The left is freaking out because Putin destroyed Hillary:
Putin: "For instance, we can bring up Mr. Browder, in this particular case. Business associates of Mr. Browder have earned over $1.5 billion in Russia and never paid any taxes neither in Russia or the United States and yet the money escaped the country. They were transferred to the United States. They sent [a] huge amount of money, $400,000,000, as a contribution to the campaign of Hillary Clinton. Well that’s their personal case. It might have been legal, the contribution itself but the way the money was earned was illegal. So we have solid reason to believe that some [US] intelligence officers accompanied and guided these transactions. So we have an interest in questioning them.
My comment: This is the end of the left. They can't overcome this. Helsinki was an unmitigated disaster for them, and the only thing they can do now is lie about everything, about how Trump committed treason for teaming up with an enemy and all the other nosense and then hope people believe it because there's no recovery from a statement like that, Hillary and the lying MSM, as well as American intelligence are finished.
Here we have: Hillary was the one guilty of Russian collusion (as those with any wit already knew), that corrupted Russians helped Hillary, and that American intelligence was involved also. We have Russia wanting arrests and questioning over it, thus proving it was not done officially so Putin is off the hook and Trump is off the hook. This one is BAAAAD folks, it is an un-quenchable un-stoppable catastrophe for Hillary and the rest of her ilk.
New island formed by Kiluea eruption
If the sources you have seen on this topic are still saying it is only 30 feet long, they are off. The island grew significantly and is now about 200 feet long. Reports that have a picture of the larger island are still saying it is only 30 feet long. I do not think it will stay as an island, I think it will fill the gap between it and the main island and simply become part of it.
The island is said to have been caused by an upwelling in underwater lava as it flowed from fissure 8. This would be a nice island to swim out to if it stayed an island, but it probably will not.
Helsinki summit going well
Trump and Putin(tm) hit it off well. So we'll have to wait a day and see what actually came of it. So far so good.
Here is the out take in a sentence: Liberals are going bonkers, calling Trump a traitor, yet Ron and Rand Paul think Trump did absolutely great. Here is a comment from Infowars that really sums it up:
" Fox News is covering this event and the comment section is exploding with leftist propaganda, so fast you can't even answer any of it. I told others to not expect responses from people who live in India typing out a script.
My comment: That's funny, but the left is losing support so quickly that I doubt they could con Soros into paying people in India to leave comments, no, that is probably a Google AI doing that for "free". "fight fake comment bots" Google and Twitter and Faceplant no doubt deploy them abundantly and Fox is seeing the wrath.
Just like Trump: Obrador has put in place a presidential pay cut for even himself
The U.S. presidency is a position where pay is a requirement. If I remember right, Trump, who wanted no pay at all, set his pay at 1 cent per year to meet the requirement of being paid. Obrador throughout his campaign said he'd cut the Presidential pay, for himself and all subsequent presidents.
Obrador is going to need enough to get by on, so he can't cut his pay to one cent. But all through his campaign, he trashed the presidents of the United States and Mexico, and called out Obama BY NAME in his commercials, saying the pay to Obama and the Mexican presidents was outrageously high, and he would change that. Interesting it is, he did not rip Trump, because Obrador obviously knew Trump rejected the pay.
As I have said before, there are very strong parallels between Trump and Obrador, so much so that Trump likes Obrador very much and has, in private (public enough for it to be reported) called Obrador "Juan Trump". At any rate, in case you do not remember, Trump rejected his presidential pay, and Lopez Obrador will be cutting presidential pay by 60 percent once he is inaugurated. He has to make at least something, and 40 percent of the regular salary is still decent, but I would not call it excessive for that position.
Trump does not call Obrador "Juan Trump" for nothing. Obrador is EVERYTHING I have said he is. If Obrador gets a two term (12 year) presidency in Mexico, and Trump gets an 8 year term, kiss the NWO goodbye for the rest of your visible lifetime, and there will actually be free and FAIR trade between Mex and the U.S. The flood of migrants will also stop with Obrador as president.
CAUTIONS: The European portion of the New World Order and the American "elite" are going to fight back hard and try to destroy Mexico economically over an Obrador presidency. He's the last thing they ever wanted, and they will try to Chavez him. But he's not Chavez, and Mexico's economy is diverse. Mexico does not get by via the exploitation of a single resource the way Venezuela had to exploit oil, Mexico has industry that makes everything from shoes to jet engine parts, and because of that it is going to be difficult to hurt Mexico the way the elite hurt Cuba and Venezuela. Mexico really does have the ability to trade on equal terms with the U.S., and that's an enormously strong position for Mexico to be in if Trump likes the new president.
China is also itching like an alley dog to get manufacturing set up in Mexico, but all of China's efforts were blocked by previous administrations. Obrador is set to let them in, on the condition that they employ Mexicans and do not simply import 5,000,000 chinese laborers. China would try to do that. If Obrador can work a deal without allowing China to bring large numbers of people in, it again would boost Mexico enormously.
The bottom line: Obrador put Obama in a negative light and that is something an elitist would never do. If you could just hear his campaign commercial where he mentioned Obama's pay, and the tone of his voice when referencing Obama, Ha, you'd laugh. I sure got a chuckle. That commericial aired repeatedly. Obrador knows what is going on in the world, and is definitely on our side of the equation.
Ultra leftist college admissions drop
Leftist colleges are feeling the heat as white students abandon them. Leading the pack is ultra leftist Evergreen state college, which held a day of protests against whites, where no white student was allowed on campus.
QUESTION: Can you shame whites who never did anything in their lives that would justify them being bashed into oblivion as racist and privileged? My short answer is "Anyone can take a certain amount of bullshit, but there are limits, and Evergreen just found out via a 17 percent enrollment drop, which saw a majority of it's white males WALK OUT."
I really, truly wish it was more than that. Anything less than a 50 percent enrollment drop is not satisfactory. Let's hope for the future numbers to bode more appropriately for that drainage ditch of a U.
Illegal immigrant beheads 13 year old girl
The MSM really is suppressing this story, with the only source covering it that is even close to MSM being The Blaze.
The U.S. mainstream media is refusing to report on a barbaric crime involving an illegal immigrant working for a Mexican drug cartel who forced a 13-year-old Alabama girl to watch the murder of her grandmother, before driving the child into the woods and cutting her head off.
Obviously the media will not report this, and "white America" is instead being fingered in liberal comment sections, despite they guy clearly being Latino. No facts stated whatsoever by the left with regard to this, because they just can't stop lying about everything.
You know, the leftist mantra is easy to beat, because it is so repetitive. All anyone has to do is have the guts to take the ridicule - to be able to handle being called racist, sexist, homophobic and an anti-semite. Do you realize that those 4 things are ALL, and I mean ALL the left has in it's aresnal?
The left's arsenal has NO OTHER AMMUNITION. Facts don't support them. They have absolutely nothing to respond with other than to slander the opponent. So here's how you handle a leftist: BEFORE SAYING ANYTHING AT ALL, SAY THIS: "I know I am a racist, sexist bigoted anti-semitic homophobe. So don't bother telling me what I already know. Now, can we discuss the facts without having you blabber that, PLEASE?
Hillary Clinton accused of greatest treason in history.
Former CIA officer Kevin Shipp has accused Hillary of the greatest treason in U.S. history. Why is this not a headline? Because the accusation is only in regard to laundering of funds for Uranium one through the clinton foundation. When someone wants to charge Hillary for espionage, and selling out America's secrets via her E-mail server, I'll take note. Until then, it is all a cover up that will go absolutely nowhere.
Trump did not bow for the Queen
Trump refused to bow for that belligerent, self centered and totally arrogant hag, and I applaud him. I have ripped the queen here quite well before, she is as evil and self centered as it gets, and the immigrant situation in Britain SAYS IT ALL. Why on earth would any prominent leader of that type want her kingdom saturated with immigrants who have no sophistication whatsoever and no respect for british history whatsoever? I HAVE THE ANSWER:
Because if the totally ignorant dominate, her family will be able to rule the way it did pre-Robin Hood. It takes a very low class populace to submit to that, and since everyday brits are NOT THAT, the Queen is importing her future of unbridled superiority from elsewhere. That's the only reason, and if Trump bowed to that, I'd have petitioned for impeachment!
Alternate answer: When Melania refused to curtsy, it appeared that the Queen has surrendered the British Empire to Trump, and to save face, Princes Charles and William did not show up to avoid the indignity.
Rosenstein to be impeached
Republicans are so sick of the never ending Russian B.S. and other partisan actions of Rosenstein, so they VERY BELATEDLY (should have done this long ago) drafted up impeachment documents.
Rosenstein should be a LOT MORE than impeached. His actions go far beyond sedition and deeply into treason. At first I thought it had to be a joke that someone actually did something about it, but as it turns out, Fox News covered this.
You can't accept foreign funding for a campaign like this, even for that reason alone HILLARY IS TOAST. And that huge sum of money probably ties straight into Uranium One, and if it does not it is even better because it will mean there is an even bigger Hillary scam no one knew about.