The theory goes like this: On September 11, 2001, 19 arabs with box cutters and plastic knives conspired to board 4 airliners without ever showing up on the flight manifests. All 4 airlines were successfully hijacked by these conspiring arabs with mere plastic knives, and at most 1 inch metal blades, and flown by failed cessna pilots like experts into 3 of the targets, while the 4th airplane hit a field and left a crater but no debris. 

The attack came as a total surprise to the Air Force and Norad, who never saw it coming, and remained blind to it all for a full hour after all planes hit their targets, with the final target being the greatest military command headquarters in the world. Norad suddenly could not see airplanes if their transponders were switched off, thus proving active radar is a hoax.

Somehow, despite being fully rated to take a full speed impact from the similarly sized and faster flying 707, both world trade center towers fell into their own footprints (rather than off to the side in one direction like you would expect if an airplane impact weakened one side of them) because Arabs are magic and Allah was with them. And out of sympathy, while mourning for the loss of it's two big brothers, WTC 7 which never got hit by an airplane at all, cried itself to death and fell down too.

And we know this is a true story, because despite never having seat back phones or any satellite uplink available, calls were made from cell phones (which could not connect at speeds over 120 mph because they have to arrange which tower will take the call from a moving object next, and could not do that on time from the planes which were going 550 mph.) But we know it worked anyway because after Cee Cee Lyle's "plastic knives and box cutters" cell phone call ended, her coach told her she did a great job and if she did not do a great job, the entire Arab plan would have failed. And if you don't believe how GREAT CeeCee did, just listen to her boss tell her how great she did! Her boss would never lie!

So there you have it - the official story. The wackiest 911 conspiracy theory of all! 

The entire 911 story hinges on CeeCee Lyle's phone call from flight 93. But if you actually get ahold of this phone call, you can clearly hear it was faked, because CeeCee's coach is in the background saying she did it great!

911 Flight 93 phone call busted. CeeCee Lyle read her arab incriminating yet fully scripted phone call from the ground, in a call center, and if you listen to the call, you can hear her coach say "that was great!" after she finishes speaking. You can also hear a coach or manager say "allright" in the background of the enhanced version, and AFTER THAT you can hear her coach say "sorry" for saying "that was great" too loud and possibly having it be audible in the message. CeeCee Lyles flight 93 911 phone call enhanced and original This kills the entire arab/911 meme, obviously the calls were faked.

Here is the best I have for 911. This has been, for many people, myth. Resurrected from the dead:

Carl Cameron's BANNED 2001 911 Fox News Report linking Israelis to 911 RESCUED!

This series by Carl Cameron,which Fox News released in 2001 was supposed to have 12 parts. Only 4 parts ever got broadcast, and all 4 are in this ONE MP3. Even these 4 parts should be enough to wake your sleeping zombie sheep, they prove Israel is raping the U.S. and was heavily involved in 911 And it all went out on FOX NEWS, IT IS ALL HERE, ARCHIVE AND POST!!! 

Note: Much of the super damning stuff is in the second half.

This was broadcast on Fox News Carl Cameron's expose THIS IS A MUST LISTEN, IT TOTALLY BLOWS ISRAEL OUT OF THE WATER and after seeing this I can't believe Fox News ever got this published. 

Key points: 

1. After 911, Israeli companies tipped off perpetrators of 911 to when the FBI, CIA an other American intelligence was onto them, so they could immediately change their identities and prevent the investigations from proceeding. Additionally, once the investigations started, the perpetrators were given the ability to wire tap all of the investigator's phones and other communications via Israeli owned companies and spy infrastructure, to totally circumvent capture. If this does not by itself prove Israel did 911, I do not know what possibly could.

2. Israeli companies tip off Israeli drug dealers to when American investigation efforts have pinned them down, and like the perpetrators of 911, the Israelis then provide even drug dealers with wire taps on the investigators in pursuit of them, to help them completely evade capture.

This Fox News report is SO DAMNING I wonder if Carl Cameron is even alive. This series was shut down 8 out of 12 segments early, because it NAILED THE TRUTH. Much can be extrapolated from even these 4 segments, they prove Israel is America's ENEMY NUMBER ONE, ARCHIVE AND POST!

I really want people to consider this, I am not joking about it

Take a look at this picture of the very large aircraft hitting the bridge in Taiwan. From this photo below, you can clearly see that the aircraft had a very strong wing drag on the road surface, only to have the guard rail snap off a very large section of wing. This picture proves that the bridge took the full brunt of a hit that put the full strength of the aircraft's wing into that guard rail. 

It is the entire end of the wing snapped off, and after looking at this photo which clearly shows this fact:



I want you to again take a look at the road and the guard rail in the next photo. Initially I thought the top of the guard rail was ornamental aluminum or stainless steel. But from this photo, a nice clear one, you can see that THE ONLY PIECE BROKEN ON THAT BRIDGE WAS MADE OUT OF PLASTIC. There is no trace of any damage anywhere else on the bridge whatsoever, so I want to once again ask a serious pointed question toward the Dimona tribe: 



Take your pick with what you believe I guess, but as I see it, there is NO DAMN WAY a normal Boeing did that damage to the WTC. 

If airplanes did the WTC, they would had to have had armor plated steel wings or they would have had to have had their wings packed with explosives from wing tip to wing tip, the size and flight parameters of the Taiwan plane were too close to the 911 planes to have no damage to that bridge other than to a plastic piece on top of the guard rail if the 911 planes really were as stated. Obviously they were not when the Taiwan plane did absolutely no damage to anything solid on that bridge and the 911 planes cut super strong solid steel beams in half and pulverized concrete to boot. I CALL B.S. ON THE PLANE IMPACTS, THOSE WERE NOT AMERICAN AIRLINES PLANES, THEY WERE EITHER ENTIRELY FAKE AND GREEN SCREENED IN OR THEY WERE HEAVILY FORTIFIED WITH IRON ARMOR PLATE AND WING LOADED EXPLOSIVES. 

Airplanes really do come apart like aluminum foil when they hit anything solid at all, they fly because they are light and dainty and engineered to handle ONE THING: AIR, with which concrete and steel have no common traits. Even a bird can crash a jumbo jet for Gods sake! 

I have a boat load of other 911 stuff I could put up, but why bother? Either you know 911 was a false flag psy op, or you are too stupid to be saved. I have all of it - building 7, the micro nuke stuff, explosives in the building yada yada yada but other people have that too, what I put up here is what I have that can't easily be found elsewhere. Anyway, if Hillary is allowed to scam her way in, 911 won't mean jack anyway.

Trump is the candidate that will ensure 911 remains the worst day in American history. Hillary will certainly strive for more!

2016, 9/11, Attack, Civil War, Cold War, Coverup, Dick Cheney, POTUS, Pentagon, Setup, USA, Wasington DC, falseflag,