Record shattering lows -
"Climate change" sinks Venice? Here's the truth.
"VENICE, Italy (AP) - The worst flooding in Venice in more than 50 years prompted calls Wednesday to better protect the historic city from rising sea levels as officials calculated hundreds of millions of euros in damage.
Rising sea levels because of climate change coupled with Venice's well-documented sinking make the city built amid a system of canals particularly vulnerable. The sea level in Venice is 10 centimeters (4 inches) higher than it was 50 years ago, according to the city’s tide office."
But climate change and "rising sea levels" caused this, YEP, despite it happening worse 50 years ago. YEP
What really caused Venice to flood? A strong wind blew inland during a high tide, and gave them storm surge. And it happened a LOT worse 50 years ago. But whitie is at fault for it all, because of all those evil carbon emissions when it can be documented "climate change" could not possibly have caused it because the actual ocean levels have remained constant elsewhere. The ocean is not going to choose to rise ONLY in Venice, claiming it has is like claiming a sunset proves the sun fell!
Additionally - Don't be fooled by those who claim Venice is the victim of "sea level rise" combined with subsidence, in reality, sea levels have remained constant within the limits of what can be measured and they are tacking "sea level rise" onto Venice documented to be sinking within whatever the margin of error for actual sea level rise measurements are, in the hopes people will mistakenly give a credibility boost to their hoakey and discredited climate religion.
Russia Insider: "9 out of 10 American Jews fear antisemitism
"To point out all the crimes and the treachery the Jews have put upon their host nations is considered anti semitism by them. When you search a topic on Google and don't find what you are looking for it is due to these back stabbing control freaks. They want to continue murdering and destroying you without you able to discuss it."
Everything from 911 to the autism scam to having over 500 fully sequenced cancer genes in the MMR shot along with the complete human genome of an autistic boy, squalene to up the brain damage, and a whole lot more it's no wonder why they are hated while they spew about all of us being nuts when we call them out for destroying our children on purpose.
Question: WHY THE HELL ARE THEY DOING THIS TO US? Would it not be a better plan for their future to make our families and intellects as great as possible, while they leech us through taxes to live their dreams from? Why are they only seeking to destroy us with everything from imported criminals to imported labor, to wrecking the boys to queering us out, and destroying our families with highly motivating divorce courts that make it an extreme incentive for half the population to destroy it all? Is that a profitable method? Why are they smashing us like this? Why did they destroy our education and disable a vast majority of the white boys who have historically created everything worth having? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THEM?
NOT DEAR AND VERY MUCH HATED JEWISH COMMUNITY: YOU ARE NOT AN EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW. "Feeling guilty" about that WON'T CUT IT. Change what you are knowingly doing to destroy everything that has lifted you out of the gutter or you'll once again be walking the desert staring at a snake on a stick!
NEW INFO: Morales ousted 1 week after he said NO to foreign corporations and Bolivian lithium
Did you hear any news of protests against the Bolivian president running up to his ouster, or was it, for you, just news of POOF, HE'S GONE?
Even in Mexico I never heard of it. As far as I knew, Bolivia was cruising along happy, and then suddenly there were rebels who ousted Morales. "Rebels" wearing the same getup as the blackwater goons who actually did the Boston bombing, skull and all. ONE WEEK after Morales said "no" to the lithium, we'll mine it ourselves and sell it to you. How about that!
"Coincidence" can really be revealing, can't it?
That said, most likely the NSA had intelligence on Morales discussing the move ahead of time, gave out the proper notifications, and then, on cue, already staged, Blackwater pounced. A good theory that probably has no "conspiracy" in it at all.
Question posted to social media, and my answer
"If the left controls social media then why is it so hard for the right to create an alternate?"
Then, Google, which is totally lawless, can use their supercomputer to DDOS and fake traffic the competition into oblivion. Even if caught, they'll not be punished because the entire prosecution chain is subverted. I have long believed a majority of the malware that affects competing products was written by Google, for the sole purpose of making the competition look incompetent, and open the way for Google to stay on top. I have little doubt Google has over a thousand programmers dedicated to doing only that.
It's not only Google doing this crap, but they are a major player in it. Even I can code a video site like Youtube and have it run smoothly (the combat mode software I both wrote and took from the public domain and modified for my purposes can do that if you add enough extensions, ) The basic core that would make it all go is already done, and I did it in a few days - this crap is not hard to do and others are not too stupid to come up with a legit competitor to Youtube but they face the problem of sabotage by a 900 pound gorilla. Everything needed to support it easily is already part of Firefox and Chrome but just try it - you'll have your creation FRIED with the next "update".
Add to that any legit competition will be instantly de-monetized by the same people who own Google, (via the banks even if they get advertisers) while they get sued in and endless string of lawsuits that were justified by planted materials the same general group that owns Google put there, so they could then "prosecute" and you have a situation where the right really can't create an alternate, despite the fact that the right created the internet to begin with.
The right is not incompetent. The problem is that they are in the hostel loaded with ax wielding psychopaths who will de-fund them, sabotage them, and if somehow they get around it all, SUE THEM INTO OBLIVION.
This is what subversion looks like, and is something only a civil war will fix.
There will not be another legit election in this country, I doubt guilt tripped whitie will do anything other than bawl as his friends and family are wiped out around him, and when it comes his turn he'll accept it and not fight while they chop him to pieces because "Violence is wrong" and you have to "turn the other cheek" and he's only getting what he deserves because after all, he's a POS for being white.
The psychopaths will then use the technology Western Civilization created to rule as gods for a few centuries, and when all the parts are used up until the last of their "magic items" fail they too will fade into obscurity and be remembered as Apollo, Zeus, and Thor..
The Supreme Court has ruled that Sandy Hook parents can sue Remington for Sandy Hook.
Sandy Hook was staged in a school that had been abandoned, had no students, and was scheduled for demolition due to asbestos concerns. Nothing can change that, so TO HELL WITH THE REST OF THE STORY LINE. The clincher: They demolished it IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE SHOOTING so no one could go back and look for evidence of the hoax. Gee. How did THAT get scheduled so quick? Answer: Because it was already scheduled before they used it for one last job.
Get the guns one way or another I guess. See This:

FACT: If the shooting had been real, it may have been abandoned for a while, but it would not have been torn down so quick. Such things take forever for a city to approve and then actually do when there are no plans for it to begin with. Figure about five years. Something that would take place on a several year long timetable got "voted on" and subsequently done in months. FIGURE THAT.
The four countries that refused to allow Morales to use their airspace are also owned by troll governments. Morales got asylum in Mexico

Remember the Boston Marathon gang? Here is the OTHER half of this report!

Gee, the "rebels" in Bolivia are dressed an awful lot like the guys who did the Boston Marathon bombing! CAN YOU SAY BLACKWATER???