Fulford perspective: JAPAN IS NOT BUYING AMERICA'S B.S.
As far back as I can remember, this sort of public Japanese rebuke of a sitting U.S. administration has never happened even once since Japan lost World War II. - Bejamin Fulford
So now, in the aftermath, Iran got bold and said they were going to exceed their uranium production limits within 10 days. And they CAN get bold, because after all, the nuclear agreement is no longer in place, and someone got busted hoaxing an attack on Iran's behalf. What can anyone do about it? Well, I have been watching Iran's electrical situation carefully, checking up on it several times daily and it is stable so far. The only thing I can do is watch and perhaps notice an attack before anyone mentions it. I can also repeat the fact that God obviously loves Iran more than Israel because if that was not the case, Iran would be getting toasted by now. There's no way this tanker incident could have gone the way it did if Israel really was getting divine favors.
I am still a bit embarrassed about calling it all a hoax, however, with one tanker not hit badly enough to even start leaking and the other carrying cargo that could not be seen on the water coupled with obvious fake MSM images of giant gaping holes below the water line that I correctly pointed out were obviously fake it is at least possible to explain why I thought it never happened at all. Oh, and Sandy Hook.
Russia: NWO agents want to attack Iran on lies like Iraq
New World Order agents have a history of summoning false flag operations in order to beat the war drum. The war against Iran is no different.
Yutaka Katada, president of Kokaku Sangyo Co., declared at a press conference:
“We received reports that something flew towards the ship. The place where the projectile landed was significantly higher than the water level, so we are absolutely sure that this wasn’t a torpedo. I do not think there was a time bomb or an object attached to the side of the ship.”
New York shut down the TENTH Jewish Orthodox school over vaccine refusal
Yes, not a rumor. A while ago DeBlasio ordered all New Yorkers, including Jews, to get the MMR shot. But the orthodox community has REFUSED, and has chosen to instead accept getting their schools shut down. This story developed a LOT under the radar. OK THEN:
QUESTION: WHY IS THE ORTHODOX COMMUNITY REFUSING "VACCINES" FOR THEIR KIDS? . . . . . . . ANSWER: Because they know what the shots really are, and what is really in them. Howcome they get to know, and CNN won't tell the rest of us?
A great comment on this issue:
"Surprise surprise. While you are "vaccinating" your children giving them autism retard shots "they" are not "vaccinating"
The MMR shot was likely, without any question whatsoever, developed in Dimona and THEY KNOW IT. They are not going to get shot with their own weapon. The mayor is a DUFUS for not just shutting the hell up, he blew their cover BIG TIME. .
Yesterday, Drudge posted that it was likely caused by a cyber attack, and then he linked an AP report that clearly states Argentina's government does not think it was a cyber attack.
As it turns out, one of the main hydroelectric legs of the system overloaded, tripped out, and caused a cascade of blown fuses and tripped breakers when the system tried to auto-restore power to everyone from insufficient sources. A classic grid collapse. They knew an overload of a key segment of the grid was underway, could have avoided all problems by properly allocating power from other areas in advance, and did not. Then kablooey. Easy fix: Replace fuses, reset breakers, and turn everything back on in the correct sequence. It took a total of about 8 hours.
Obviously there will be multiple firings over this, especially of supervisors who were probably napping out of sight and not paying attention to workers, who were also napping out of sight rather than watching levels and tending alerts while all hell broke loose.
Hate to say it, but Trump really did green light GMO BIGLY.
Trump has issued an executive order that will make it far easier for GMO companies to get their products to market. I thought people were against that - and obviously getting the public to accept this has a KEY CLAIM: "Trust your government, they operate in YOUR best interest." and if you don't think so, you are a nutter!
If you caught the AFP headline about an explosion induced earthquake in NK:
It is a prime example of CRAP reporting. The "earthquake" measured a 1.3, which makes it approximately equal to a few sticks of dynamite, and it happened on the CHINESE side of the border. This type of thing should never make a headline, but since NORTH KOREA was nearby they figured they'd call it an explosion and make people at least briefly think NK did another nuke test.Iran busted a pool of CIA agents operating in Iran
Iran should not be honoring American passports. People who show up as "salesmen" and "aid workers" and "tourists" and whatever else are more and more nothing but CIA agents and similar, looking to spy, undermine, and de-stabilize the country. This is certainly true of more than just Iran also.FBI BUSTED FOR ENTRAPMENT ON 8CHAN
This is on Twitter, so people need to get onto this before Twitter shuts it down. It took me a while to figure out what is going on with this, so I will say it clearly so people won't have to take a long time to figure it out -Remember the synagogue shooting in New Zealand? As it turns out, the FBI was on 8 chan trying to entrap people and was posting their own stuff to 8 chan to prove 8 chan was violent and needed to be shut down and have their servers seized, and they proceeded with an affidavit and a lawsuit to accomplish that. PROBLEM: 8 chan puts "you" and your identifying number right into the script above whatever is posted, and that only shows for whoever posted it. And that "you" was there for every post the FBI itself made to "prove" 8 chan was a platform for plotting violence. And they were too stupid to redact the "you", which proves they themselves posted it. IT GETS BETTER:
So the "you" made it evident that the FBI was posting under user ID number 8f4812. Archive.org did their "duty" and deleted everything for the FBI, so people could not do what ARCHIVE.IS MADE POSSIBLE: Archive.is had everything the Chans ever had posted, archived. And people started going over those archives, looking for posts by user 8f4812 and found other threads where the FBI trolled, and the FBI got busted posting tons of crap about Russia doing Christchurch and more, once ONE innocuous post by an FBI agent got discovered for what it was because the FBI did not redact properly it allowed people a way to find the rest of what the FBI was doing, and folks it is not good, for however long this lasts the twitter thread on this is here take some time going through this to get a clear picture of what is going on, it proves SO MUCH, like:
1. The FBI controls the Wayback machine (archive.org), and can have anything removed that they want, but they don't control Archive.is.
2. The FBI is a primary instigator of violence on online forums.
3. The FBI is TOTALLY leftist.
4. The FBI will try to make people who are aware look like nutcases, by pretending to be "aware" and then acting crazy.
5. The FBI will shitpost to frame forums and provide a "reason" to seize servers and shut them down, when in reality, no one who hit those forums to begin with did anything to cause it.
And I am sure, MUCH MUCH more.
Jim Acosta tweeted 1.25 million "followers" about a book signing in ARLINGTON and Only sold about 30 books.
This speaks volumes. It shows how much scamming Trump haters are appreciated, as well as how much people really like corrupted liberal reporters. PERFECT.Google's response? Sideline, de-monetize, and ban more conservatives! That way, they might increase the number of people who believe the liberal crap they link from 30 to 37.
Power outages, cyber attacks, arrests and more!
Despite numerous reports about Russia probing America's grid and America probing Russia back, no outages, other than a major one that affected Argentina, Paraguay, and parts of Brazil have happened and I did not hear of any attacks against them. 40+million were without power but they returned it fairly quickly, over a few hours.Despite numerous reports about attacks on the internet, nothing is showing up in the real world. Ditto for arrests:
Everyone plus their followers, their followers cat's and the cat's fleas, EVERYONE is screaming about how Barr is going to trigger arrests soon. EXCEPT ME.
I doubt it is click bait, but I don't believe a word of it. And sit back and watch, and watch, and watch me be totally right, if they can't even be honest about Ginsburg dead or alive, NO ONE is getting busted ANYWHERE except for perhaps the Uber driver for Hillary's florist.
Here is a good reason to NEVER trust a "film critic"
A Netflix documentary on Ocasio Cortez titled "knock down the house" has been given a Rotten Tomatoes score of 100 by critics, and is being "celebrated" as the "greatest motion picture of all time". But there's a problem. LOOK AT THIS. Real people who are not slanted "critics" have given it 2.05 stars. It is very difficult to get anything rated that low, and you can bet even that is being held artificially high by people attempting to slant even that upwards.Consider this when giving a certified "movie reviewer" credibility, 100 percent of critics gave this 2.05 star mega flop top honors. Their word is DIRT.
And it also means that Ocasio is going to be handed whatever she wants, FOREVER, she is not leaving an "elected" position ever again. Vote rigging will see to that.