New "most important video ever"
Vaccinated staff are being replaced.
We are entering an era where the lawful will be arrested because they ignored the lawless
The era we have now entered is one in which the lawless have taken over. When this happens, laws mean nothing and evil is cut free to do whatever it wants. Evil is now producing lawless mandates (to force the lawless vax made by lawless people who will get away with murdering a huge portion of the population because only the lawless are enforcing the laws.) Lawless cops have been doing asset forfeiture for a while and have even been caught on video complaining about pulling over armored trucks and "only getting $450,000 when it was 1.2 million last time" - that is happening now - it is pure chaos. The people that are to be feared the most now are the police. Don't expect them to care about your vax dead kid.
The lawless HATE YOU. They see good people as a challenge to their ability to rape murder and steal everything possible, with Gofundme being the latest prominent example, having backed down only because DeSantis, one of the few good people left, threatened them with an investigation. But what about investigations into who committed so many murders with a Covid scare and kill shot? That will not happen, because those who did that are farther up the chain than Gofundme, and are too well protected.
We have lawless doctors taking people from car accidents who are fine, and setting them up as cash cows to be milked for every last dime possible in the name of Covid, with the end being murder for a total of about $200,000 including all the "care" they gave while murdering someone, and NONE OF THE HOSPITALS OR DOCTORS DOING THIS ARE EVEN BEING QUESTIONED. That's serious lawlessness.
We have lawless teachers corrupting the kids while breaking deviancy laws and NOTHING HAPPENS. That's pure lawlessness. And the teachers HATE YOU. They obviously hate the kids too but that's a different story - war is war.
We have elections being obviously and arrogantly stolen with countless witnesses coming forward saying it was stolen, and the "justice" system is so lawless and on the side of the thieves they will not even hear a case. It's not that Trump did not have a case - unilaterally, across the board, there was so much lawlessness at every level that not one judge out there would even take the case except for two on the supreme court and that was not enough . . . . lawlessness ruled -
Howcome Hillary and Hunter are not in jail, let alone Biden? The answer is easy: Because criminals rule the roost at all levels now, and represent a complete breach of contract with the American people. How far does a nation have to fall where the police can just rob armored trucks and get away with it? I won't even insult Mexico by comparing, that's even below Venezuela - I don't even know of a country where police can do that, not even complete shitholes like Botswana. How far has America sunk? ANSWER:
The lawful WILL go to jail. They will go to jail for refusing a lawless shot. They will go to jail for growing a garden a lawless creep banned. How can a garden be illegal??? They will go to jail for speaking up about the lawless. They will go to jail for whatever anyone makes up to put them away, in a lawless system that absolutely despises the lawful, the American government at all levels, federal state and local, is like the bar scene in Star Wars about which Obi one declared "You will never see a more wretched hive of scum and villiany", we are there.
What can we do? That's hard to say, because "People who only wanted to be left alone" ignored the problem for FAR TOO LONG. We sure as hell cannot vote, petition, or protest our way out of it. That leaves very few options, none of them pretty.
COMPANY LEVEL REBELLION: Mining trucks Now join the convoy
These will be impossible to move, there is nothing on the highway that can. To move these they have to call the mining company that sent them, and I don't even know if the mining company has something that can tow these. These are usually repaired right where they break down if they cannot drive it back to the shop. This is an important escalation because it proves a major company somewhere joined the protest. that's a BIG DEAL.Want to see how the police act? This is it.
Street reporter sees guy pulled over. She talks to him. He has to wait for the cop in the car behind him to make the next move. The next move was a black police truck arriving and backing into his vehicle from the front. More arrive. They then yank him out and put him face down on the street. He never did anything to be treated like that. The reporter goes bonkers.Most likely the guy they nailed was bringing supplies to the truckers.
"Disinformation" does not mean untrue, it just means it is not the "information" someone wants to have get in the way of an agenda.
Just because something gets lableled "disinformation" does not make it false, even in the eyes of those who label it disinformation. "Disinformation" is in fact "Information that goes against the agendas of those who define the terminology, even if it happens to be true".
Let's say Billionaire Bob has an enormous amount of defective product to sell, and Billionaire Bob owns media outlets. He HAS TO sell it or take an enormous loss. He then uses his media outlets to call complaints about the product "disinformation" even though he knows full well all the complaints are true. He does not care if using media outlets to label complaints as "disinformation" equates to a lie, "Disinformation" is merely information he does not want published.
When you get banned for posting "disinformation" don't for a minute think that those who banned you actually believe you are wrong, at this point they know you are not wrong and just want you to stop posting information that might damage whatever objective they are pursuing. Being right has nothing to do with it.
Heart attacks are on the rise for every reason other than the vax. Let's take a look
The groundwork is being done in preparation for something and that "something" lines up with a chart I did, calculating when the vaxtastrophe would really hit. Even the totally unaware will be able to see how stupid these headlines are, even if they can't agree with all of them being stupid the light ought to go on.
Police taking food and fuel from truckers?
That did happen when they wanted to make an example out of someone, but semi tanks are huge and no one is out of fuel yet. They can idle about 500-600 hours if the tanks are full and they don't have to be on full time. Additionally, they stocked their food so well that they are nowhere near out of food yet either. Today will be business as usual, unless the police start doing arrests.
The Toronto Star is Canada's largest newspaper by far. This poll may pressure Ottawa into doing the right thing, even after they announced they would be doing arrests. This poll clearly states in technicolor Trudeau must be ousted. If that does not happen something is seriously wrong.
Another funeral worker speaks up about vax genocide
This time in Australia.
A genuine truly leaked new video of the F35 crash on the Carl Vinson proves without question it was a vax crash.
Update: The landing gear was in fact down.
Too low, too fast.
Pilot obviously passed out on approach.
It is clear and obvious the good people in the military did not want video getting out of what happened, it point blank proves this is a vax crash. It is OBVIOUS the landing gear was not down and the plane crashed dead stick. Watch the death shot disaster, that's all this video is There will be more. This is not the end.
It is a cell phone video of a screen playing back the video footage the aircraft carrier tower got. Two different angles. Rumor has it the girl flying the plane had a heart related incident related to being vaxxed. As a result of having a heart attack while landing, she did not put the landing gear down and came in too fast and too low. Obviously the crash would have loosened a brain or heart clot . . . . Coverup crews later said she failed the simulator and crashed the same way on it but that is bunk because if so, she would not have been flying. FACT: If you fail to put the landing gear down, PLUS come in too low, PLUS come in too fast, that's a medical issue, not a "problem observed during simulator training". She was simply disabled at the controls.
Someone no doubt wants to keep this secret which is why a medical issue is not stated as the cause of the crash, - someone at the Pentagon does not want our enemies knowing just how big a screw up forced vaxxing the whole military was, while others at the Pentagon who aid and abet our enemies push the vax even more.
This is the most censored video on the planet. It got VAPORIZED everywhere. Want to see what the resistance looks like? This is it.
Update: Infowars has this and is somehow avoiding getting it deleted.
Obviously this is not a real court case, it is just a really good synopsis of what is going on.