Bird Cage movie, whitehats secret message from insiders: It's about the danger with 5G This gonna stay Top Posted forever on this blog every month.
5G satellite launch
Let's say your broadcast audience is in a narrow corridor (such as a valley in a mountain range). It will make no sense to send your radio signal where it won't be heard (back in the mountains, where only a few hikers are) so in such situations, multiple antennas are used. The tallest antenna will transmit the signal. Then passive antennas, spaced at precise intervals away from the active antenna, will cause the signal to be diverted in their direction. The more antennas in a row there are, the more focused the radio beam will be. The picture below shows an antenna array that will make an AM broadcast directional by 6DB (which will quadruple the effective broadcast power to a preferred zone) these antennas are for 1.52 MHZ so they are shorter than most AM radio antennas.
AM frequencies are very low compared to 5G, and antenna size is a function of the speed of light vs the frequency that will be transmitted at. To do a full wave antenna for an AM signal at 1 MHZ would therefore require an antenna that is 5, 280 x 186, 000 / 1, 000, 000 feet long. That equals 982 feet tall. There is an effect that allows AM antennas to work efficiently at around 62.5 percent of full wave length, so for 1 MHZ the antenna actually only needs to be a little over 600 feet tall. We have all seen such antennas, they are common. That was a very short explanation, there is more to this than that, but it will suffice to explain how the illustration above can be implemented in a much smaller space, only the size of a cell phone
AM radio, which ends at 1.7 mhz, requires very large antennas because the frequencies are so low. And low frequencies of the type AM used were not dangerous to people. But let's say your transmitted frequency is 1 GHZ. That would require an antenna only about 8 inches long. 5G, which operates at frequencies up to 80 times as high as that, requires antennas that are only about 1./10th of an inch long and the entire frequency range is potentially dangerous. You can put lots of those little antennas in a cell phone, arranged like the AM radio illustration above, and therefore cause the 5G beam to become very focused, giving it the power it needs to punch through solid objects (which high frequencies absolutely hate to go through).
PROBLEM: What if the satellite or tower is on the opposite side of your brain, and your cell phone decides to shoot a super focused beam through your brain to reach the tower? It cannot know where your brain is, or someone else's brain next to you. THIS IS A ROCK STUPID TOTALLY NEGLIGENT SYSTEM. I WILL NOT USE IT, THIS IS RETARDED BRAIN DAMAGE TYPE TERRITORY, IT CANNOT EVER BE DONE EVEN AT FRACTIONAL WATTAGE.
If the current batch of cell phones (which won't kill neurons outright because they don't shoot a pencil beam) were a problem because they caused cancer, JUST WAIT until 5G takes off. That tech is NOT FOR ME, 3g is working JUST FINE and I worry about even that!.
5g is the type of system that goes in when the people making the decisions don't give a damn about you. They'd rather have their back scatter radiation scanners sending back high res images of the inside of your home so they can big brother you real good. That's the real reason why 5g is being implemented, BET ON IT and if you don't think they want you brain damaged, VACCINATE YOUR KIDS, AND GET YOUR DAMN FLU SHOT. By the way, NO ONE at the golden globes actually accepted the flu shot, it was all a ruse. They know what the hell is going on. If you think the people pushing 5g want to improve your life, think again, they are the EXACT same people pushing the tainted vaccines. Brain damage may well be one of the "positive outcomes" of 5g that they are seeking, especially with them having the audacity to use pencil beams for it to work. Pencil beams are considered potentially dangerous, they are the radio form of a laser. You don't have that in a device ANYONE would use if you care about whoever is using it.
Let's get the details of 5G clear
5G is the LEAST penetrating of all wireless technologies by a factor of an average of 20 cubed. This means it has a hard time penetrating anything, including your skin. If anyone posts "it penetrates better than anything" they are wrong, and don't understand how frequencies behave. The fact that 5G has such a difficult time penetrating anything at all is what makes it dangerous.
Why would a lack of an ability to penetrate make it dangerous? Answer: Because of the type of phase array antenna all 5g devices need to function. The device can easily triangulate where the tower is because the frequencies are high enough to allow triangulation from only the antennas in a small device. The device, knowing exactly where the tower is, then uses a phase array antenna to blast a signal back to the tower. This would not be a problem if the device never tried to reach the tower through your brain, but if your brain is between it and the tower, you're going to have massively focused energy cutting a thin line through your brain, and it will definitely cause damage.
And even if they figure out how to cause the device to normally point that beam away from you, what about other people nearby? They cannot be factored in. 5G is going to be a haphazard wave throw. Interestingly, because of the nature of how such devices work, mark my word: People will notice the device giving off "heat". It will definitely happen. it will "give off heat" but won't be hot itself. That's because the "heat" will be the radio waves getting absorbed by your body, with as much gain as they are using people are without question going to notice.
What's going to happen when your brain gets that heat, and you can't feel it? The brain itself can't feel injury, headaches are felt from the inside linings of blood vessels in the brain and not the actual neurons. You could fry lots of them and never feel a thing.
And the elite don't care, they are doing all they can to destroy our intelligence with shots they claim are vaccines and are clearly not. 5G brain damage would probably be an asset to them as far as they see it. Cannot believe they are legalizing it at all.
Will NEVER use 5g, EVER. Don't need a daily dose of brain damage!
Ginsburg's first day back on supreme court not credible.
Still no current pictures. Why?
Why was it not credible? EASY: Evidently, she introduced a piece of well written legislation that is absolutely opposite of anything she's ever done before that will make the American people like her, and it passed 9-0. They just had to get that "9" in there.
The legislation proclaimed asset forfeiture to be unconstitutional and for people to get paid damages by criminals before the state gets it's cut. Prior to this, when someone committed a crime, they had to pay all their fines to the state, and the victim got nothing. "Ginsburg" has had HEAPS of praise put on her for this, but I'd like to make a salient point: SHE SAT THE COURT SINCE CLINTON AND NEVER GAVE A DAMN ABOUT THIS BEFORE. When did the baby killing hag decide to grow a soul? This has GOT TO be a hoax! I don't believe it, PICTURES OR IT DID NOT HAPPEN, and I don't care who was there to "witness" it.
Aah yes, now we have a Clinton(tm) and a Ginsburg (tm) and they are going to try to OUST Trump so before doing so, they have to put a little polish on her image. They are building fake credibility for the deep state slam dunked supreme court before they use it to slam dunk Trump. That's the game plan, bet on it.
And if you don't think that can happen, consider this:
The entire MSM lied about Trump constantly daily, along with thousands of people in the government, and no one from among their ranks said a peep about how fake and dishonest it all was until just the last few days. The corruption is so extreme it involves well over 10,000 people that can keep a water tight lid on it all. The judges can be threatened, bribed or fooled. Trump CANNOT get another SCOTUS pick NO MATTER WHAT or that alone could save the country, and it is the goal of those in government, almost unilaterally now, to finish destroying the country.
REMEMBER: Assange is alive, and has yet to step up to the balcony window after well over two years. That's not believable. Clinton obviously faded to the abyss after the pre-election 911 yet she's still "running for President." And it will be the same with Ginsburg. The deep state simply has to have Assange be alive for the sake of having the public believe they did not kill him. They need to have Clinton continue, and for Ginsburg to continue to judge from the bench.
Today's day at the supreme court, despite having it go right for the American people for the first time ever to this level with Ginsburg, was a very slimy motive driven day and I am calling BULLSHIT.
"Routine vaccination" wiped out 3 triplets down to permanent full blown autism on the SAME DAY
The McDowell family of Detroit Michigan brought their triplets in for vaccination, and within hours all 3 of them were autistic. Vaccines are not vaccines. They are eugenics shots that have nothing in them that is claimed - the Italian vaccine board recently tested the new version of the same vaccine these kids got and found it had none of the ingredients claimed, and no antigens for any of the diseases it was supposed to prevent. What is often peddled under the cover of vaccine legitimacy is a complete fraud, with no vaccine component at all.
Here is their testimony of what happened:
"On June 25th, 2007, we brought them in for their "vaccine" shot... we went in at 10 am. All three. My daughter still has the mark on her leg from the shot... we did the boys as well. By noon, Claire shut completely off. It was as if she was blind, and deaf, and complete failure to thrive, from super super happy, smiley girl to... (prior to the shot) she had full blown eye contact, and she shut right down. All she did was stare at the ceiling.
At 2:00 we watched Richie shut off. All his mama, dadda, and the furniture walking and everything just shut off. All the giggles, all the smiles, again failure to thrive. They lost all their reflexes... they stopped blinking, yawning, coughing, sneezing, they lost their startle reflex... that was 2:00.
The worst was when we saw the final one shut down. We lost Robbie, he looked like he was hit by a bus. He had a stunned look on his face... he acted deaf, he lost his happiness. They were no longer engaged in anything or anyone. They lost their smiles. They never held hands again, never looked at each other again.
Vaccine injury is real. We were told is was genetic, then we were told there was no way three children were shut off on the same day... it was statistically impossible. We were told we could not sue anyone. No vaccine manufacturers could be sued. We found out later there was a vaccine injury court. They then told us we were too late, we only had three years to apply."
A comment: It could not possibly be more clear that what is claimed to be vaccines in many cases is not vaccines.Many of these "vaccines" are stated to prevent illnesses that are not serious or fatal on top of it. This was done on purpose, because the vaccines in this case DO NOT treat the disease they are supposed to prevent, completely lacking the antigens needed to trigger an immune response. This is proven by the fact that vaccinated kids often get the illnesses the shots were supposed to prevent, which should not be possible if they were formulated to work against that illness. Predominantly nonfatal illnesses such as measels, mumps, and rubella are chosen for trojan horse shots because if the kids get sick with those illnesses, they won't die and the parents will never suspect that's what the illness their kids had really was because they were "vaccinated" against it.
What we now have being peddled as vaccines is an elite crafted race specific bioweapon, and it targets 1. White boys at a ratio of 4:1 over white girls, Second, it targets blacks as the second most affected group, (at least the American formulation) and Latin Americans are hit significantly less. There is little wonder as to why they are pushing the vaccines so hard, - they can either destroy someone in secrecy as a baby, or have to face that someone on a battlefield later, and they have chosen to fight their war through the medical system rather than the battlefield to avoid the possibility any of them will ever be hurt.
FACT: One only needs to see the state of Washington DC and the media, and what they are doing to Trump and how they are trying to subvert the nation and act against an outsider who is not "one of them" to know they can't be trusted with an agency like the FDA, What's going to happen if Trump turns the FBI into an agency that genuinely serves the American people? ANSWER: THE PEOPLE PUSHING THE VACCINE EUGENICS ARE GOING TO BE TOAST, a properly directed FBI would figure out the FDA was corrupt and bag all of it, all the way back to the scam medical organizations in 0.26 seconds. The scam is THAT FAR out in the open.
They have to stop Trump at all cost, or they are ALL going down for the vaccine scam, not to mention all the other stuff they have done to destroy the American people.
Who are the big vaccine pushers? ANSWER: It is a religion - a tribe - that America saved during world war 2, only to have them turn around and say THANKS by destroying our children. The vaccines are race specific bioweapons that were first pioneered on their turf in Dimona (Israel's version of "Area 51"). That particular tribe cannot be thankful or grateful to anything or anyone outside their group, it's simply not in their cloth.
So what are we going to do? Are we going to sit and cry and be erased because someone called us "stupid" or "anti science" OR THE WORST ONE: THE KID HAD BAD GENES, THAT KID CAME FROM YOU AND IF YOU ARE F***ED UP ENOUGH TO MAKE SOMETHING LIKE THAT IT'S YOUR FAULT. I can't even begin to describe how evil that kind of statement is, it can only come from the lowest psychopath but the tribe has had think tanks go down every road looking for the best line to make people feel guilty or shamed by their own destruction, and they then RAM IT down the throats of their victims. DO NOT let the mind game work on you!
We had better act against this WITH FORCE, or we are doomed. Even if Trump manages to fix this, we'll lose a million plus more kids to various levels of damage before anything of substance can be done and the tribe is only getting more and more adamant about forcing our destruction via "vaccine" mandates. If you refuse our shot, we'll just take your kids, you'll never see them again and if it suits us, we'll give them the shots, but if they will scream more during a ritual absent the damage and they are prime for a ritual, we'll just do that instead. Either way, your heritage - your blood line is TOAST, we are throwing it in the trash, YOU ARE OUT.
1. To cover up the death of Ginsburg so the supreme court can be adequately corrupted.
2. To write an omnibus bill that has every provision needed to make it impossible for Trump to defend himself from litigation and impeachment, no matter how spurious and poorly based the grounds are.
3. The Omnibus bill is unconstitutional, but with a corrupted DOJ that won't matter because Trump won't be able to use the supreme court to save himself if Ginsburg is "still alive". Cheif Justice John Roberts has already proven he's the leftist plant fronting as conservative, and for as long as Ginsburg is "alive" he will be the swing vote that ousts Trump. They would not have pulled the crap in the Omnibus bill if they did not know they had it in the bag.
4. The CIA then posts explosives manufacturing instructions that actually work (but are not as good as they could be) to locate, investigate, and entrap anyone who might take direct physical action to save the President. The fact that the CIA did this means something serious is afoot, they want to round up whoever might really make a difference. 5. Proceed with ousting Trump after everyone who might make a difference is identified and removed.
They did it because they know the public is incensed with the recent Congressional over-reach of power in the omnibus bill, and they are going to oust Trump with it. They want to round up anyone who is going to fight back, and are using these instructions to know who might actually do something. - HOWEVER -
1. Their method of implementation does not work very well, to get it to go off seriously you need to mix it with aluminum powder and pack it tightly. This is common info for manufacturing of fireworks powder which is what you get when you use aluminum powder and the instructions for doing that are even on You can buy the refined end product without a license (two pounds per year) but it will get attention.
THEREFORE, THE CIA POST IS A TRAP, TO SEE IF THEY CAN GET PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT BLOWING STUFF UP. When you mix it the right way (as the CIA did not give instructions for) you get fireworks flash powder. Fireworks flash powder is better, it is a step up from gunpowder, and you can buy that straight up in Mexico. All the churches use it for making huge booms you hear at all hours every day, and quite frequently idiots blow themselves up with it.
Despite being marketed for fireworks it does work extremely well as an explosive when it is packed super tight. I am actually surprised it is all legal.
THEREFORE, THE CIA POST IS A TRAP. They want people making more than the allowed amount to bust them, and to get people to talk about blowing stuff up. I was skeptical of posting this to begin with but now that I have figured out what is going on, I can fairly call it a trap, and it is not that dangerous to post it if it is presented that way.
Trump signed the H.J. Res. 31 bill, with all provisions included. However, he issued this statement:
My intro: The bill was such an over-reach of congressional power that it was safe for Trump to sign it, and because it was veto proof, he did not have a choice anyway. Trump's response is that it violated the constitution by stripping the president of virtually all powers, and he's right. He repeatedly states that the constitution is the guideline, not what Congress decides to do. They just can't write the president out of the government so the bill is null and void.
Statement by the President
Today, I have signed into law H.J. Res. 31, the "Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019" (the "Act"), which authorizes appropriations to fund the operation of a number of agencies in the Federal Government through September 30, 2019.
Certain provisions of the Act (such as Division F, under the heading "Contribution for International Peacekeeping Activities") would require advance notice to the Congress before the President may direct certain military actions or provide certain forms of military assistance. In signing the Act, I reiterate the well-established understanding of the executive branch that these types of provisions encompass only military actions for which providing advance notice is feasible and consistent with the President's constitutional authority and duty as Commander in Chief to ensure national security. In addition, Division C, section 527, and Division A, section 516, both restrict the transfer of Guantanamo detainees to the United States. I will treat these, and similar provisions, consistent with the President's constitutional authority as Commander in Chief.
Numerous provisions could, in certain circumstances, interfere with the exercise of the President's constitutional authorities to negotiate international agreements (such as Division C, sections 509, 518, and 530; and Division F, sections 7010(c) and 7013(a)), to articulate the position of the United States in international fora (such as Division F, sections 7025(c), 7029(a), (b)(1), 7031(d)(2), 7042(h)(1), 7043(g)(1), 7047(b)(3), 7054(b), and 7060(c)(2)(D), (3)), to receive ambassadors (such as Division F, section 7031(c)), and to recognize foreign governments (such as Division F, section 7047(b)(2)(A)). My Administration will treat each of these provisions consistent with the President's constitutional authorities with respect to foreign relations.
Division C, section 537, provides that the Department of Justice may not use any funds to prevent implementation of medical marijuana laws by various States and territories. I will treat this provision consistent with the President's constitutional responsibility to faithfully execute the laws of the United States.
Certain provisions within Division D, title II, under the heading "Office of Management and Budget - Salaries and Expenses" impose restrictions on supervision by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of work performed by executive departments and agencies, including provisos that no funds made available to OMB "may be expended for the altering of the annual work plan developed by the Corps of Engineers for submission to the Committees on Appropriations"; that "none of the funds provided in this or prior Acts shall be used, directly or indirectly, by the Office of Management and Budget, for evaluating or determining if water resource project or study reports submitted by the Chief of Engineers acting through the Secretary of the Army are in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and requirements relevant to the Civil Works water resource planning process"; and that "none of the funds appropriated in this Act for the Office of Management and Budget may be used for the purpose of reviewing any agricultural marketing orders or any activities or regulations under the provisions of the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937 (7 U.S.C. 601 et seq.)." The President has well-established authority to supervise and oversee the executive branch and to rely on subordinates, including aides within the Executive Office of the President, to assist in supervising the executive branch. Legislation that significantly impedes the President's ability to supervise the executive branch or obtain the assistance of aides in this function violates the separation of powers by undermining the President's ability to fulfill his constitutional responsibilities, including the responsibility to faithfully execute the laws of the United States. My Administration will, therefore, construe these restrictions in Division C, title II consistent with these Presidential duties.
Several provisions (such as Division F, section 7041(b)(3)) mandate or regulate the submission of certain executive branch information to the Congress. I will treat these provisions in a manner consistent with the President's constitutional authority to withhold information that could impair foreign relations, national security, the deliberative processes of the executive branch, or the performance of the President's constitutional duties. In particular, Division D, section 713, prohibits the use of appropriations to pay the salary of any Federal officer or employee who interferes with or prohibits certain official communications between Federal employees and Members of Congress or of any Federal officer or employee who takes adverse action against an officer or employee because of such communications. I will construe these provisions not to apply to circumstances that would detract from my authority to supervise, control, and correct communications by Federal officers and employees with the Congress related to their official duties, including in cases where such communications would be unlawful or could reveal confidential information protected by executive privilege.
Certain provisions (such as Division F, section 7064; and Division G, section 418) prohibit the use of funds to deny an Inspector General access to agency records or documents. I will construe these, and similar provisions, consistent with my authority to control the dissemination of information protected by executive privilege.
Certain provisions prohibit the use of funds to recommend certain legislation to the Congress (Division B, section 715), or require recommendations of certain legislation to the Congress (Division A, section 537). Because the Constitution gives the President the authority to recommend "such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient", my Administration will continue the practice of treating provisions like these as advisory and non-binding.
Numerous provisions purport, in certain circumstances, to condition the authority of officers to spend or reallocate funds on the approval of congressional committees (Division B, sections 702, 706, and 716(a), (b); Division E, sections 403 and 409; Division G, sections 188, 405, and 406). These are impermissible forms of congressional aggrandizement in the execution of the laws other than by the enactment of statutes. My Administration will make appropriate efforts to notify the relevant committees before taking the specified actions and will accord the recommendations of such committees all appropriate and serious consideration, but it will not treat spending decisions as dependent on the approval of congressional committees.
My comment: "These are impermissible forms of congressional aggrandizement in the execution of the laws" - in other words, F*** YOU. HA HA, That's my President, way to go Trump!
Yes, Congress can't just violate the constitution and ram it through with a super majority. If Trump realizes that, they can moan all they want and write whatever they want, and no matter what, they automatically lose before pen ever hits paper.
Trump signed the budget bill, but there's a major detail the MSM will never say:
Trump was FORCED to sign it, because he can only veto a bill that does not get 2/3 majority in the Senate. If it gets more than 2/3 majority, he has no choice.
78.8 percent of Republicans opted to vote against Trump!
The budget passed by 83-16, WAY over a 2/3 majority. So a VAST MAJORITY of Republicans screwed their constituency. The thing to do then is look at every Republican that pushed this through, and get rid of them if possible (chances are, they are closet communists that get rigged in as pinch hitters when needed, while donning a cloak of credibility most of the time) so it might not be possible to vote them out.
Here is a complete list of all Democrats and Republicans who voted against this horrible budget (it is easier to get a grip on what happened by posting this first:)
Braun (R-IN), Nay
Cotton (R-AR), Nay
Cruz (R-TX), Nay
Hawley (R-MO), Nay
Inhofe (R-OK), Nay
Lee (R-UT), Nay
Paul (R-KY), Nay
Rubio (R-FL), Nay
Sasse (R-NE), Nay
Scott (R-SC), Nay
Toomey (R-PA), Nay
Dems who voted no
Gillibrand (D-NY), Nay
Harris (D-CA), Nay
Warren (D-MA), Nay
Markey (D-MA), Nay
Here is a list of the Republicans who screwed Trump over. The enormous number that screwed him made it impossible for him to stop it by making the budget veto proof:
Barrasso (R-WY), Yea
Blackburn (R-TN), Yea
Blunt (R-MO), Yea
Boozman (R-AR), Yea
Brown (D-OH), Yea
Capito (R-WV), Yea
Cassidy (R-LA), Yea
Collins (R-ME), Yea
Cornyn (R-TX), Yea
Cramer (R-ND), Yea
Crapo (R-ID), Yea
Daines (R-MT), Yea
Enzi (R-WY), Yea
Ernst (R-IA), Yea
Fischer (R-NE), Yea
Gardner (R-CO), Yea
Graham (R-SC), Yea
Grassley (R-IA), Yea
Hoeven (R-ND), Yea
Hyde-Smith (R-MS), Yea
Isakson (R-GA), Yea
Johnson (R-WI), Yea
Kennedy (R-LA), Yea
Lankford (R-OK), Yea
McConnell (R-KY), Yea
McSally (R-AZ), Yea
Moran (R-KS), Yea
Murkowski (R-AK), Yea
Perdue (R-GA), Yea
Portman (R-OH), Yea
Risch (R-ID), Yea
Roberts (R-KS), Yea
Romney (R-UT), Yea
Rounds (R-SD), Yea
Scott (R-FL), Yea
Shelby (R-AL), Yea
Sullivan (R-AK), Yea
Thune (R-SD), Yea
Tillis (R-NC), Yea
Wicker (R-MS), Yea
Young (R-IN), Yea
Conclusion: Trump could not stand up to 78.8 percent of his base backstabbing him. He could not veto this, and it was not his fault. NEVER FORGET THIS LIST.
A very interesting post from an American who lived in Venezuela
Venezuela is more American than America , I'll give a list , I've lived there for many years!
This is part of the reason they want to end Venezuela as it is.
Free elections
That's right foreign observers are not even the start of it, you can not vote if you are a not a citizen, in fact it's impossible, Unlike in the USA
You cannot get a job without being a citizen, that's right the jobs are only for their people. Not so in the USA
Mom and pop shops run everywhere, If you have a lime tree you have grandma sit in the driveway and sell limes all day, no health dept comes around and shuts you down because your not a Walmart.
Real hardware stores where employees actually know what they are talking about. If they saw how we barricade down entire isles in home depot so they can use the fork truck they would laugh their asses off.
Not a lawsuit culture. Not in the USA we love lawsuits that's why we are treated like little baby girls .
Drink and drive or speed at your own risk. Yes they don't preemptively give you tickets. You are responsible for yourself, if you run someone over while drunk you pay a heavy price. If your in a hurry you speed and use your horn and nobody gets offended. Traffic stopped? they think for them selves and make a line like army ants through the grass and keep moving.
Restaurants are not served by Sysco , you will often find waiters and waitresses from your favorite restaurants running a cart through the grocery store throwing everything from lettuce to fish into the cart . And then running the cart through the mall to get it to the chef in the restaurant. Not in the USA !
Things don't have to be labeled organic or non gmo, know why?? Cause everything is already organic and non gmo, thanks to Chavez. It in the USA you can assume quite the opposite.
Taxes are almost non existent, 3000 to 4000 sqft home property taxes are about 6 dollars a year! Not in the USA!
Gas is 1/10 of a penny for a gallon! That's right since it is their gas they get it damn near free. Not in the USA
You have a choice for healthcare, free or private pay. We used the free ones, we had a military hospital right around the corner to us, we brought our kids in a few times for stitches, they don't even ask your name, they tie the 4 year old down with a towel and stitch up the wounds and your out the door! Not in the USA
People say good morning and good afternoon religiously! Not in the USA!
You can tow a car down the highway with a motorcycle! Or drive a truck without and doors! Buying long rebar? won't fit in your car??just strap it to the axles and let it stick out five foot in front of your car and five foot behind while hanging underneath and sometimes scraping the ground. Not in the USA!
Electric bill for our house was never over 12 bucks a month! Not in the USA!
If a major company does not benefit the country, if they are not loyal they are shunned or kicked out. Their resources are for the benefit of the people period! Not in the USA
They have a more free form of capitalism without all the regulation! Not in the USA !
More then half the people carry around a copy of their constitution! Not in the USA !
The government is not controlled by a foreign gov. As the USA is told exactly what to do and how to act from Israel.
Venezuela does not kill their own with false flags!
Venezuela does not invade other countries to steal their resources!
Venezuela also has heavily armed local militias, they are there In case gov gets out of line!
I could keep going , this is what I can think of now.
My comment: Mexico is (sort of) similar. Property taxes are higher than that, and the police do DUI checks but the mom and pop stores are common, you can sell whatever you want, and medical is damn near free and VERY high quality and FAST. There's no such thing as "waiting for a doctor" in Mexico. I think the American system is set up the way it is to provide an illusion of scarcity and value, so they can then SCREW YOU. There's no such thing as health insurance in Mexico, no one would ever consider it because the private medical system is so fast, effective and cheap, and I'm talking, usually 1/100th the price of the U.S. Claudia's heart attack dented the budget a bit, but the biggest expense was paying employees when the alt income plan was not (and still is not) running (and the loss of that income) because Claudia needs more recovery time. But there's no life robbing $50, 000 medical bill leaving a devastating aftermath.
People believe the media in the U.S. telling them how great it is, and how bad everywhere else is. But the reality is that America is so far gone now that former police state sh*t holes look like heaven by comparison now. The illegals only come up because deep state traitors have put in place a system that allows them to break any law they want and not have a consequence, and then hands them free housing, free medical, a welfare paycheck, and then they get to on top of it all work off the books. They have a seriously distorted view of America but it has to be that way to keep them here so they can do their job of undermining the country on behalf of the deep stat
This is a highly probable ICBM re-entry
First, let's see what an ICBM looks like when it comes in. See this 40 second video of ICBM re-entry testing in Russia
Now take a look at this video of what just came down in Venezuela
The trajectory, size, speed, and color is the same, with the tails looking different on the Russian re-entry because the sun was able to backlight it all. We're looking at an ICBM hitting Venezuela. Who did it? GUESS. And it was a probable warning shot, it hit in a harmless location in the middle of a populated area, right when there's trouble in Venezuela. MESSAGE: STEP DOWN MADURO OR WE WILL NAIL YOU, YOU CANNOT ESCAPE THIS.
Here is video of the flaming aftermath on the ground
Here is another video of it entering, and you can see the different colored flash from the warhead when it hits the ground. Twitter has flagged this video, and ONLY this video as "sensitive", possibly because you can see that flash clearly.
OUR CONCLUSION: This was an ICBM re-entry and impact, with a very low yield conventional round on it, sent as a warning shot to Maduro. Obviously it could also have been a legit meteor, but with the trajectory and characteristics matching the re-entry of Russian ICBM's (America's can't be too different, the tech is the same,) plus the bright flash just like a bomb, plus the firey aftermath which we have never seen from a meteor before, I seriously, and I mean seriously doubt this was a meteor.
FACT: We have not ever had video of flames on the ground from a meteor impact, have we? Not EVER. Why Venezuela? Why now???
A GREAT social media post from 2007.SPOT ON.
A now well aged post turned out to be a near prophetic writing.
In the real world, fascism is when the corporations and governments work as a single entity, and you can wander around with your fucking gun all you want. In fact, you'll have to wander around, because the government/corporations took your house and your car, and no one will hire you.
At which point you'll be arrested, not as some big anti-government hero by jackboot thugs, but for stealing bread to live on, by a perfectly normal cop who's just doing his job, a job that absolutely no one except you disagrees with, so when you shoot and kill him you're getting the electric chair and no one thinks you're a hero at all.
There are different types of totalitarian governments, and assuming a fascist one operates like a communist one is faulty. Fascist governments don't put troops in the streets...;they work with corporations to make sure 'the wrong sort of people' do not have any economic power, and do not have anywhere to peddle their ideas.
Modern fascist states don't even bother to kill those people, and pretending they're going to show up in some stormtrooper outfit and start a gun battle with you is insane. They'll show up with a court order to evict you from your home because you failed to pay your mortgage, because pressure came from the top at your company to let you go. Or they'll just sue you and ruin your finances.
America is not a bunch of tiny castles where, as long as you can hold off the invading armies, you will be fine. The idea that that is how the world works is astonishingly naive. Almost all the population of America lives in housing they do not fully own, they get food from places they do not control like the supermarket, they require operating in society for money to obtain said food and shelter, a society where economics are controlled by some very large players that can crush them like bugs.
And a fascist state isn't going to 'assume control', you asshat. There's not going to some insane coup, there's a going to be a slow change, which has, in fact, already happened, or have you not looked at the telecom immunity stuff? That's classic fascism. The government breaks the law, the government gets private companies to break the law, the government gives said companies huge amounts of cash, the government attempts to make such behavior legal retroactively. We've got government officials and AT&T officers leaping back and forth between each other in an incestuous loop. Your government spying on you, sponsored by AT&T. It's not 'totalitarian' yet, as evidenced by the fact Democrats managed to stop the immunity, but it is fascism, at least the start of it. (And the same thing's happened with Blackwater.)
Oh, and before you start ranting about gun control some more, be forewarned I'm against it. I'm just not stupid enough to think that the US government being slowly corrupted by business is something that can be fought off with gunpowder. Guns are useful to deter crime and to deter invasion. They aren't useful against a corrupt government in any meaningful way.
A comment: The facist state has just completed yet another round of de-funding the alt media. It might be better to let Ocasio win, because if she does we will all be able to point at the enemy directly, and unify to overthrow it. We can't keep Bezos, Google, or Faceplant or the telecoms at bay, it might be best to just let her nationalize the whole damn thing and then we will know precisely what the target has to be to take it all back.
Going to call out phony agenda driven science
Just when Gardasil was getting a very well deserved bad rap, the makers of that vaccine discovered ALL warts were caused by the virus it is supposed to prevent. WE CALL BUNK.
Why? Because viruses don't have roots like trees that grow under the skin and pop up new sprouts elsewhere via those roots. Anyone who has ever taken out a wart knows it has roots, which means it is a full blown organism and not a DAMN VIRUS.
Add to this the fact that there are many many different types of warts and Gardasil only treats one (scratch that, ZERO viruses, I'd bet it is a total scam 100 percent).
FACT: OLD SCHOOL: Warts are FUNGAL. PERIOD. The old school was not too stupid to figure that out. There are plenty of examples of similar fungus on other species, most notably ants with the zombie fungus, but the human body is complex enough to usually keep the fungus from totally taking over.
FACT: Viruses are microscopic and don't grow large structures like warts. The Papaloma virus was never associated with plantar warts or any other warts until AFTER the gardasil shot. You might be able to find it back dated on the web to before Gardasil now, but I'd bet you can't find it in a printed encyclopedia Britannica from the 70's.
FACT: If warts were caused by the papaloma virus, it would not be important to kill one off to prevent it from spreading because if the virus caused it, it would be all over your body, and you'd sprout warts everywhere regardless of whether or not you killed them off. Killing one off would have no effect at all.
FACT: If some types of warts are not kept in check, they will grow a stalk out their center and start spewing spores. Those spores are SURE AS HELL NOT HPV.
FACT: "Science" has been usurped and is now predominantly AGENDA. You can't trust a word of what the bullshitters who are pretending to do research nowadays say.
FACT: EVERTHING WE HAVE CAME FROM THE OLD SCHOOL, THAT SAID WARTS WERE FUNGAL. The internet. Jets, Rockets, electricity, the WHOLE BALL OF WAX. The old school was not too stupid to figure it all out, and was not too stupid to know when a fungus really was a fungus.
People need to realize that there really is an effort to destroy what the old school did, so the whole of humanity can once again become the subject of a tyrannical power structure. They are trying to turn us backwards so we are easier to control, the entire realm of "climate science" has that as an obvious hidden objective. And it is not legit at all. Part of this process will require total disinformation about anything that can justify you getting shots, which are more and more often becoming MANDATORY. Why? Why are they making it more and more difficult to avoid shots, that are supposed to protect anyone who does get them from whatever they are claiming the shot is for? The line is: Get your shots so you don't infect those who already had their shots? BULLSHIT. How stupid are people anyway? Obviously many are not that stupid, but if they "get with the program" they probably will be, via the shot! And from there, tyrannical control becomes easy.
FACT: WARTS ARE FUNGAL, PERIOD. Remember that when they come after you with a jab they say will wipe out a VIRUS that causes a FUNGUS to grow, when the two are separated by an entire top level biological phylum. Aah yes, but "research" said so!
Venezuelans speak out against socialism
The war on Trump's SOTU is stunning and well orchestrated
"Venezuelan Coup Update - It's On!
In President Trump's mostly lame with lots of fluff and very little substance SOTU address, Trump skilfully maneuvered emotional talking points into a superficial dichotomy show of dumbed down political rhetoric; saying nothing that any individual with the smallest amount of intellect did not already know.
From one side of his mouth, destroyer class sycophant Trump claimed to be pro life, while from the other side of his mouth licking the boots of his anti-life, destroyer class owners.
From one side of his mouth Trump said; "Great nations do NOT PARTICIPATE in perpetual war", while from the other side of his mouth Trump officially, and publicly endorsed random CIA asset guy named Juan as the legitimate leader of Venezuela, officially green lighting, and setting the official stage for a full blown military coup of the legitimate Nicolas Maduro government, by US military forces.
Trump's idea of making America great again is continuing the exact same foreign policy as Obama, Bushes, and Clintons.
The names change, but the policy of the destroyer class remains the same.
Trump is not the enemy of the deep state.
Trump is simply another deep state stooge, just like Obama, Bushes, and Clintons.
My comment: That was a well thought out back stab. However well stated, every point is easily rebuffed. If Trump is "licking the boots of the anti-life destroyer class", why did he try to de-fund planned parenthood, and get blocked by the deep state? If he is just another stooge, why is he continually tripping off the 9th circuit? If he's like Obama, why is China pissed, and why are jobs returning, and why does he have a legit birth certificate and actual female wife? Why did Hillary freak out, saying "if that bastard wins we all go to jail?" If he is not the enemy of the deep state, why is he constantly being attacked, with Schiff announcing a deep dredge investigation of Trump's past, AFTER that awesome SOTU which the MSM including even FOX is now constantly attacking, after the balance of the MSM bashed him for two entire years prior? What pulled FOX out of the closet?
SO TRUMP is continuing the exact same foreign policy of Obama, Bush and Clinton, while ousting the UN and de-funding NATO while he turned back on the ABM treaty and started designing new nukes while attempting to pull out of Syria and Afghanistan, only to meet resistance from the deep state he's supposed to be a stooge for? How ridiculous is the crap being spewed after that AWESOME SOTU? Well, just read the quoted post - it is typical!
The shadow state has CLEARLY, UNQUESTIONABLY pulled out all the stops and is showing it's full hand right now in a massive attempt to back stab Trump after he delivered in a way that could only be described as epic, and paradigm shifting. They are scared to death after being exposed so eloquently as the frauds they are, and we are seeing this with how they have chosen to behave and comment in the aftermath. Now is the litmus test, if any of your preferred news venues are attacking or trying to diminish Trump right now, they FAILED, and it is time to ditch them.
Trump announced a ban on all Chinese internet products. He's probably been poorly informed by his so called "advisors". Here is what is most likely the real reason for the ban.
LOUD BOOMS, BRIGHT FLASHES: Probable test of Haarp type tech/project blue beam
First of all, to throw it off the shelf - these booms are not any forewarning of any earthquake. The earth did not change overnight and just suddenly start doing this. if these booms and flashes were any kind of warning of an earthquake, it would be known about so far back even the Bible would have it. The fact that "earthquake lights" have only been known about for 20 years or so is proof it is tech at work and not nature - the previous generations were not too stupid to observe this. There are natural light phenomenons such as St Elmo's fire, lightning, the aurora or even piezoelectric effects DURING earthquakes, but not mysterious forewarnings where everyone goes back to bed. Someone is playing games.
In the illustration below, it is assumed the signal is silent and only being used to generate heat. To make the signal silent, all you have to do is avoid AM modulating it. Any sound produced will be at such a high frequency it would be inaudible and not travel far. However, if you wanted to create a scene, the exact same system that can heat up or steer a hurricane can be used to make tremendous noises, by amplitude modulating the phase canceling signals and having the resulting electrical current interact with the earth's magnetic field. It would in effect be a plasma speaker of enormous size. Electrostatic speakers are common in audiophile systems, (these types interact with a diaphragm) but the plasma speaker is a different type that experimenters play with that is more like (but not exactly) how a blue beam type system would work. Here is a video of a hobby type plasma speaker, that accomplishes the same effect blue beam does a different way. Skip 30 seconds in, a few years ago the geeks would explain what is going on but for some reason no videos at all come up anymore that explain what is going on and not a single geek out there knows how to do a Youtube video. Annoying, but 30 seconds into this video you'll see it work.
ALL of the plasma speakers produce light. The booms spoken of are often accompanied by flashes. However, because of how the radio waves interact in the blue beam type diagram below, it should be able to make sound without producing a lot of light. This could explain the trumpet sounds and other mysterious sounds people are hearing. The following diagram was done to explain weather modification, but it would also work to create sound.
A warning about EMP no one has given
Many of my readers know I call total B.S. about EMP destroying microelectronics. FACT: If they are not plugged into anything, it can't. The cross section of the circuits is too small and all of the circuits now have static protection that will shunt EMP. However, the same is not true of the grid
The grid does have the large wire runs necessary to build an enormous surge of EMP, exceeding that of lightning. There are circuits in place for lightning that might work to protect the system partially, however, there's something no one has ever mentioned: Transformers and generators that are in storage. If the cases on the transformers do not adequately shield them from EMP, they will blow where they sit in storage, not hooked up to anything at all because they have enough of a length of wire in them to couple with the EMP. Ditto for generators.
However, to be very clear: Starfish Prime caused a disturbance, but no failures that can be directly linked. All the nuclear tests in Nevada caused disturbances, but no long term electrical grid failures - only a phone system failure and a possible re-settable power outage in Vegas. But clearly, failures are possible, and if an enemy tried to EMP the United States out, it would probably work to at least a limited degree if they did it directly over areas that were heavily populated.
You would probably not have your electronics get blown, but there is a chance you won't be able to charge them and if an EMP attack was ever as successful as an enemy would hope, the power would go out and the parts to fix it would be blown on the shelves. Additionally, many of the large transformers and generators have a wait time of months before they can be made and shipped, there are very few of the truly large ones and they are not off the shelf parts. It is probably fairly easy to get transformers in many varieties off the shelf up to 10 megawatts (10, 000KVA) but after that my guess is that it starts to get sparse and beyond 50 megawatts, forget it. Considering mundane power generating stations are a gigawatt or more, and well, the problem is obvious.
If an EMP ruptured the insulation on a large generator or transformer, there is enough physical inertia in the system from spinning generators alone to hopelessly blow everything to kingdom come, the generators are absolutely massive and have tremendous physical inertia - an EMP would simply provide the push to get it all started, and then the system would eat it's own self wherever a failure was introduced.
The bottom line in all of this and my previous statements - EMP is not going to eat your car or cell phone or TV, so if those go out it is a ruse triggered by a command from a central location. But if the actual grid itself gets blown, it will be anything possible, from minor to major trouble. Those who have sustainable systems such as solar had better lay low and not show off their lights as chaos looms outside . . . . .
Yes, Schiff is pushing for a full investigation of Trump's finances, PIG PILE ON THE ORANGE MAN.
Remember that unenthusiastic sounding turtle in the Swan Princess? It is THAT again. Orange Man BAD!
. . . . . . . so sick of the B.
"Be careful before you act . . . . . .
VERY STRANGE: Madonna really did post this to her twitter:
Her subsequent tweets are about women's liberation and how great she is, but it is interesting indeed that she threw that in to the mix. Clearly, she is speaking from experience
A recap of the "spy chips" in Chinese made Iphones
REALITY: Apple products are designed by Apple with Apple engineers mandating all parts, circuit board layouts, EVERYTHING. And when they get their products back from China, after having "China build them" they know exactly how they should look and be laid out and what parts are supposed to be there.
The original TOTALLY IDIOTIC rumor was published by the MSM in numerous places, claiming that the "spy chip" would be un-noticed because it is "only the size of a grain of rice". Well, that's just dandy, because a grain of rice is 8 millimeters long and 2 millimeters in width and an Iphone X is 7.7 millimeters thick, which means that by the time you subtract the thickness of a circuit board, plus the back, plus the front, there's no room for "a grain of rice", none of the chips on the board are even that thick. 2 millimeters thickness in a microelectronics device is totally unheard of except for maybe a capacitor and then, probably not even that.
The "chinese spy chip" story is a load of BUNK, 2 millimeters by 8 millimeters exceeds the size of microelectronic components, and the "grain of rice" ruse was fronted by a fool who thought that was small. Even back in the 1980's, when things were just starting to be miniaturized and surface mounted, most components such as resistors and diodes were approximately 1 millimeter thick, 2 millimeters wide, and 3 millimeters long, far smaller than a "grain of rice" which in reality, most fittingly matches the size of the components used in the 1970's. Obviously things like capacitors and transformers are often going to be larger but even then, they are sometimes that small.
There's no conceivable way the Chinese would ever get a "spy chip" put into anything by any manufacturer without that manufacturer knowing about it, the engineers who designed the products will definitely take a few apart just to see how "their baby" looks and they'd definitely notice after building and testing the prototypes and looking at it on a computer screen for a year during development. There's no such thing as a CHINESE "spy chip" in an Iphone, the ISRAELI spy chip, (which is the whole damn device) is what you need to worry about.
Drudge has the Ginsburg concert I linked earlier, and there's fewer than "4, 000 views?" YEAH RIGHT!!!!
Drudge is reporting the Ginsburg "concert appearance" accurately, questioning why no photos of Ginsburg
The article he linked is priceless, especially the comments, FINALLY Drudge posted something that was like the good old days of Drudge.
Original post on this topic follows.
Tried downloading this, and for the first time ever received an error, saying was not permitted by Google to download it. Obviously they don't want evidence gathered.
Here is the back story: The Washington Post published a piece claiming Ginsburg attended a concert "in her honor" and that she appeared to be "Resplendent, Glam, Magnificent, and great". They have since edited their bullshit to not include that.
BIG PROBLEM: The linked video of the concert above, despite running for an hour and a half, does not show her there. Additionally leaked photos of the event afterward do not show her there. She was obviously not there. So why would this story be run? ANSWER: The SOTU is tomorrow night, and the world needed convincing she's alive. Now all they will say is she did not show up to the SOTU because she needed rest after the concert.
Ok, here's the kicker: Click the video link for that concert. Below the video, it is showing as "not listed in Youtube's search". So whoever posted it wanted it to be there, but not be found so the media can claim it was posted to Youtube, and cause people to assume Ruth must be in it. But it was never linked from any news reports and cannot be found in a Youtube search. WHY? HERE IS THE ANSWER: Read the comments! The Long View: A Portrait of Ruth Bader Ginsburg in Nine Songs
Where in the World is RBG? Asking for 64 million friends
Janet Canary
Wheres proof of life
We were told that RBG was there! By WAPO and CNN! Please post photos so we can share in her triumph! How exciting! I am SO glad that she will now definitely be at the SOTU tomorrow!
Bud Harton
WaPo and the Hill report that RBG was there but she doesn't show up in the video in a concert in her honor?
Rob Powpowgnargnar
no proof of life. #wheresruth
Not one picture or mention of RBG? She's on LIFE SUPPORT MACHINES.
Is it just me or does this seem like a bunch of communists?
Robert A
57:05 I mean, WTF is this?
Joseph Smith
From 11:12 through 14:17, no mention of Ginsberg. Then, coincidentally it cuts off the rest of what he said at 14:18. Then again 1:20:26 concluding remarks, no Ginsberg acknowledment anywhere until she ends with song at 1:21:55. Then 1:25:52 to the end, never an acknowledgement of Ginsberg in the audience at all. We DEMAND proof of life!
Robert A
This is the most cringeworthy video I've ever scrolled through...No words
Mr Bojangles
Ruth looked stunning ! The mile-long walks and twice weekly workouts with a trainer have her in tip-top shape for the Impeachment of Drumpf.
M Perkins
(((you demons))) are not fooling ANYONE, PERIOD.
Sergi Mason
This had me cringing to death William Healy
Ya'll give Adolph Hitler a good name
Black Labs Matter
That was waterboarding to the ears. This should be a war crime to have to listen to.
Patricia W
Ha! I knew it! RBG is not there!!!
Good morning!
Where's the gargoyle?
We were told that RBG was there! By WAPO and CNN! Please post photos so we can share in her triumph! How exciting! I am SO glad that she will now definitely be at the SOTU tomorrow!
AJ78 J
Rumour to sell tickets?
Janet Canary
> Wheres proof of life
Don Allen
This is a gigantic scam! The Left is THAT DESPERATE that CIA-bought and paid for Washington Post is lying through their teeth. NO RBG was seen at this concert, not a SINGLE PIC was taken by ANYONE. More bullshit on the part of the Democrats, they are truly the party of DEATh and DESTRUCTION. They offer NO real practical solutions. The Democrats should be banned as a party. They are treasonous rat turds.
With 2100 layoffs in the MSM, the money obviously vanished somewhere!
Yes, in typical liberal blood sucking fashion, as soon as someone else was not picking up the tab for their bullshit, it appears to have meant ADIOS, X 2100!
Hillary acquaintance "John of God" busted for child trafficking and sex slaves, and witness committed suicide!
But wait, there's more! "John of God" was Bill and Hillary Clinton's faith healer, who provided sexual services to Bill. And in proper fashion, the whistle blower is now dead from suicide.
Gee, the "suicide" fits a pattern!
Nancy Pelosi continuously quotes a bible verse that does not exist!
"Nancy Pelosi addressed a gathering of presidents of Christian colleges this week in Washington, where she thanked the evangelical community for its leadership on immigration and refugee policy reform. To this end, the speaker of the House quoted a favorite bit of biblical wisdom in her opening statement: "To minister to the needs of God's creation is an act of worship. To ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us."
OK, actually, she said, it might not technically be from the Bible. "I can't find it in the Bible, but I quote it all the time, " Pelosi said as she introduced the quote. "I keep reading and reading the Bible - I know it's there someplace. It's supposed to be in Isaiah. I heard a bishop say, 'To minister to the needs of God's creation..."
To clarify: It is not "there someplace."
New Spacex rocket thruster at least as impressive as Apollo
He has a test firing of this engine on his twitter now.
The NFL may have made a bad mistake.
From what I can tell, this did not air during the super bowl for whatever reason, even though it was specifically stated to be a super bowl commercial. If it did not air, it is obviously because it was patriotic. None of the forums or social media have any discussion of this showing, only that people did not see it and they were expecting to. It is titled "Jeep Big Game Blitz" on Jeep's own youtube, which strongly implies it should have aired for the super bowl. If it really did not and it was not just a market issue where some people saw it and others did not, BIG MISTAKE NFL, because despite it posting on Youtube only three days ago, it has 41, 750, 000 views and is climbing by more than a million an hour. The commercial is THAT GOOD. If you have not seen it yet, you ought to watch.
I have not gotten the final answer as to whether or not it was banned, but right now it sure looks like it. The NFL will never live this down if the commercial was not permitted to air.
I am not concerned about the super bowl AT ALL
I am now convinced that all the professional sports have winners that are rigged to make the most profit. It is beneficial to at least not have to rig the referees so badly it is not obvious, and this time around, there was NOTHING beneficial, it was so provably rigged. I did not even watch it, the post commentary was enough to confirm this.
What can you expect from an organization that has it's key members crap all over the country? Of course two traitor teams who are scheduled to make an epic kneeling sh** show made it, (in addition to being profitable). The entire basis of the NFL was originally patriotism and a fair game. If they lost that, why bother with it?
New York is on the verge of fully legalized abortion at the full 9 months including during birth.
But of course, if the mother does drugs while pregnant, she's still "endangering the child". There's no danger to the "child" if you kill it altogether because it is not a child if you just want to kill it at birth.