This report is 90 percent confirmed. I initially removed it when I discovered it was not 100 percent, but went back over things and decided I'd best put it up because it really is enough to run with.
RUSSIA HAS ORDERED ALL STUDENTS STUDYING ABROAD TO RETURN HOME, AND ALL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, PLUS ALL RUSSIANS LIVING ABROAD WHO ARE NOT GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS BUT ARE WORKING JOBS ELSEWHERE AND STILL HAVE THEIR CITIZENSHIP, EVEN IF IT IS DUAL CITIZENSHIP. This is the only point that is 90 percent, and not 100 percent confirmed. Zero Hedge ran with it at 100 percent and Drudge linked it, as 100 percent credible, I'd say it is more like 90 (which is FAR MORE than enough to make me want more food storage. I will be buying more tomorrow with what little I have to put toward it)
THIS IS THE TRUE MARKER OF WAR ON THE HORIZON. They believe a huge war is going to start, and they don't want people trapped everywhere. Unfortunately, Russia has every right to take it quickly to nuclear.My hunch? The hidden camera video below, with the Democratic election commissioner from New York, which was released today triggered it. Russia knows the election will be stolen beyond a significant doubt and is getting ready for war. Russia obviously knows there will be 1 of 2 scenarios:
1. A major war will be kicked off before election day to stop Americans from voting the bastards who have rabie zombied America into a war state out, -OR-
2. The election will be stolen, and war will happen anyway albeit at a slightly later date.
Folks, if they are calling EVERYONE home, NO MATTER WHAT COUNTRY THEY ARE IN, the GIG IS UP. Duck and cover.
DEAR MISTER STUPID WHO HAS NO FOOD STORAGE: SPEND EVERYTHING YOU HAVE NOW AND DO IT. I admit, my food storage is only good for about two months (or a little more) but at least I am not going down day 3. And I could lose a little weight and stretch it to 4 months. And it is ALL stuff I eat anyway. NEVER EVER EVER buy food that is not stuff you would normally eat, the "emergency prep packs" are ALL a 10X over priced ticket to misery you won't eat in a million years if nothing happens. Better to make a "mistake" you can eat, and reclaim IN FULL when nothing happens. That way you can be wrong, and not be stupid.
Hey bob, Why do you have 150 jars of cheap spaghetti sauce, 100 pounds of noodles, and 30 jars of peanut butter? ANSWER: I shop for bargains, and that stuff never expires anyway! You won't look stupid. Perhaps a little obsessive, but NOT stupid.Get it done NOW, NOT LATER. This is the BIG ONE: It is not just "everyone in America return home", NO, IT IS, Everyone in Zimbabwe, Iran, Canada, New Zealand, Paraguay, Andorra, YOU NAME IT, they are calling them ALL back, AND THAT MEANS WAR.
Pre war checklist:
A) Hillary is leaving the public light for 20 days. Right before an election. HMMMMM . . . . the inexplicable explained.B) Hillary has been talking about war with Russia for a long time.
C) High level people in the U.S. government are accusing Russia of hacking top government computers.
D) The Russians had a nuclear/ bio training drill last week that involved 40 million people.
E) Americans in the Mideast have painted their fighter jets the same color as the Russians. This could be excused off as "training" on American soil, but NOT IN SYRIA.
F) The Russians have told the Americans they will shoot down any jet that attacks Russian or Syrian forces.
G) The candidate that would not spark a war is under intense attacks, in the hopes of sidelining him.
H) The candidate that wants war is provably rigging the polls badly, with hacks, unregistered voters, dead voters, and scam buses taking fraudulent voters to multiple polling sites (see the next report, it has already been stated by the Democratic election commissioner of New York that this will be done this year). The war candidate is hell bent on stealing the election, with the full complicity of a scamming media that is lying about everything, including burying the facts surrounding imminent war with Russia.
I) The Russians moved strategic nuclear assets into position a couple days ago.
J) Russia recalls EVERYONE living abroad.
K) Russia has frozen all diplomatic ties to the U.S.
Tasty little news bites I'd say.
MY CONCLUSION: Though war is not 100 percent certain yet, you'd be mistaken to leave the dog outside with this kind of a storm on the horizon.
You had best prepare.Radiation will not hurt your food storage
I have extensive nuclear and electronics training, and the following post is accurate. It also ended up being about a lot more than just food.
If we get nuked, and your food storage ends up getting exposed to radioactive dust, or is left in a high radiation zone for a long time, do not worry AT ALL if it is in sealed boxes or other containers the dust cannot get into. No matter how much radiation your food gets exposed to, as long as the actual radioactive materials do not end up mixed with the food itself, the food will be safe.Unopened tuna in a nuclear dust dune? SAFE. If you can get it out and clean the can before opening it, it will be SAFE. Pack of bagged noodles with nuclear dust on it? SAFE, and guaranteed 100 percent safe if you can squeeze the bag and feel it holds the air in. Wash the bag before opening it, dump the noodles, and have dinner. DITTO FOR EVERYTHING ELSE.
Any radiation the food is exposed to will pass right through it and be gone instantly, forever. The key is making sure you never eat or breathe any of the dust.
Obviously if you have seeds for planting after everything settles down, those have to be kept wherever you are hiding from the radiation because they are alive and will be damaged if they are not protected.
America does not have fallout shelters anymore, so for the initial time you will have to be in the basement if you have one. Seeking the center of a wood framed house that has no basement will be pointless unless you make a safe zone out of filled water bottles and other items that you can spend most of your time in. The general rule is that a foot and a half of water will stop all radiation. That's a lot of water bottles. Absent enough bottles, anything you can put around you (sofas, chairs, books, (whatever) will help. Do it in the center of the house (or a place that has the most walls between you and the outside) on the GROUND FLOOR if there is no basement. If you have a stick built house with a basement, put those bottles on the floor above a corner you will hide in. Everything counts - all the furniture, clothes, tools, whatever you may have, (including your food storage) if you can get that above you it will help a lot. You won't need to stop ALL the radiation, for most people simply reducing the radiation will be enough. The worst, most dangerous part will be over in 3 days. Obviously if you can, wait a week or so before going out for the first time, and keep it short when you do.
And if you hear a stranger break in upstairs (where your food storage is, GO UPSTAIRS WITH YOUR GUN YOU HAD BETTER HAVE, AND DEAL WITH THEM EVEN IF IT IS DURING THE MOST DANGEROUS TIME AFTER A BLAST. They will almost definitely kill you if they broke in, there probably won't be a friendly discussion. Obviously your guns and ammo will be in your radiation safe zone, WITH YOU. And also, I don't need to say that for at least the first couple months, only go out of your safe area when you absolutely have to. (like, to clean the dust off that solar panel you ought to have, so you can at least watch videos and have music in your safe area. Now would be a good time to buy at least a small LED light bulb (the smaller the better if your panel is small.)
Your electronics will work.
Nuclear EMP killing modern electronics is BULLSHIT, there is no mathematical formula whatsoever that outputs an answer that says your flat screen will be dead that is going to be penned by anyone other than a doom freak idiot who is totally unaware of the fact that the circuits in high tech devices have shunts everywhere that will render the type of EMP a nuke produces irrelevant. All modern devices have protection circuits to protect them from static electricity (which produces enormous high energy spikes) and these circuits will also shunt out an EMP from a nuke. It takes a dedicated EMP device to blow out modern electronics, and those have limited range. This is not the "unprotected mosfet 70's" and I am not guessing.Take a small LED flat screen TV and video player down to your safe area and a music player also so you won't get bored to death. If you can power them they will work. And remember, with any solar panel you HAVE TO have a battery because they will power absolutely nothing even when the sun is out if a battery is not there to prevent their output from collapsing. Hmm, Monopoly . . . . cards . . . . chess.Important throw in - If you see the bomb go off and survive the initial blast, the radiation will not hit you right away. The atmosphere will block ALL hazardous radiation produced more than two miles away from you. You can see the blast and be safe, but when the dust comes you had better be ready, and you might not even see it. For a few people it will take faith to even believe there is a radiation threat. You probably will have a half hour to get everything you need to your shelter area if the bomb did not blow your windows out. If it DID blow your windows out, AT LEAST CLOSE THE DRAPES and blinds to help keep the dust out. I would not push any unsheltered time after a blast past a half hour, if you could see the blast the dust will arrive quickly and you will probably be working in the dark. You had better be at least partially prepared ahead of time.
There is a good chance the grid will be restored in many areas shortly after a nuclear attack. If the power comes back on, and a bomb went off anywhere near you it will not be a sign that all is clear, stay in the shelter anyway and enjoy the power. You might be receiving it from 1000 miles away, where people can still go outside. True, the grid was separated a couple years ago, but all the connections are still there and can be activated. Any grid downings after a limited nuclear strike will probably be temporary, because the lightning arresters will also protect the system against nuclear EMP, which is from an electrical distribution standpoint almost the same thing. The fact there is power won't mean jack with regard to radiation in your area, and if the attack is big enough, well, you can ignore this, the grid won't come back up.
Also - With the type of hazard you will have from the radiation, a simple single layer paper respirator over your mouth (like the doctors wear) will be enough, full blown gas masks are overkill in a nuclear war. Those are for gas attacks, which are much more of a challenge to filter. Obviously if that type of mask is all you have, USE IT. You only need to block the dust even if you can't see it, you need to block ALL OF IT. Leave your shoes INSIDE, at the door. Have a layer of clothing you strip off and leave INSIDE, AT THE DOOR. Only shake things off OUTSIDE, before entering, NOT INSIDE. Obviously you will be smart enough to have all the windows and doors shut tightly. Leave the respirator AT THE DOOR, INSIDE, away from your shelter area. You will not notice you got too much radiation until it is too late, the effects are not immediate. And then you'll die. DO NOT go outside to play just because everything seems ok! In ALL CASES, if a nuke went off nearby you had better play it safe and stay in your shelter COMPLETELY for the first 3 days, and as much as possible for at least a month.
If Russia really does attack and it is not a false flag psy op, there is a chance your cell phone will still work after a nuclear strike until the batteries in the tower die. That won't take more than a few hours if people discover they can connect and jam all the lines so you had better be one of the people jamming the lines if you want to announce you are alive. Get it done and get off the phone so other people can announce they are alive. The land lines will probably all be completely blown out by EMP. You can forget those.
NEVER ANSWER THE DOOR, NO MATTER WHAT, EVEN IF YOU HEAR HELICOPTERS. If you don't need help, NEVER LET IT IN. Your shelter will be much better than a FEMA camp, beyond all doubt.
I might do a better report later. I rattled this one off. The "all Russians return home" announcement was enough to make me do a panic post and it is time for bed.
Alan Schulkin, DNC election commissioner was recorded by a hidden camera that caught him saying how they bus people around on election day to vote multiple times, he is tricked into going into detail and explains it ALL. He's actually not in favor of it, but says he can't do anything about it, and goes right down to the nitty gritty details!
Hillary has 1. Called white America a "basket of deplorables."
Hillary has 2. Called Latinos, blacks and other minorities a "bucket of losers"
If hillary thinks whites are a basket of deplorables, and minorities are a bucket of losers, obviously she exists to serve ONLY the new world order elite. That's all that is left after her buckets and baskets are full.
ALL of minority America needs to be shown what Hillary has said about them, and be made aware of the fact that Hillary is NO ONE'S FRIEND.
Beware of fake "mail releases"
The newest "mail hacks" are being used for P.R. and are NOT REAL.UPDATE: This post got tampered with, it did not make it to the server the way I sent it and I had to fix it several times. This is something "they" do not want said.
The latest Podesta mail releases (October 10th) made it look like Clinton is in favor of releasing free energy technology, and alien disclosure. And I call BUNK. First of all, the same evil people who want the new world order are the ones who have buried free energy technologies. They buried the tech because at this time waging war requires fuel, which makes it too expensive for little people to do. If you want to fight a war, it requires massive support platforms. With the current status quo you cannot move tanks, fighter jets, or any other war machine other than a long range bomber to a war zone without a massive FUEL BURNING support structure to get it there. This requires a massive budget that only nations and the elite have, and they do not want average people to have a way to achieve any sort of parity with them.
If free energy tech was released, it would make it possible for people who had no budget at all to wage war against the greater powers effectively. All you'd need to do is crank up your free energy motor and go to the battlefield without even gassing up first. It could be anywhere in the world and you could return home to anywhere in the world when you were done. If your travel machine was small, (and it could be if it did not need to carry fuel) you could hide it anywhere and wait for a "decapitation" strike against the elite. Free energy tech will never be released because of this - they see it as a threat.
So I call the latest mail release a load of sh*t, we have enough to hang them anyway. They won't EVER hang if they have not already, and they have obviously seen the "hacks" as an opportunity to make themselves look GREAT. DO NOT LET THEM FRONT A P.R. SCAM IN THE NAME OF A SUPPOSED "LEAK", ALL YOU WILL SEE IS THEM "TALKING" ABOUT RELEASING SOMETHING AND YOU WILL NEVER SEE WHAT. They'd never release it even if 300 people discovered it 300 different times in 300 different places and ALL had to be silenced to prevent the tech from coming forward. But if they can make you think Hillary is a nice gal because "she wanted us to have it" all the better for them I guess.
They have made it clear: The election WILL be stolen. What will a stolen election this time around mean?
A stolen election this time around means that Monsanto will be shoved down your throat while the bees go extinct and theMonarch butterfly dies. Monsanto GMO is the irrefutable cause of both.A stolen election this time around will ensure that Ernie and Bert remain gay, to form impressionable young minds to suit the New World Order.
A stolen election this time around will ensure your children receive forced vaccinations specifically tailored to destroy them.
A stolen election this time around will ensure the destruction of the "deplorable" white population of America.
A stolen election this time around will keep the global warming scam alive to ensure you will soon be walking rather than driving.
A stolen election this time around will make good and sure the middle class is wiped out while Soros takes it ALL.
A stolen election this time around means you will most likely be chipped and that cash will be eliminated.
A stolen election this time around means kissing any pretend privacy you think you have goodbye forever.
A stolen election this time around will make sure all remaining useful jobs are shipped out of the country, and the crappy jobs will be done by robots while the illegals rob everything you have because they can't get work to pay to eat either.
That won't matter much after a stolen election, because Hillary will make sure most of America is nuked by Russia after stealing the election anyway.
A stolen election this time around means something worse than common core will be used to "educate" the children.
A stolen election this time around provably means that your children will officially be made the property of the state, with the parents playing a subordinate role, if any role at all. That is, of course, for all the children who are successfully dumbed down by the vaccines without actually being completely destroyed. If the vaccines DO destroy your children completely, the state will walk away, leaving YOU to deal with the problem.
A stolen election this time around means that the American military will be forced to fight a world war after ALL of America's technology has been transferred to the enemy.
A stolen election this time around means that people who were aligned against Hillary beforehand will be done away with. The internet will definitely be wiped out also. The media will work in unison to deceive and direct the public, completely without resistance.
A stolen election this time around means "free speech" will officially become "by permit only" (as it is in many places already) and then promptly punished even if all permits were issued if it deviates from the official lie.
A stolen election this time around means even more legislation will be written to put the barrier to entry into business so high that only major corporations will be able to do anything at all. Average Joe will be buried under so much paperwork (which will be handled with ease by 50 employees at a huge corporation) but business for "joe" will finally, officially become impossible. Fascism at it's finest.
A stolen election this time around will mean that even mundane pass times, such as fishing will be regulated so extensively they won't be worth it to try. If you can get a boat, the motor will be subjected to so much scrutiny you might as well row, and you had better not cast a line in location ***. You will get no fewer than 2 visits per outing from one regulation force or another. And you won't even know what violations could land you a fine or jail time.
A stolen election this time around means that the respect Trump hopes to cause Police officers to deserve will be forever sidelined by having all police both nationalized and be dangerous A-holes who treat everyone like a terrorist after being trained in Israel.
A stolen election this time around means that medical expenses, one way or another, will take every last dime you have, even if you never have anything go wrong because you will be forced to buy ridiculously over priced insurance whether you want it or not.
The bottom line is that we cannot allow this election to be stolen.
A stolen election this time around will mean that your future will be decided by the world's top criminals, and a woman who has already proven she has what it takes to make the death camps a reality. They won't tolerate resistance, they will just cart you off. The time to start shooting will be on Nov 9th, NOT WHEN THE GOONS ARRIVE TO TAKE YOU AWAY. Remember: They have been outed already and have every chance to run for it NOW and surrender peacefully. They probably won't, and when they steal the election and do away with the functioning of the peaceful process, whatever happens next is their own fault. Have no sympathy for ANY crook who could have run, but instead kept kicking the door in one last ditch effort to take it all.Hillary called her own voter base a bucket of losers!
After that, SAY THIS: "If Hillary thinks Trump supporters are a "basket of deplorables" and her own voter base is "a bucket of losers" then CLEARLY she does not represent America. Who does she really represent? THE ONE PERCENT GLOBAL ELITE, there is nothing else!THEN TAKE THE CAPTURE OF HER SPEECH TO GOLDMAN SACHS AND EMBED IT BELOW THAT, TO PROVE THIS IS NOT B.S. AND THAT SHE REALLY DID CALL HER OWN VOTERS A BUCKET OF LOSERS!