This is kind of the sickest jokes ever told, with respect, here goes.
In autumn of 2001 just weeks after September 11 Gilbert Gottfried was among the comics recruited by the Friars Club to roast Hugh Hefner in New York City. In a performance that has become revered among comics, Gottfried surveyed the audience, measured the merits of terrorism jokes against the anguish being suffered across the country and …
“I came out and said, ‘I have to leave early tonight, I have to fly out to L.A. I couldn’t get a direct flight, I have to make a stop at the Empire State Building,”  
And people were booing, and gasping, and one guy yelled out, ‘Too soon!’ “I thought he meant I took too long between the setup and the punch line.” Gottfried then braced and turned to an old comedic standby, watch:
This is from the documentary "The Aristocrats" which won Best Documentary at US Comedy Arts Festival 2005. I do recommend this movie, it's very good, however not for kids!!
11/9, 2016, Attack, Documentary, History, Joke, Movie, Punchline, TV, Television,


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