Here goes:

New study by the "profiling project" claims Seth Rich murdered by hit man

The problem with this, and the reason why it is not really news, is that the students that are part of "The Profiling Project" are not officially backed, and lack any power to do anything about what has already been widely reported and proven by others. When something happens at the Washington DC lTevel, it will be news. 

Warmbier to receive no autopsy

No autopsy means no conviction against North Korea, other than via assumption. No autopsy means the whole story could be fake. No autopsy means the CIA could have taken him out, and no one wants that revealed. No autopsy means that if it was botulism that did this, as North Korea claims is likely, it won't ever be known. So no autopsy throws a monkey wrench into the machine. I did not expect this. 

Hungary's electrified border fence a success

It's a lot cheaper than America's border wall and consists of cyclone fence and razor wire that has been electrified. Hungary went from over 6, 000 border crossers a day to zero for the last six months. So there you have it. Put up something cheap and make it poky and sparky and no one will go near it. 

Grenfell tower survivors to be housed in luxury flats

The apartments start at a value $1.5 million pounds. This begs one to look at the history of Grenfell, and whether or not prior to the fire a bunch of Jews were moved in. in any case, this pretty much proves the fire was deliberately set to provide a front for an agenda. Maybe Jews in Britain wanted an upscale white neighborhood to get cultural. Who knows, but this stinks to high heaven and Arlene Specter made it very clear that it is, without a way out of it, the Jews that are bringing the migrants in. Anyway, preaching to the choir I guess. And if the immigrants are tools, who cares if a few die to accomplish the agenda, they are goy after all. 

Election rigging

I found it hard to care about this topic, because it is a horse that has been beaten to the brink of death. Despite Republican victories yesterday, I think the elections that were won were rigged by the Dems anyway, and they still lost. But that's not what the headlines have been. The headlines have been about 25 million stolen votes going to Hillary, and 5.7 million illegals voting the last time Obama was elected. This is a boring topic, because we all know that Democrat ballots could arrive on an asteroid that wiped out the United States, and no one would be held accountable for stealing an election, even that way. 

Shariah law

Texas banned special cases for Shariah law in Texas courts. That won't make any difference with things like theft and murder, because the laws are the same. What this means is that Muslim men will get the shaft in divorce, the same way American men do. According to Shariah, women automatically get the house and the kids up until age 12, along with support from the dad (less than any state has it, but it is still there). Once the kids hit age 12, the situation reverses and the kids go with dad, with dad having the option of taking the house back. That's actually a fair arrangement. Let's see how many Muslim men stay in America after getting screwed for life in divorce court if religious exemptions in court get overturned everywhere. This could lead to an exodus.
I am absolutely correct about this, see this it really does apply only to divorce court, with"defending the constitution" drawn into the topic to make good and sure the men get screwed every time and the family is blown to oblivion with certainty. America's divorce situation is far from constitutional, but try explaining that to anyone who has been appropriately mind wiped. Having the blogosphere get all freaked out about Shariah in divorce cases only bolsters the Jewish community, which has turned the family courts into THE PRIMARY WEAPON for destroying the United States. Sharia banned in divorce court? Idiots rejoice.

Russia has announced a no fly zone in Syria

Any American aircraft will either be escorted out or shot down. 

"In areas where Russian aviation is conducting combat missions in the Syrian skies, any flying ojects, including jets and unmanned aerial vehicles of the international coalition discovered west of the Euphrates River will be followed by Russian air and ground defenses as air targets, " the Russian Defense Ministry announced." See this 


The original source for this report is NeonNettle, which is a credible British publication. Trolls (including Snopes) are saying it is from YourNewsWire, (which reposted it) and they are using that to debunk it. When posting this ALWAYS LINK THE ORIGINAL SOURCE AT NEONNETTLE. 

That said, Neonnettle has now undergone a massive DDOS attack and is therefore offline.

It in fact broke on NeonNettle, which is a LONDON BASED media outlet that is highly credible. That is how they spoke to this agent. Go there to read it, the report is detailed and they deserve the credit for this. I'd say you can take this story to the bank like an A rated check and cash it.
2017, EU, Election, Election Theft, Europe, Headlines, News, Rigged Election, Russia, UK,


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