Ben Fulford has reported that the Bolivia coup was staged by Elon Musk

Surprisingly, Musk was the VERY FIRST THING I thought of.

He's the one that needs the lithium for the batteries in his cars, and Bolivia has over 50 percent of the world's supply that is of the quality that is needed. I can't back this up, but the rumor goes like this: 

Morales wanted to mine and refine the lithium with Bolivian companies and people, and THEN make the batteries in Bolivia, so Bolivia could capture the entire value of it's resources and rise economically. When Morales set out to do just that, Musk and a group in Germany hired Blackwater to overthrow Morales. MY TAKE:

I don't think Musk is that much of an evil creep, but it is a fact that no one died during the coup (remarkable) and Morales successfully fled. A big problem with the story however is that four different countries denied Morales the use of their airspace, which means they are puppet states, and Blackwater does not operate at that level. Something else is at play here.

I'd buy a story line more like "Germany fronted all of this, and Musk tagged along because he really needs batteries". The fact remains that no one died. I don't think Elon would go that far, and if he was involved zero deaths would be because of him.

There were six deaths in the riots afterward, but by then, any involvement by Musk would have been over. 

This is all just a big fancy story, and there's a lot more at play than batteries. There is also a central banking issue at play here. So my thoughts are that if Musk had anything to do with it, it was only paint and not the whole machine, once banking becomes part of the story it's a Rothschild thing. THAT I would believe 100% 

FDA scolds Dollar Tree for selling "drugs" at a fair price

I am going to cut to the chase and say it like it is: Lots of drugs, LOTS OF THEM, in top quality form, cost only $1. There's no magic to this, chemistry is chemistry and if that chemistry is cheap, charging $600 for it is a crime. Dollar tree started selling what could be sold cheap, for $1. And the FDA has warned them not to do it, with the excuse that "Americans demand and deserve drugs that are top quality". 


I'll take the $1 version made by Fei Cheng LONG before I'd ever trust Bayer, Glaxo Smith Kline or any of the other Western drug manufacturers, who have proven they sabotage their crap, just look at the autism stats. If Dollar Tree found a way to undercut those bastards it would only be fortunate for them to carry what you needed. All the rest of the drugs they can't sell for $1 don't cost over $15 anywhere else in the world, all the FDA is doing by stopping Dollar tree is aiding and abetting the scamming of the American public. They don't want the big secret - that it is all a RIP OFF getting out. 

Scorpion sting antidote in Mexico: Less than $50 a dose. The exact same scorpion sting antidote, for the Bark scorpion (the dangerous one) which is made exclusively in Mexico has been scammed out by American hospitals for $50, 000 a dose and then they make sure they use more than one. Some of the worst corruption in America is in the medical system, that scams the living hell out of people, and the FDA, which is a subverted scam outfit that DID blow the lid off of tainted vaccines and chose to bury it, is just as bad.

People may get the impression that I am just shock reporting with this when really I am just calling it as it is. There's no excuse for the FDA to even exist, all that agency does is damage, along with aiding and abetting a very poor quality medical system in the United States, that sells out poor quality service for more than 150X what the cost would be in Mexico, where the service is FAR superior. I know this, because I have had a lot of experience in both countries. Mex medical is in another class compared to the U.S. and it is by comparison FREE even if you use the highest class private care. 

Update to below: I cannot even begin to describe what a bust this is, and how huge it is that the left actually fronted a lie of this magnitude and pushed it on everyone, through EVERY LAST OUTLET THEY OWNED PLANET WIDE, knowing full well it was a fraud. This is an earth shattering revelation that should destroy the left for time and all eternity.

The "11, 000 scientists" claiming global warming was real was a lie - they were just ordinary people who signed a page on an obscure web site.

Rush Limbaugh reported this. From what I found, the actual report by Rush is not getting linked to directly. Here it is. And here is a key quote from it:

"RUSH: Our buddies over at Power Line discovered something. Last week (I don't know if you saw it, there was a story, and it was big out there) "that 11, 000 scientists had issued a report contending that the Earth faces a 'climate emergency.' NBC News ... described a 'study' produced by an 'international consortium of more than 11, 000 scientists.'" There's a "screen shot of a Google search illustrates the coverage, " a page of a Google search: 

"NBC: More than 11, 000 Scientists Issue Fresh Warning: Earth Faces a Disaster.' 'CNN: Climate Emergency: 11, 000 Scientists Warn of Untold Suffering.'" The Guardian, Al Jazeera, U.K. Independent newspaper. It turns out there was no study, there was just a press release. And it wasn't 11, 000 scientists, it was 11, 000 random people who put their names on a web page." This was a total managed lie. There was no study. There were no scientists."

My comment: And in typical leftist fashion, this lie was used to put in place carbon taxes that are now averaging $5, 000 a year for many Canadians. The carbon taxes have gas prices spiked in many parts of the globe. And it is all being used to fund a one world government hell bent on smashing Western civilization.

Look who reported this falsehood as fact: NBC, CBS, ABC, NYT, ALL OF THEM who claimed to be real, reported this hoax as real. An error that I, working alone, would not have made. I'd have at least looked into the web site that made the claim. 11, 000 signatures is a PUNY web site.  So small used to front a multi trillion dollar tax scam and get Burger King to cough up a soy burger.

How thin and how shallow is the scam MSM in this country, and around the world? We just found out. A few pukes can sign a web page, not even claiming to be climatologists, and hoax a global agenda. And these are the same media people posting shitty billboards of Trump in Times Square and asking us to believe them during their sham impeachment while they spin a low IQ girl into the spotlight as some sort of champion, when really, if manipulated the same way, she could be made to think a My Little Pony glitter pony was kryptonite and then burn Wal Mart down over it. 



Because a vast majority of what I post as "rumor" ends up being true:

Youtube is going to assess a social credit score based on the videos you WATCH, and if they don't like it, they will delete your Google account, including skydrive, Gmail and more. How about that! And with the way things are going, it's probably true. SHAPE UP, or we'll kill your files. 

Thus far this is only rumor, but I really think they are going to take tyranny ALL THE WAY.

If you're on the cloud GET OFF, that's a ridiculous concept and realm of those who are going to get eaten. They don't make $99 10 terabyte hard drives for nothing! 

Unban DDT to kill bedbugs?

Somehow this started making the rounds, and it does make sense.

Here's the history of DDT: 

It was invented in the 1940's and is an amazing bug killer. It killed all kinds of bugs and was so safe for people you could eat it. In the good old days my friends put it in their bed sheets and killed every damn last bedbug and other parasite that used to be a problem - in ONE WHACK.

You could breathe the dust no problem and sleep in it no problem and there would not be side effects. THEN THE PATENT RAN OUT and it was suddenly discovered it "made bird egg shells weak" so they banned it to "save the birds". I call B.S., nothing of the sort actually happened and I'd like to see them prove it. Of all places it should have caused problems FIRST it would have been henhouses and nothing went wrong there at all. Then there was Diazinon, and that was hazardous. It got used widely until the patent ran out. Why is it that everything gets banned when the patent runs out?

DDT is the best pesticide there is. You can eat it. Your dog can eat it. No one was having bad side effects from it at all, and it should be brought back, and if they are worried about the birds, just don't use it to spray mosquitoes the way they were doing.

It is a tragedy it is not on the shelves for bed bugs, it will KILL THEM DEAD. Now we have ridiculous third world health standards with regard to bug control because the bastards won't let us have what works! There's a reason why, for decades, Americans never even heard of cockroaches, let alone ever saw them and the "good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite" line sounded cute, but could not be related to because bed bugs had become a myth. My entire childhood and entire adulthood they did not exist. What's with the mess lots of people have now?

Trump really should legalize DDT for in home use via executive order, it only makes sense. 


Comments about EVO MORALES:

As it turns out, there's more to the story than lithium, Evo Morales successfully pulled Bolivia away from the IMF and set up a central bank that was independent of the Jewish run banks. He then secured the nation's resources and set a plan for Bolivian prosperity based on mining and exporting. The tribe did not want a financially independent Inca king running ANY nation, so obviously that's why the coup was staged, and why Blackwater was contracted to do it. 

The Bolivian people LOVED Evo Morales, and then this. 


Obrador who is basically un-corruptible gave shelter to Morales. Now Morales is communicating with Obrador, and telling him all about how evil these F***S are. What's the outcome likely to be? I'd say Obrador is extremely likely to attempt to move Mexico into a position of less influence from outside forces. He's going to meet some resistance from within, but not at the same level Trump has. This will be a real "wait and see". 

Rumor has it abroad that Obrador is "corrupt" and a "sellout to the cartels". I'll say it straight: Obrador is NOT CORRUPTIBLE, and if any mistakes are made, they are errors and part of learning, NOT CORRUPTION. He's the first great president Mexico has had in DECADES. At least 50 years.

I am actually very surprised at how well Obrador has held it all together. The entire foreign and local elite criminal establishment hates his guts and though Mexico has been impacted by that, Obrador has really seriously kept the impact minimized, like a total ace. Quite remarkable I'd say. He might be better at his job than even Trump.

2019, Alternative Media, America, Car, Climate Change, EU, Europe, Fake News, Latin America, MSM, Mexico, News, News Media, Obrador, Self Driving Car, South America, Tax, Technology, Tesla, Trump,