Hawaii update
Remember a few years ago when there was aconfirmed missile launch off the coast of California that was also subsequently scrubbed and white washed? It was proven that it was launched by a Chinese Navy Jin class ballistic missile nuclear submarine, and it got scrubbed by the Pentagon and debunked by Snopes. Yet it was so freaking obvious what it was that no one, even hunch backed emma believed the Pentagon. What happened in California is a SOLID, ROCK SOLID PRECEDENT for there to have been a real missile launch and shoot down off of Hawaii, with subsequent media white wash. You can't trust a damn thing the media says, they are all a bunch of scamming traitors.
I live on maui. The "oops" Hawaii ballistic missile alert just doesn't add up. Think about your job. Imagine the biggest fuck up that you could possibly commit. A fuck up that doesn't damage your workplace or harm anyone that you work with, or outside of work, but a MASSIVE fuck up none the less. Something that would get you immediately fired and or put in prison even.
What would it take for you to fuck up that bad at your job?? Would it even be possible? Is it something so easily done that would have such catastrophic effects? Is it something so simple as hitting a wrong button and sending an alert to a million plus people? I'm sorry but there are no "buttons" that are set up to do that. I just don't see this as a big mistake, there's something more. I'm not sure what but I know it wasn't just a simple fucking mistake.
A subsequent response:
Head dude was asked if he was there when it all went down. He said no, the system is set up so that no one needs to be there. Kinda contradicted his button pushing story.
BTW, I'm on Kauai - Aloha!
My comment: The cover story really is rock stupid. As if the emergency alert system has a custom "button" for a nuke attack, that automatically sends out a canned message. And that is exactly why the purported whistleblower testimony about a submarine nuke launch is so plausible, it is FAR MORE plausible than an idiotic "oops" story.
Many are concerned about a big event in the next few days
There are stories going around the web which are spreading rightful concern over whether or not a massive false flag is going to be triggered on the U.S. mainland to prevent Trump from draining the swamp, now that it really is underway. Keep in mind that there have been many prediction dates in the past, but the big difference this time around is that there are indictments actually being issued for uranium one, indictments that are threatening to ravage the heart of the shadow state.Anyone with three milliwatts or more of brain power ought to be able to add this situation up, and see a cause for concern. Yesterday a cryptic meme about various types of poisoning that would work against Trump circled the web, and gave specific details on how to make various poisons quite easily, with the encouragement to try to get it into Trump's food. It was worded in a way that made it a clear deep state threat and not just an idiot in a basement. It appeared to have been issued by the inner circle. I searched for it today and can't find it anywhere.
Obvious other concerns are out there, such as nuclear attacks on the mainland but no one has anything solid on any specific threat. I believe we narrowly avoided one recently in Hawaii - Keep an eye on Israel's subs for that, time alone will tell.
Be prepared.
Japanese broadcaster NHK released a warning that North Korea had launched a missile at Japan. Probably on purpose to cover for Hawaii
NHK could be compared to ABC News and is not part of the national emergency system. Having them issue a false alert could easily be arranged for a "me too" scenario after what happened in Hawaii. I'm not buying it, no other broadcasters issued an alert, no sirens went off at military bases and no texts were sent to people's cell phones. This event was only a headline grabber to make people think GEE, MAYBE SOMEONE DID JUST ACCIDENTALLY PUSH A BUTTON IN HAWAII. I am NOT buying it.
My take on what happened with NHK is that Japanese media is as evil as American media and they are working hand in hand now to salvage a false flag prospect over the next few days. The attempt in Hawaii failed, but there are thousands of missiles and nukes, and NHK doing this is going to help salvage prospects of having the public believe a back up plan that has probably now been put into place.
Here's cold hard proof any rebellion has to clean out the universities with force
This university professor chased James Fields with this rifle before Fields ran into the crowd of people at an Antifa protest in Charlottesville last august and now he's all happy and bragging about it. The following was posted to his facebook and got noticed by Gateway Pundit. This is a COLLEGE PROFESSOR, and he's all proud that he not only caused a disaster, he's also proud he damaged the image of Spike's Rifle, the gun store he bought the gun from.Folks, this is stone cold proof of the kind of A-holes that are teaching our kids in American colleges, he's not sad about what happened, he's proud he caused it! Furthermore, the university knows and refuses to fire him even after he's gone out bragging like this. That proves the colleges are going to have to be dealt with harshly if force ends up being needed to take America back.
His picture and quote were captured straight out of his facebook.
My opinion is that simply because of his cavaleir boistrous attitude he should be jailed, even if he was not driving the car. This is all you need to know about the state of America's universities, they all need to be shuttered and purged. And yes, this professor who's laughing it up with the gun he used to cause the disaster is ANTI GUN.
HOLD IT, GO BACK UP AND GET A GOOD CLOSE LOOK AT HIS FACE. Remember this face. It is the same face that caused the death of 30 plus million Ukranians, this face kills with zeal and does not feel an ounce of guilt. This is the face of cavaleir tyranny that will definitely fill the fema camps with patriots if it ever gets the chance. NOT ONE BIT OF REMORSE for causing a death and a large number of injuries. LOCK AND LOAD.
John Rappoport destroyed this year's flu scam
"Massive flu outbreak? Here's the real story the media won't touch. The lies, the hoax, the scandal.
This is a beautiful piece of work. Read it HERE You need to read the whole thing, click the link, it is GREAT.
My Huawei modem is the fastest, best connecting, hardest to hack, most secure and problem free cell modem I have. And now, citing "security concerns" the FED is telling AT&T to stop using Huawei products!
Anyone who knows enough to know about a site like this one ought to know that the FBI does not want people to have encryption that they can't cut right through, or be working on computer platforms that cannot be instantly hacked by them. This came out in the great wide open with the latest scandal involving perfectly hackable Intel processors.
I am going to say it like it is:
When I can't hook up with either of my two ZTE modems because the tower is out, my newer Huawei will find a tower (god knows where), show zero bars of signal, and then connect at full speed with no signal bars showing. Sometimes you will see the first bar come and go.
That's fine and dandy, but this is more important: If I hook up with one of the ZTE modems, no matter how I configure security much much more bandwidth gets used. That means someone is piggy backing either with a stinger or whatever else and consuming bandwidth because there is simply no way to secure either of the ZTE modems. The older Huawei is similarly secure and equally fast but it takes longer to boot itself, and can't hook up when the local tower is down.
The bottom line in all of this is that the Federal government, citing "security reasons" wants AT&T to stop offering options from Huawei. AND I KNOW WHY, FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: The Huawei modems have better security than at least one competing brand and probably all competing brands, and THAT is the "security concern" the federal government is having problems with. They are saying the problem is because Huawei is Chinese made. They can kiss off with that, because EVERYTHING ELSE, PRACTICALLY WITHOUT EXCEPTION, IS CHINESE MADE ALSO. What is really up with Huawei? YOU GUESS.
Twitter, Google, and others steal your data (including E-mail and private messages) AFTER you leave their sites
This video from Project Veritas shows conversations with Twitter programmers, where they brag about stealing your data even if you don't have a Twitter accout. It is well worth watching.Google is doing something a lot worse. I have noticed that if I hit google even once, my bandwidth usage triples even if I only do one search and never hit Google for the rest of the day. Since I do everything over a cell modem it is very noticeable when bandwidth starts vanishing at an accelerated pace. Additionally, in the past when I hit google (a couple years ago) simply hitting the page only ate about 30K. Now simply hitting the page eats 5 or more megs. There's something seriously fishy with Google.
In the video linked above, they brag about reading everyone's private messages. it does not take a genius programmer to do that. If I set up "private messaging", E-mail, or anything of that sort up on this web site for people to use, I'd be able to access everything anyone sent simply because I have the rights to the platform at an administrator level. That's the nature of the beast, you can't set up anything anywhere without giving the people who actually own the service access to everything.
So these "programmers" who are acting all special and self aggrandized in the video above really are just snot nosed kids with nothing absolutely any other web site administrator would have, except for the fact that they have absolutely no morals and peruse people's stuff simply because they automatically can, not because they are any sort of grand genius.
Absolutely anyone who runs any web site can load whatever crap they want onto your system to track you and rape you at will. Some people have more morals than others. This site loads only what you actually see, it does not load a pile of crap in the background and keep sending everything you type and view back to it hours after you leave. Twitter, Google, Facebook and others should be shut down for doing exactly that. There's a final line where it becomes a violation no matter what the contract says, and those three are far over that line.