Take a look at this map below. It shows the year women around the world got the right to vote. Yep, it is a WHITE MALE concept. WHITE MALES gave the world's women rights, including equal pay for equal work, no matter how the phleghminists try to twist it. But equal pay is not what this is about, this is about WHITE MALES being the FIRST to respect women enough to allow them to have a say in a nation's business. THAT IS HUGE, and it is TOTALLY a white male concept. TO THE A-HOLES AND BRAINWASHED SNOWFLAKES WHO ARE STUPID ENOUGH TO BE DECEIVED INTO SPITTING NAILS OVER A "WHITE MALE MONTH" HERE IS YOUR WAKE UP CALL, READ IT AND WEEP: 
"Straight White Male Month"
"Set up your own month and take it. White males are taking July, and no, "we own the whole time" does not cut it, that's just an undermine of the entire concept of making a statement." OWN A MONTH AND PUT IT IN THEIR FACE.
People from Africa, Asia and the middle east are PISSED OFF about this and saying they did it all. To them, here is an appropriate form of response:
What did your race contribute that you use DAILY?
The airplane?
A car, and the engine in it?
The formula for concrete? (That's Roman, which was white)
The battery?
The electric motor?
The light bulb?
Rockets, space travel and satellites?
Fiber optics?
Plastics? The internet you are bitching over?
Name ONE THING in the tech sector or industrial sector that was not originally created by a white male or based on tech the white male set up. There is NOTHING. NOT ONE DAMN THING. To some degree, Kevlar is credited to a WHITE FEMALE. Madam Curie also did a lot of record keeping that ended up getting used for early nuclear tech and she was white. The rest was done by white males. The Chinese may own pyrotechnics but they did not invent gunpowder as it is used, or even think of using what they had that way. Claims of chemistry being used elsewhere and invented elsewhere fall flat on the front door step of DuPont and 3M, and what about nuclear tech? How about things as basic as map making and navigation in general? That's a white male thing too! The Persians have the base 10 numeric system to their credit, but THEY ARE WHITE. You can't take that away from the white race either.
SO HAVE AT IT. You can prove "Straight White Male Month" is not justified by simply listing the accomplishments of YOUR people wherever they are, in rebuttal. What did you use today that was not invented by a white male? Not even your aluminum or steel cookware! Not even the damn glass you drink from or the type of shoes and clothes you wear.

July 1: Peter Cooper, the white male who invented flourescent lighting that is still widely in use today is the first featured white male for straight white male month. Was thinking about Edison (another white male) with incandescent light bulbs, but those are phased out and a snowflake is going to need to be told a white male invented the base technology in a CFL bulb a snowflake might actually have.
J.K. Starley, inventor of the tangent bicycle spoke
When you look at bicycle spokes, they do not come straight out from the hub to the rim, because that has no structural strength. Prior to Starley, bicycle spokes had to be made out of wood to give them enough strength to survive use because the idea of not having them come straight from the hub to the rim did not exist and despite being made out of wood, the spokes were still not very strong. This made the bicycle a novelty item because it was too fragile and heavy to be practical.
Starley got the idea that by having the spokes come off the rim at 4 different angles, enormous strength could be gained with a very small amount of spoke material, and the idea worked - the practical bicycle we all use today was born and has not significantly changed since. Bicycle ownership exploded and the bicycle still remains the most efficent and practical way to get around with your own power.