This is the TOTALLY UN SPOKEN OF road block that would have killed her efforts no matter what: 

1. Any candidate running for a position of power, except a level 1 candidate (which is city level) in Pennsylvania CANNOT CALL FOR A RECOUNT OF THEIR OWN ELECTION. The only way it can happen is for an individual who never ran for office to file, and THAT INDIVIDUAL must submit a petition for a recount that has NO FEWER THAN 25,000 HANDWRITTEN SIGNATURES.

HA HA HA HA HA!. Not going to happen. Game OVER. And it was game over a week ago, no recounts can be called AFTER THE 23rd ANYWAY. I am right about this NO IFS OR BUTS, and I waited until later in the day to put this up because I wanted it to be irrevocably hopeless. It is SIMPLY TOO LATE, AND JILL COULD NOT HAVE DONE IT ANYWAY, EVEN IF SHE WANTED TO.

Yeah she's got a lawyer working on it. GOOD LUCK. AINT GONNA HAPPEN.

I thought the final deadline was the 23rd. But the Washington Examiner says the 21st. I don't care. Either way it is game over for her anyway. 

Wisconsin rejected a hand recount!

Jillary will sue. What more to be said? 

Prophecy of the 44th president

I am not an expert at this stuff, because I don't believe it much so I am not looking up details. Long long ago there was an Indian chief who had a prophecy of the United States sequence of presidents. He accurately predicted all the assassinations and assassination attempts based on the year they were going to happen, including Lincoln, JFK, Reagan . . . . . Anyway, he also said the 44th president would be the last one. 

We will see I guess, but it does not worry me. 

I don't care about the Ohio campus incident. Probably a setup. Enough said.

Jill can file in Pennsylvania all she wants and it won't matter

There are a few spurious reports that she filed in 100 counties for a recount. It won't matter. The legal problem I have not been specific about means she can file all she wants, and it will go NOWHERE. 

Obviously corruption can make anything happen, (that is the big worry) but then, that is when law enforcement of, by, and for the people via the 2nd amendment will come into play. 

Prophecies do not cut it for the election steal.

I don't care what Paiute Joe, or Balkan Baba dreamed about, if it is a prophecy it DOES NOT MEAN JACK. Need I say more? A short comment should do it. 

someone blew it into the open, so I am going to say it now:

I had this beautifully written up, but somehow it got wiped. I'll be brief: 

If any state or states do not cast their electoral college votes, only the percentage matters. There are 538 electors with today's number of states and their populations. If 20 do not show up because their state was jammed by a legal proceeding, then there are only 518 electors, and you then need 260 to win.

Bottom line? They can't screw Trump out of this. The last time this happened was around the time of the civil war. Two states did not cast their votes and the electoral college then just took the majority of what remained. The number of electors needed is not a fixed and set number, it is based ONLY ON WHAT IS AVAILABLE. 

The entire 270 to win meme was based on all possible electors present. Now that Hillary is playing games, we probably won't have all electors present, and the system will continue on, like nothing happened. 

People need to learn when to be quiet. I am upset someone pushed this into the open too early, but with millions of people out there it was bound to happen. 


You know how the government is. Just try registering a car in a new state that you do not know the procedure in. You'll go back to the DMV 5 times, MINIMUM. And Jill is up against something worse. With any luck at all, she won't get it right on time. 

The bottom line is that if they want to screw around like this, they should have started 2 weeks ago so there would be time to learn. 

It is not the court appeal. She's more than OUT in a far more important way.

People are writing various things, telling me they know what I am holding back on. No one has figured it out, and I am not going to post it until tonight at 10 PM CST because I want the clock to irrevocably run out on her. It is not the court case that is the issue. Impossible? Just wait. You'll laugh, it is GOOD. The last thing I want is to find out at 8PM that she figured it out on time. 

Her efforts will be destroyed in a total of 3 different ways, all 3 virtually insurmountable. The first is that she accepted foreign donations for this recount. That makes it illegal, you cannot do that. I'll say that one but as a strategic matter will say nothing more for now because I have high hopes Trump will fulfill his promises and want him to go to the white house. Only an idiot would spill the beans on what I have discovered. And I want the Indian prophecy about the 44th president to also be proven false. False because of a time line shift, not because the Indians were wrong about anything.

2016, Donald Trump, Jill Stein, Politics, Presidential Election,


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