Why was this a lie?
2. There was no leak in this system, as proven by high pressures inside the reactors that were so high any leak that would have allowed hydrogen into the containments would have made such pressure impossible to reach.
3. Workers did not release hydrogen into the containments by "manually releasing valves" as the new lies, after 6 years of refinement, claim. HOW DO I KNOW THIS IS TRUE AND THEY DID NOT? The answer is SUPER DUPER EASY: Because they had to go into the containments to manually release the valves. The valves were supposedly holding back steam, hydrogen, radioactive whatever, at thousands of PSI and a thousand plus degrees. If they had released THAT into the same airspace they were in, which was the same airspace supposedly destroyed by hydrogen, it would have cooked them like turkeys. They'd have died on the spot. The claim is they used a wrench to open the valves 25 percent. But 25 percent on a thousand ton machine running at thousands of PSI is like saying 25 percent out of Oroville dam is nothing. They'd have gotten a lethal steam bath in 0.26 seconds flat if they released that in their faces. Since no one died, the "venting into the containments" story is a BIG FAT LIE. And the valves were not set up to vent into the containment anyway. But once the MSM tells a lie, they might as well go the whole hog and say that I guess.
And to double the laugh, the MSM is now saying that when the workers released the valves, that the pressure in the containments went up to 60 PSI. Just build the story I guess. But that's a lie. Because they left the containments, which don't have 2001 a space Odyssey type airlocks. A jumbo jet, flying at 36,000 feet is flying in air that outside the plane is at least 5 PSI from atmospheric pressure, and then, on top of that adds 5 PSI to pressurize the cabin. So the cabin is at 5 PSI relative to outside pressure. If a hole in an airplane will blast everyone out with only 5 PSI pressure differential, what would have happened at Fukushima when the workers tried to leave the containments after pressurizing them by releasing the valves on the reactors if they really did vent into the containments to make the hydrogen explosion story happen? Well, with a sea level atmospheric pressure of 14.5 PSI or so, depending on the weather, and a containment pressure of up to 60 PSI, they'd have launched out of the containment better than Apollo if they really did vent that much pressure into the containment before trying to leave.
BOTTOM LINE? Due to common core, the MSM can't get a lie straight.
Point by point:
1. After the Three Mile Island incident, (which was also sabotage, but that's another story) it was proven that the safety pressure release valves on the reactors could release hydrogen gas in a meltdown scenario. After this happened at Three Mile Island, all boiling water reactors had sealed vent pipes connected to all pressure release valves to immediately put all hydrogen outside the containment. Though the Three Mile Island hydrogen explosion did no damage, and it was not believed to be possible for hydrogen gas to cause damage to a structure as robust as a nuclear containment, in the name of the utmost safety all nuclear facilities with boiling water reactors were updated with external venting.
2. Scamsters in the MSM then stated that the earthquake destroyed the sealed venting system, thus allowing the reactors to vent into their containments. But there is irrefutable proof this did not happen - high pressures inside the reactors. It was proven that reactors 1 - 3 had massively high pressures, in excess of 2, 700 PSI inside them. They are made to run at 1050 PSI. They (might) actualy explode with pressures of 10, 000 PSI. It is unknown how high the pressures actually went.
How do we know the pressures were above 2, 700 PSI in all 3? Because Tepco installed emergency water injection systems in all 3 reactors, to allow an external pumper truck to pump water into the reactors in the event of a total power outage. When these trucks arrived to pump cooling water into the reactors, they could not overcome the back pressure on the check valves and get water into the system, despite being able to pump at pressures of 2, 700 PSI. This proves that the pressure release valves in all 3 reactors, which would have had to open to release any hydrogen, remained shut. These are supposed to open at 1058 PSI automatically if no electricity is present to keep them forced shut. They were ultra redundant, with 11 on reactor 3 alone. Having all 11 stay shut (proven by the high pressures, which would not have been possible if even one opened) is impossible absent willful intent, but that's tomorrow's post. For now, we'll focus on only the high pressures.
High pressures, in excess of 2, 700 PSI were present in ALL 3 REACTORS. It is unknown how high they actually were, but it is known that the reactors themselves could all handle over 10, 000 PSI of pressure before exploding. This type of high pressure is IMPOSSIBLE if any leaks were present to allow hydrogen into the containments to cause the explosions. THERE WERE NO LEAKS IN ANY OF THE REACTOR SYSTEMS. THE HIGH PRESSURES PROVE IT. THERE WAS NO HYDROGEN AVAILABLE TO CAUSE THE EXPLOSIONS. Something else caused the explosions, but to keep it simple for today, I'll leave it at that.
Point 4: Three Mile Island proves that even if hydrogen did escape, and did ignite, that the chances of any damage were nil. But there is another detail in this: Just to be extra super super safe, Tepco installed nitrogen systems in all the containments at Fukushima. After the first explosion that was blamed on hydrogen happened, Tepco purged the remaining containments with nitrogen gas, to get rid of any explosion potential from hydrogen at all. Yet two more "hydrogen explosions" inexplicably happened. And they were nasty, with reactors 1 and 2 resembling complete reactor explosions at 10, 000 plus PSI, and reactors 3 and 4 exhibiting damage that resembled what a tactical nuke would do.
QUESTION: If reactor 3 was proven to have no damage to any of it's piping, and reactor 3 is proven to have had zero valves open, as proven by pressures of at least 2, 700 PSI that proved there were no leaks anywhere, WHERE DID THE "HYDROGEN GAS" COME FROM TO DESTROY REACTOR 4, WHICH WAS COMPLETELY DIS ASSEMBLED AND HAD NO CORE?
The official lie says hydrogen escaped through the venting system through reactor 3 and flooded reactor 4, but with pressures inside reactor 3 being beyond 2, 700 PSI, there was nothing in reactor 3 releasing anything - no steam, no hydrogen, NO NOTHING, NOTHING AT ALL. And no worker would have survived releasing THAT MUCH pressure at a high temperature into the same containment they were standing in. If anything was releasing without any leaks in the system (which worker survival proves had to be the case) it would have been a pressure release valve, at 1058 PSI and we'd have seen a huge steam plume come out of the hard vent stack (the red and white "smoke stacks".) A 2, 700 PSI pumper truck would overcome 1058 PSI with ease. There were therefore ZERO pressure release valves open when they should have been open before even half of 2, 700 PSI was reached. Why were they closed? That's tomorrows topic.
Undeniable Fukushima fact: All 3 reactors that had cores in them were perfectly sealed. No hydrogen gas could have escaped. This is true regardless of the lies being spewed about workers releasing hydrogen into the containments manually. That never happened. They did not stand by a valve, open it, and get nailed by superheated radioactive steam and hydrogen in their faces, which the official story makes an unavoidable reality if true.
Keep in mind when you look up this topic that there are tons of lies stating the valves needed electricity to operate. That is a lie. The valves were primarily passive and needed electricity to keep them shut when pressures that would cause the passive portion of the valve to trigger were exceeded. They had a manual override on top of it all, which spawned the stories of workers going in to open them "due to a lack of power" but reality could only be that they were sent in to open them to overcome a powered command to stay shut. They did not succeed in opening anything at all. If they did it would have shown as a steam plume outside the facility, through a hard vent stack. And if they'd have vented into the containments because the pipes were broken, they'd have been cooked like a christmas turkey.
All industrial facilities have dual power systems. The following explains this
The control systems, which ran the valves, had power via battery backup. This was inside the facility, and not out by the ocean, where the battery backups for the pumps were. Only the pumps lost power, and they were on a different power system than control power. The fact the pumps lost power had nothing to do with the valves, which were on a different fail safe power system. If control power had been lost, all 11 valves on reactor 3 would have opened practically instantly after the earthquake. But there was a monster in the machine they did not know about that used control power to make sure all the safety valves stayed shut, and that monster's name is Stuxnet.
Control power - what is it? ANSWER: In industrial applications, you have a power source for all the computers, all the relays, all the valves, everything small that does not use a large amount of power. This is always 120 volts or less, and it always has super mega long duration battery backup. It will run for many days usually if the power goes out. A nuclear facility would have a month of control power on reserve at a minimum, that would work even if main power was lost, and the generators failed. This will allow them to read all gauges and run small items like valves practically indefinitely.
The pumps, which they say failed because the generators got washed away, DO NOT RUN ON CONTROL POWER, they run on main power, usually at least 2, 400 volts for something as big as they were. A power outage will shut these off. But this is not what killed Fukushima, what killed Fukushima was control system screw ups that prevented valve operation. If they'd have simply cut even control power the passive systems would have worked, but I don't think they realized what they were up against. When they entered the containments to try to open the valves manually they only had 20 minutes because the containments were purged with nitrogen to prevent explosions and they had to use respirators. 20 minutes was not sufficient time to get to where they needed to go and troubleshoot a problem, like power being present when it should not be. They did not know they were under cyber attack that caused the control systems to become their enemy. And THAT is today's story.