Petition to expel Maxine waters progressing beautifully
UPDATE: I CHECKED THIS A FEW TIMES, AND IT IS COUNTING BACKWARDS DESPITE CLIMBING OVERALL, SOMEONE IS HACKING THIS, I would not be surprised if it actually has millions of signatures and they mostly got wiped.
Yep, as I keep watching it, this is what they are doing: They are having a static number visible. However, if you hit refresh, for a brief time the background number shows, and it keeps counting up, then getting knocked back. The petition web site has still not been fixed.
#59789 signers as of 2225CET June 28 2018. some 6000 more than 20 hours earlier below this photo!!!
WTF this must be a rigged Petition
#53926 at 0210 CET June 28 2018
This next one was also lost as a result of someone messing with this site:
There is little question she appears to be incredibly evil in many of her photos, but this one makes me question if she is even human. David Icke probably has a point with the reptilian topic, I am somewhat convinced it is real, and I gotta say, this photo (which was pulled from Drudge so it has not been edited by someone) really needs some explaining.
IF this photo means anything, she needs to be a LOT more careful than that, that is damn freaky.
As of June 28, there is still no word of any uprising in Iran
There are persistent blog posts circulating the web that claim Iran is in a state of economic rebellion. The new reports claim the Iranian government has made official announcements to stop major uprisings, and is blaming Israel for it all, and saying death to Israel. Though they do want Israel dead, there's simply nothing going on right now in the way of protests, all that ever happened was a few people in one mall staged a peaceful 4 hour economic protest a few days ago and it is not even confirmed they were really Iranian. The pretext - a 12.5 percent drop in the Riyal does not make any sense.
Something else is going on though.
In a real headline, we discover that Iran, in response to the sanctions, has demanded that the world body assure that ALL of Israel's WMD's are destroyed. That is pretty brazen and spot on. That's the only big thing I find of interest going on right now. The rest of the Iranian headlines are the usual mundane whatever.
A report I previously did on Lopez Obrador's political party
This will provide a little perspective with the upcoming Mexican election. Lopez obrador is still strongly with Morena, so strongly it was lit up beautifully on his podium during his final campaign appearance. However, the ballot has him with Encuentro Social.
J -i- m / S -t-o-n-e, April 22 2012, Mexico City, Mexico
I had a laptop battery problem I needed to solve, and on my way to the Centro de la Technologia, (a major computer swap meet) I came across Nael Penniman of the Morena Movimiento Regeneracion Nacional. This organization is attempting to oust the CIA drug lords from Mexico and restore Mexico to a fully sovereign state.
He spoke fairly good English, and after some time I was able to get his message clearly; and it is:
We know it's the CIA feeding the drug problems in Mexico, We know it is America providing the weapons to the drug lords and escalating the violence in mexico, and we want America OUT of Mexico, we don't want the problems, the violence, we want Mexico restored to what it was before America went into our country and caused so many problems.
He was also aware that the war on drugs was a fraud perpetrated by the same government that spawned all the problems to begin with.
He was on his way to a meeting regarding this issue, and was very intelligent and well kept.
I would also like to ask the CIA to stop messing around with other people's countries and get the HELL out of Mexico too!
The man who "stunk so bad the plane had to land" last month was a famous Russian rocker
Whenever you hear headlines about people stinking so bad it made the news, images come to mind of goat guy from the village. But in this case, it was a famous Russian guitarist Andrey Suchilin who caught a disease while vacationing in the Canary Islands. No mention as to whether or not he had AIDS, and multiple attempts at searching this turned up nothing. Somehow an infection set in and rotted him to pieces. He died this morning due to organ failure when the infection progressed to vital organs. Very strange.
132 assassinations during Mexican primary season?
My brutal comment: THAT would have fixed America. If Americans cared enough about politics to take out the trash this way, Congress would not have become so gunked up with such an enormous pile of corrupt life-term senators, and the ones that were there would have had some sense of accountability no matter how corrupt the systems that regulated them became.
Despite what the headlines say, Mexico's system likely runs a lot cleaner than America's. The difference is that in Mexico, the corruption gets reported, while in America, if a senator is corrupt for the right people, it gets totally ignored. There's no way so many American senators could possibly be multi-millionaires any way other than abject corruption they'd have been killed for in Mexico.
Lopez Obrador is going to have a much easier time draining the Mexican swamp than Trump had in America because there was no way for it to get as entrenched in Mexico as it is in America, when so many corrupt people get taken out on a regular basis.
A couple weeks ago they had one of these corrupt people on TV. The public filmed the killing process and it got aired on TV. This corrupt politician stole tens of millions from a city fund. The video started with him begging for his life, skipped the beating part, and ended with him burning in a car he bought with the funds he stole. This is something I mentioned earlier on this site. This type of political climate makes corrupt people fear for their lives. Corruption simply cannot root in as deeply as it did in America when rather than a white wash, slap, and re-assignment, you get burned to death in a car. And the possibility of that happening is very good for a country.
A correction to my previous take (from years ago) on Aztec culture
I had previously stated they were not as brutal as was claimed, because the evidence was nowhere to be found. However, archaeologists have stumbled across an enormous stache of skulls that are believed to be from rituals and ceremonies, a stache so large it could only mean people were killed frequently. This stache could be from wars, or it could be from temple ceremonies, no one knows for sure because the Spaniards did not ask questions or keep records, they simply went in and destroyed it all.
There is a church in the center of Mexico City which is built on top of what was once believed to be the majority of the skulls, numbering a few hundred (which would mean killings were only a couple times a year) but now, with thousands found, it appears that is not the case.
Why are liberals whining about ONE supreme court nomination?
I won't be happy until Trump has appointed EVERY DAMN ONE.
How about, let's get a REAL ruling on Roe v. Wade? That was not any sort of court case, it was not evidence based, and only got through via corrupt planted people. It will be a FINE DAY if the luceferian's highest holy sacrament is banned, as it should be.