile of zinc from a penny, mix it in with something and eat it. It will probably work, but I can't guarantee it, it may need to be an oxide or combined with an acid to work (then again, your stomach might provide the right acid) so who knows, if I had to, I'd surely try it.

Zinc can poison you in high amounts but it is not toxic. It would be tough to get enough to kill you. And it will wear off with no after effects eventually.


Seeds from China - SHUCKS! Youtube basically banned a video of a guy who grew them.

A guy received a bag of seeds from China (the ones they are warning about, ) planted them in a pot (so they would not contaminate anything) and did a Youtube video of what grew and posted it so everyone could see it. Now when you click the video Youtube has likely falsely claimed the video was made private so you can't watch it! 

Aaah yes, the "private video" ruse, sort of like that cloudflare problem, or having your site hung by Google Analytics on purpose . . . . . . . anyway,

The plants, in their early stages, look like cucumber plants.

Two serious China developments:

1. A massive dam release that came with no warning flooded over 30 million people and destroyed countless cars and businesses. I do not believe the CCP would do this without warning. I instead think it is far more probable that a stuxnet type attack on the dam was launched, and the water was released by the United States or Israel, which are also likely waging a weather war on China now also. A pre-existing example was Venezuela, where Maduro said outright a virus attack happened against their main hydroelectric project that plunged the nation into darkness. If the U.S. could do it to Venezuela, there's little doubt they can do it to China, I simply don't believe China would initiate such a disaster and not tell anyone when they are operating "via divine mandate" and are the only communists in the world that are going to be held accountable by the people for "screw ups" like that. It probably was not a screw up at all, it just "happened" while they were trying to figure out why on earth the release happened. 


Russia sold a pile of weapons to India and then turned right around and refused to sell weapons to China. That means there has been a fundamental change in relations, and China is now a likely target that won't be supported by Russia. If I remember right, the Bolsheviks hate the CCP because at least the Chinese communists are trying to make everyone in China prosperous. And China really did get a lot of nice stuff, with a good standard of living given to many many people, perhaps even the majority. The Bolsheviks want the opposite - they want everyone stripped down and impoverished. So the Chinese system has to be wiped out, and you can safely bet the Bolsheviks have their eyes set on China. I really wonder if Trump really knows what he's doing by trying to weaken China, if the Bolsheviks win, the world is going to suck for EVERYONE. 

You can take this to the bank: You would MUCH MUCH rather be ruled by Chinese communists than Bolshevik communists. They are in a totally different park. It will be a disaster if America wipes out China just so the worst tyrants of all can take everything.

I won't say this will make a difference, but here it is:

Rep Gaetz appeals to Barr to prosecute Zukerberg for lying to Congress. 


Now that I have hydroxychloroquine I am going to go around to all locations I can think of, show them the box, and see if I can find a fair price on the stuff. I can't pay $25 a whack for a whole bunch of people. I'll probaly want 40 - 50 boxes so a lot of people can be protected. The real virus will be released soon and hydroxychloroquine will still work against it because if it will not work, they would not be so vehimently scamming the topic now. 


Different type of mosquito?

Mosquitos changed after the claims of "releasing benign GMO mosquitoes for mosquito control." We have a new type now, and it is anything but benign. It appears the GMO variant was not for mosquito abatement, there are more then ever, and they changed. 

First of all - the most obvious thing is that the new mosquitos are smaller. But the behavior of the new mosquitoes is very different from the old also.

I have not mentioned this up to this point, because I figured it was just the way Mexican mosquitoes were. But the whole family has talked about this now, and I can now state they have changed.


Here are the characteristics of the new GMO mosquitos, and there are MANY new characteristics that have not been seen before, the bio engineers obviously took DNA from many types of insects to get behavioral traits mosquitos have never had:


First of all, the non GMO mosquitoes, when they approached a screen, would buzz up against it, and land on the outside. That's where they would stay. The new mosquitos don't buzz up against the screen, instead, they land on it, squish their bodies down, and crawl through it. Screens don't work on them anymore, they just come right in.


Second new mosquito trait: They hide. The original mosquitoes God made would just land anywhere on the wall and you could pick them off easily. Or they'd start buzzing around you and never leave while you swatted them. The new mosquitoes back off as soon as you start swatting them, and they will not land on a wall after being pursued, NOT EVER, instead they land on something that is their own body color, or cose to it, or something that has a pattern that will obscure them, and if that's not available, they'll hide in a crack. They are extremely difficult to nail.

Third new mosquito trait: They crawl. In the past, (and I got good at this because I camped a lot) no mosquito would fly down a hole that was less than a couple inches across and a few inches deep. They'd stay outside instead. So while camping all you had to do to keep the mosquitoes off is get in a sleeping bag and close off all but a small breathe hole, make sure they had to fly a little to get to your face and that would be it, none would fly any distance down the hole to bite you. The new mosquitoes have to have received programming to make such a huge difference: Now, they will actually force their way under sheets and walk under them the exact same way fleas and ticks will, to keep mosquitoes out the sheets have to be totally tucked in, square cornered, and tight. Worse? Even if the sheets are that way, it won't work, the bed spread has to be that way also because if it is not they'll just crawl under the bed spread and bite through the sheets. It's freaking weird. How did mosquitoes suddenly start acting that way?

Fourth new mosquito trait: They will not bite above the waist unless you are totally asleep and motionless for a period of time, and you are covered from the waist down. The natural mosquitoes would bite you anywhere. Not the new ones. The new ones seem to have been programmed to know when and where it is dangerous to bite. If they bite anywhere your arms will reach you can swat them easily. Somehow they know that now, and will only bite waist down where you can't get them unless you move first to reach them. Even when they crawl under the sheets.

Fifth new mosquito trait: They fly UP your pants. That's something the old mosquitoes never did. The new ones fly up your pant legs and bite you under your pants the same way ants would bite, and they are impossible to kill when they do that, you literally can hit them as hard as you want and they'll still be there, biting. And once they are there, they'll crawl up past your knees and keep on biting, even with close fitting jeans. Very weird.

Sixth new mosquito trait: They are tough as hell. The natural mosquitoes would just squish with a small hit. The new ones have to be hit VERY hard, and even then sometimes they won't smash. If they have blood in them they still will smash, but if they do not have blood, or not enough, good luck!

Seventh new mosquito trait, and this one is VERY ODD: They keep returning to the same spot to bite. The natural mosquitoes, if you did not get them, would bite you anywhere on return. The new ones always return to the same place, and keep biting in the same place. Why would this be programmed into them? Easy answer: Because if they are going to be used for "vaccination" they have to keep biting in one place to trip an immune response, - they have to get the concentration of whatever they have high enough to get the immune system to know it is there and then react against it. If they bite everywhere the way natural mosqutoes will, that won't happen. Once one of the new mosquitoes picks a spot, it will always return to it. 

8th new mosquito trait that shows something has fundamentally changed: Natural mosquitoes would land and look for a capillary to bite into. They could sense where the blood was below the surface, and access it in one bite. The new mosquitoes poke holes everywhere and seldom hit a capillary. Vaccinations don't go into veins, they instead go in the way the new mosquitoes bite, which is at random. That would be too unproductive and dangerous to do for a natural mosquito. They have to hit it on the first try because they are risking their lives to bite. But if a mosquito is now able to hide where it can't be found, is tough to not die when hit, smart enough to bite below the waist and preferably below the knees, plus can walk UNDER blankets and fabrics, well, it's just not as important to hit blood on the first try. Which was probably intentionally done - they probably were stripped of their ability to do so to cause them to hunt for blood via a million pokes, and as a result, deliver a vaccine. 

9th new mosquito trait: Random, dodgy flying. Mosquitoes used to fly straight to where they are going and land. Quite frequently the new mosquitoes continuoulsy dodge while flying, which makes them literally impossible to pick out of the air the way the old ones could be nailed despite the new ones flying at a lower speed overall. I have noticed that the new mosquitoes are also VERY quiet, I can never hear them unless they fly an inch away from my ears, and my ears are very sensitive, so sensitive that at times the ticking of a wrist watch is not only audible, if it is quiet enough in the room it can be annoying. I'm not talking the ticking of an old timex, I mean the new ones with digital guts, that are a lot quieter. I can hear mine from 15 feet away and I can't hear these damn mosquitoes. THAT had to have been programmed into them, I can hear the old ones from across the room easily.


What has Bill Gates said all along? That he wanted MOSQUITOES to deliver vaccines. Is that what we are dealing with now??? The new mosquitoes are behaving in ways that would do that perfectly.

I and this family are not the only ones that noticed something weird is going on with the mosquitoes now. I have seen posts on social media that talk about "phantom mosquitoes" that you can never find that always bite where you can never hit them on time and seem to magically know they are going to be hit and then, if you ever do get a glimpse of them, it will be brief and they'll be hid, only to bite you again the first second they possibly can. Additionally, you can pursue them relentlessly with a mosquito racket and seldom kill them. They just keep on persisting. However, I have come up with a very inconvenient way to nail them 

The only way I have been able to nail the new mosquitoes is by getting my hands full of soap suds from hand soap and then swing my hand around after them rather than a mosquito racket. They are easy to get that way because they are not fast like the old mosquitoes and can't cope with soap suds. You can swat at them all you want and never nail them, but you will be hitting them without knowing it. The soap suds prove it, one successful contact with soap suds and they get stuck. But who is going to take the time to do that just to get a mosquito when one is biting the hell out of you at 2:45 AM which is another new trait of these mosquitoes: They bite 24/7. The old mosquitoes had preferred times to bite. Not the new ones. 


We all know the quarantines for the last virus were BUNK. And we also ought to all know by now that Bill Gates has produced a new virus he will release in September. Since Bill has consistently talked about "using mosquitoes to deliver vaccines" for almost two decades now, who's to say that "vaccination" won't be the new plague and that the mosquitoes, which have totally new traits, won't be what will deliver it? Lock yourself up all you want, and comply all you want, and even close your windows and suffocate yourself, the new mosquitoes will probably find a crack somewhere, any little void in the caulk or any weakness in a home's defenses, get in, and nail you while you are quarantined. Those running the virus scam have decided hydroxychloroquine will still be the cure for the virus (which is why they still say it does not work, that it is dangerous, and why they restrict it) with the false claim you'll be given it if you get sick - they are not going to worry about their own mosquitoes because of this. But what about you?


There is another huge thing on a different topic that needs to be mentioned: WEATHER WAR WITH CHINA.

It is well known by now that the elite in America are destroying as much food as they can possibly get away with in the United States. What is less well known at this time, not even significantly reported in the MSM, is that at least 50 percent of China's agricultural land is too flooded to produce crops. That's a sad statement when the crop is rice. 

At a VERY convenient time, a CRAZY CONVENIENT TIME, China is having a natural disaster of epic proportions and I beg to question what is causing it. Some people are claiming the United States is getting even with China for the floods the U.S. had last year. Some claim the floods in the U.S. were caused by China. I DOUBT IT. Here's what I think is a lot more likely:

This can obviously only be opinion because no one is spilling the beans, but my guess is that the same people who are probably not American and not Chinese are triggering the floods. They may predominantly live in America but have no allegiance to America. They want a war with China. They are manipulating Trump to damage China. What happened to Huawei was beyond the pale. Reason for war as a single issue item. There's no doubt the Chinese are pissed, and what is going to happen if they conclude American equipment caused their weather disaster? What's going to happen if China suddenly can't feed it's people because of such a disaster, and they figure out it was done by "the United States", even if via a zombie controller? YOU GUESS.

Subsequently, America's food supply has been weakened. But it is still there to be had. What would China try to do at that point? It's a perfect setup for (hot) world war 3. A war that very well could happen with Americans ousted from their homes, trying to avoid satanic mosquitoes that will kill them with the new plague. How will that work out? Not well at all, and I'd say it is highly probable. I believe the setup for that is happening right now with a weather war against China. 

I hate to be a doom monger, but I think we are all in deep trouble. Even if we manage to stop the election from being stolen, what's going to happen when Bill Gates and Fauci finish redeeming the warranty on their first virus, especially if they put it in one of these new psycho mosquitoes from hell, and then China is triggered into attacking us? Bill and Melinda looked quite proud of "The next virus that WILL get attention", there's no question they had the work on the first one re-done and that they really believe they have it now, how is such a thing going to work out for everyone when China is, for a very good reason, torching off neighborhoods?

If corrupted communists controlling American cities won't tell Antifa to stand down, do you really think they will tell China to stand down?

If you do not have a bicycle, GET ONE FOR EACH PERSON IN YOUR HOME

If they initiate a bolshevik style collapse in the United States, where people are cast out of their homes and on the street with no food or money, the best thing you can have is a bicycle (with a bike rack) and a small back pack. Also one of the small $20 tents from Wal Mart and ONLY Wal Mart - wal mart, love or hate the place, has the most valuable tent for survival there is. It can be carried on a bike rack (that should have a milk crate or other weather resistant box on it) SET THAT UP NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. 

People will still be ditchin bicycles cheap now. I'd bet you could get 4 perfectly workable bikes in the U.S. for $100 bucks total, if not free. you will need tube patch kits and a small crescent wrench also. One important thing to know about a bike is if you have to fix the tire, you might not even need to take the rim off, you can usually just push the tire aside enough to get at the leak with the tire still on the bike. but most importantly, if you do take the tire off you only loosen the outside bolts, the inside ones adjust the pressure on the bearings and if they are too loose the rim will wobble and wreck the bearings, if they are too tight then the bearings will have too much pressure on them and they will shatter or quickly scrape down to nothing. The best thing to do is never create a problem by messing with the inside bolts.

So, get 1 bike per person, each bike should have it's own patch kit and a small crescent wrench (which can literally do everything on a bike) and you'll probably need a flat head and philips, but everyone has that (at least "everyone". 

Antifa and the burned bridge: Bridge fire and train derailment in Tempe Arizona

There are no details at this time, but it appears someone lit the bridge on fire and a train could not stop on time, went over it, and derailed when half way across. This is rumored to be an ANTIFA action. Update: As it turns out, Antifa was indeed protesting under that bridge and in the area for 3 days prior. Considering the fact that the fire appeared to be set intentionally because it was uniformly a long distance down the bridge I'd say it is highly probable Antifa did this but you probably won't hear it in the MSM. 

The typical train bridge fire happens when a train has a stuck brake or blown bearing on one of the cars and then ends up stopped on the bridge. The entire wheel and bearing structure will be well beyond red hot, and that torches off the bridge. But that's obviously not what happened this time, the fire was too uniform and involved too much of the bridge early on. 

Russia denied China the S-400

Russia sold weapons to India, and then refused to sell S-400 missile systems to China, with "coronavirus" as the excuse. Trolls ripped this news as fakery, but it did indeed happen. After a little digging, I discovered the reason why Russia did not sell these missile systems. It is because Russia knows China will simply copy them, and because Russia is about to flip sides and assist the Bolsheviks in destroying China, so they don't want the Chinese to have this missile system mass produced, modified, and turned on them to stop a Bolshevik takeover of China. 

Very surprising: Iran's underground missiles 

They really do "come out of the ground", not a missile silo. What I think is going on with these is that they are solid propellant missiles that can sit in the ground for very long times in very inexpensive structures that have been covered over with a foot or so of dirt on top. When the gas pressure from the launch enters the very small space around the missile, it blows the dirt cover off and the time the missile is engulfed in fire from doing so is so short nothing happens, it just shoots out of the hole with no obstruction. Very efficient and quite brilliant. If ground penetrating radar has trouble finding these, GOOD LUCK, it just looks like undisturbed desert. 

Here is why you desperately need bicycles and a cheap tent now:

Because if a Bolshevik style crack down happens in the U.S. the first thing they will try to do is starve you and you'll be going everywhere, trying to find food. If you do that walking, you'll destroy yourself in a couple weeks via calorie loss. You can casually bike a total of 30 miles or so per day and if it was really zero effort casual you'll burn very few calories and not wear your body out. Going around at 5-10 mph on a bike uses practically nothing from your body, it is so easy. And while going at a speed that is "so easy" you will blow away walking and beat running and whatever food you do find will then actually matter and not have it's value degraded by the fact that you blew more calories getting it than whatever value it has. With your tent on the bike, you can then set it up wherever you are, and not waste any calories "going back". If it is the tiny one from Wal Mart, two people can sleep in those, and they can be hidden while set up very easily. The shelter from the little tents is almost equal in quality to a house and they last years if treated carefully. The big tents really are not as good, they are cold by comparison, difficult to carry, and very difficult to conceal. They are only better if there's a place you can put them where you never have to move them or take them down and you really need the space. 

Having a bike and a small tent will make such an event possibly survivable. The objective is to kill you via starvation and weather exposure. The Bolsheviks like to claim righteousness because "They never kill anyone", no, everyone died because they were vagabonds that did not eat. We had no camps and no kill squads." Don't get Bolsheviked. You can stifle their tactics by eliminating weather exposure and greatly diminish calorie loss with those two items.

If you have a bike, I know you probably have not used it for 10 years. Even mine is seldom used. Take it out and give it some oil and adjustment and a clean up.

Ezekiel 3:18-20

18 "When I say to the wicked, 'You shall surely die,' and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. 

19 "Yet, if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul.

20 "Again, when a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die; because you did not give him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at your hand.

If you have anything you need to clean up, now is the time to do it because it is more than ever likely to be your last chance. And it will make no difference at all how good you were in your life prior, god does not "take an average" and judge you that way.


The last shall be first, and the first shall be last.

What matters most is where you are spiritually when you die.

Asteroid rumors going around

I don't know how widespread this is, but it is BUNK. The rumor is that they will be arriving at the end of 2020 and it' all hush hush, and was the reason for the corona scam and the funneling of final trillions into deep state interests, so they could finish completing their survival bunkers on an accelerated schedule. I CALL BUNK. If there are any "asteroids," they will be tactical nukes. 

One very important thing to say on this topic, people MUST be aware: When ICBM nukes are launched, they will look like asteroids coming in. ICBM's go into space and re-enter, and will leave a tail just like a meteor. Super bright meteors are only the size of a pea. They are perfectly visible when they are only the size of a grain of sand. An ICBM is so much larger than that, that the brightness will be indistinguishable from a major meteor event. Don't get punked if they try this and push it off on "meteors, they just might.



A radio host was ripping Trump, watching the rioters slash and burn, kept calling them peaceful and Trump hateful, and then the rioters showed up at his apartment and trashed it. This proves that no matter how bad things may seem at times, there's plenty in life to be thankful for.
2020, America, Censorship, China, Coverup, DNA, Donald Trump, Election, GMO, Google, Health, Mosquito, Russia, Setup, Vaccine, Virus,