Man carries out 675 ritual satanic murders in Ghana
I wonder if this is a toe dip of the topic for public acceptance - a man in Ghana carried out hundreds of satanic ritual child murders in Ghana for luciferian sects there. Well, luciferian is luciferian, and this is part of the parcel. see this. The children were brought to the ceremonies and it was his job to kill them.
They probably allowed this to surface because it happened in Ghana. What I want to see is a report about whoever is in charge of doing this in Westminster.
I don't know how the left can possibly hold on. Now the (white hat) NSA has jumped ship on them
An analysis of the stolen DNC files showed that they were downloaded at a rate of 49 megabytes per second. Now former NSA directo Bill Binney is saying the internet cannot do that, because the connections people have simply cannot hit 49 megabytes a second from one personal computer to another personal computer. It might be possible to accomplish that from a very good server to a computer with an extreme connection, but even then, over the web it would be unlikely.
The only thing that is possible for the download speeds recorded and embedded in the files (that was a big oops, but the files had that data this time around, probably because Seth Rich was their data director and he got it right) and the only thing that can hit those speeds is a high performance (not a normal flash drive) but a very high performance flash drive plugged into a USB 3.0 port.
How fast is 49 megs a second? That's MUCH MUCH faster than the fanciest professional 4k camera shooting the lowest compression 4k video it can possibly shoot. It would take very high quality memory to go that fast. 49 megabytes a second is several gigabytes a minute. It would require a 400 megabit connection at a minimum, if the connection was perfect. It is a real world USB 3.0 speed. And that has totally screwed the Russian narrative, because it means the DNC had a great computer, and Seth Rich had a great flash drive. It means nothing else, no hack did that.
Google hit with $5 billion fine
My comment: The fine is useless. All it did was penalize Google for pre-installing apps in android devices and pressuring manufacturers to not modify Android. What good will that do when the real problem is ads, spying, and censorship?
Well, they got spanked for comparatively nothing, see this.
Humanity is forewarned about things, are we wothy, see the next person into you, is she worthy, is he worthy, am i worthy? Yellowstone, no one can outran it, Salt LakeCity gone in 10 minutes. So we'll see soon enough, a week, a month, a year? Who knows.

How did I know that so long ago when no one else reported it.?
Here's the truth about Hillary's server: It contained many gigabytes of the most classified, beyond top secret military tech the U.S. had, including all the engineering and tech info that would allow China to make copies of it. That's why they suddenly lurched ahead. Don't worry, they can't create anything new and the U.S. has all their blueprints because the U.S. created the blueprints. That means via countermeasures afforded by the fact the U.S. knows all the weaknesses and the fact that the U.S. has an ability called NEW INNOVATION, the U.S. has already put them 10+ years into the past.Alt media getting whacked.
Here is the letter Paypal sent out to numerous alt media sites. I have not received this yet. However, I would be rock stupid to not handle this with the alternative income option described above.
The "elite" are about to make their move to take down Trump and they are isolating sites that could potentially report on their activities. Interesting it is how this coincided with Helsinki.
I am livid with the server downing. It's not going to hurt long term, but it is going to be a hell of a job fixing that.I have already tried to set up alternative financing, and was not successful because of the site. I am surprised Paypal is still working (very shittily) but at least working for short periods of time when babysat.
Here is the real problem, in a nut shell:
No one can set up an independent bank, because the tribe has infiltrated all aspects of the regulation aspect of this and if a bank provides help to un approved media, they will be whacked out of the system. If you provide ads to the wrong sites, they will shut down the financial side also. All of the monopoly laws are being totally violated in all of this, but the government has disintegrated to the point to where nothing gets enforced.So we have a situation where the government did not shut anyone down directly, it was all accomplished completely by the private sector, which had key components totally bought out by THE TRIBE.
After major backlash by the left, now Putin wants to exercise an existing treaty which allows extradition of criminals, to try top U.S. intelligence officials and Hillary Clinton in court, IN RUSSIA, for the $400,000,000 transfer into the Clinton's campaign, which was done illegally according to Russian law.According to treaty, the U.S. HAS TO hand them over.
FINALLY THE REVERSE OF: You can't make this stuff up, WAY TOO GOOD!!! SEE THIS.

UPDATE: TRUMP THREATENED, Google is playing the middle man somehow, and more.
When clicking links on web sites, a Google screen occasionally pops up and tells me the request did not go through. This is without ever accessing Google at all, and Google not being in the (supposed) path in any way whatsoever.Additionally, once Putin said what he did, other web sites started reporting Paypal problems, with Paypal reporting back that the recipient is not able to receive and/or is blocking payments. That's a lie, but that's how Paypal is playing and it is not just this web site affected.
Today, Trump (probably at gunpoint) said the U.S. intelligence agencies were correct about Russian meddling in the election. He knows that's not true, and has definitely been threatened. There's no way around that. He has definitely been threatened, but there is a way out of that statement, and that is: Russia interfered on Hillary's behalf. They did. We know that now, no ifs or buts.
The left is going to act with physical force now, it will take armed Americans to keep Trump in power. If Trump was actually forced to say Russia meddled in the elections and U.S. intelligence agencies got the story straight, the only thing after this is to oust him from power and put Hillary in. It is showtime folks, to sum it up:
Google is playing middle man.ONE of my servers got killed, but fortunately there are others in other countries. It was the AMERICAN BASED server that bit the dust and they will not re-enable it no matter what.
Paypal suddenly started blocking payments to others, others just started noticing this today. If you are alt media, you had better give this a look.
AND, Trump was forced to lie about Russian interference, in a way that threatens the presidency. things are getting real folks, be vigilant, be ready to LOCK AND LOAD.
If the deep state left ousts Trump, that will be the ONLY OPTION. We are going to see a power play now. Today did not look good for our side at all if they could actually threaten the president the way they obviously did. They even cut the lights on him during his address. The "trigger point" will be a successful removal of Trump from office.
Yeah, they can STICK IT. They canceled it and refused all requests across multiple calls and effort to circumvent this. Any donations sent (do not donate right now) will be used to get another server, (I still have 3 and can re-build the lost one), they really can STICK IT. Too bad that was the #2 most important server.Even Iranian media is not reporting Hillary's $400,000,000.
They are total idiots. They hate Trump and figure they'd have been better off with Hillary. NOT, but really, if it is not an Israeli topic they are really ignorant. NO TALK OF HILLARY, BUT GEE, THEY BEAT GERMANY AT VOLLEYBALL.NOT A PEEP ABOUT HILLARY ON FOX NEWS FRONT PAGE. That means we now know they are fake opposition for certain.
NOT A PEEP ABOUT THIS ON BREITBART, NOT EVEN ALLOWED IN THE COMMENTS. Though they have a positive tone, they did not deliver the news. I always suspected Breitbart was fake, they are the last ring of deep state containment. We just got our litmus test. Nothing mentioned equals FAKE.
Nothing on Rense yet. Not surprised.Even super mainstream conspiracy forums are issuing blanket bans for posting about Hillary's $400 million. So who's real? Let's get a short list here . . . .
It will take a while for everyone to wash out, because due to the massive censorship, even alt media will lag. For now:These came out clean and are at least trying to be real sources:
THERE ARE TOO MANY TO LIST. Here's the deal: If any news source fails to cover this, seek other sources. Why pay attention to watered down crap and outright lies?FIRST RUSE TO COUNTERACT AND GET RID OF TRUMP:
Vice has issued a report saying the election was stolen by Russia via remote access software installed in vote tabulation centers and compared it to leaving blank ballots on Russian street corners. Now that the truth is out there, they are pulling out all the stops to get rid of Trump, because if they fail to, THEY ARE GONE. SEE THIS.
They are busted and will definitely resort to killing. We are going to enter the hot phase now, regardless of what anyone wants. The news cycle is going to be hectic and virtually PURE LIES. I am going to take a look at what is going on, now that I know that server really is gone. Anyway, they are going to kick off the show with a huge attack on Gaza.AND POSSIBLE ALERT: ISRAEL IS PREPARING TO ATTACK GAZA VERY VERY BADLY TO COVER FOR PUTIN'S REMARKS ABOUT HILLARY. THEY WANT PEOPLE DISTRACTED WITH A HORRIBLE ATTACK, THEY WANT HILLARY'S $400,000,000 FORGOTTEN.
Here's the deal: Out of nowhere, Nut Yahoo announced an attack on Gaza and has pleaded "for the full support of the public". This probably means they are going to wipe Gaza off the map. The timing of this is obviously to distract the public from HILLARY'S CONSPIRING WITH RUSSIANS TO INFLUENCE THE ELECTION. In case you do not know this, leftists use a tactic they call "displacement" where their own evils are directly accused against a totally innocent opponent. Once people's attention has been "displaced" to someone falsely accused, the heat is off the real offender. They did this to Trump, to cover for the fact it was really Hillary doing it.
Now that the ruse is blown past the horizon, and the full sun is shining, the "elite" are considering committing a heinous crime to cover it up, and they have at this time set their sites on Gaza. There will be absolutely nothing the inhabitants of Gaza can do except just sit there and take whatever comes.