Heavily trolled: Burger King's "impossible" burger has 45 mg of estrogen
Remember a report a while back where Newspunch did a hit piece on Buzzfeed reporters saying they all had very low testosterone levels? As it turns out, they are all soy boys who eat a leftist diet with an abundance of soy, and it definitely has an impact.
Seriously doubt the legitimacy of the trolls saying phytoestrogen has no impact on people, especially 44 whole milligrams of it in the freak burger. I don't think they have a leg to stand on, we are all getting the results proven to us in abundance. I doubt BPA is responsible for all of it and would place a safe bet that too much soy is playing a major role also. 44 MG of phytoestrogen? Birth control pills usually have half that in human estrogen. What about cows that get pumped up with bovine estrogen to produce better? Despite it being bovine estrogen it does get into people and has an impact, all those "moobs" have got to be coming from somewhere.
I'd never try an impossible burger so I am not concerned for my health with this. Other people probably ought to take notice however and the trolls can stuff it.
Tucker Carson claims CNN pays airports to air their crap
And doctors often travel, which would mean they get bathed in that crap and think it's normal enough to run in their offices also. So now we have an explanation for why despite being hated, CNN is everywhere. Just pay the guy with the remote a six figure salary for making sure it lands on CNN.
Subway is going after journalists who claimed it's chicken was only 53% real meat
Alex claims Epstein's network is still up and running
Trump tweet (dated Dec 22).
It is actually quite good, - all the ranting by Dems about Trump being some sort of criminal that is bad for America is just to cover up their own crimes and to boost their efforts to destroy the republic. Anyway, this one from Trump has been said other ways before, but today's was the best."The Democrats and Crooked Hillary paid for & provided a Fake Dossier, with phony information gotten from foreign sources, pushed it to the corrupt media & Dirty Cops, & have now been caught. They spied on my campaign, then tried to cover it up - Just Like Watergate, but bigger!"
A comment: It does not matter how true that statement is until something actually gets done about it.
A couple good ones.
The first one here is more or less a meme that got passed around. Though this was not handed to Pelosi directly (as far as I know) I would not put it past Trump to put this out there and let it make the rounds. This was never traced back to a source which is very odd, usually it is easy to come up with whoever did something like this. That makes it even better because it could have been done by Trump. Maybe we'll know who did this (eventually) maybe not.
This next item is legitimate and came off the chans. I don't usually pay attention to the chans because they move too slow. But they occasionally come up with good stuff, and here is an example.

Aware of "how great things are looking" for Trump right now, and will repeat my word of caution about him getting ousted over Christmas.
Here is what is looking good. I did not miss any of these things.
Three House Democrats are "defecting" from their party because of the sham. They know the impeachment is totally unfounded and don't want to be associated with the Dems who are pushing it. Why this does not matter: Because there are enough traitors on both sides of the fence to push it through anyway, and you can't just get "hit by lightning" and change your political convictions - all they are doing is poisoning a different group later, even if impeachment for them is a no. But I have to admit, it is better than nothing.Comey is apologizing, saying OOPS, and Trump responded with a reference to jail Yes, the Fisa release was a surface white wash, but it did at least still document an abuse of power though it brushed it off far too nicely. And I was very upset about that. Because every time in the past it has been brushed off saying it was "all mistakes" or whatever, it then went under the rug. This time however it did not. It got analyzed and the response was "What do you mean no one intentionally broke the law? There's so much here it cannot possibly be error," and even people who have not spoken nicely about Trump admitted it. So it did not just dry up and blow away the way I thought it would. That's quite a positive, and a paradigm shift.
Burisma is blowing up, and Biden is promising severe retribution for anyone who investigates his kid. Interesting it is that when all this Ukraine stuff was actually happening, Soros was trying to pull a color movement off. But whatever - Biden is threatening doom when only 83 people showed up for his latest rally, and that's a beautiful thing. The problem is, there's no doubt he's tied to Soros even if the ties are not fully showing yet, which means he probably can deliver "retribution". The two gunshots thing. But it is nice to see him squirm.
The top Republicans are promising to throw the impeachment out the moment it hits the senate and the leftists are screaming "obstruction" and "unfair" and whatever else they can scream over it, which is a classic leftist tactic of "displacement". Any time that happens, they are obviously scared. My worry is that it is all a stage show, and I do not trust even the Republicans who will also fry if Trump is not ousted, and will not bet at all that a surprise session will not be held over Christmas to oust him. On the surface it all looks good but an ocean of snakes would look like a sea of glass from 500 feet up, and I would not doubt at all that this is not what we are actually dealing with.
Giuliani has stated the impeachment is only to cover up Obama era corruption That's obviously true, and spewing it is only going to make the deep state squirm and push that much harder for Trump's removal before the ax falls. Everyone, including Lindsey is likely caught up in this and having a senate trial as Trump has stated he wants get blocked cannot be good AT ALL for Trump, they have something planned and want him gone, BANK ON IT.
Trump tweeted: "As bad as the I.G. Report is for the FBI and others, and it is really bad, remember that I.G. Horowitz was appointed by Obama. There was tremendous bias and guilt exposed, so obvious, but Horowitz couldn’t get himself to say it. Big credibility loss. Obama knew everything!" Ok, so it proves Trump knows everything (he can't wake up that much overnight, he probably knew this back in 2016 but we are looking at a beyond 3d chess player with Trump, who will hold off to the last minute with everything. So that's a great tweet and a good thing, however, now that he has fingered a former president the deep state knows full well how bad a situation it faces and that EVERYONE is going to fry, right down to a former president, and that makes them MORE dangerous and MORE likely to pull an out of schedule session during the Christmas break to oust Trump.
The bottom line with all of this is that we are seeing unprecedented action happening right at a time when a very dirty trick can solve the problem. Rather than jump up and down celebrating all the fireworks going off now, I'd advise people to keep their eye on the ball, and don't let their guard down.
The Republicans want Trump gone as much as the Dems, both sides are crooked and afraid of being drained. If they can excuse off his ouster as an "oops" so they don't suffer consequences at the polls, they absolutely will. Probably on January 3 or January 1 at 10 AM. If anyone thinks someone going to prison won't show up on New Years to stop it, when all Trump's real support is hopelessly far away on vacation to prevent it, well, continue napping and watch it happen.One would be a fool to not consider that a possibility considering how the Federal Reserve got scammed in.
Purging voter rolls of dead people is "racist"??!!??
A lawsuit was launched against Detroit for not purging the dead from it's voter rolls and the response was that the lawsuit was racist, and intended to prevent "people of color" from voting.A COMMENT: What color? GREEN?
Leftists fell back on the old "racism" ruse to protect their sham elections AGAIN, even when the request was merely to get the dead people removed and therefore make it impossible to send people who "vote early and vote often" through the polls on "their behalf".
Yes. That's racist.
Worse than the banana:
Norway gave a guy who paints with his rectum after farting the paint onto the canvass A HUGE grantHe actually does poop the paint out, shoves a brush up his butt and paints with it. The result is obviously garbage.
Donald Trump Junior Tweet: This should scare the shit out of everyone not in the deep state
Yes, he did use the word shit. It is that serious folks.The tweet is in reference to the FBI fabricating evidence, which proves the agency cannot be trusted. And when an agency is that powerful and not honest, it is indeed scary.
What is even worse? The media never gave this the spotlight when it is earth shattering, which proves they are part of all this. Not that we did not know already . . . . .
How to handle Amazon porch pirates
EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE who lives in a zone where packages get stolen should do this by default:Take all your dog crap, plus YOUR crap, plus any diapers or rotten food or anything else that is absolutely awful you might have that you can put in a used Amazon box, fill it up with the nastiest naughtiest stuff you have and put it out on your front porch. If possible, find a way to make it fling out of the box when opened.
If 70+ percent of stuff they steal ends up being that, it will at least put a dent in their pirate pride.
Got a pocket mattress you've thought about ditching but still have? Take a few of the springs and make them a nice jack-in-the-box.
Taylor Swift is mad George Soros bought the rights for her music??!!??
Yes, it did happen, and after her high profile announcement the guy who arranged the deal is receiving death threats . . . . . poor guy. Really. And as for Taylor, how can she complain about satan owning her music after she sold her soul for the opportunity to do it all to begin with?Tsk Tsk.
The only news here is that Soros operates at that level, and can shut down musicians on a whim. Let's see where Taylor goes after her first six albums landed in the Soros pocket.
Take a look at all the plastic trash in Greta Thunbergs $60, 000 Tesla
You know, that $60, 000 Tesla she has been driving, to prove she's green as she goes around town in a car I'll never afford, at 16 years old.Actually, the mess is no big deal, lots of fine people have messy cars but in her case, WHY IS THERE SO MUCH PLASTIC WASTE? Oh, I get it, she's above scrutiny for that while she bashes the rest of us.
I can't make the passenger side messy because Claudia sits there but just look behind the drivers seat . . . . anyway, no big deal if I'm not cruising the Atlantic in yachts and then bitching about how others are destroying the planet. Just imagine what will happen when Greta is given the power of destruction. It is a very safe bet she's going to use it and then live the high life above the peons, Have zero doubt she's being groomed for exactly that.
WELL, USA Today says that YEP, she did drive that Tesla to a climate conference and arrived with it looking like that.
ANOTHER POINT: To defend Greta, leftists are now using the ruse: "Why are you obsessed with a 16 year old" or "why are you picking on a 16 year old, she's only 16, SHUT UP." So the left is exploiting a 16 year old, and when people point it out, they are attacking a 16 year old. GOT IT. Back in the old school, (and I mean primary school, this was part of a very early American education before the country got subverted) my generation was taught that communists used children to accomplish agendas. That's precisely what they are doing with Greta and pointing that out is not attacking a 16 year old, it is calling the communists out for the scam they are.Here we have this kid living an elite life none of us could ever dream of, burning more resources and fuel than any of us could ever dream of affording, and we are the bad guys? YEP. Especially if you point out any flaws in a "16 year old". The good ol' victim defense - DO NOT MAKE A VICTIM OUT OF A 16 YEAR OLD KID BY RIDICULING HOW SHE IS BEING USED, JUST EAT THE MESSAGE, CONSUMER.