This has been updated to clarify what the Mexican media showed, and explain how only a super high tech military could have gotten Chapo out of that jail the way the media said it happened. The original report put up yesterday that explains certain aspects a lot better is below this post.
There are a few clarifications I want to make. The first is that all I have to go on is what they put on the Mexican television. According to Mexican media Chapo got out via a perfectly installed electrically lifted bathtub that had a hole under it that went straight into a city drainage system. Mexico has huge downpours, so giant drainage systems are under the cities that you could drive a large truck through. It is not pipes, these drainage systems are more like underground roads. They are square and all concrete.
When I say the bathtub was perfectly installed, I mean PERFECTLY, complete with pushbutton controls drilled and screwed to the wall, a real installation. When the tub lifted up, there was a lit tunnel under it, and the media went down in this tunnel and showed it from the direction Chappie escaped, looking back. The lights, as far as the media showed them, were installed on the right side of the ceiling end to end to end with no gaps between the fixtures. They did not turn around and show the entire tunnel, but from how it looked, the whole thing was lit that way. It might not have been, it just looked like it would be. The lights were new, they all worked and were in great condition.
So this leads to a few hard questions:
Why were the lights new and all working in a tunnel that was decades old? Why would a drainage tunnel get lights anyway? Anyway, I'll cut to the chase - -
The first news reports said his cronies spent a huge amount of time digging the tunnel themselves, for kilometers underground, knew where the bathtub was and magically popped up underneath it on the first try without making any holes in the prison floor or digging upwards in the wrong spot anywhere. Quite a feat I'd say, and then the media backed off and said they made use of a drainage tunnel. But there is a problem with that and it is:
Even if you use an existing drainage tunnel, how do you, from underground, know where that tunnel is in relation to the surface without having city plans AND JAIL PLANS at your disposal, so you can perfectly measure your way up the tunnel to the bathtub, and then poke through the top of the tunnel under the bathtub in exactly the right spot? Answer: NO THUG DID THAT, IT WAS A GOVERNMENT JOB DONE WITH MILITARY EQUIPMENT. Only the military, and I MEAN THE U.S. MILITARY, not some stupid biafran patrol has the kind of equipment needed to locate the position of a bathtub on the surface with precision and then drill upwards through concrete and hit it. That had to have been accomplished with a toy such as ground penetrating radar.
Bottom line: It took the U.S. military to get that guy out of jail IF the tunnel and bathtub were used at all, and are not just some sort of stupid prop for public consumption. Odds are Chapo, who hated Trump and has a death vendetta against him was allowed to walk right out the front door of the prison. And he walked out within three days of Clinton/Bush saying "they would take care of the Trump problem, Don't worry about Trump."
This is way too good for any plot made in Hollywood style movies, this shit is real.!!