TEHRAN (FNA) - On Monday, May 14, and despite international outcry, President Donald Trump relocated the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem Al-Quds, the future capital of the state of Palestine.
The narcissist president of the United States knows full well that it's a bad idea, and he doesn't need to look any farther. The deadly results of his criminal decision are out there for all the world to see. Little did he realize that it's easier to hold onto a bad idea if you never share it, and it's harder to defend one if you let it out. Whatever he is thinking, the relocation of the US embassy was a bad idea:
- At least 59 Palestinians were killed on Monday in Gaza and more than 2,700 others wounded as the Israeli army fired live ammunition, tear gas and firebombs at protesters assembled along several points near the illegal fence with Israel. The demonstrations, which coincided with protests against the opening of the US embassy, are part of a weeks-long movement calling for the right of return for Palestinian refugees to the areas they were forcibly expelled from in 1948. The severity of the injuries demonstrates that Israeli forces are resorting to disproportionate force to incapacitate these protesters. The result is unnecessary damage and suffering.
- Tuesday marks the annual commemorations of the Nakba, or "catastrophe", when Israel was created by the US and Britain on May 15, 1948, in a violent campaign that led to the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their towns and villages. Since the protests began on March 30, Israeli forces have killed at least 109 Palestinians in the coastal enclave and wounded about 12,000 people. Sure enough, Trump’s embassy move only encouraged Israel to intensify its campaign of terror and genocide in Gaza.
My comment: I don't think Trump is a "narcissist" but they got the rest right (other than that most likely a lot more than 59 were killed).
Here is another good report on this topic from PressTV
WHOAH! VERY CREEPY: Israeli Supreme Court has the same "all seeing eye" pyramid as the dollar bill!
First, the dollar bill.

I'd call that creepy, yep, there really is a correlation there. Illuminati ALL THE WAY.
Tesla power wall now available at Home Depot
Tesla is not going out of business if California is mandating solar on all new homes, and Home Depot started selling the power wall.
It has been rumored recently that Tesla is going to go out of business from not turning a profit and losing investors. However, I doubt this will happen.
The link to their products at Home Depot is HERE.
I think Tesla is going to make it as a company, but I'd like to math something out for people with regard to the power wall:
Short answer: If you are great at DIY, lead acid is still a better route, but for the majority, the power wall is now cheap enough to be a better option.
I have experience with the trolling batteries from Wal Mart. They are cheap, and very good. One I had (which now costs $70,) was 110 amp hours. At 12 volts. I just read comments online and people who buy these can't notice a difference in capacity even after 3 years, if they are well cared for. So figure they'll last at least 5 years (or longer if you can tolerate some power drop off)
Tesla's power wall is 13.5 kilowatt hours, and costs $5,500 to install, just the battery, nothing to support it. Plus there are additional ongoing costs.
For $70, a trolling battery from Wal Mart will deliver 12 volts times 110 amp hours, which equals 1320 watt hours. this means 11 wal-mart trolling batteries, for $770 USD, will match a power wall for storage. But there are other factors to consider.
It is fairly easy to get lithium ion batteries to hit a charge efficiency of 85 percent or more. This means that when you feed them 100 watts, they will hold at least 85 of those watts to deliver later.
Typical charge efficiency of lead acid batteries is in the 60 percent range. So the power wall will win that battle. If you are going solar, you have to have more panels to make the lead acid setup work. Additionally, the lead acid setup will need a lot more wiring to connect all the batteries. So that's more expense. Plus the lead acid batteries will wear out quicker. My estimate if you can totally DIY is that the actual cost of going lead acid rather than tesla will land right around $2,200.00 which will allow for a full replacement of the batteries once, plus $800 for more solar panels to offset the charge efficiency differences.
There is also an installation charge for the Tesla system, which will buy you a suitable inverter for your lead acid system. So consider the inverter free if you DIY your lead acid system. So what would I do vs what I would recommend others to do?
If you have the up front cash, the power wall is a good option. REASON: It is complex to take care of lead acid batteries properly, the wiring is more complex, you have to do it yourself to save money, you need an external inverter, and lead acid setups take space and are ugly.
Seriously - if you can't DIY, whoever installs your lead acid system will charge so much for installing it that the power wall might be cheaper. The power wall simply is no longer expensive enough to make it rational to pay the the extra labor charges for having someone else install a far more complex battery arrangement.
For only double the price of parts alone you can get a powerwall system that is elegant and kid friendly. I only would not go for a power wall because I am too much a geek, am totally DIY, don't care about how electrical systems look, I don't need that much power, and I am too cheap. Dirty hands don't bother me.
The power wall has gotten cheap enough to be viable. If you really would drain one out in a single day (which is Tesla's rating for this) it will mean you use 400 plus kilowatt hours a month also. That's so much more than the 75 KWH/month I use that it would make a power wall irrelevant overkill. I simply would not do it, considering what my actual power needs are. For other people however, the power wall would be a great way to avoid a hassle.
One important comment: There are competing lithium ion battery systems. However, I have looked into how Tesla does things, and they do it right. Here's basically why:
Tesla's rating will be for approximately 80 percent charged. This is very important, because if you charge lithium ion batteries to 100 percent, you shorten their life very dramatically. A fully charged lithium ion battery, sitting totally unused, will self destruct down to 60 percent capacity in only 2 years even if it is never used once, and the charge capacity is gone forever.
By avoiding a 100 percent charge, Tesla greatly extends the life of their batteries, remember, even when destroyed down to 60 percent of it's original life, a lithium ion battery that was charged to 100 percent and left to sit, is still "100 percent charged", it is just a lot less of a battery. The only way to avoid this kind of death is to simply not charge it fully to begin with. Many other companies competing with Tesla are going to cheat on their capacity by allowing a 100 percent charge. Tesla does not cheat. They actually deliver long lasting quality. This has to be considered by anyone buying a system.
It will be a sad day if Tesla goes out of business, the company really does do things the right way and worked at this long enough to finally make having "done right" be affordable.
George Soros closed his "Open society foundation" in Hungary
This only proves Hungary was correct, and Soros only operated there to destroy the country. Other countries need to see this example and follow suit - if Soros can't get away with being a destroyer, he won't waste his money trying. Hungary just proved Soros is not a good guy, and was not operating any sort of philanthropic charity. If he is operating somewhere, the operation is hostile. SHUT IT DOWN.
HA HA HA, they could not have made who Soros is any more obvious by how badly they pooped themselves with that report!!!
UPDATE: A very raw rip of the article has been posted HERE in case anyone feels the need to clean it up. I'll do it later if the original vanishes.
North Korea actually is destroying it's nuclear sites
They are going to find out they were stupid for doing this if they don't keep a few secrets.
It actually is true. This is confirmed by even private satellites that have paid attention to the situation. They are using bulldozers to completely raze the test sites. And you know what happens when countries stand against the U.S. and don't have nuclear weapons. Just look at Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan . . . . .
North Korea is the most tunneled country on earth however. There is an endless labyrinth Kim could hide his nukes in.This is a possibility: Back when NK got it's nuclear materials, they were not as well tracked as they are now. He could easily have a secret stache. And if that is the case, he does not need to do any more testing.
When he had his biggest blast, I correctly called it at between 100 and 300 kilotons. The scam MSM was still trying to call it a relatively small nuke, sub 50 kilotons. It was in fact 170 kilotons. That is big league. India has nothing that big, and Pakistan is way behind that. Kim may have in fact decided he does not need test sites anymore simply because 170 kilotons is enough.
Consider this: If you have an endless labyrinth of tunnels to hide stuff in, and you tested your way to a world class nuke that is actually good, why would you need to continue testing? Would it not make more sense to hold onto whatever nuclear materials you have, and put them straight into a deterrent you're not going to blow up anymore and allow the world to know you have it?
I would be willing to bet Kim has hidden materials sufficient for a double digit number of his latest, best nuke. His rockets are already tested also. Does Ford keep crash testing trucks 20 crashes after they have all the answers? Why would Kim keep crash testing nukes? He has his answers. The testing sites really can be razed now.
If I was Kim, this would be my "chess".
Keep on making nukes in secret. He has the tech, no more testing needed. Declare yourself free and open. Re-unite with South Korea, and open a commercially run space program. Offer to launch satellites cheap. Be the big open. Totally free country. Then let private ventures pay for your space program. Put people in space, and use that as an excuse to test re-entry vehicles. Obviously you don't do this until your already existing missiles are proven (just in case) and they were proven but not good, just proven. It would be best to make improvements.
A few years into this, if the U.S. has not already reniged and blown you to smithereens, suddenly announce you have 20 nukes, all the launch capabilities, and you are a truly viable nuclear state. Announce you won't tolerate sanctions, and will be a happy player on the world stage, still free and open but TO BE LEFT ALONE.
That would be the real chess. Let's wait a few years and see if Kim decides to play it.