4Chan posters prove there is no election integrity AT ALL
(Up until last night,) anyone in the world could flip votes in Oregon, Washington, and probaby more states with only the voter's first, last and birth date and an iternet connection to do it with. The Queen could steal a U.S. election from her bedroom and so could XI. Seriously, it was that bad, America had no election this year.
Let me say it clearly, in a few lines. As it turns out, in an unknown number of states that is at least a number higher than two (Oregon and Washington) flipping votes and deleting votes can be done from any computer in the world simply by going to the election web sites in those states and entering anyone's first and last names, plus date of birth. This calls up their ballot, how they voted, and you can cancel the ballot on the spot.
Trolls are claiming this is all false because you cannot "flip the vote", however, someone from Australia found how that is done, you simply open up a secret page (I don't know how he found it) and you flip the vote via E-mail. And even if you don't flip the vote, you can cancel it on the spot. Problem: Biden is so unpopular that if they canceled votes to make him "win" they'd only have five percent voter turnout and that can't happen, so they have to flip an enormous pile of votes to make the outcome believable.
OK, so with that all explained, LOOKIE HERE:
Alex claims Trump has video of Hunter torture raping young Chinese girls, and says he's going to blow it open. I HOPE SO. Those bloody mattresses in Epstein's temple happened somehow!
Laptop confirmed to be Hunters via the biometric scanner file. There's no way out of this. Hunter's lawyer is trying to claim the biometric files and other stuff can't be real because Hunter dropped of the laptop in 2017(before that model of laptop had the biometric feature), however, the receipt says April 2019 and that matches 2018 being the year that model of laptop got the biometric touch scanner.
The following (carefully composed) photo is 100 percent legit and was taken at 6:20 PM EST October 16
UPDATE: we have come across a claim (by a known troll) that this was taken on September 10. That does not really matter if true, and we r not digging that, it is possible it was taken then and they waited to post it and we doubt it ayway because the troll (though popular and impossible to issue a reply against is an abject liar.) In this case it does not matter anyway, the meat of the issue is the same.
Here we have 1. The Chinese billionaire that had to flee the communist party, who has 3 hard drives of dirt on Biden colluding with communist china to destroy the United States. 2. Steve Bannon, who has had a copy of Hunter Biden's hard drive for 2 weeks. 3. Rudy Giuliani (who is turning out to be a VER GOOD Jew, yes, it is possible), AND 4. The Chinese virologist who confirmed the wuhan lab made the virus and as rumor has it, also knows Biden and the Democrats had the wuhan lab create the virus (paid for with 2.7 million U.S. tax dollars by Fauci) for the sole purpose of de-railing Trump's election with a totally scammed mail in vote scheme.
We went too hard on Giuliani, it now looks like he opted to step over a dropped m&m (Hunters hard drive) so he could instead grab a whole m&m cupcake. If so, I don't think there is going to be an election, this is a solid case of GAME OVER and that photo was intentionally framed as such to taunt the Dems and tell them "GAME OVER."
We don't know what to say beyond that, I am STUNNED, other than Stuxnet nuclear reactor distraction?
We keep staring at that photo in disbelief. It is very skillfully taken to not have the photographer or Bannon in the mirror, leaving the entire frame for the microbiologist. This took very careful composition and was obviously done on purpose to terrify the Democrats. Photoforensics says it is 100 percent legit and that would not be surprising considering we already know Giuliani and Bannon have Biden's hard drive, the billionaire and the microbiologist are a serious bonus, the Dems are royally screwed. I just noticed, the chinese microbiologist is illuminated by a backwards facing photo strobe. This is FREAKING AWESOME.
NOT SO DEAR HUNTER: Alcohol and crack don't mix well with laptops left for repair, if you can't write down your data correctly and therefore cannot be contacted, and you were so blitzed you don't remember where you left it!
That said, this photo is worth more than Hunter's hard drive, this truly says GAME OVER, the hard drive was probably done to get people's attention before this asteroid hit.