Aside from handling the attacks on this site this morning, I have spent a fair amount of time getting rock solid info on the Oroville situation which seems to be difficult to do.
1. They cannot get trucks into the emergency spillway area to repair it, because the road is gone. See this:
They are trying to fill the holes with helicopters, but I do not believe that will work with holes that big. If the dam overtops the emergency spillway again, it will fail, period. The only way they would have a chance is if they could get a huge line of cement trucks in there, and they clearly cannot because the road is gone. And how many truckloads of cement would it take to patch even the first hole, which cut the road in half, and is washed out for at least a thousand feet with similar ravines and erosion? That is not even the big hole in the photo above, it is only the one that starts the cut in the road.
3. The main spillway continues to get eaten. In my opinion they are not letting enough water out of it. They need to simply let it rip at the full 250,000 cfs it is rated for and hold onto their pants and pray the whole mountain does not give out, or that the entire spillway system including the gates is not ripped out from it after being so badly damaged. What else can they do? Clearly, the emergency spillway is death upon next use, so they had better do everything possible to avoid using it.
4. Every other dam in California's system is filled to capacity, and spring runoff has not even started. Levee failures are already happening due to all the dams at high outflow and the fact that communists in California's government gave $25 billion to illegals, while they let California's water infrastructure rot with far less than $1 billion. Good solid snowflake logic there. And the "snowflakes" in the mountains are going to do a nice job of re-enforcing the outcome of that logic this spring.