Bird Cage movie, whitehats secret message from insiders: It's about the danger with 5G This gonna stay Top Posted forever on this blog every month.


5G satellite launch

20, 000 satellites are soon to be launched for 5g. The tech being used defies common sense. I did not realize up to this point that the antennas, even in the 5G devices, are going to be able to focus their beams the same way Haarp does. Let me explain how a radio beam is focused, using AM radio as an example. 

Let's say your broadcast audience is in a narrow corridor (such as a valley in a mountain range). It will make no sense to send your radio signal where it won't be heard (back in the mountains, where only a few hikers are) so in such situations, multiple antennas are used. The tallest antenna will transmit the signal. Then passive antennas, spaced at precise intervals away from the active antenna, will cause the signal to be diverted in their direction. The more antennas in a row there are, the more focused the radio beam will be. The picture below shows an antenna array that will make an AM broadcast directional by 6DB (which will quadruple the effective broadcast power to a preferred zone) these antennas are for 1.52 MHZ so they are shorter than most AM radio antennas. 

AM frequencies are very low compared to 5G, and antenna size is a function of the speed of light vs the frequency that will be transmitted at. To do a full wave antenna for an AM signal at 1 MHZ would therefore require an antenna that is 5, 280 x 186, 000 / 1, 000, 000 feet long. That equals 982 feet tall. There is an effect that allows AM antennas to work efficiently at around 62.5 percent of full wave length, so for 1 MHZ the antenna actually only needs to be a little over 600 feet tall. We have all seen such antennas, they are common. That was a very short explanation, there is more to this than that, but it will suffice to explain how the illustration above can be implemented in a much smaller space, only the size of a cell phone.

AM radio, which ends at 1.7 mhz, requires very large antennas because the frequencies are so low. And low frequencies of the type AM used were not dangerous to people. But let's say your transmitted frequency is 1 GHZ. That would require an antenna only about 8 inches long. 5G, which operates at frequencies up to 80 times as high as that, requires antennas that are only about 1./10th of an inch long and the entire frequency range is potentially dangerous. You can put lots of those little antennas in a cell phone, arranged like the AM radio illustration above, and therefore cause the 5G beam to become very focused, giving it the power it needs to punch through solid objects (which high frequencies absolutely hate to go through). 

PROBLEM: What if the satellite or tower is on the opposite side of your brain, and your cell phone decides to shoot a super focused beam through your brain to reach the tower? It cannot know where your brain is, or someone else's brain next to you. THIS IS A ROCK STUPID TOTALLY NEGLIGENT SYSTEM. I WILL NOT USE IT, THIS IS RETARDED BRAIN DAMAGE TYPE TERRITORY, IT CANNOT EVER BE DONE EVEN AT FRACTIONAL WATTAGE.

AS IF I want a phase array antenna pushed up to my head, shooting out a high intensity pencil beam! Oh, you won't notice the slowly creeping damage as your brain constantly re-assigns new neurons to complete the tasks that were done by the million or so that got wrecked from an hour long phone call. Those calls will only be sent directly through your brain for 50 percent of all calls anyway because sometimes the tower or satellite is favorably placed so don't sweat it. You've got trillions of neurons to waste, your brain "only uses 10 percent of them anyway" RIGHT? 

If the current batch of cell phones (which won't kill neurons outright because they don't shoot a pencil beam) were a problem because they caused cancer, JUST WAIT until 5G takes off. That tech is NOT FOR ME, 3g is working JUST FINE and I worry about even that!.

5g is the type of system that goes in when the people making the decisions don't give a damn about you. They'd rather have their back scatter radiation scanners sending back high res images of the inside of your home so they can big brother you real good. That's the real reason why 5g is being implemented, BET ON IT and if you don't think they want you brain damaged, VACCINATE YOUR KIDS, AND GET YOUR DAMN FLU SHOT. By the way, NO ONE at the golden globes actually accepted the flu shot, it was all a ruse. They know what the hell is going on. If you think the people pushing 5g want to improve your life, think again, they are the EXACT same people pushing the tainted vaccines. Brain damage may well be one of the "positive outcomes" of 5g that they are seeking, especially with them having the audacity to use pencil beams for it to work. Pencil beams are considered potentially dangerous, they are the radio form of a laser. You don't have that in a device ANYONE would use if you care about whoever is using it.

Let's get the details of 5G clear

5G is the LEAST penetrating of all wireless technologies by a factor of an average of 20 cubed. This means it has a hard time penetrating anything, including your skin. If anyone posts "it penetrates better than anything" they are wrong, and don't understand how frequencies behave. The fact that 5G has such a difficult time penetrating anything at all is what makes it dangerous. 

Why would a lack of an ability to penetrate make it dangerous? Answer: Because of the type of phase array antenna all 5g devices need to function. The device can easily triangulate where the tower is because the frequencies are high enough to allow triangulation from only the antennas in a small device. The device, knowing exactly where the tower is, then uses a phase array antenna to blast a signal back to the tower. This would not be a problem if the device never tried to reach the tower through your brain, but if your brain is between it and the tower, you're going to have massively focused energy cutting a thin line through your brain, and it will definitely cause damage.

And even if they figure out how to cause the device to normally point that beam away from you, what about other people nearby? They cannot be factored in. 5G is going to be a haphazard wave throw. Interestingly, because of the nature of how such devices work, mark my word: People will notice the device giving off "heat". It will definitely happen. it will "give off heat" but won't be hot itself. That's because the "heat" will be the radio waves getting absorbed by your body, with as much gain as they are using people are without question going to notice.

What's going to happen when your brain gets that heat, and you can't feel it? The brain itself can't feel injury, headaches are felt from the inside linings of blood vessels in the brain and not the actual neurons. You could fry lots of them and never feel a thing.

And the elite don't care, they are doing all they can to destroy our intelligence with shots they claim are vaccines and are clearly not. 5G brain damage would probably be an asset to them as far as they see it. Cannot believe they are legalizing it at all.

Will NEVER use 5g, EVER. Don't need a daily dose of brain damage!

5G is in the alt media wires a lot nowdays, should we repeat?

Keep it brief. 

Trump's support for 5G is based on bad advice from bad advisors. To sum it up, 5G will:

1. Make it possible for the police state to drive by with a passive scanner that emits nothing at all, and read the 5G backscatter to map everything inside a home to minute detail. The resolution will be good enough to read the time on a watch, from the street, through the walls. Sounds great.

2. Cause tons of mysterious injuries from cataracts to cancer to brain damage, and no one will report it because the back scatter scanning tech is something they won't let go of easily and the entire MSM is a false fronting hoax.

3. Facilitate a gun grab, because no one, and I mean NO ONE will be able to hide their guns. From the curb they are going to know every gun you have, every bullet you have and possibly even if the guns are clean and what position the firing pin is in. It is THAT BAD.

The technology is too dangerous to use. Due to the high frequencies, it has to use a phase array antenna to reach a tower, that will focus too much energy in too small an amount of tissue. Slow, creeping diffuse brain injuries are going to be happening. And "they" will know the cause, but will bury it the same way they bury the vaccine/autism link. They don't care about (your) brain damage anyway, as proven by the fact that they will knowingly wreck kids and force all to get the shots that do it and then they lie about it all, including what the motives are.

That's a basic summary, Trump is not stupid and not evil but bad advisors have been eating him for lunch. My verdict: We are probably screwed.  


Too many other credible sources confirmed what I thought. You can see the shell casings flying out of the gun and hit a wall, but it is as if they vanish into the wall, they never hit the ground afterward. There are clear details on the ground that are much larger than a shell casing, and it cannot be explained how the shell casings simply disappeared other than that the entire video was hoaxed with an AI, that was not programmed to realize it had to generate the casings on the ground laying still after they fell. It only calculated the frames where the casings were still moving away from the gun. 

Remember, all along I have stated they have something to hide in that shooting video because if they did not, it would not be banned everywhere or a crime to have it. The vanishing brass is obviously it, it proves Christchurch was BULLSHIT.

I was extremely careful before posting this, as you can see by reading down the page. I suspected a hoax but it was such a sensitive issue I did not want to go there. However, now it is clear it was a hoax and if the video re-surfaces where you can see the casings on the sidewalk, THAT will be a hoax, because in the original videos they missed that! 

Ok, so now with Christchurch we have: A hoax video set up by intelligence agencies (predominantly Britain) with a Jewish actor who's mug is everywhere but has his face blanked out in court (GEE, WHY?) because he's in Israel now as some have speculated and they don't want people to realize the court case is a sham where the guy who "did it" is not even there.

Add to this that they are banning the video everywhere because there is not enough (if any) blood, plus there is a pre-scene crisis act video where someone who is "shot" is texting while looking comfortable and another guy is eating a snicker bar (as if THAT would happen right after a shooting) and then vanishing brass? Stupid. They F***ED this up but want all the gun ban and hatred towards whites mileage they can possibly get out of it so BAN THE VIDEO.

OK, there. I said it. And this time around I was so shocked by it all that I kept my mouth shut early on, rather than dig this and say it like it is. I also had major doubts about one of the web sites that was a source of some of the info, but so much came in from elsewhere on other topics that I am going to have to go along with "A Jewish actor was the main shooter" because when the shooter's face is blanked out in court there HAS TO be a reason - he's not there at all and only Israel would cover it all up for him and have a place waiting. He'll lay low with "five swimming pools and a lake" for a few months, and then vanish into Argentina with a totally new identity. 

So there. I said it.

New Zealand is pissed at Erdogan

Erdogan keeps sharing and airing the Christchurch shooting, and doing so can land you in jail in New Zealand, and will put you on an FBI watch list anywhere. But Erdogan is calling B.S. to the censorship and keeps reposting it, with the following comment: 

"If you come in peace, fine, if not, you will be sent back in COFFINS the way your forefathers were dispatched after the Gallipoli Battle of WW1."

People are forgetting a key issue here: The video should not be banned anywhere, and ridiculing people who re-post it and jailing them on top of it pretty much proves that whoever is banning it has something to hide, something BIG to hide and you can't expect Erdogan, who may well be illiterate about conspiracies, to figure that out. He's just continuously posting it because he thinks Muslims got attacked. True or not, this is a fact that can't be denied: IF ANYONE WANTS TO ANALYZE THAT VIDEO, THERE IS A NATIONAL PRESIDENT WHO WON'T LET IT DIE, NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOUTRIBE, JOOGLE AND THE SCAMMING MSM WANTS IT BANNED. IF THEY ARE BANNING THIS VIDEO, THERE'S SOMETHING IN IT THAT HURTS THEM, MOST LIKELY A SECRET OR ERROR THEY DON'T WANT DISCOVERED.

I already know what is wrong with that video but in this case am taking a back seat because I can't find the final back truth about a Jew being the shooter, about crisis actors being set up, and about it having widespread intelligence agency support. I sure think it does, but I can't prove it so I am going to sit this one out. BIG NEWS: Erdogan won't let it die. Even if he is wrong about the reasons, that SCREWS the Jewish censors, and my big question is WHY ARE THE JEWS CENSORING THIS? Call me an anti semite all you want, but the proof is on the table, THEY ARE. WHY? 


RUSSIA - I told you so!

Like I said, the old Russia is not dead and is alive in former KGB Putin. It benefits Russia to tell the truth about American politics when the entire American system is corrupt, because it weakens that corrupt system. However, what is good for the goose in this case is NOT for the gander, if while in Russia you speak up about something wrong in Russia, you are now TOAST. 

I said all along that the old Russia is not dead, it is dormant for political purposes. Once those purposes have been met, cold war Russia is going to take the mask off and scream SURPRISE!!! If they want to accomplish that, "fake news" has to go. RT will be the new front runner, ahead of Pravda and Tass.

Israel still owns Russia. The Syrian conflict proved it, as do other conflicts, where Russia "makes things better" without ever doing the right thing. That level of Israeli control may work with Russia, but China is going to be unpredictable.

For now, obviously RT is going to be a better source than CNN because by publishing lies that are so obvious CNN is damaging itself, while RT plays the good guy and makes Russia look great. But will RT tell the truth about 911 or any of these false flags? NO, they won't because those events are too politically useful to blow the lid off of, Russia also wants the police state and 911 justifies it. Find where RT has specifically stated the truth about 911 without presenting it as some group or individual's opinion. It is not there. Serious red flag.

FACT: You cannot be healthy and Vegan, for more than 3 months or so.

Some people have really good bodies that take longer than that to wreck, but they all eventually go down. 

BUSTED: "Vegan" Youtuber with over 3 million followers was busted eating meat.

FACT: I can't remember off hand what the two amino acids that never occur in plants but are needed in your diet are, but the studies have been done and there's no way anyone can be healthy and vegan for long because plants simply do not have all it takes.Fact: ALL herbivores have multi chambered stomachs to break plants down. Meat is FAR easier to digest than plants, and most plants are so hard for people to digest that they need extensive processing to be beneficial at all. This includes ALL grains which are totally useless without processing or cooking, and practically ALL greens which can't provide anything at all other than a few minerals unless they are cooked to break them down before being eaten.

If people were made to eat plants, we would not have to grind wheat into flour or do any other preparation to make it possible to eat it, and FACT: Even after extensive processing, if you don't cook grains by baking them into bread or getting them above 180 Fahrenheit for an extended time period, they won't digest properly even after processing. You can't get away with eating substantial amounts of raw flour. FACT.

Here is the real measure for whether or not something can be truly vegan: Does it have a stomach with more than one chamber or digestive area? As small as a horse's stomach is, even horses stomachs have two zones. If the answer is no, it needs meat, PERIOD.

People can digest fruits, nuts, tubers, beans, and most gourds fine, (provided they are cooked first) but you can forget the greens, they are COW FOOD and we need to eat the cow to get nutrients not found in plants. Anyone pushing veganism from a high political level is most likely attempting to create a situation where it will eventually be illegal to eat meat, and the necessary ingredients that can only come from animals will be PROVIDED BY THE MEDICAL SYSTEM. Just watch - no one could believe how horrible and depraved the left became over the last couple years, they take EVERYTHING to the last possible iteration of control and depravity, and if they could get away with it, they actually would call everyone "in need of medication" and then provide the exact missing animal proteins in pills while "banning" animal based foods. 

Vegan girl helped prove it is not possible to be healthy and totally vegan, and that at least some "vegans" are actors pushing a mantra. She's obviously healthy because she's NOT VEGAN AT ALL.

Revelation: Here is the pot legalization forecast:

Year 1. Many rejoice because it is no longer illegal and the price dropped.
Year 2. Taxes go on it but it is still cheaper than before.
Year 3. Taxes increase, but it is still cheaper, and legal.
Year 4. Taxes increase again and a few people notice, but it is "still legal", so OK.
Year 6. Taxes have become so much that the government is the new "drug pusher", but at least it is legal.
Year 9. Taxes are now so high that the original dealers are back in business to circumvent the pot tax, and people start going to jail all over again not for drug possession, but for tax evasion!


Oracle has obviously quit providing data on Venezuela

Venezuela had another major attack on the electrical infrastructure that permanently knocked out power to 10 percent of the country. Initially they managed to re-route power after an attack knocked out 18 percent, and they managed to re-route it to get it back to a 5 percent power loss. Obviously things over heated due to re-routing too much power and they had to cut it back to having 10 percent of the country out of power. 

This should have clearly shown up on Oracle's incident map, but they have instead opted to lie about it on behalf of the deep state. They started lying a few days ago. I can't be fooled by that.

Obviously there's clandestine action going on there right now. Most likely the U.S. got traitors planted (infiltration is everything) and they found, over the thousands of kilometers of power lines, a weak point in security. 

HUMOR: Faceplant says they censored Trump's media director because they thought he was a bot.

BURN IT TO THE GROUND. You can't fix a company that corrupt. 

Another probable drone strike gas explosion

Major explosion felt across almost all of New Jersey and into Pennsylvania, blamed on two 100 pound propane tanks. Home vanished. EXPUNGED FROM ALL MEDIA POST HASTE. There's only so much 100 pounds of propane can do, I doubt any blast from that would be heard for much over a mile. 

Supposedly it happened in an "abandoned home". So now we know it was B.S. because how would anyone know two totally full 100 pound propane tanks were in an abandoned home, and how would they then know those tanks exploded? I'll give an explanation of this that is far more plausible, especially since the story is gone from everywhere now, including expunged from social media that talked about it:

A major blast happened in New Jersey that was felt across most of the state and well into Pennsylvania. It was so bad in Pennsylvania people in several towns assumed it happened in Pennsylvania. A country house in New Jersey vanished. A story was hatched that could only have been a cover story. And then the whole thing got buried, there's no references to it anywhere. That leaves as #1 option:

DRONE STRIKE. Someone inconvenient just got vanished. If it was not government action, they'd have played that story to the horizon and beyond and not bothered with wiping out social media. 

Google fined $1.7 billion again

The EU fined Google 1.7 billion (again) for illegal advertising practices and blocking competitors. Additionally, I have observed Google is configuring it's browser to automatically wipe out all ads from all other providers whether or not they were malicious. I have stated they were doing this several times and did not realize they were being nailed for it in Europe. The total fines for multiple violations now exceeds $9 billion. It won't matter, Google's goal is that of destroying alt media by blocking all forms of revenue generation, and if they have to pay another 1.7 billion fine in Europe for that, it's chump change to pay for a war effort. Nothing at all will happen. 


The U.S. wants to ban Huawei products because Huawei does not cooperate with the NSA, and does not install back doors in their products. Here it is, JUST LIKE I SAID. BINGO 

Remember: When I post something that is in doubt, I label it rumor. However, there was no doubt the NSA wants Huawei banned because Huawei in many cases is not hackable, and tries to not be hackable. I have said this MANY TIMES, and HERE IT IS STRAIGHT FROM HUWEI: 

Huawei's Rotating Chairman Guo Ping: The US attacks on Huawei betray its fear of being left behind Proliferation of our technology hampers American efforts to spy on whomever it wants

As a top Huawei executive, I'm often asked why the US has launched a full-scale assault on us. The Americans have charged us with stealing technology and violating trade sanctions and largely blocked us from doing business there. Mike Pence, US vice-president, recently told Nato of "the threat posed by Huawei, " and Mike Pompeo, secretary of state, warned allies that using our telecommunications equipment would make it harder for the US to "partner alongside them." 

On Tuesday at the Mobile World Congress, the industry's largest trade show, a US delegation including Ajit Pai, Federal Communications Commission chair, repeated the call to keep Huawei out of global 5G networks.

Washington has cast aspersions on Huawei for years. A 2012 report by the House Intelligence Committee labelled us a threat. But, until recently, these attacks were relatively muted. Now that the US has brought out the heavy artillery and portrayed Huawei as a threat to Western civilization, we must ask why.

I believe the answer is in the top secret US National Security Agency documents leaked by Edward Snowden in 2013. Formed in 1952, the NSA monitors electronic communications, such as email and phone calls, for intelligence and counter-intelligence purposes.

The Snowden leaks shone a light on how the NSA's leaders were seeking to "collect it all" - every electronic communication sent, or phone call made, by everyone in the world, every day. Those documents also showed that the NSA maintains "corporate partnerships" with particular US technology and telecom companies that allow the agency to "gain access to high-capacity international fibre-optic cables, switches, and/or routers throughout the world".

Huawei operates in more than 170 countries and earns half of its revenue abroad, but its headquarters are in China. This significantly reduces the odds of a "corporate partnership". If the NSA wants to modify routers or switches in order to eavesdrop, a Chinese company will be unlikely to co-operate. This is one reason why the NSA hacked into Huawei's servers. "Many of our targets communicate over Huawei-produced products, " a 2010 NSA document states. "We want to make sure that we know how to exploit these products." 

Clearly, the more Huawei gear is installed in the world's telecommunications networks, the harder it becomes for the NSA to "collect it all". Huawei, in other words, hampers US efforts to spy on whomever it wants. This is the first reason for the campaign against us. 


Now read it straight off of Huawei's web site. Time to ditch the Goophone, I AM IN.


A thief somehow ripped out a small ATM (still weighed at least 300 pounds) and tried to get it on a city bus. He got it to the door but could not pick it up and when the bus driver realized what it was, he closed the door and drove off. 


2019, 5G, America, Health, News, Radiation, Setup, Web, falseflag, internet, wifi,

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