There is obviously a lot going on right now with Russia. Any time the political scene gets as active as it is right now, truth becomes difficult to separate from fiction. Here is what I think is the most probable scenario right now, based on all the rumors, and whatever hard fact is out there:

First of all, Russia has in effect propositioned many surrounding nations to form a loose alliance that looks a lot like the old Communist bloc. This time it is not being done for the purpose of any sort of conquest, it is being done for the purpose of keeping the CIA out. I think Russia was not acting on internet rumors or even good intelligence on the ground prior to starting their attacks on ISIS, intelligence and rumors that stated it was all CIA. Even if they knew for certain it was CIA, they held off and were quiet and inactive until they got boots on the ground and proved it in irrefutable terms.

Now that Russia knows beyond all doubt that America was in fact ISIS, and that ISIS was in fact nothing but a front for the CIA, and that "Islamic terror" itself is just a front for the CIA, they are telling a large alliance of old satellite nations to harden their borders "against terrorists" openly, and "against the CIA, because the CIA is the terrorist" behind closed doors. Not really closed doors, I'd say it is more like half cracked open doors anyone can sit outside of, with no cover music or rumblers to prevent anyone from hearing what is being said inside . . . . .

Yesterday, (the 18th) Russia revealed that large numbers civilian factories and businesses, wholly owned by civilians, were bombed to smithereens by "someone with aircraft". And these businesses had nothing to do with war or anything of the sort. They proved that the damage signatures which "erased" the businesses could not possibly have come from any sort of ground assault, only direct aggression from the air. They proved that Syria and Assad did not do it, and then asked the question "Who has been flying aircraft in this area, to do so much damage to civilian infrastructure?" And there are only two possibilities, America and Israel. In one fell swoop, Russia proved in front of the world that America was not in Syria to do anything against ISIS at all, America was in fact in Syria to destroy as much of the nation as possible. And that does not look good.

This opens up a huge can of worms then. It proves America lied about everything. And if ISIS really is CIA, and ISIS destroyed antiquities (as reported previously many times), it means America was in Syria destroying antiquities just for a cheap psy op. This can of worms is SO HUGE it could infect an entire kennel, with the American people being the unwitting dogs taking the hit. Clearly no American would want to have the government intentionally wiping out ancient historical sites, but that makes little difference. America is at least on it's face a "democracy", which means the American people are responsible for it all, just like anyone who falls asleep at the wheel while driving is responsible for any unwanted disaster that results . . . . . .

Russia has played it all so cool, in the most painfully disciplined way, that they can't be accused of stoking any sort of provocative propaganda B.S. as well. All Russia did was quietly and slowly present the facts as they were proven out 100 percent beyond any and all doubt and let it all fall where it landed in the course of logic. It is game over for American credibility, at least it is with enough of a core of nations to set the stage for an even battle during world war 3. And Russia did it in a way that undermined America even with America's core support, officially recognized or not.

As a result, China got a lot more bold and has authorized the direct use of force against the U.S. Navy in the South China sea. And it would be rock stupid for the navy to confront the Chinese and push where they really do not need to push, because as I have said before, nukes win against aircraft carriers any day.

And what would really be the consequence for China blowing the Navy sky high within territory they claim as their own? Out in the ocean, it equals "nuclear test" environmentally and it would just happen and be done with. And I doubt the U.S. or Israel would nuke mainland China in return, because NOW CHINA KNOWS ISIS IS CIA, AMERICA LIED LIED LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING, AND THAT IT IS ALL OR NOTHING BECAUSE THAT IS ALL IT EVER IS WHEN DEALING WITH A COMPLETELY CORRUPTED LIAR. Israel may well have in place their "samson option" but what good would that do if China cratered them in even 10 locations? Israel is stuck. America is stuck. If china has the guts to dig in and say NO, what on earth could America or Israel do about it? If lacking all credibility after bad behavior in Syria, for America it becomes check mate. China keeps the islands and that is all there is to it.

What can America do about it? What can America do now that Russia has busted the CIA for "Islamic terror" and has proven that at least for the most part, Islamic terror was an American/Israeli circus act? If Russia successfully seals out the CIA and causes the CIA to get blocked out of many many former Soviet states, and takes China with them, what can America do about it? And then there is another point - the high quality aircraft that Sukhoi can put out, the fact that China now also can mass produce ultra high quality fighter/bombers, and that between Sukhoi and China, they have six of the top 10 combat aircraft in the world and the ability to crank them out in droves? How is that going to look when corruption is robbing America so badly that America can't even put out a decent fighter aircraft for even top dollar?

Outside the corruption stream, military tech is now cheap. Hillary made sure China and Russia has it. No one is going to accept being over run by a liar that has effectively been busted for destroying antiquities and running the world like a puppet show. The writing is on the wall . . . 




Guy Carr: Globalists are Satanists

Guy Carr, a veteran of WWI submarine warfare, sounded the alarm on the Satanist conspiracy in books like Pawns in their Game (1955) and Red Fog Over America (1956.) He describes personal contact with conspirators in this excerpt from Satan, Prince of this World, published posthumously in 1997 .

A senior Canadian bureaucrat told him:

"Stop trying to save the human race. The vast majority aren't worth the time or the trouble. Most of them will be better off if they are forced to live under a totalitarian dictatorship; they will then get what the government decides is good for them."

By Commander Guy Carr

(from Satan, Prince of this World, 1959, Chapter 8, Abridged)

I admit that as late as 1945, I was convinced that a One World Government was the ONLY solution to the world's many problems particularly political, economic, social, and religious.

It wasn't until I came in personal contact with men who advocated and helped organize the United Nations Organization that I began to suspect that something was wrong somewhere.

When I was appointed to the staff of Naval Service headquarters in 1944, as the author of seven books already published, I was welcomed into the internationalist set. Thus, I came in personal contact with men in the top level of government in Canada who were proteges of William Lyon Mackenzie King, then Prime Minister. His house was "real" close to the Soviet Embassy. His henchmen (Hatchet men would be a better word) were ruthless and unscrupulous. Mackenzie King himself was as inscrutable as the proverbial sphinx.

king3.jpg(MacKenzie King, 1874-1950, a former Rockefeller employee ran Canada from 1921-1948 except for 1930-1935.. Never married.)

The Prime Minister was an extraordinary man. He was indefatigable. He required unlimited obedience and service from those he selected for his cabinet. He was a good deal colder than ice as far as his personality was concerned. If he had any human emotions he kept them in subzero storage. He rarely smiled. He had a typical "poker" face; his eyes were deep and penetrating, but if the eyes are the "windows of the soul" then Mackenzie King had lost his soul long before he ever became Prime Minister.

In the course of his public duties he had to meet people and shake hands. Those who did shake hands with the Prime Minister say the experience reminded them of picking up a dead fish. It was said on Parliament Hill that he didn't have a close friend in all the world. If there was an exception it was his barber. And yet he had a secret power which enabled him to mesmerize the voters into voting him, and his liberal party, into power time after time for nearly a quarter of a century... As one man who knew him when at University, and served him afterwards until he died, said in a puzzled tone of voice; "If Mackenzie King did have a friend close enough to confide in, it must have been the Devil." Another said: "He was so steeped in international intrigue he didn't dare marry for fear he might talk in his sleep."


While I was on the staff in Ottawa I was carefully sounded out to determine if my loyalty to the British Crown was so pronounced that I wouldn't be likely to accept the "idea' of a One World Government even if those who presented the "idea' emphasized the fact that national governments would be allowed to rule their own affairs. This presentation is so obviously a lie that I was extremely cautious from then on.

Knowing that there was in existence a "Secret Power" which had used Nazism and intended to use Communism to serve its own secret plans, and further its own ambitions to usurp undisputed world domination, I was determined to find out more. So I pretended to become an internationalist. I was then brought in personal contact with men at the deputy minister level of government, and also with some of the "Specialists," "Experts," and "Advisers" who served the government behind the scenes. Then I began to suspect the truth.

prince1.jpgGenerally speaking, the majority of these One Worlders were Satanists. They ducked attending church services. They ridiculed religion. The accepted the Freudian code of morals which means they didn't care what they did, or with whom they did it, provided they satisfied their own carnal pleasures and desires. If they used the name of God they always took His Name in vain. If they used the words "Jesus Christ" it was an injection in ordinary conversations or coupled with dirty four letter words. Without openly professing the fact, they were obviously adepts of Pike's Palladian Rite or Grand Orient Masonry. Close observation while they were drinking in the officers' messes, and elsewhere, showed they used signs that Masons and Knights of Columbus didn't understand.

I may be wrong but observation of men who had obviously defected from God and become Satanists, convinced me they could recognize and identify each other by the fold of their handkerchief which they wore in top pocket of their coats.

They obviously accepted Pike's dogma as far as women were concerned: Pike required that the members of all Councils of his New and Reformed Palladian Rite organize selected females into "Councils of Adoption." These women were to be used as the common property of the male members because, according to Pike's dogma, before a member became "Perfect," he had to obtain absolute control over the sentiments of the heart and desires of the flesh. He claimed that many men were led astray from the path of duty because they were weak enough to feel love and affection for women. He argued that in order for a member to become "perfect" he must obtain absolute control over his senses and sentiments, and suggested that the best way to obtain control over the sexual urges is to use women "Often and without passion and thus enchain women to their will."

Any person who has had to live in London, Ottawa and/or Washington knows that as far as homosexuality is concerned, all three are modern cities like Sodom and Gomorrah. "Burgess and McLean Case" is typical of what I mean.


ps.jpgProfessor Pitrim Sorokin, in The American Sex Revolution,(1956) states that perverted sexual behaviour plays a major part in modern U.S. political life and that sex bribery and blackmail are now as prevalent as monetary corruption.

He states "sexually infamous persons, or their proteges, are being appointed to ambassadorships and other high offices; profligates sometimes become popular mayors of metropolises, members of cabinets, or leaders of political parties. Among our political officials there is a vast legion of profligates both heterosexual and homosexual. Our morals have changed so notably that continence, chastity, and faithfulness are increasingly viewed as oddities."

Professor Sorokin's book didn't get the same kind, or volume, of publicity as did Dr. Kinsey's books dealing with the alleged moral practices of males and females.

According to Satanism, it is perfectly right and proper to encourage moral turpitude in all classes of society, and at all levels of government, by convincing the public that abnormal sexual behavior is normal; and that the moral code accepted by civilized nations, based on the Commandments of God and teachings of the Holy Scriptures, is old fashioned and introduced by Church and state for selfish purposes. But behind the building up of a WRONG conception of sex, and its purposes as intended by God our Creator, is the Satanic principle that "The best revolutionary is a youth absolutely devoid of morals." When Lenin stated this as recorded in Pawns in The Game he only confirmed what other Satanists had stated a hundred times previously.

It is Satanism, as it is direct from THE TOP, which is responsible for the increase in juvenile delinquency, but those selected by the governments of the world to investigate this problem invariably give every CAUSE other than the right one...

I discussed [these issues] with a top level official of the Department of Health and Welfare in Canada. He literally snorted: "Well! What do you suggest we do ... clean every homosexual out of the civil service, and throw them in prison where they can indulge their queer ideas of pleasure to their hearts desire? Many of them are brilliantly minded men. When on the job they are efficient and work long hours. You seem to forget Oscar Wilde was a homosexual. Stop trying to save the human race. The vast majority aren't worth the time or the trouble. Most of them will be better off if they are forced to live under a totalitarian dictatorship; they will then get what the government decides is good for them."

When in the hospital in 1945, ... I delved and dug deeper and deeper, with the cooperation of one of Canada's leading librarians, until I was able to learn about the double lives men like Weishaupt and Pike had led. But although I continued studying and reading it was not until 1956, AFTER Pawns and The Red Fog had been published, that I finally realized that the Illuminati, whose secret plot and intentions I had exposed, were controlled AT THE TOP by the Synagogue of Satan.

It wasn't until I was given information regarding Pike's dual personality, that I was able to dig up proof that the Synagogue of Satan is controlled by the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed. Once I had penetrated this secret it became obvious that the wars and revolutions which plague the world today are part and parcel of the Luciferian conspiracy, and that ALL aspects of the World Revolutionary Movement are part of that conspiracy.

---- Makow comment - Carr may still be confused as to whom is behind one world government, when he says: "While I was on the staff in Ottawa I was carefully sounded out to determine if my loyalty to the British Crown was so pronounced that I wouldn't be likely to accept the "idea' of a One World Government .." The British Crown, i.e. the Masonic Jewish shareholders of the Bank of England are behind one world government, as it is simply a makeover of "British" imperialism. The US is the current instrument of this agenda.


First Comment by Glen:

I have to agree whole heartedly with James Perloff's assessment of the Commander. I just finished reading "Pawns In The Game" and Guy's level of research is amazing. In "Pawns" we learn of the formation of the WRM(World Revolutionary Movement) and of the ruthless methods approved of and implemented at the appropriate times throughout history by these ruthless cut-throat bankers. Carr tells of the bankers modus operandi, which is quite simple and to the point:"The Forces of Evil realize that in order to win undisputed control of the material assets of the world, and establish an Atheistic Materialistic Totalitarian Dictatorship, it is necessary to destroy all forms of constitutional government and organized religion. In order to do this the Forces of Evil decided they must divide the peoples of the world against each other on various issues".

Anyone alive today with half a functioning brain cell is well aware of the success these banker Satanists have had with their plan. As we watch the world descend into a cesspool of immorality and hate for our fellow man, few of us realize it is all by design. The story is the same, across Europe, throughout the United States, and around the rest of the world. Were are being led like sheep to slaughter by an unseen hand, the men behind the curtain who own and rule our political figures and news media.

Carr tried to warn us of this when he stated "By studying history it is possible to predict future trends with a certain degree of assurance. History repeats itself because those who direct the W.R.M. do not change their long range plans - they simply adapt their policies to suit modern conditions and adjust their plans to take full advantage of the advancement of modern science. In order to understand the international situation as it is to-day, we must recall what has happened since Lenin established the totalitarian dictatorship in Russia in 1918. It has been proved that the dictatorship was established to provide the Western Internationalists with the opportunity to put their totalitarian ideas and theories for a universal dictatorship into effect. They wished to iron out any wrinkles by the process of trial and error".

As the story comes to an end, it is more than obvious that all of the wrinkles have been ironed out. These Satanist have convinced themselves that their "one world government" with the anti-Christ at the helm is all but assured. Let us pray this is not so and man will awaken to his status as mere "Pawns In The Game".

Vaccine injuries This is a link to the government site which deals with vaccine injuries and is a table of various injuries and the amount of time between vaccination and injury.

Turkish MP: Ankara Supplied Terrorists in Syria with Sarin Gas:

2015, China, ISIS, NWO, Russia, Syria, USA, Vaccine,