Jennifer was found the usual way, with two self inflicted gunshot wounds to the head, ruled a "suicide"
You know folks, we are SICK of this shit, they are wiping us out and anyone who speaks up gets popped. Any doctor that speaks up gets the licence yanked, and then popped. And after they kill all the doctors that speak up, or somehow get their licenses pulled, they then have the audacity to say "There is not a single doctor out there claiming vaccines are unsafe" which is easy to say when the moment they do, they get killed.
There is not a single doctor or prominent writer out there speaking up against the vaccines destroying the kids, BECAUSE WE, THE * COMMUNITY, KILL THEM ALL. There. That's reality.
"My oldest daughter and her younger brother both had reactions to vaccines. Reading about Suzie almost had me hyperventilating. The scenario was nearly identical to what happened with my oldest daughter. The seizures that began after receiving a "necessary" baby shot have never gone away. Even though her seizures began while we were still in the doctor's office, after the shot was administered, I was told it couldn't be the shot. The doctor and nurses kept repeating that like a mantra. Fortunately it was the third shot so she didn't need another soon after. In the months following the nightmare continued with her having multiple seizures every day. The doctor was ordering all kinds of test because the vaccine was "deemed safe". When I had her brother I held off the shots. I was terrified. That was when the real campaign began. I was paranoid, (admittedly this was true, I was). I was harming my child. I was putting other children in grave danger. What kind of mother was I? Did I realize I was withholding medical care and could go to jail? Eventually they wore me down. I was scared to do it and scared not to. I really believed they would take my children from me. I gave in and he was given the first injection. He did not react the same as my daughter. However his thigh was swollen and extremely hard...even a month later. They assured me it wasn't the vaccine. They gave him the second shot and his other leg had the same reaction. Long story short, my son had to have physical therapy from Easter Seals to learn to walk. My daughter has had to use anti seizure medication her entire life.
A comment: That doctor and nurse KNEW DAMN WELL the shot did it, and have knowingly maimed countless children. It is time to stop putting up with this sh*t. There is no conceivable way whatsoever after all the damage that has been done, and the many many examples out there, that the doctors don't know damn well what they are doing. And they do it because many are sociopaths only wanting their damn lexus.
The days of us allowing these people to walk around in public unscathed while they destroy our children HAVE GOT TO BE OVER, WHERE THE HELL IS THE SURVIVAL INSTINCT? DID IT REALLY ALL GET BLOWN AWAY BY THE FLUORIDE?
Yes, a best selling author spoke up. Shortly thereafter, SHE IS DEAD. If they are going to kill us for pointing out how they are destroying us, how the hell do they get away with walking around in public anymore? I don't get it!
Update to the above:
Once again, we now believe the doctors know exactly what the shots are doing, but as her book "Malice" outlines, these doctors are as I have said repeatedly "scamming mechanics" when they are not incompetent. They know damn well what they are doing, and are perfectly willing to destroy civilization either for a religious motive or a payback. This is why they threaten to take the children away from parents who are aware enough to speak up and try to avoid the shots. Today's doctors are pure malice all the way.
update to below: Jennifer is being expunged from history RIGHT NOW, after that story blew up.
"Jennifer Jaynes has earned a place on the USA Today Bestseller's list, the #1 spot (across all categories) on, the #1 spot (across all categories) in the Barnes & Noble's Nook Store, the #1 spot in several mystery subcategories - and has appeared in the Kindle Store's Top 100 list in several countries, including the UK, Canada, Australia and Brazil."
Conclusion: Being THAT popular won't save you from a kill order if you expose vaccines, no, they'll just strike you off social media and hope it all goes away.
Alt reporter confronts Schiff in public, This one minute video is well worth a watch
American medical is an out in the open blood sucking scam machine. If you think you're lucky to have American medical, you're a fool
American medical is GREAT??!!??
From LOTS of experience we can state with 100 percent accuracy: American health care is absolute horse shit of the lowest order. And WE MEAN BAD. America is the home of scamming doctors and dark stench ridden depression inducing caves called "hospitals" that will destroy your life with debt in less than a few days if you ever get stuck in one, and when you leave, you'll have endless problems that force you to go back again and again to be bled out to the final dime and beyond. God forbid you EVER have any sort of medical issue, even short term, ever in your life because it will be used as an opportunity by psychopaths to destroy you.
Oh, but you have "health insurance", RIGHT? Actually, you don't. You have a rip-off scheme that is intended to totally weaken your position in life before you even get to the hospital by robbing you blind month after month even when you need NOTHING, only to have a hospital rip you off and stick it to you again with crap your policy does not cover. Then you are stuck with bills PLUS forced to pay an obscene amount that no insurance would ever cost. In America, insurance by itself is the medical disaster you hoped you'd avoid having to pay for. You'd be a lot better off without it because the disaster will hit you anyway. That "lesser amount" you pay "with insurance" is still multiples higher than the total price you'd pay in Mex, even without insurance there.
AND WORSE? You do not even get to have your medical records, they are instead kept FAR AWAY from you under lock and key, so the next doctor can keep a scam against you going without a hitch and you'll never be the wiser. Why the hell can't you HAVE YOUR MEDICAL RECORD? In America, your medical record is a secret file you can't look in. WHY? Because the plot against your life is there and they do not want you to see it. It is incomprehensible that Americans don't even get to see their medical records. We were never allowed to look at ours. WHY? If they have to be transferred to another doctor, it happens behind the scenes in secret, NOT IN YOUR HANDS, WHY?
We'll tell you why: Because the medical records document the war on the United States via the medical system. Every last thing done to destroy you is right there, in print. They don't want knowledgeable people who are not involved in the scam digging through them and finding "inconsistencies" or asking questions. Everything from "delusional parasitosis" over morgellons to secret accusations and opinions against you, or even how to rip you off is in there and they don't want you to see it.
And worse, American "health care" is inferior, and WE MEAN INFERIOR.
Five years ago, one doctor in Mexico told a friend she had to have her gall bladder removed. We called B.S, and said he's just trying to scam. Gave her the real advice: Stop eating oily foods, and the problem went away. Five years later she's FINE. No other doctor even knew she came across a scammer. No other doctor ever said such a thing. But if she was in the U.S. she'd have had a permanent record of gall bladder issues, and every doctor out there would have tried to cash in. She does not even need pills. She is fine now.
A few years ago, older man needed brain surgery. Here's how THAT went:
Mexico is a place where if you need brain surgery, no one will know you had it unlike in the U.S.where you're transformed into a raggedy ann doll IF you are lucky. The man had brain surgery twice due to a fall and made a 100 percent PRISTINE recovery, and I mean 100 percent. Before the surgery he had to wear diapers. After surgery he magically transformed to 100 percent normal within a few days. When has THAT ever happened in the U.S.? They'd have tried to cash in at least on a mobility chair or years of "therapy" to keep the gravy train going and tap him for everything he was worth. Where that scapel goes makes all the difference in future payouts and American doctors KNOW IT. Not in Mexico. He walks everywhere, on his own, and is in his own home and does not need anything. He is perfectly sharp in conversation. He is 100 percent mobile and 100 percent cognitive and 100 percent away from the medical system. Imagine THAT in the United States now. It does not happen to an average joe who has had two major brain surgeries. I was expecting him to be TOTALLY messed up afterwards, because in the U.S. that's what the standard is. How could Mexico be better?.
The bottom line: In the U.S. you are not getting "good medical care".
Here's another example: Why does having a baby have to cost so much? That's a natural process. In Mexico, with no insurance, you can go to a top flight warm cheery hospital with an excellent staff, stay there for 3 days in your own beautiful private room, have a C-section, and when you leave after that "god awful expensive way to do it" the total bill including 2 doctors, all nurse care, all meals, all medicine and 3 nights will be less than $1500. And THAT IS PRIVATE CARE, with no government involvement at all. There are cheaper ones where you'll still get your own room, where the total price will be about $600 but the room won't be as nice. CONTRAST THAT WITH AMERICA, your deductible is virtually assured to be multiples more than the total cost of the entire process in Mexico, even if you choose the luxury route in Mexico.
We cannot even begin to describe what a RIP OFF medical is in the United States and what a scam not even getting to keep your own medical records is. The secrecy and the rip off is SO BAD it does not compute. We see it as an open, overt act of war on the country - an act of war specifically intended to rob and weaken people as much as possible to make America that much easier to overthrow totally and to target everyone effectively when the time comes, and you can take this to the bank: IT IS. THEY WANT YOU SECRETLY DOCUMENTED BEFORE THE TAKE DOWN. You had better keep your mouth shut around your doctor. They ask those "friendly" prying questions about guns and politics for a reason and GOD FORBID you refuse a vaccine. Imagine how you'll do in a prison camp or before a court after being pre - back stabbed.
WHY can't you keep your own medical records? ANSWER THAT. WHY?
HEADS UP: BARR UNSEALED 8 INDICTMENTS WHICH LED TO THE ARRESTS OF 8 PEOPLE. THAT MUCH IS CERTAIN. 90 percent certain: They were busted for funneling foreign money into Hillary's 2016 campaign.
Kamala Harriss dropped out due to not getting support from followers
SILLY: She blamed being forced to end her campaign due to financial woes on "the fact she's not a billionaire" all the while Trump, who WAS a billionaire funded ALL his campaign activities via donations despite having the cash anyway. Who has the real support? YOU GUESS!!!
Ditto for Biden, who no doubt has to use Burisma cash for his campaign.
There is not much in the news today, but I will say this:
It is our opinion that the testimony of Lisa Page, crying about how Trump bullied her, is going to receive "sympathy" from traitors but otherwise fall on deaf ears.
China is in a BIG pinch after an enormous documents release that proves it's system of secrecy has been breached revealed all about their tyranny in the internment camps. The big thing with this is that when communist regimes get their underwear aired in this way, it is a sign they are going to collapse because they went far enough to lose the support of people they normally control.
Add to their woes a little Trump magic, and I'd say things are not looking too good for Xi. We lost sympathy when the documents dump showed they were having strange men sleep with the wives of the Muslim men they detained, while they are detained. That's so far over the line we can't even describe it, and that's precisely the type of thing that's going to get the Communists wiped out, you CANNOT have the public learn about you doing that.
It is independently certified: Avast went rogue
Ok, more little ditties on a slow news day...
On December 10th, using photos to post memes could result in enormous (and I mean $10,000+ fines) if the image you use was produced by someone else, even if they never complain. Sure others will figure this out also, and the entire "We are going to kill the memes" B.S. will die - all they are doing is creating a new "industry".
Iran wants to sue the United States for staging the latest riots - fat chance they'll collect but the target is $130 billion. It won't happen, but it DOES prove the U.S. did it as I stated, Persians are not stupid and are not going to go chasing vapor. It DID happen, however, collecting on it is a far flung prospect. Most likely they are trying to send a message.
Why are troops marched?
This is just a curiosity post
They will march at the standard cadence of 120 steps per minute, and have a fairly wide stride of one meter per step. This could be considered normal during a war -
At that pace, they do 7.2 kilometers an hour, and 5,000 soldiers will arrive at the new location in 2 hours and 46 minutes.
Now back up and do it a different way. Try loading all those soldiers onto trucks and buses and drive them there. First of all, you suddenly have an enormous logistical problem. Organizing all those trucks and buses is not easy to do, then staging them so people can get on them is not going to happen quickly, especially with back packs and rifles - you'll be well over 2 hours and 46 minutes just loading and unloading them, arranging transit, etc so it really is, when dealing with that many people and a resonably short distance, better just to march them. And that is why it is done.
Something I forgot to point out: Trump is concealing his moves
The media promptly ripped Trump for "golfing again" and had to eat... well, they did not eat anything because their lies and arrogance makes that optional now. When so much is lies anyway, why would an inaccuracy be a problem? Anyway, we can expect more of this from Trump now, he can't just go to Afghanistan without fronting a ruse because the leakers will give it away, and the media will optimize his chances of getting shot. So motorcade to the golf course it is...
Casualty role players Wanted in Texas
Evo Morales has stated Israel was behind the Bolivian coup
Actually, the story is a bit bigger than this but the fact Israel and the U.S. got the biggest fingering after all of this is a VERY positive thing and can only be good for the fabric of Mexican society though the economy will likely take a hit simply because Israel and the U.S. can make it happen.
Figured there would be plenty of economic revenge against Obrador because he was not the Soros pick (Anaya was). The Mexican economy is not exactly hot right now as a result of meddling but we doubt it will be possible to totally tank Mexico because the nation is simply too capable of too much to totally slam if the next big news (the way it is in the U.S.) is not about whatever disaster someone caused on Wall Street. In the end, Mexico will prevail simply because the economy is complex enough to totally handle the basics regardless of whatever financial games get played, and also because despite what you hear about the cartels, enough of the Mexican economy is outside of * hands to prevent someone who has a hand on a huge lever from causing the worst disasters. Mexicans will make sure Mexicans get fed.
Anyway, that was a bit of a ramble and nothing of substance is going on here right now, my comments with regard to this are specifically for a "what if" scenario, where Israel gets crude over Morales being able to fly here and find an ally. That was a major plus for Mexico as far as I see it, this country is no one's puppet and you can safely bet that neither the U.S. or Israel are happy about that. That alone could cause problems, everyone knows you can't finger Israel the way Morales did.
There is a major element to this story that is not getting talked about - and that is that Morales cut ties with Israel in 2009 after that enormous Gaza incursion, where Israel bulldozed an enormous section of Gaza and killed 1200 people. 1200 is again an understatement, Israel always under-reports their killings. Ever since, Israel has been trying to overthrow Morales and Morales stopped many attempts leading up to this successful ouster, it was not only about lithium.
Iran discovered that over 100 violent protesters were "pay for play"
Most likely, 8 CIA agents recruited 12 - 15 people each and had them stage this, all were foreigners.
There were natural protests by actual Iranians over the raising of gas prices from 20 cents a gallon to 60 cents a gallon, which was done to deter gas thieves who were taking the mega cheap gas and selling it with small oil tankers to other countries. That is what the final story ended up being, Iran discovered that 40 percent of total national gas "consumption" was leaving the country in small clandestine tankers and being sold abroad. By raising the price of gas from 20 cents a gallon to 60 cents, they took the profitability out of it because the small tankers are disproportionately expensive to operate, and the risk was no longer worth it (they'd still make money but not enough)
The CIA had about 100 paid instigators ready, (they probably always do, ) - they sit there as sleeper cells waiting for the right moment, and when that moment came they invaded the peaceful protests and started smashing, burning, and shooting. The Iranian police forces discovered the guns used came from outside the country.
Now a few are trying to front a sympathy scam for the "poor protesters" who were not Iranian citizens at all and might get executed for what they did. Considering they killed people, fair is fair as far as we see it.
Oh, and we'd also like to point out that these same paid riot groups are in Mexico, and also nailed DC a few years ago. It is our opinion that they should be detained for life, automatic life in prison due to the seriousness of the consequences of their fakery, no matter what country they are in and if we ever see them do this in public, a few are going to be very regretful. We are not stupid about this and don't accept it, if they are going to play for pay, we'll make damn good and sure a few of them PAY.
We live in a system where such types are protected. That means it is up to the public to make good and sure their "protection" does not matter.
Here's the story line with this hoax:
Here's the reality: This "new law" has been on the books since 1987 and is only a renewal of it. Here is the one from 1987:
"§ 18.2-433.2. Paramilitary activity prohibited.
A person shall be guilty of unlawful paramilitary activity, punishable as a Class 5 felony if he:
1. Teaches or demonstrates to any other person the use, application, or making of any firearm, explosive or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to persons, knowing or having reason to know or intending that such training will be employed for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder; or
2. Assembles with one or more persons for the purpose of training with, practicing with, or being instructed in the use of any firearm, explosive or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to persons, intending to employ such training for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder.
And here's the part that got conveniently left out:
Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to apply to:
1. Any act of a law-enforcement officer performed in the otherwise lawful performance of the officer's official duties;
2. Any activity, undertaken without knowledge of or intent to cause or further a civil disorder, which is intended to teach or practice self-defense or self-defense techniques such as karate clubs or self-defense clinics, and similar lawful activity;
3. Any facility, program or lawful activity related to firearms instruction and training intended to teach the safe handling and use of firearms; or
4. Any other lawful sports or activities related to the individual recreational use or possession of firearms, including but not limited to hunting activities, target shooting, self-defense and firearms collection.
Notwithstanding any language contained herein, no activity of any individual, group, organization or other entity engaged in the lawful display or use of firearms or other weapons or facsimiles thereof shall be deemed to be in violation of this statute.
1987, c. 720.
CONCLUSION: If you don't see this kind of crap parroted here, it is because we do the background work needed to see if it is actually as presented. That's why sometimes you don't see "huge stories" here, because we deemed them BULLSHIT. This one clearly was, it was not even a new law, it is just an extension of the old one and the new extension has the exact same exemption clause attached to it.
Don't go into debt for Christmas
Actually, we doubt Drudge got bought out, there was probably some coercion with this. Any way you cut it however, Drudge did not belong to Drudge three months ago, and at that time even the ad server changed. Someone switched the site entirely over and is now using it as a leftist persuasion tool, DRUDGE IS DEAD AND SO IS FOX.
If we have no more chemical plant explosions we'll settle for this was revenge on Trump, and not the precursor to a war. If there are more explosions elswhere in the near future, they will be obvious acts of war. How did this only "injure three people" who have already been released? It is called forewarning.
Update to below: Rumor has it that this chemical factory was destroyed by NWO / Israel in preparation for a war with China. some people are also claiming the second explosion happened simply because the place was already burning. I'd say that's plausible but not likely, due to the fact that everything in these facilities is well sealed in metal piping that is not just going to blow up even if it gets hot and these types of flames won't melt piping. If it really is Israel and the NWO doing this, they want America to lose to the Communists, so they are unleashing Stuxnet now. This particular factory would be absolutely VITAL to winning a war.
We do not for a minute believe the initial explosion was an accident, and am doubtful the second one was also. The second one, shown in the link below happened to a distillation tower that was all sealed off, not a tank. I call B.S. on that, we believe someone caused it.