SUPER BOWL WARFARE OPPORTUNITY: Average normal price for a superbowl seat is now over $10,000
AND GUESS WHAT: It is attended mostly by leftists. Question: Where did the poor little leftist victims come up with enough cash for THAT??? The superbowl costs more than a new car for a family of 4. The truckers are considering jamming it up so bad no one can make it. Considering who's money got spent, I SAY GO FOR IT!!!! THAT
would be a beautiful piece of legit peaceful warfare. Participate also. Use your car.
“The show begins after the Super Bowl,” hinting that there was a plan in place for a complete shutdown of phones and Internet and Mass Media"
would be a beautiful piece of legit peaceful warfare. Participate also. Use your car.
“The show begins after the Super Bowl,” hinting that there was a plan in place for a complete shutdown of phones and Internet and Mass Media"
Shutting down the super bowl has been very well received.
I repeat: The super bowl will be attended predominantly by the leftists who pushed the vax and lockdown scam. At $10,000+ average price for a NON SCALPED REGULAR SEAT, I can't imagine a whole lot of conservatives attending. The best way to send a message will therefore be to shut it down. We need as many people as possible to jam the roads to make surface access to the stadium impossible, and TO ALSO FILL 100 PERCENT OF AVAILABLE PARKING AT BUS AND TRAIN STATIONS. Do your part to fight a totally non-violent war, SHUT THAT EFFING VENUE DOWN.
VERY BAD: 5G is setting off no-contact voltage testers
Pocketable no-contact voltage testers were first popularized by Fluke in the 1990's. All they do is sense the magnetic fields put off by live AC wires. Up until now, they have not been known to interact with cell phone towers or anything at radio frequencies because they are designed to pick up 50 or 60 HZ and ignore everything else. What this guy is showing should be impossible. The claim is that a 5G tower just got switched on near his property and when it did, his no contact voltage tester started going off. He figured it was defective so he went and got a new one with the same results - the 5G tower makes it go off constantly outside, and inside it goes off above chest level. These are very proximity sensitive, if he can spin around in the room and have it keep going off, there's a major problem, it means the 5G tower HAS TO be pumping out enormous amounts of energy. It is not easy to set off a no-contact sensor, it really does have to be practically right on a wire, even when being used for the frequencies it was made for. This is VERY BAD.
A good little talk from a Trucker in Ottawa
Tucker Carlson: Kamala planted the Jan 6 pipe bombs
He gives all the evidence, which can only lead to one conclusion. Kamala definitely planted the bombs.
A Canadian Army Major's message about the vax and politics surrounding it
Best statement in this was directed at the police and military: "You entered law enforcement to protect and serve those you love. Why have you allowed the government to twist you into being tyrants instead?"
Full blown spreadable actual live virus Vax induced AIDS is probably real
In many cases it is probably not a spike protein, they probably put the real deal in the shots. There were three different types of shots called the same thing from multiple countries, RIGHT? What if the "bad batches" that got noticed right away were MRNA, the bulk of the shots that did not get noticed right away were AIDS, and the third one was for politicians and insiders?
There are rumors and rumors of rumors that the military has measured a 590 percent increase in AIDS cases among those who lived lifestyles that caused them to be tested for aids since the military mandated the Corona shots. What does this mean? Probably that the increase in AIDS among the no-risk group is up a million percent and they just don't know it because they have not been tested.
People who accepted the shots for the most part got the same type of fever that is the introduction to AIDS, and most of them are now in the time frame that would be asymptomatic. With Britain and others now stating AIDS is exploding, and it's a new type of AIDS that progresses twice as fast as the old type - progresses twice as fast because the starter dose was HUGE compared to normal - I think the writing is on the wall. How about you???
FACT: If you wanted a slow kill shot that "no one would notice", putting AIDS in it would do the trick. Absolutely NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE in your target group would ever get tested, and for the five lone wolves that got tested for some odd reason out of 10 million people who got the shot, they could be written off as flukes. Normal people just don't get tested for AIDS. The so-called "elite" absolutely would get away with it long enough to massively infect half of the world population before anyone uttered a peep. We are there. And now we'll start hearing about AIDS that spreads like a cold, and THEY ALREADY HAVE AN ALL NEW MRNA SHOT FOR THAT. And the new shot will just be the old shot, if not something worse.
What if the plan was to scare everyone with the flu, re-labeled as corona, so they would go in and get their AIDS shot, and the next "pandemic" will be "aerial aids??" After all, if you're not poking butt holes or sharing needles, HOW ELSE WOULD YOU GET IT? RIGHT? AM I RIGHT, OR AM I RIGHT??? I am right. And tons of people who said "no" to the corona shot and are not vaxxed will run in for the second kill wave administered via another shot to "protect them" from what the first shot did.
Heck, if you really wanted to spread a pandemic you would not catch yourself, just inject people with AIDS. And laugh. No doubt "they" think it is funny. After all, Bill gates did laugh and smirk at "the next big one" he said would happen . . . . . are we there yet?
People who accepted the shots for the most part got the same type of fever that is the introduction to AIDS, and most of them are now in the time frame that would be asymptomatic. With Britain and others now stating AIDS is exploding, and it's a new type of AIDS that progresses twice as fast as the old type - progresses twice as fast because the starter dose was HUGE compared to normal - I think the writing is on the wall. How about you???
FACT: If you wanted a slow kill shot that "no one would notice", putting AIDS in it would do the trick. Absolutely NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE in your target group would ever get tested, and for the five lone wolves that got tested for some odd reason out of 10 million people who got the shot, they could be written off as flukes. Normal people just don't get tested for AIDS. The so-called "elite" absolutely would get away with it long enough to massively infect half of the world population before anyone uttered a peep. We are there. And now we'll start hearing about AIDS that spreads like a cold, and THEY ALREADY HAVE AN ALL NEW MRNA SHOT FOR THAT. And the new shot will just be the old shot, if not something worse.
What if the plan was to scare everyone with the flu, re-labeled as corona, so they would go in and get their AIDS shot, and the next "pandemic" will be "aerial aids??" After all, if you're not poking butt holes or sharing needles, HOW ELSE WOULD YOU GET IT? RIGHT? AM I RIGHT, OR AM I RIGHT??? I am right. And tons of people who said "no" to the corona shot and are not vaxxed will run in for the second kill wave administered via another shot to "protect them" from what the first shot did.
Heck, if you really wanted to spread a pandemic you would not catch yourself, just inject people with AIDS. And laugh. No doubt "they" think it is funny. After all, Bill gates did laugh and smirk at "the next big one" he said would happen . . . . . are we there yet?
The STASI and others were VERY polite . . . . . until they were not. Canada is officially off the cliff. Either the Canadian people put a stop to this NOW by not being so nice, or they are all gonna get gassed. The Canadian people need to start making choices NOW. There are few (if any) cases of "peaceful protest" working once any state has taken it to this level. The son of Castro is in charge for God's sake and the corruption is so deep ALL of your government permitted it and kept it hidden. You will never fix a problem this grave via any democratic process, or any other process that does not make your government actually afraid of you. You don't make them afraid by congregating in front of any official place, you make them afraid by actually going into THEIR NEIGHBORHOODS. OVER BY THE KOSHER STORE. Castro was a JEW. Trudeau PROVES IT.
They are trying to say that the quarantines caused so much stress there will be long term heart failures from that. Stunning scam!!!
Ottawa trucker: warning video
Ottawa is asking Washington to use military force to break the trucker's border blockade
Here is how you handle that: As soon as the U.S. arrives, you cross the border. They can't stop you. If possible, go get a load with pay in advance. Bring it back to the border from the other side and when they ask you for proof of vaccination, leave your truck there. They might handle the first few but if the trucks come in like that once a minute, they are F***ED. THEN GET THE FUNDS OTTAWA CLAIMED TO BLOCK, AND GIVE THEM TO THE TRUCKERS WHEN THEY ARE ON THE AMERICAN SIDE.