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(David) Irving explains how Japan was desperately trying to surrender on July 15. 1945 (weeks before being A bombed) and all the allies at the Potsdam conference knew it. Was the result of us testing two A bombs on them their decision to release the yellow fever on us if we didn't back down? Can you go more into a timeline on this when you have a chance?
... The source on this is an ULTRA intercept from Japan to the ambassador in Russia demanding he seek a surrender via Stalin. When he refuses he is instructed these orders come from the emperor and are to be carried out immediately. So I don't see how this could be confused by any revisionism. The Americans could have created a fake intercept surely, but i don't see any benefit in it for them. I do not believe he is influenced one iota by any other revisionist historians in his conclusions because for decades he was the ONLY revisionist historian. There were no OTHERS to draw conclusions from. His method is to use only the original source materials, and yes any author would have to draw conclusions from that. Curious who these "others" are as I would love to read their books and draw my own conclusions as to how accurate and truthful they are.
To Spite his notoriety, DAVID JOHN CAWDELL IRVING’s (birthed 1938—[aged 78 yrs]) Canards in this regard (and unfortunately so many others [id est, “Adolf & Eva Hitler both Committed Suicide in The Bunker,” et cetera]) are quite simply the same drearily Conventional Regurgitation(s) of the Indoctrinated "Punchline(s)" from the Very U.S. State-Sponsored Fairy-Tale(s) which I have Publicly Deconstructed for quite some time now.
I have – Redundantly – Addressed ALL of the factors you so casually enquire of while I have been ON-AIR through Each and Every One of my Broadcasts and Interviews as well as within the Time & Space Limits of my DVD’s.
You are invited to Review them yet again – Repeatedly, if necessary. The Life of my Last Remaining Loved One was Sacrificed to Impart such information; and one cannot sit at their Keyboard and expect me to continually Repeat myself at their own Convenience (sans Remuneration, no less) – simply because they suddenly find themselves in an inquisitive mood.
What I find most offensive is the fact that this effort is initiated at all in order to Respond to David Irving, who is, in the end – simply another Outsider Looking In – Not an Insider Looking Out, as I myself am through Circumstance(s) of Employment. He is Piecing together Fragments into a Patchwork Quilt and, inescapably, basing his Conclusions on the Misrepresentation of what other Revisionist Historians have long promulgated in this arena.
And I employ the term: “Revisionist Historian” quite pointedly, Sir, as I myself am a Reality Historian, Presenting Fact(s).
The Governments of Canada, Austria, Germany and Australia have Barred David Irving from entering their countries. He has been convicted of Defaming the Memory of the Dead in Germany and has Lost Civil Suits in England and the United States, whereas I, Sir, will Never be Tried – as it is implicitly understood that the Facts I Expose regards Historic Reality would stand Incontestable In Court of Law.
Mr. Irving suffered a major blow in April, circa AD 2000, CE, when he lost an Internationally Publicized Legal Battle in British Court against American Historian Professor Deborah Lipstadt, whom he had Accused of Libel, before a London Court.
Justice Charles Gray Ruled that Deborah Lipstadt had not Libeled Irving when she called him a Holocaust Denier; and even went so far as to Legally Confirm Irving as a Holocaust Denier and Anti-Semite.
Now shunned by reputable Publishing Houses, Irving has since Founded his own Publishing House: Focal Point Publications.
Please Reference:
!!! WARNING !!! Parental Discretion Advised
(This Program Contains Graphic Footage of Historical Events)
In Direct Antithesis to Mr. Irving and his ilk: I myself am The One Singular Public Voice who Exposes the Reality of Understatement regards the Genocide of European Jewry – Twelve Miliion [12, 000, 000] were Mass-Murdered – Not the Half Accounted for.
As a DoD Research Librarian, I was Tasked to Investigate the pervasive Insurgency of White Aryan Supremacists and Separatists in the United States Army during the Late 1980s through the Early 1990s.
Perforce such responsibilities I co-ördinated with The Simon Wiesenthal Center (Museum of Tolerance Focusing On Racism In America and the History of The Holocaust [1399 South Roxbury Drive, Los Angeles, CA, 90035; Telephone #: 1-310/5539036, E-ddress: <www.wiesenthal.com/>]) in Southern California and was both shocked and appalled to discover that functionally Fifty Percent (50%) of those whom Das Dritte Reich (“The Third Empire-State”) Classified as Jews (Half-Jews, Quarter-Jews, and even those with effectively a “drop” of Jewish blood by Genealogical Linkage) were Discounted as Victims of The Holocaust by the Holocaust Studies Community, On-Basis of Tabulations where “Jewishness” was defined by Traditional (as opposed to Reconstructionist Rabbinical) Jewry’s own sense of Exclusivity (which Recognizes Judaic Ethnicity as Inherent through Matrilineality).
In Irony: It is important to remember that the Nat-Ƶis were/are convinced that they were doing the World a Service by Exterminating Jews; and that they Take Pride in their Accomplishment(s). To Deny their dedication to realizing Die Endlösung Der Judenfrage (“The Final Solution To The Jewish Question”) – not to mention the industrious ingenuity they manifested towards such End(s) – is to direly insult the Architects of Nat-Ƶidom in terms of their own Standards of ruthless Efficiency.
As to those "Others," of which you Query, “they” happen to Comprise every single Conventional Academic Historian across the Pacific, On-Basis of the Exact Same Source which you have just Cited via Mr. David Irving:
On July 13th, 1945, weeks before the Second American Atomic Bomb was dropped (the First having being blown at Trinity); Japan sent a Telegram to the Soviet Union expressing its desire to “Surrender” and End the war.
The United States had Broken Japan's Codes and Decrypted the Telegram. President Harry Solomon Truman (b.1884—d.1972; 33rd U.S. Presidency: 1945—1953) Referred in his Diary to:
"... — the telegram from Jap Emperor asking for peace."
Exempli Gratia: 長谷川 毅 ("Tsuyoshi Hasegawa;” b.1941—), Author of: “Racing The Enemy: Stalin, Truman, and the ‘Surrender’ of Japan (pub. 2005; the Belknap Press of Harvard University),” Winner of both the Robert H. Ferrell Book Prize (Sponsored by the Society of Historians of American Foreign Relations) and the AAP Professional/Scholarly Publishing Annual Award Competition (History & American Studies), as well as Michæl D. Gordin, Author of: “Five Days In August: How World War II Became a Nuclear War (pub. 2007; Princeton University Press),” assert that President Truman had been Informed through Swiss and Portuguese Channels of Japanese Peace Overtures as early as Three Months (3 Mnths.) Prior to The Hiroshima Bombing.
Japan Objected only to Surrendering Unconditionally and Abdicating its Emperorship, but the United States insisted on those Terms.
In perfidious attempt to promulgate the promoted effectiveness of an Air Force (which did not yet exist), the USSBS (United States Strategic Bombing Survey) concluded that:
"… — certainly prior to 31 December, 1945, and in all probability prior to 1 November, 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated."
Note that if the United States Army Air Corps did not affect this stance, Congressional Allotments of Budgetary Largesse would never have been Allocated towards an Air Force of astronomically expensive Strategic Atomic Bomber Aircraft.
Much of the History of the efficacy of Strategic Bombing has relied on the Post-Ceasefire USSBS (with emphasis on the “BS”) Reports.
As has been decisively argued in recent years, these Reports are utterly unreliable as to the Impact Strategic Conventional and Nuclear Bombing had on the Japanese Élite and Civilian Morale in the face of Mass Japanese Spiritual Mobilization.
Please Reference:
Gian P. Gentile: “How Effective Is Strategic Bombing? Lessons Learned From World war II To Kosovo (New York: New York University Press, 2001);
idem: “Shaping The Past Battlefield, ‘For The Future’: The United States Strategic Bombing Survey’s Evaluation of The American Air War Against Japan (‘Journal of Military History #64 [2000]’: 1085—1112),”
idem: “Advocacy Or Assessment? The United States Strategic Bombing Survey of Germany and Japan (‘Pacific Historical Review #66 [1997]’: 53—79);”
Barton J. Bernstein: “Compelling Japan’s Surrender Without The A-Bomb, Soviet Entry, or Invasion: Reconsidering The US Bombing Survey’s Early-Surrender Conclusions (‘Journal of Strategic Studies #18 [1995]’: 101—148);”
Robert P. Newman: “Ending The War With Japan: Paul Nitze’s ‘Early Surrender’ Contrafactual (‘Pacific Historical Review #64 [1995]’: 167—194);”
and David MacIsaac: “Strategic Bombing In World War Two: The Story of The United States Strategic Bombing Survey (pub. 1976; New York: Garland Publishing), among others...
Consequently: The United States’ Nuclear Terrorism is Conventionally Revisioned as the Theatrical Opening of the so-called Cold War, Aimed at: “Sending a Message to the Soviets.”
Such Propaganda is an integral component of the Official United States M-M.O.S.I.C.C. (Militarized Medical/Occult/Science[s]/Industrial/Congressional Complex) Party-Line that Japan was prostate and powerless before America’s entirely Mythic omnipotent might.
This tired and tiresome Myth is in turn Propagated by the same Historical Revisionists who Traf‘fick in Holocaust Denial because it Promotes the Racist Agenda of the “Inherent Inferiority” of “Lesser Races.”
It is widely Propagandized in Popular American Accounts that 裕仁迪宮天皇陛下 ("Hirohito [‘Abundant Benevolence’] Michinomiya Tennō Heika ['God-Emperor Hirohito Michi no miya The Majestic'];" b.1901—d.1989 [124th and longest Reigning Emperor of The Yamato Dynasty]; Ascended The Chrysanthemum Throne on Christmas Day of Yuletide: 12/25/1926—1989 [Reigned 62 Yrs.]; Last Survivor of All World War II Leaders and the longest Reigning Monarch in the Recorded History of Earth) Personally Intervened in the “Surrender” Negotiations in 東京都 ("Tōkiyō-to ['Eastern Capital Metropolis']"), but there is almost No Evidence that He did so.
Even the best (some might say the only) Source that was not Recorded after Cease-Fire (and hence liable to Distortions in the face of Said Ceasefire Conditions as Demanded by the Japanese), the Diary of Lord Privy Seal Marquis 木戸 幸一 (“Kido Kōichi [‘Kōichi Kido’]”: b.1889—d.1977; Lord Keeper of tHe Imperial Privy Seal: 1940—1945), does not depict the God-Emperor of the Japanese Actively Intervening to promote Peace.
Please Reference:
Lord Kido Kōichi: “The Diary Of Marquis Kido: Selected Translations Into English (pub.1984; Frederick, MD: University Publications of America).”
Indeed: God-Emperor Hirohito actively sought The Final Battle His Military was Preparing Under His Direct Command because He Knew that He would Win.
Please Reference:
Herbert P. Bix: “Japan’s Delayed ‘Surrender’: A Reinterpretation (‘Diplomatic History #19 [1995]’: 197—225).”
The Image of a Pacifist Hirohito, Japan’s “Symbolic” Monarch by an Analogy to The British Crown, is entirely a Post-Ceasefire Creation generated to placate the American Public by their own Federal Government.
Consider the circumstances that surrounded the Meeting of The Supreme War Council of 大日本 (“Dai Nippon [‘Greater Japan’]”) Scheduled for the Evening of August 8th in 1945 to Discuss whether or not to Accept the Terms of The Potsdam Declaration of The United Nations Demanding Japan’s Immediate and Unconditional Surrender.
This Meeting was Called Two Days (2 Dys.) after the American Attack on Hiroshima with an Nuclear Bomb.
With Soviet Entry Into The Greater Pacific War and the Abortive Atomic Attack on Kokura National Armory (Destined to be Diverted onto the Civilian City of Nagasaki) only a matter of Hours Away, the Meeting had to be Cancelled because:
“... — one of Council’s members had more important business elsewhere.”
It is difficult to discern any matter that could have represented “more important business” than Consideration of the Question of the Japanese Nation’s Immediate and Unconditional Surrender – Excepting Imperial Co-Ördination of Immediate Victory...
The Realities of History – as opposed to the Simplicities of Propagandistic Myth – are inextricably convoluted within the Complexity of Intercultural Context(s).
Per the Imperial Japanese Constitution: All Power derived from, and was ultimately retraceable to, the Emperor and the Emperor Alone – a direct result of 睦仁明治天皇大 (“Mutsuhito Meiji-Tennō [‘God-Emperor Mutsuhito Meiji The Great’];” b.1852―d.1912 [122nd Emperor of The Yamato Dynasty]; Ascended The Chrysanthemum Throne: 1867—1912 [Reigned 45 Yrs.]) Creation of this Legal Document in the first place; upon his restoring power to the Japanese Nobility (after wresting it – via Civil War – away from the 侍 (“Sămuraï [‘Serviceman’]”) Caste for the first time in Thirteen Generations (13 Gens.) of 徳川幕府 (“Tokugawa Shōgûnal [‘Tokugawa Generalissimoship’]”) – as conveyed in popular American culture through Tom Cruise's "The Last Sămuraï" – whilst Marshaling a European-Trained Peasant Army).
From the very moment that Japan was compelled into War with the United States, Peace Initiatives were simultaneously relayed offering: Peace via Preservation of the Japanese State Structure of: インペリアル免疫の国体 (“Kokutai [‘National Polity of Imperial Immunity’]”). These "Peace Feelers" were Transmitted to the United States Government at the Executive (Presidential) Level through: Switzerland, Sweden, the Vatican, and even the Soviet Union, as well as multiple Neutral Nations – continuing Ceaselessly In Relay throughout the next Three Years and Ten Months (3 Yrs. & 10 Mnths.) of Proactive Prosecution of Conflict.
Entire books (available on the Mass-Market) have been dedicated to impeccably Documenting these tireless Efforts. All such Overtures – in All of their continuously rewritten phraseology – were Ignored.
They were interpreted by the American Executive as: Attempt(s) to Negotiate (a) Conditional Surrender.
U.S. Commander-In-Chief, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (b.1882—d.1945; 32nd U.S. Presidency: 1933—1945; Assassinated[?]) – and C-in-C Truman as his Successor to Executive Office – were Committed to: Unconditional Surrender as American National Policy.
There is No Other Definition of Unconditional Surrender than that of Racial Genocide.
Life Magazine (Federally Vetted in Wartime, as was every major source of Public Information) reiterated Verbatim the Officially articulated American Military Objective on June 11th, 1945:
"Total War calls for Total Defeat. That means that the War-Making power of every Japanese Resource, every Japanese Man, Woman, and Child Must Be Destroyed."
A US ARMY POLL in 1943 found that roughly Half of All G.I.s believed it necessary to: “Kill Every Japanese Person On Earth.”
The U.S. Navy’s psychoneurotic Admiral William Frederick “Bull-S__t” Halsey (b.1882—d.1959), who Commanded the United States' Naval Forces in the South Pacific during World War II, Officially articulated the American Services’ Mission Statement as:
"Kill Japs, kill Japs, kill more Japs ... When this war is over, the Japanese language will be spoken only in hell.”
War correspondent Edgar L. Jones Wrote in the February 1946 Issue of “Atlantic Monthly”:
"What kind of war do civilians suppose we fought anyway? We shot prisoners in cold blood, wiped out hospitals, strafed lifeboats, killed or mistreated enemy civilians, finished off the enemy wounded, tossed the dying into a hole with the dead, and in the Pacific boiled flesh off enemy skulls to make table ornaments for sweethearts, or carved their bones into letter openers."
Australian General Sir Thomas Blamey told the New York Times:
"Fighting Japs is not like fighting normal human beings. The Jap is a little barbarian…. We are not dealing with humans as we know them. We are dealing with something primitive. Our troops have the right view of the Japs. They regard them as vermin."
The United States OWI (office of War Information) had also successfully Indoctrinated The American Public into implacable Hostility against Hirohito-Tennō – a Mass-Frenzy wherein the United States Electorate had become imbued with the irrational desire to see Japan’s God-Emperor Dethroned.
Polls Taken in July and August of 1945 (the Latter Month being the Month of America’s Atomic Attacks) showed that roughly One-Third (33%) of Americans wanted his Immediate Execution of The Imperial Japanese Family, One-Fifth (20%) their Imprisonment and/or Exile, One-Sixth (17%) a Show Trial of Hirohito Pending Forced Abdication and/or Execution; and only Three Percent (3%) were willing to entertain God-Emperor Hirohito’s Potential Employment by The Allies. The Remaining Twenty-Seven Percent (27%) of Americans so Surveyed Concluded the Question of Imperial Dynastic Destiny Moot – as they Advocated Total Extermination of the entire Japanese Race.
Please Reference:
John D. Chappell: “Before The Bomb: How America Approached The End of The Pacific War (pub. 1997; Lexington: University of Kentucky [esp. pgs. 126—129]),” for much more detail on American Domestic Hostility to Hirohito-Tennō’s Post-Ceasefire Retention.
On Basis of the Above Context:
ANY and ALL attempts on part of the Japanese to Conduct Dialogue were Rendered Irrelevant and – by Logical Extension – The Atomic Bombs were Totally Irrelevant.
With the Advent of the American-Developed Plutonium Bomb (as opposed to the Axis-DevelopedUranium Bomb[s]) It is Indisputable Historical Fact that the United States Government was inexorably Committed to Continued Deployment of Nuclear Weapons – Once Available (this Pivotal Factor of Delayed Availability was known to be initially problematic – by both the Americans themselves [as a decisive Strategic Vulnerability] and by the Japanese [as a Strategic Window of Opportunity]) – Until the Japanese Race was Exterminated – Period – No Negotiations for "Conditional Surrender" Being Acceptable and Any Attempt at such Negotiation, by Definition, Being "Conditional." The Circular Logic of Genocide is thereby inescapable.
The Japanese Never Sought Surrender on American Terms (which were Nothing Less Than a Demand for Ethnic Acceptance of Total Annihilation); which, obviously, rendered "Surrender" Impossible – and: The Japanese Continuously offered the United States an "Out" – via Acceptance of Kokutai - which the Americans Repeatedly Rejected.
And Yet: Hirohito-Tennō Did Not Abdicate.
In Fact: He Stayed On as Emperor of Japan until his Death in 1989, over Forty Years (40 Yrs. +) following Pacific Cease-Fire in World War II, when most Americans wanted Him Dead or In Prison.
The very reason that there were three (3) Atomic Bomb Assembly Structures on Tinian Island – along with fully loaded stockrooms and fifteen (15) 509th Aircrews with their special "Silverplate" B-29 Bombers – was so that Atom-Bomb #3 (Fat Man Unit F-32; already On-Site Tinian) would be dropped on the Japanese National Arsenal of Kokura (the Intended Target of the Original "Fat Man" Plutonium Bomb) by General Paul Tibbets himself – whenever it's Critical Core Components finally arrived (as he explained [incompletely] only upon Reissue of his 1998 autobiography: “Flight of the Enola Gay”) – as The Nagasaki Bombing Fiasco had already proven conclusively that both the Japanese Imperial Family – and that Two Thousand, Six Hundred Year-Old (2600 Yr.) Dynasty's Industry – were more than adequately entrenched enough to survive America's "Strategic" approach to Nuclear Warfare: The Domestically Designed and Developed American Atomic Ordnance ("Fat Man") was Dropped on Nagasaki In Expeditious Retreat during a Failed Attempt to Deploy the U.S.A.-Manufactured "Fat Man (a singular Plutonium Bomb with much more powerful Yield than the Axis-Manufactured and Standardized 'Little Boy' Uranium Shell as so recently Dropped Over Hiroshima)."
Bockscar Failed to Bomb Japan's National Arsenal after three (3) unsuccessful Bomb Runs in Forty-Five Minutes (45 Mns.) of Flight-Time, during which attempts her Flight-Engineer discovered a Major Malfunction: Her Fuel Pump had Ceased Functioning – trapping six hundred (600) Gallons of Fuel in her Auxiliary Bomb-Bay Fuel Tanks and rendering it unavailable for use; as Iwo Jima's Airfield was Closed, the Crew could not Transfer the Fat Man to another B-29 and her Commander: Major Charles V. Sweeney, Opted to Drop the Single Most Powerful Weapon in the American Inventory over Nagasaki In Panicked Retreat: Nagasaki's geography played a major role in Limiting Fat Man's Effectiveness and Dissipated Eighty Percent (80%) of the Plutonium Bomb's power by Confining the explosion to the bowl-shaped valley amidst the Nagasaki Hills and thusly prevented Casualties, Fatalities, and Material Damages from becoming as extensive as those produced by the Lower-Yield Little Boy.
Well over Two Thousand, Five Hundred (2500) young ladies employed in 三菱グループ’s (“Mitsubishi Gurūpu’s [‘Mitsubishi Groups’]”) U/G (Underground)-Bunkered Production Facilities beneath the city of Nagasaki survived Deployment of the most powerful weapon in the American Inventory without any awareness that an Atomic attack had occurred Overhead; continuing unabated Full-Scale Assembly of "Patsy" Long-Range Bombers capable of reaching New York City from Tōkiyō-to; Modeled on the Prototype KI-77s Produced in 1940 (Prior to Pearl Harbor). It was concluded (correctly) that any Atomic Attack on the Japanese National Capital of Tokiyo would leave The Imperial Bunker(s) equally unscathed.
Definitive Revelation of the Fact that the United States High Command recognized the Total Failure of their Strategic Deployment of Nuclear Weapons is evidenced by Further Projected Deployments of Atomic Ordnance through the Future being Relegated to Operational-Level Utilization in Beach-Head Establishment for the Intended Exterminatory Invasion of The Japanese Home Islands (Never to be Realized).
On August 13th (Post-Nagasaki), 1945, Lt. Gen. John Hull (Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations and PLans) informed Col. L.E. Seeman (Aide to Major General Leslie Groves) that U.S. Army Chief-of-Staff George Marshall would proceed to use Atom-Bombs only in Direct Support of Tactical Operations. Col. Seeman was expecting seven (7) Uranium "Little Boys" from Post-Ceasefire Germany By-Time of Operation: Olympic (the Projected November 1st, 1945 Invasion of Kyushu) to Clear The Beaches.
Once a Secure Beachhead was Established by U.S. Soldiers and Marines atop Rivers of Glowing Radioactive Glass; this was to be followed eventually thereafter by an Assembly-Line of Death on an unprecedented scale – By Late 1946(!). The “Rain of Ruin” Truman promised was finally intended to have been unleashed on Japan at the rate of Over One "Fat"-American Plutonium-Bomb per Week - as Ordnance Support for On-the-Ground "Line-Breaker" Offensive(s) while American Troops Advanced and Exterminated the Civilian Population (even when fully expected to lose All of Their Own Personnel to Ever-Increasing Levels of Radiation Exposure).
For any who doubt the Willful Intent of the United States to Mass-Sacrifice America's Own amidst Conduct of Nuclear War: Conservative Estimates verify that well over Half a Million [500, 000 +] U.S. Military Personnel (more specifically: Four Hundred Thousand (400, 000) Servicemen and One Hundred Thousand (100, 000) Civilian "Contractors," Medical "Observers," etc. [of both sexes]) were Intentionally exposed to Massive Doses of Radiation in Post-Ceasefire Nuclear Testing between 1946—1970s; resulting in Permanent Damage (and ultimately Death by Radiation-Induced Carcinomas [Cancers]). This number is far higher than that of the Japanese Civilians killed by Both Nuclear Attacks against Japan in 1945 (One-Third of a Million [350, 000]).
(Indeed, the Above Statistics Reference ONLY Post-1945 American Atomic Fatalities of United States Federal Experimentation: American G.I.s were Forced to Work On-Site both Japanese Atomic Blast-Sites Immediately Following Ceasefire per Demand[s] of the Japanese Government to Prevent Overexposure of any additional Japanese Personnel or Civilians. These U.S. G.I.s were Compelled to do so without Safety-Gear by their own United States Government – Specifically to Measure Rates at which their hair fell out and how long it took for their bodies to become covered in sores [American Mass-Radiation-Exposure Subjects was considered Advantageous because their Native-Speaker Fluency in English, and Lack of Cultural Barriers, Enabled U.S. Federal Scientists to Immediately Comprehend their Descriptions of Symptoms as they Deteriorated]. The first large group of American Soldiers arrived in Nagasaki on September 23rd of 1945 and in Hiroshima two weeks later. They were part of a Force of Two Hundred and Forty Thousand [240, 000] that Occupied the islands of Honshu and Kyushu. Marines from the 2nd Division “Took” Nagasaki while the U.S. Army's 24th and 41st divisions “Seized” Hiroshima. No one was urged to take Precautions – and were Ordered instead to Bivouac close to Ground Zero, and even sleep on the earth and Engage in Cleanup Operations without Protective Gear. When an American Marine named Sam Scione returned to the United States a year later, his body was covered in sores and all of his hair fell out. He suffered a string of Ailments but never was Awarded Service-Related Disability Status, being but one Among a couple hundred thousand such Cases).
Herein the Unparalleled Significance of All Such Documents I was Ordered to Destroy which exposed the Concept of Japanese Surrender as a Non-Applicable Issue within Context of Historical Reality:
Once Confronted with the (Virtually Guaranteed) Prospect of the Mass-Extermination of an Overwhelming Majority of the American Population by Biocidal Weapons developed by Hirohito-Tennō Himself (He was, after all, a Marine Biologist of Internationally Recognized Repute), the United States Government was Forced to Sue For Peace and Declare Immediate Cease-Fire.
On August 9th, 1945, the Sacred Crane Task Force of Imperial Japanese Superdirigibles Penetrated American Airspace as easily as it had been violated during The Battle of Los Angeles (February 24th—25th, 1942) and throughout the remainder of Proactive Prosecution of Hostilities (by both Japanese I.C.U.B.s [Intercontinental Unguided Bombs] and Reconnaissance Aircraft). Upon Disembarkation at Tonopah Army Air Base [later C.I.A. Designate: Area-51], The 昭和 (“Shōwa [‘Enlightened Peace/Harmony’]”) Ultimatum was thereupon Delivered to the United States High Command (and ultimately the American Office of the Executive [President Truman]) Demanding In The Name of the God-Emperor that the United States of America and her Allies Commence Active Cease-Fire Negotiations by The Ides of August (as the 15th of August is the Anniversary Date for the Original Manifestation of The 神風 [“Kamikaze;” or: “Divine Wind"] Super-Typhoon of One Hundred and Fifty Mile-per-Hour Winds which raised Twenty [20]-Meter Waves and sank Arakhan's Mongolian Armada of Four Thousand and Four Hundred [4400] ships [a Fleet-In-Being literally proportionate to that floated by the Allies off Normandy at D-Day] – drowning One Hundred and Fifty-Thousand [150, 000] Mongol Marines off Japan Six Hundred and Sixty-Four Years [664 Yrs.] prior in Anno Domini 1281, Common Era [the single greatest Loss-of-Life at Sea ever Recorded in History], Hirohito deemed Imposition of this 081545 Deadline as apropos).
To emphasize the Lethality-Index of these Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction, the Shōwa Ultimatum outlined Hirohito's Paradigm that – as a Biologist – he could only conclude that Our Universe should be teeming with life. We should have been visited not only long ago, but regularly; and yet this has not occurred in any Officially Acknowledged sense. Hirohito compellingly postulated that Intelligent Civilizations Auto-Immolate once capable of generating a Single Individual (All It Takes Is One; and in the case of Our Planet – he presented Himself) who was both educated enough – and Inclined by Circumstance – to produce viable quantities of "The Poor Man's Doomsday Weapon:" Mass-Biocidal Viral Agents; which are more than capable of eradicating The Totality of One's Own Species – in this case, of course, Humanity (this concept was later to be plagiarized by the Chief Science Advisor to the U.S. President: The Physicist Enrico Fermi, in order to rationalize Federal Funding of an ever-expanding Nuclear Weapons Program.
Dr. Fermi's perversion of the original Postulation illogically expounded the far more expensive – and thereby far less likely – Proposition of Extraterrestrial Civilizations Auto-Destructing via Total Thermonuclear Warfare; which requires Not an Individual, but entire Interlocking Complexes of Interdependent Industries; not to mention a bottomless pit of Tax-Supported Financing to continuously maintain Self-Degrading Weapons Mechanisms, whose very Internal Electronic Components are Chronically Corrupted by the Radiation Emissions of their own Fission/Fusion Cores).
United States Secretary of State James Francis Byrnes (b.1882—d.1972; U.S. Secretary of State: 1945—1947) was forced to Draft a Response that:
“... — the ultimate form of government of Japan shall ... be established by the freely expressed will of the Japanese people.”
The Byrnes Note was sent to Japan on the 11th of August in 1945; a Full Working Week Prior to Hirohito-Tennō’s Dated – and very Literal – Deadline.
The United States Government had Fielded a Football Team that was All Offense and No Defense: By Concentrating All of their Intellectual and Material Assets on Warring Against Women, Children, Infants, and the Elderly; American Leadership had left their own Continental Homeland Wide Open for a Fatal Bacterial Blow by the Japanese Monarchy and it's War Machine (Over 90% of the IJA [Imperial Japanese Army] was ActivelyAdvancing On-Offensive in China At Time of the Americans Going Nuclear; and on the Very Day of The Hiroshima Bombing [August 6th, 1945], General George C. Marshall received a Special War Department Analysis revealing that Japan had Activated no less than forty-two [42] Divisions in the last seven months [23 inside Japan itself] – and was currently Mobilizing even more: Sixty-five [65] additional Infantry and five [5] Armored Divisions by Time-of-Invasion – Japan Had Only Just Begun To Fight; this monumental Mass-Mobilization being the very reason why so few – if any – Able-Bodied Japanese Menwere to perish via "Strategic" Bombing [either Conventional or Nuclear]).
Per The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral William D. Leahy:
"The use of this weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan."
Thus: The Atomic Bombs were utterly meaningless and Without Any Military Impact whatsoever – other than the immeasurable human suffering as imparted by any Act of Terrorism (more Okinawans [ethnically distinct from Japanese] had already committed suicide to avoid rape and/or torture at American hands during Operation: Iceberg [the recent U.S. Invasion of Okinawa-Jima] than Japanese were to die in The Hiroshima or Nagasaki Terror Attacks) – as well as Impacting in that such unmitigated Terrorism Acted as Catalyst for the Emperor's Threatened Deployment of Truly Genocidal Bio-technologies (with No Effective Limit to "Range" [the Infected Carriers becoming, per Virulence, an Extension of the Weapon]) via Delivery System(s) bearing Airborne Dispersal Mechanisms already Field-Proven on Japan's Primary "Western" Front: The China/Mainland Asia Theater-of-Operations (Japan's Secondary "Eastern" Front being The Pacific – this situation was analogous to The Third Reich's Primary "Eastern" Front being Russia/Eastern Europe and Germany's Secondary "Western" Front being The Atlantic – in both cases, the American-Dominated Allies were recognized as the Far Lesser Threat).
By Title: 38, Under Citation of The U.S. Code, which is The Law – As Created By Congress – It Is Established That the United States Government (As Separate and/or Ancillary to United Nations Mandate, it must be emphasized [Which Recognizes WW II as Ending with The Japanese-American Peace Treaty, Signed at El Presidio Real de San Francisco, Effective: April 27th, 1952]) Recognizes The Second World War (World War II); Insofar as Proactive U.S. Participation (Under U.N. Organizational Auspice – As of January 1st, 1942 – Co-Incident to Foundation of the United Nations as an Organization of War [per: Title 42, U.N. Charter]; On-Site el Presidio of San Francisco) as Effectively Entering Universal and Global Cease-Fire Status on: December 31st, 1946 (As Acknowledged By Congress).
By Which:
Any and All Veteran's Claims to Establish Service-Connection Recognized Disabling Injuries (Code: #2 = WWII per V.A. [Veteran's Administration] Computer Classification) Attributable To Service in the Second World War are Subject toThe Code Of Federal Regulations that Implement The Law as Pursuant to The U.S. Code and Thereby Also Extend In Recognition (Establishing Service-Connection) To: World War II's Effective Date of Ceasefire: December 31st, 1946 – as The C.F.R. Holds Equal Status With The Law (Equivalent to Executive Orders).
The Very Words:
"Surrender," "Capitulate," "Failure," and "Defeat" are Entirely Absent From The Japanese Imperial Rescript – as Officially Translated by The United States (and Reflecting – Literally – the Japanese Original), and Published (In Both Japanese and English) on Page #1 of The Nippon Times, on the 15th of August in 1945.
The Imperial Rescript To The Soldiers And Officers – Issued on August 17th, 1945, Makes No Reference Whatsoever to The Atomic Bomb(s) – as The American Terrorist Attacks on Civilians had had No Effect On Military Assets In The Field.
It is both Photographically and Cinematically Documented that the Japanese Military Representatives Aboard the U.S.S. Missouri Bear No 刀 (“Katana [‘Sămuraï Swords’]”) to “Surrender.”
In Conclusion:
The Anniversary of 1945's August 15th Cease-Fire (Propagandized as: "VJ-Day" and an "Unconditional Surrender" to a War-Weary American Public) is Officially Recognized in Japan as: 戦歿者を追悼し平和を祈念する日 ("Senbotsusha o tsuitō shi heiwa o kinen suru hi [this transliterates as: ‘Day of Mourning of War Dead and Praying For Peace’]”) – As Peace Was Yet To Be Established.
Bear In Mind Fleet Admiral Ernest Joseph King's (b.1878—d.1956) Standing Orders on what the American Public should be told about World War II:
"Don't tell them anything they don't need to know. When it's over, tell them who won."...
~ The Internationally Recogniƶed Military Historian
and Intraglobal Crises Analyst 林 一平 (“Lín yĪ-Píng
[‘Дукич Димитрич’ / ‘Đûkič Đimitrič;’ or ‘Douglas Dietrich’]”),
Renegatus Humanus Arma ab Massa-Eruditio
(“Renegade Human Weapon of Mass-Instruction”)
... The source on this is an ULTRA intercept from Japan to the ambassador in Russia demanding he seek a surrender via Stalin. When he refuses he is instructed these orders come from the emperor and are to be carried out immediately. So I don't see how this could be confused by any revisionism. The Americans could have created a fake intercept surely, but i don't see any benefit in it for them. I do not believe he is influenced one iota by any other revisionist historians in his conclusions because for decades he was the ONLY revisionist historian. There were no OTHERS to draw conclusions from. His method is to use only the original source materials, and yes any author would have to draw conclusions from that. Curious who these "others" are as I would love to read their books and draw my own conclusions as to how accurate and truthful they are.
To Spite his notoriety, DAVID JOHN CAWDELL IRVING’s (birthed 1938—[aged 78 yrs]) Canards in this regard (and unfortunately so many others [id est, “Adolf & Eva Hitler both Committed Suicide in The Bunker,” et cetera]) are quite simply the same drearily Conventional Regurgitation(s) of the Indoctrinated "Punchline(s)" from the Very U.S. State-Sponsored Fairy-Tale(s) which I have Publicly Deconstructed for quite some time now.
I have – Redundantly – Addressed ALL of the factors you so casually enquire of while I have been ON-AIR through Each and Every One of my Broadcasts and Interviews as well as within the Time & Space Limits of my DVD’s.
You are invited to Review them yet again – Repeatedly, if necessary. The Life of my Last Remaining Loved One was Sacrificed to Impart such information; and one cannot sit at their Keyboard and expect me to continually Repeat myself at their own Convenience (sans Remuneration, no less) – simply because they suddenly find themselves in an inquisitive mood.
What I find most offensive is the fact that this effort is initiated at all in order to Respond to David Irving, who is, in the end – simply another Outsider Looking In – Not an Insider Looking Out, as I myself am through Circumstance(s) of Employment. He is Piecing together Fragments into a Patchwork Quilt and, inescapably, basing his Conclusions on the Misrepresentation of what other Revisionist Historians have long promulgated in this arena.
And I employ the term: “Revisionist Historian” quite pointedly, Sir, as I myself am a Reality Historian, Presenting Fact(s).
The Governments of Canada, Austria, Germany and Australia have Barred David Irving from entering their countries. He has been convicted of Defaming the Memory of the Dead in Germany and has Lost Civil Suits in England and the United States, whereas I, Sir, will Never be Tried – as it is implicitly understood that the Facts I Expose regards Historic Reality would stand Incontestable In Court of Law.
Mr. Irving suffered a major blow in April, circa AD 2000, CE, when he lost an Internationally Publicized Legal Battle in British Court against American Historian Professor Deborah Lipstadt, whom he had Accused of Libel, before a London Court.
Justice Charles Gray Ruled that Deborah Lipstadt had not Libeled Irving when she called him a Holocaust Denier; and even went so far as to Legally Confirm Irving as a Holocaust Denier and Anti-Semite.
Now shunned by reputable Publishing Houses, Irving has since Founded his own Publishing House: Focal Point Publications.
Please Reference:
!!! WARNING !!! Parental Discretion Advised
(This Program Contains Graphic Footage of Historical Events)
In Direct Antithesis to Mr. Irving and his ilk: I myself am The One Singular Public Voice who Exposes the Reality of Understatement regards the Genocide of European Jewry – Twelve Miliion [12, 000, 000] were Mass-Murdered – Not the Half Accounted for.
As a DoD Research Librarian, I was Tasked to Investigate the pervasive Insurgency of White Aryan Supremacists and Separatists in the United States Army during the Late 1980s through the Early 1990s.
Perforce such responsibilities I co-ördinated with The Simon Wiesenthal Center (Museum of Tolerance Focusing On Racism In America and the History of The Holocaust [1399 South Roxbury Drive, Los Angeles, CA, 90035; Telephone #: 1-310/5539036, E-ddress: <www.wiesenthal.com/>]) in Southern California and was both shocked and appalled to discover that functionally Fifty Percent (50%) of those whom Das Dritte Reich (“The Third Empire-State”) Classified as Jews (Half-Jews, Quarter-Jews, and even those with effectively a “drop” of Jewish blood by Genealogical Linkage) were Discounted as Victims of The Holocaust by the Holocaust Studies Community, On-Basis of Tabulations where “Jewishness” was defined by Traditional (as opposed to Reconstructionist Rabbinical) Jewry’s own sense of Exclusivity (which Recognizes Judaic Ethnicity as Inherent through Matrilineality).
In Irony: It is important to remember that the Nat-Ƶis were/are convinced that they were doing the World a Service by Exterminating Jews; and that they Take Pride in their Accomplishment(s). To Deny their dedication to realizing Die Endlösung Der Judenfrage (“The Final Solution To The Jewish Question”) – not to mention the industrious ingenuity they manifested towards such End(s) – is to direly insult the Architects of Nat-Ƶidom in terms of their own Standards of ruthless Efficiency.
As to those "Others," of which you Query, “they” happen to Comprise every single Conventional Academic Historian across the Pacific, On-Basis of the Exact Same Source which you have just Cited via Mr. David Irving:
On July 13th, 1945, weeks before the Second American Atomic Bomb was dropped (the First having being blown at Trinity); Japan sent a Telegram to the Soviet Union expressing its desire to “Surrender” and End the war.
The United States had Broken Japan's Codes and Decrypted the Telegram. President Harry Solomon Truman (b.1884—d.1972; 33rd U.S. Presidency: 1945—1953) Referred in his Diary to:
"... — the telegram from Jap Emperor asking for peace."
Exempli Gratia: 長谷川 毅 ("Tsuyoshi Hasegawa;” b.1941—), Author of: “Racing The Enemy: Stalin, Truman, and the ‘Surrender’ of Japan (pub. 2005; the Belknap Press of Harvard University),” Winner of both the Robert H. Ferrell Book Prize (Sponsored by the Society of Historians of American Foreign Relations) and the AAP Professional/Scholarly Publishing Annual Award Competition (History & American Studies), as well as Michæl D. Gordin, Author of: “Five Days In August: How World War II Became a Nuclear War (pub. 2007; Princeton University Press),” assert that President Truman had been Informed through Swiss and Portuguese Channels of Japanese Peace Overtures as early as Three Months (3 Mnths.) Prior to The Hiroshima Bombing.
Japan Objected only to Surrendering Unconditionally and Abdicating its Emperorship, but the United States insisted on those Terms.
In perfidious attempt to promulgate the promoted effectiveness of an Air Force (which did not yet exist), the USSBS (United States Strategic Bombing Survey) concluded that:
"… — certainly prior to 31 December, 1945, and in all probability prior to 1 November, 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated."
Note that if the United States Army Air Corps did not affect this stance, Congressional Allotments of Budgetary Largesse would never have been Allocated towards an Air Force of astronomically expensive Strategic Atomic Bomber Aircraft.
Much of the History of the efficacy of Strategic Bombing has relied on the Post-Ceasefire USSBS (with emphasis on the “BS”) Reports.
As has been decisively argued in recent years, these Reports are utterly unreliable as to the Impact Strategic Conventional and Nuclear Bombing had on the Japanese Élite and Civilian Morale in the face of Mass Japanese Spiritual Mobilization.
Please Reference:
Gian P. Gentile: “How Effective Is Strategic Bombing? Lessons Learned From World war II To Kosovo (New York: New York University Press, 2001);
idem: “Shaping The Past Battlefield, ‘For The Future’: The United States Strategic Bombing Survey’s Evaluation of The American Air War Against Japan (‘Journal of Military History #64 [2000]’: 1085—1112),”
idem: “Advocacy Or Assessment? The United States Strategic Bombing Survey of Germany and Japan (‘Pacific Historical Review #66 [1997]’: 53—79);”
Barton J. Bernstein: “Compelling Japan’s Surrender Without The A-Bomb, Soviet Entry, or Invasion: Reconsidering The US Bombing Survey’s Early-Surrender Conclusions (‘Journal of Strategic Studies #18 [1995]’: 101—148);”
Robert P. Newman: “Ending The War With Japan: Paul Nitze’s ‘Early Surrender’ Contrafactual (‘Pacific Historical Review #64 [1995]’: 167—194);”
and David MacIsaac: “Strategic Bombing In World War Two: The Story of The United States Strategic Bombing Survey (pub. 1976; New York: Garland Publishing), among others...
Consequently: The United States’ Nuclear Terrorism is Conventionally Revisioned as the Theatrical Opening of the so-called Cold War, Aimed at: “Sending a Message to the Soviets.”
Such Propaganda is an integral component of the Official United States M-M.O.S.I.C.C. (Militarized Medical/Occult/Science[s]/Industrial/Congressional Complex) Party-Line that Japan was prostate and powerless before America’s entirely Mythic omnipotent might.
This tired and tiresome Myth is in turn Propagated by the same Historical Revisionists who Traf‘fick in Holocaust Denial because it Promotes the Racist Agenda of the “Inherent Inferiority” of “Lesser Races.”
It is widely Propagandized in Popular American Accounts that 裕仁迪宮天皇陛下 ("Hirohito [‘Abundant Benevolence’] Michinomiya Tennō Heika ['God-Emperor Hirohito Michi no miya The Majestic'];" b.1901—d.1989 [124th and longest Reigning Emperor of The Yamato Dynasty]; Ascended The Chrysanthemum Throne on Christmas Day of Yuletide: 12/25/1926—1989 [Reigned 62 Yrs.]; Last Survivor of All World War II Leaders and the longest Reigning Monarch in the Recorded History of Earth) Personally Intervened in the “Surrender” Negotiations in 東京都 ("Tōkiyō-to ['Eastern Capital Metropolis']"), but there is almost No Evidence that He did so.
Even the best (some might say the only) Source that was not Recorded after Cease-Fire (and hence liable to Distortions in the face of Said Ceasefire Conditions as Demanded by the Japanese), the Diary of Lord Privy Seal Marquis 木戸 幸一 (“Kido Kōichi [‘Kōichi Kido’]”: b.1889—d.1977; Lord Keeper of tHe Imperial Privy Seal: 1940—1945), does not depict the God-Emperor of the Japanese Actively Intervening to promote Peace.
Please Reference:
Lord Kido Kōichi: “The Diary Of Marquis Kido: Selected Translations Into English (pub.1984; Frederick, MD: University Publications of America).”
Indeed: God-Emperor Hirohito actively sought The Final Battle His Military was Preparing Under His Direct Command because He Knew that He would Win.
Please Reference:
Herbert P. Bix: “Japan’s Delayed ‘Surrender’: A Reinterpretation (‘Diplomatic History #19 [1995]’: 197—225).”
The Image of a Pacifist Hirohito, Japan’s “Symbolic” Monarch by an Analogy to The British Crown, is entirely a Post-Ceasefire Creation generated to placate the American Public by their own Federal Government.
Consider the circumstances that surrounded the Meeting of The Supreme War Council of 大日本 (“Dai Nippon [‘Greater Japan’]”) Scheduled for the Evening of August 8th in 1945 to Discuss whether or not to Accept the Terms of The Potsdam Declaration of The United Nations Demanding Japan’s Immediate and Unconditional Surrender.
This Meeting was Called Two Days (2 Dys.) after the American Attack on Hiroshima with an Nuclear Bomb.
With Soviet Entry Into The Greater Pacific War and the Abortive Atomic Attack on Kokura National Armory (Destined to be Diverted onto the Civilian City of Nagasaki) only a matter of Hours Away, the Meeting had to be Cancelled because:
“... — one of Council’s members had more important business elsewhere.”
It is difficult to discern any matter that could have represented “more important business” than Consideration of the Question of the Japanese Nation’s Immediate and Unconditional Surrender – Excepting Imperial Co-Ördination of Immediate Victory...
The Realities of History – as opposed to the Simplicities of Propagandistic Myth – are inextricably convoluted within the Complexity of Intercultural Context(s).
Per the Imperial Japanese Constitution: All Power derived from, and was ultimately retraceable to, the Emperor and the Emperor Alone – a direct result of 睦仁明治天皇大 (“Mutsuhito Meiji-Tennō [‘God-Emperor Mutsuhito Meiji The Great’];” b.1852―d.1912 [122nd Emperor of The Yamato Dynasty]; Ascended The Chrysanthemum Throne: 1867—1912 [Reigned 45 Yrs.]) Creation of this Legal Document in the first place; upon his restoring power to the Japanese Nobility (after wresting it – via Civil War – away from the 侍 (“Sămuraï [‘Serviceman’]”) Caste for the first time in Thirteen Generations (13 Gens.) of 徳川幕府 (“Tokugawa Shōgûnal [‘Tokugawa Generalissimoship’]”) – as conveyed in popular American culture through Tom Cruise's "The Last Sămuraï" – whilst Marshaling a European-Trained Peasant Army).
From the very moment that Japan was compelled into War with the United States, Peace Initiatives were simultaneously relayed offering: Peace via Preservation of the Japanese State Structure of: インペリアル免疫の国体 (“Kokutai [‘National Polity of Imperial Immunity’]”). These "Peace Feelers" were Transmitted to the United States Government at the Executive (Presidential) Level through: Switzerland, Sweden, the Vatican, and even the Soviet Union, as well as multiple Neutral Nations – continuing Ceaselessly In Relay throughout the next Three Years and Ten Months (3 Yrs. & 10 Mnths.) of Proactive Prosecution of Conflict.
Entire books (available on the Mass-Market) have been dedicated to impeccably Documenting these tireless Efforts. All such Overtures – in All of their continuously rewritten phraseology – were Ignored.
They were interpreted by the American Executive as: Attempt(s) to Negotiate (a) Conditional Surrender.
U.S. Commander-In-Chief, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (b.1882—d.1945; 32nd U.S. Presidency: 1933—1945; Assassinated[?]) – and C-in-C Truman as his Successor to Executive Office – were Committed to: Unconditional Surrender as American National Policy.
There is No Other Definition of Unconditional Surrender than that of Racial Genocide.
Life Magazine (Federally Vetted in Wartime, as was every major source of Public Information) reiterated Verbatim the Officially articulated American Military Objective on June 11th, 1945:
"Total War calls for Total Defeat. That means that the War-Making power of every Japanese Resource, every Japanese Man, Woman, and Child Must Be Destroyed."
A US ARMY POLL in 1943 found that roughly Half of All G.I.s believed it necessary to: “Kill Every Japanese Person On Earth.”
The U.S. Navy’s psychoneurotic Admiral William Frederick “Bull-S__t” Halsey (b.1882—d.1959), who Commanded the United States' Naval Forces in the South Pacific during World War II, Officially articulated the American Services’ Mission Statement as:
"Kill Japs, kill Japs, kill more Japs ... When this war is over, the Japanese language will be spoken only in hell.”
War correspondent Edgar L. Jones Wrote in the February 1946 Issue of “Atlantic Monthly”:
"What kind of war do civilians suppose we fought anyway? We shot prisoners in cold blood, wiped out hospitals, strafed lifeboats, killed or mistreated enemy civilians, finished off the enemy wounded, tossed the dying into a hole with the dead, and in the Pacific boiled flesh off enemy skulls to make table ornaments for sweethearts, or carved their bones into letter openers."
Australian General Sir Thomas Blamey told the New York Times:
"Fighting Japs is not like fighting normal human beings. The Jap is a little barbarian…. We are not dealing with humans as we know them. We are dealing with something primitive. Our troops have the right view of the Japs. They regard them as vermin."
The United States OWI (office of War Information) had also successfully Indoctrinated The American Public into implacable Hostility against Hirohito-Tennō – a Mass-Frenzy wherein the United States Electorate had become imbued with the irrational desire to see Japan’s God-Emperor Dethroned.
Polls Taken in July and August of 1945 (the Latter Month being the Month of America’s Atomic Attacks) showed that roughly One-Third (33%) of Americans wanted his Immediate Execution of The Imperial Japanese Family, One-Fifth (20%) their Imprisonment and/or Exile, One-Sixth (17%) a Show Trial of Hirohito Pending Forced Abdication and/or Execution; and only Three Percent (3%) were willing to entertain God-Emperor Hirohito’s Potential Employment by The Allies. The Remaining Twenty-Seven Percent (27%) of Americans so Surveyed Concluded the Question of Imperial Dynastic Destiny Moot – as they Advocated Total Extermination of the entire Japanese Race.
Please Reference:
John D. Chappell: “Before The Bomb: How America Approached The End of The Pacific War (pub. 1997; Lexington: University of Kentucky [esp. pgs. 126—129]),” for much more detail on American Domestic Hostility to Hirohito-Tennō’s Post-Ceasefire Retention.
On Basis of the Above Context:
ANY and ALL attempts on part of the Japanese to Conduct Dialogue were Rendered Irrelevant and – by Logical Extension – The Atomic Bombs were Totally Irrelevant.
With the Advent of the American-Developed Plutonium Bomb (as opposed to the Axis-DevelopedUranium Bomb[s]) It is Indisputable Historical Fact that the United States Government was inexorably Committed to Continued Deployment of Nuclear Weapons – Once Available (this Pivotal Factor of Delayed Availability was known to be initially problematic – by both the Americans themselves [as a decisive Strategic Vulnerability] and by the Japanese [as a Strategic Window of Opportunity]) – Until the Japanese Race was Exterminated – Period – No Negotiations for "Conditional Surrender" Being Acceptable and Any Attempt at such Negotiation, by Definition, Being "Conditional." The Circular Logic of Genocide is thereby inescapable.
The Japanese Never Sought Surrender on American Terms (which were Nothing Less Than a Demand for Ethnic Acceptance of Total Annihilation); which, obviously, rendered "Surrender" Impossible – and: The Japanese Continuously offered the United States an "Out" – via Acceptance of Kokutai - which the Americans Repeatedly Rejected.
And Yet: Hirohito-Tennō Did Not Abdicate.
In Fact: He Stayed On as Emperor of Japan until his Death in 1989, over Forty Years (40 Yrs. +) following Pacific Cease-Fire in World War II, when most Americans wanted Him Dead or In Prison.
The very reason that there were three (3) Atomic Bomb Assembly Structures on Tinian Island – along with fully loaded stockrooms and fifteen (15) 509th Aircrews with their special "Silverplate" B-29 Bombers – was so that Atom-Bomb #3 (Fat Man Unit F-32; already On-Site Tinian) would be dropped on the Japanese National Arsenal of Kokura (the Intended Target of the Original "Fat Man" Plutonium Bomb) by General Paul Tibbets himself – whenever it's Critical Core Components finally arrived (as he explained [incompletely] only upon Reissue of his 1998 autobiography: “Flight of the Enola Gay”) – as The Nagasaki Bombing Fiasco had already proven conclusively that both the Japanese Imperial Family – and that Two Thousand, Six Hundred Year-Old (2600 Yr.) Dynasty's Industry – were more than adequately entrenched enough to survive America's "Strategic" approach to Nuclear Warfare: The Domestically Designed and Developed American Atomic Ordnance ("Fat Man") was Dropped on Nagasaki In Expeditious Retreat during a Failed Attempt to Deploy the U.S.A.-Manufactured "Fat Man (a singular Plutonium Bomb with much more powerful Yield than the Axis-Manufactured and Standardized 'Little Boy' Uranium Shell as so recently Dropped Over Hiroshima)."
Bockscar Failed to Bomb Japan's National Arsenal after three (3) unsuccessful Bomb Runs in Forty-Five Minutes (45 Mns.) of Flight-Time, during which attempts her Flight-Engineer discovered a Major Malfunction: Her Fuel Pump had Ceased Functioning – trapping six hundred (600) Gallons of Fuel in her Auxiliary Bomb-Bay Fuel Tanks and rendering it unavailable for use; as Iwo Jima's Airfield was Closed, the Crew could not Transfer the Fat Man to another B-29 and her Commander: Major Charles V. Sweeney, Opted to Drop the Single Most Powerful Weapon in the American Inventory over Nagasaki In Panicked Retreat: Nagasaki's geography played a major role in Limiting Fat Man's Effectiveness and Dissipated Eighty Percent (80%) of the Plutonium Bomb's power by Confining the explosion to the bowl-shaped valley amidst the Nagasaki Hills and thusly prevented Casualties, Fatalities, and Material Damages from becoming as extensive as those produced by the Lower-Yield Little Boy.
Well over Two Thousand, Five Hundred (2500) young ladies employed in 三菱グループ’s (“Mitsubishi Gurūpu’s [‘Mitsubishi Groups’]”) U/G (Underground)-Bunkered Production Facilities beneath the city of Nagasaki survived Deployment of the most powerful weapon in the American Inventory without any awareness that an Atomic attack had occurred Overhead; continuing unabated Full-Scale Assembly of "Patsy" Long-Range Bombers capable of reaching New York City from Tōkiyō-to; Modeled on the Prototype KI-77s Produced in 1940 (Prior to Pearl Harbor). It was concluded (correctly) that any Atomic Attack on the Japanese National Capital of Tokiyo would leave The Imperial Bunker(s) equally unscathed.
Definitive Revelation of the Fact that the United States High Command recognized the Total Failure of their Strategic Deployment of Nuclear Weapons is evidenced by Further Projected Deployments of Atomic Ordnance through the Future being Relegated to Operational-Level Utilization in Beach-Head Establishment for the Intended Exterminatory Invasion of The Japanese Home Islands (Never to be Realized).
On August 13th (Post-Nagasaki), 1945, Lt. Gen. John Hull (Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations and PLans) informed Col. L.E. Seeman (Aide to Major General Leslie Groves) that U.S. Army Chief-of-Staff George Marshall would proceed to use Atom-Bombs only in Direct Support of Tactical Operations. Col. Seeman was expecting seven (7) Uranium "Little Boys" from Post-Ceasefire Germany By-Time of Operation: Olympic (the Projected November 1st, 1945 Invasion of Kyushu) to Clear The Beaches.
Once a Secure Beachhead was Established by U.S. Soldiers and Marines atop Rivers of Glowing Radioactive Glass; this was to be followed eventually thereafter by an Assembly-Line of Death on an unprecedented scale – By Late 1946(!). The “Rain of Ruin” Truman promised was finally intended to have been unleashed on Japan at the rate of Over One "Fat"-American Plutonium-Bomb per Week - as Ordnance Support for On-the-Ground "Line-Breaker" Offensive(s) while American Troops Advanced and Exterminated the Civilian Population (even when fully expected to lose All of Their Own Personnel to Ever-Increasing Levels of Radiation Exposure).
For any who doubt the Willful Intent of the United States to Mass-Sacrifice America's Own amidst Conduct of Nuclear War: Conservative Estimates verify that well over Half a Million [500, 000 +] U.S. Military Personnel (more specifically: Four Hundred Thousand (400, 000) Servicemen and One Hundred Thousand (100, 000) Civilian "Contractors," Medical "Observers," etc. [of both sexes]) were Intentionally exposed to Massive Doses of Radiation in Post-Ceasefire Nuclear Testing between 1946—1970s; resulting in Permanent Damage (and ultimately Death by Radiation-Induced Carcinomas [Cancers]). This number is far higher than that of the Japanese Civilians killed by Both Nuclear Attacks against Japan in 1945 (One-Third of a Million [350, 000]).
(Indeed, the Above Statistics Reference ONLY Post-1945 American Atomic Fatalities of United States Federal Experimentation: American G.I.s were Forced to Work On-Site both Japanese Atomic Blast-Sites Immediately Following Ceasefire per Demand[s] of the Japanese Government to Prevent Overexposure of any additional Japanese Personnel or Civilians. These U.S. G.I.s were Compelled to do so without Safety-Gear by their own United States Government – Specifically to Measure Rates at which their hair fell out and how long it took for their bodies to become covered in sores [American Mass-Radiation-Exposure Subjects was considered Advantageous because their Native-Speaker Fluency in English, and Lack of Cultural Barriers, Enabled U.S. Federal Scientists to Immediately Comprehend their Descriptions of Symptoms as they Deteriorated]. The first large group of American Soldiers arrived in Nagasaki on September 23rd of 1945 and in Hiroshima two weeks later. They were part of a Force of Two Hundred and Forty Thousand [240, 000] that Occupied the islands of Honshu and Kyushu. Marines from the 2nd Division “Took” Nagasaki while the U.S. Army's 24th and 41st divisions “Seized” Hiroshima. No one was urged to take Precautions – and were Ordered instead to Bivouac close to Ground Zero, and even sleep on the earth and Engage in Cleanup Operations without Protective Gear. When an American Marine named Sam Scione returned to the United States a year later, his body was covered in sores and all of his hair fell out. He suffered a string of Ailments but never was Awarded Service-Related Disability Status, being but one Among a couple hundred thousand such Cases).
Herein the Unparalleled Significance of All Such Documents I was Ordered to Destroy which exposed the Concept of Japanese Surrender as a Non-Applicable Issue within Context of Historical Reality:
Once Confronted with the (Virtually Guaranteed) Prospect of the Mass-Extermination of an Overwhelming Majority of the American Population by Biocidal Weapons developed by Hirohito-Tennō Himself (He was, after all, a Marine Biologist of Internationally Recognized Repute), the United States Government was Forced to Sue For Peace and Declare Immediate Cease-Fire.
On August 9th, 1945, the Sacred Crane Task Force of Imperial Japanese Superdirigibles Penetrated American Airspace as easily as it had been violated during The Battle of Los Angeles (February 24th—25th, 1942) and throughout the remainder of Proactive Prosecution of Hostilities (by both Japanese I.C.U.B.s [Intercontinental Unguided Bombs] and Reconnaissance Aircraft). Upon Disembarkation at Tonopah Army Air Base [later C.I.A. Designate: Area-51], The 昭和 (“Shōwa [‘Enlightened Peace/Harmony’]”) Ultimatum was thereupon Delivered to the United States High Command (and ultimately the American Office of the Executive [President Truman]) Demanding In The Name of the God-Emperor that the United States of America and her Allies Commence Active Cease-Fire Negotiations by The Ides of August (as the 15th of August is the Anniversary Date for the Original Manifestation of The 神風 [“Kamikaze;” or: “Divine Wind"] Super-Typhoon of One Hundred and Fifty Mile-per-Hour Winds which raised Twenty [20]-Meter Waves and sank Arakhan's Mongolian Armada of Four Thousand and Four Hundred [4400] ships [a Fleet-In-Being literally proportionate to that floated by the Allies off Normandy at D-Day] – drowning One Hundred and Fifty-Thousand [150, 000] Mongol Marines off Japan Six Hundred and Sixty-Four Years [664 Yrs.] prior in Anno Domini 1281, Common Era [the single greatest Loss-of-Life at Sea ever Recorded in History], Hirohito deemed Imposition of this 081545 Deadline as apropos).
To emphasize the Lethality-Index of these Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction, the Shōwa Ultimatum outlined Hirohito's Paradigm that – as a Biologist – he could only conclude that Our Universe should be teeming with life. We should have been visited not only long ago, but regularly; and yet this has not occurred in any Officially Acknowledged sense. Hirohito compellingly postulated that Intelligent Civilizations Auto-Immolate once capable of generating a Single Individual (All It Takes Is One; and in the case of Our Planet – he presented Himself) who was both educated enough – and Inclined by Circumstance – to produce viable quantities of "The Poor Man's Doomsday Weapon:" Mass-Biocidal Viral Agents; which are more than capable of eradicating The Totality of One's Own Species – in this case, of course, Humanity (this concept was later to be plagiarized by the Chief Science Advisor to the U.S. President: The Physicist Enrico Fermi, in order to rationalize Federal Funding of an ever-expanding Nuclear Weapons Program.
Dr. Fermi's perversion of the original Postulation illogically expounded the far more expensive – and thereby far less likely – Proposition of Extraterrestrial Civilizations Auto-Destructing via Total Thermonuclear Warfare; which requires Not an Individual, but entire Interlocking Complexes of Interdependent Industries; not to mention a bottomless pit of Tax-Supported Financing to continuously maintain Self-Degrading Weapons Mechanisms, whose very Internal Electronic Components are Chronically Corrupted by the Radiation Emissions of their own Fission/Fusion Cores).
United States Secretary of State James Francis Byrnes (b.1882—d.1972; U.S. Secretary of State: 1945—1947) was forced to Draft a Response that:
“... — the ultimate form of government of Japan shall ... be established by the freely expressed will of the Japanese people.”
The Byrnes Note was sent to Japan on the 11th of August in 1945; a Full Working Week Prior to Hirohito-Tennō’s Dated – and very Literal – Deadline.
The United States Government had Fielded a Football Team that was All Offense and No Defense: By Concentrating All of their Intellectual and Material Assets on Warring Against Women, Children, Infants, and the Elderly; American Leadership had left their own Continental Homeland Wide Open for a Fatal Bacterial Blow by the Japanese Monarchy and it's War Machine (Over 90% of the IJA [Imperial Japanese Army] was ActivelyAdvancing On-Offensive in China At Time of the Americans Going Nuclear; and on the Very Day of The Hiroshima Bombing [August 6th, 1945], General George C. Marshall received a Special War Department Analysis revealing that Japan had Activated no less than forty-two [42] Divisions in the last seven months [23 inside Japan itself] – and was currently Mobilizing even more: Sixty-five [65] additional Infantry and five [5] Armored Divisions by Time-of-Invasion – Japan Had Only Just Begun To Fight; this monumental Mass-Mobilization being the very reason why so few – if any – Able-Bodied Japanese Menwere to perish via "Strategic" Bombing [either Conventional or Nuclear]).
Per The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral William D. Leahy:
"The use of this weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan."
Thus: The Atomic Bombs were utterly meaningless and Without Any Military Impact whatsoever – other than the immeasurable human suffering as imparted by any Act of Terrorism (more Okinawans [ethnically distinct from Japanese] had already committed suicide to avoid rape and/or torture at American hands during Operation: Iceberg [the recent U.S. Invasion of Okinawa-Jima] than Japanese were to die in The Hiroshima or Nagasaki Terror Attacks) – as well as Impacting in that such unmitigated Terrorism Acted as Catalyst for the Emperor's Threatened Deployment of Truly Genocidal Bio-technologies (with No Effective Limit to "Range" [the Infected Carriers becoming, per Virulence, an Extension of the Weapon]) via Delivery System(s) bearing Airborne Dispersal Mechanisms already Field-Proven on Japan's Primary "Western" Front: The China/Mainland Asia Theater-of-Operations (Japan's Secondary "Eastern" Front being The Pacific – this situation was analogous to The Third Reich's Primary "Eastern" Front being Russia/Eastern Europe and Germany's Secondary "Western" Front being The Atlantic – in both cases, the American-Dominated Allies were recognized as the Far Lesser Threat).
By Title: 38, Under Citation of The U.S. Code, which is The Law – As Created By Congress – It Is Established That the United States Government (As Separate and/or Ancillary to United Nations Mandate, it must be emphasized [Which Recognizes WW II as Ending with The Japanese-American Peace Treaty, Signed at El Presidio Real de San Francisco, Effective: April 27th, 1952]) Recognizes The Second World War (World War II); Insofar as Proactive U.S. Participation (Under U.N. Organizational Auspice – As of January 1st, 1942 – Co-Incident to Foundation of the United Nations as an Organization of War [per: Title 42, U.N. Charter]; On-Site el Presidio of San Francisco) as Effectively Entering Universal and Global Cease-Fire Status on: December 31st, 1946 (As Acknowledged By Congress).
By Which:
Any and All Veteran's Claims to Establish Service-Connection Recognized Disabling Injuries (Code: #2 = WWII per V.A. [Veteran's Administration] Computer Classification) Attributable To Service in the Second World War are Subject toThe Code Of Federal Regulations that Implement The Law as Pursuant to The U.S. Code and Thereby Also Extend In Recognition (Establishing Service-Connection) To: World War II's Effective Date of Ceasefire: December 31st, 1946 – as The C.F.R. Holds Equal Status With The Law (Equivalent to Executive Orders).
The Very Words:
"Surrender," "Capitulate," "Failure," and "Defeat" are Entirely Absent From The Japanese Imperial Rescript – as Officially Translated by The United States (and Reflecting – Literally – the Japanese Original), and Published (In Both Japanese and English) on Page #1 of The Nippon Times, on the 15th of August in 1945.
The Imperial Rescript To The Soldiers And Officers – Issued on August 17th, 1945, Makes No Reference Whatsoever to The Atomic Bomb(s) – as The American Terrorist Attacks on Civilians had had No Effect On Military Assets In The Field.
It is both Photographically and Cinematically Documented that the Japanese Military Representatives Aboard the U.S.S. Missouri Bear No 刀 (“Katana [‘Sămuraï Swords’]”) to “Surrender.”
In Conclusion:
The Anniversary of 1945's August 15th Cease-Fire (Propagandized as: "VJ-Day" and an "Unconditional Surrender" to a War-Weary American Public) is Officially Recognized in Japan as: 戦歿者を追悼し平和を祈念する日 ("Senbotsusha o tsuitō shi heiwa o kinen suru hi [this transliterates as: ‘Day of Mourning of War Dead and Praying For Peace’]”) – As Peace Was Yet To Be Established.
Bear In Mind Fleet Admiral Ernest Joseph King's (b.1878—d.1956) Standing Orders on what the American Public should be told about World War II:
"Don't tell them anything they don't need to know. When it's over, tell them who won."...
~ The Internationally Recogniƶed Military Historian
and Intraglobal Crises Analyst 林 一平 (“Lín yĪ-Píng
[‘Дукич Димитрич’ / ‘Đûkič Đimitrič;’ or ‘Douglas Dietrich’]”),
Renegatus Humanus Arma ab Massa-Eruditio
(“Renegade Human Weapon of Mass-Instruction”)