Now Google wants to start a new E-mail service, where only your cell phone is used to access your E-mail account, NO PASSWORDS. In other words, now if you want to use Gmail, (if this becomes mandatory) you have to first give Google your full triangulated position from a device that is confirmed to be yours in real time before you can access your mail box! CUTE!!!!
So let us get this perfectly straight:
If you dissent the wrong way, logging into Gmail could very well "dial in" a drone strike.
Sounds like a service WE want to use, with Obama approving drone strikes against American citizens and all...and dont forget all those nice high powered personal drones out there that can carry a gun and take care of business outside of official channels...just got to be a member of the right tribe and notify google to report positions of specific people (probably).
You know darn well they will to the "right people," outside of all official channels.
For google to demand this of their users is sheer lunacy, anyone who thinks it is impossible for this to be abused in horrific ways "off the books" most likely has a potato chip greasy remote control and a deeply dented couch.
Black Ops,
Drone Strike,
George Orwell,