An awesome wall of text
This is an excerpt from "Conversations With Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explained, Vol. 2". It appears to be prophetic, this really is progressing as stated 20+ years after it was published.
From page I32: "The Anti-Christ will have great communication systems at his disposal because I see him talking into computers, and it's his voice that's activating the computer." Page 134: "Through his communication networks he will have access to the files of all people: birth data. financial information, and things of this nature. So it will be doubly hard to oppose him when he controls the world banking industry and the world economic credit." I asked about the significance of 666 in the book of Revelation in the Bible. "He's showing me columns and columns of numbers and more numbers. It looks like information that is usually stored in computers. And this number, 666, might be the Anti-Christ's personal code number that he enters into the different world systems, because he establishes a world system of communications and a computer network.
At the time this information came through it seems impossible for a computer system to connect the entire world. I thought it was definitely a futuristic idea, and I mused that it might happen in a hundred years, if it happened at all. How mistaken I was. How could anyone in the late I980s conceive the idea of a world wide web becoming reality in only ten years. And it is definitely a reality that all our birth data, financial records, and other information concerning our lives are now part of a vast computer network. If we could not believe such a possibility a short ten years ago, what other predictions are coming into fruition at an inconceivably fast pace?
The computer predictions continue from page 133: "He will have already set up a computer network that will leave countries vulnerable. He will be able to destroy their economic base by having access to information. Nostradamus is showing me a picture of a globe with a lot of threads surrounding it (world wide web). He says, 'He will have the master key to it all and will bring nations down to the ground by cutting off their communication with the rest of the world.' He will even invent a computer that will function from a psychic brain level. A person will be able to turn it on by mentally commanding it, rather than even speaking to it." Voice-activated computers are being developed in I996 and could be on the market soon. A computer using the frequency of our brain is now conceivable, and could be the next advancement in computer technology.
Nostradamus indicated in Volume II that the Anti-Christ would be considered a world savior in the beginning. He would be seen as benefiting mankind with his wondrous inventions. But he saw the dark side emerging once the computer networks had been established. "The countries of the world will experience a lot of prosperity by using his system. Financial considerations will be given to them if they become part of his system, and if they do not 'play ball, ' they will be cut out and suffer as a result. When the mantle of complete evil takes over he will start exterminating the people he feels are useless to his system. When he changes, he will try to wipe out people who have no economic benefit for his world scheme. He will wipe out groups of people. Just as Hitler tried to exterminate the Jews, he'll try to exterminate people that he feels are not worthy to live on this planet: the sick, the poor, the enfeebled, and people who have no value in his eyes. Using his network, he will instigate mass euthanasia. There will be no escape because everything will be on file." For example, if one's son was retarded, or if one's mother was too old and unproductive, or if one's sister was mentally or emotionally unbalanced, they would all be slated for extermination.
Everything is crippled because he controls the communications network. As a result, he knows what is going on everywhere. We've become a computerized society at that point and everyone will have a certain number that will be stored in this main computer. (In America, our social security number?) This number will be indelibly tattooed on your hand, forearm or forehead, depending on what level of his system you belong to. The people in the upper echelon of his system will have this engraved on their forehead so they can walk in any place. The number will be automatically read, to bid them to enter. For most of us it will be indelibly engraved on our hand. This will be done with a laser and will be painless. It will not look like a birthmark or a defect but will be invisible unless scanned by optical equipment. This way we will be able to go shopping, buy food, and enter certain places that are necessary to our work or career."
This concept of everyone having a number is also predicted in the book of Revelations in the Bible. This sounded futuristic, but it is also becoming reality in our lifetime now. In my travels all over the world I am finding experiments along these lines have already begun. I also receive corroborating information from my readers, in the form of newspaper and magazine articles. In America all of our other identifying numbers (military service IDs, driver license, etc.) are being replaced by our social security number, to facilitate record keeping by only having one number.
This is also occurring in other countries. Some are instituting cards to be used that would have all personal data encoded in a computer strip (such as Smart Cards and the new medical cards in the U.S.). In some European countries a computer chip is placed under the skin of the hand. When they buy anything at a store they only have to pass their hand over the scanner, and the money is automatically transferred from their bank account. No cash money exchanges hands, and the necessity of writing checks is eliminated. In some countries (Australia for one) it has been proposed to permanently identify (by computer chips or some other method) all newborn babies. Some of these proposals are meeting opposition, but the arguments are that we are becoming a computerized world society and these advancements will make things easier and faster. They will make identification more verifiable, and will eliminate crime.
A comment: That was penned in 1997. Good luck with all that! It is happening now.
Polygraph busted:
So the whole thing was a certified scam. SEE THIS.