A few pointers on the clotshot that just got "approved"

The actual shot people know of as the "pfizer shot" never got approved. It stayed as "experimental". However, a second jab under a different name "Comirnaty" DID get "approved". Here's the kicker: Under emergency authorization the same old clotshot can be administered without approval until enough "Comirnaty" gets produced, apparently they have practically none, and they have millions of vials of the shot we all know and have come to love ready to go that can be completely used up before the "approved" version, (which is probably an identical weapon) HAS TO be used, with the previous one "discontinued".
And as everyone knows, they threw procedure out the window and even Comirnaty has until Halloween 2025 to complete it's safety studies, all the while it will be administered without them.
When we originally went over the approval document, it was a lengthy convoluted confusing snake speak script ALL THE WAY THROUGH. With an extended decipher done later, the above is precisely what it really says, in reality the "Pfizer shot" did NOT get approved but re-authorized for use until the tens of millions of shots already made are used, and then they'll switch to the "approved" Comirnaty version which has basically no clinical trials done on it, and are instead PENDING 2025.
So that's great. That's all the time they need to get'er done.

Lehi teacher in the Alpine school district fired

Lehi Utah was the town used in the movie Footloose. It is a very conservative area.
Did not bother with posting the video of this particular teacher going on a crazed leftist rant when it was making the rounds, because all she did was represent what a majority of classrooms in America are like now and the only news was that someone shot video of it.
The story became real news when the school district fired her because of the video, when that school district would have NEVER fired her absent that video because they knew damn well what she was doing, it was SOP. That same school district has similar nutcases (bank on it) and this particular teacher was probably #7 or so on the lunatic totem pole there as she would be in practically any American school. She was actually not that bad compared to others I have gotten word of. The alpine school district only fired her because they need to convince the parents that this teacher is an anomaly. They don't want too many home schoolers starting up over the batshit crazy schools, especially in Lehi where max damage is "needed". There's not a chance this teacher would have been fired in a place already successfully destroyed, like San Francisco.
Back in the 80's, any parent could walk into any school totally un-announced and listen in on a classroom. That all changed in the 90's because all the way back then the schools were becoming weaponized and the infiltrated school staffs that were waging open war on the fabric of America did not want parents knowing what was going on. They threw out some excuse like "We can't have molesters walking around" or "Someone could be a threat to the kids" and slammed the door. If you walk into a school un-announced now, chances are you're going straight to jail. They don't want parents discovering what is going on. They have GOT TO keep their agenda hidden. And that is exactly why this very mundane teacher in Lehi got canned. Rest assured, the kids there have been threatened with expulsion if they even think about making a video like that in a classroom again.


Think we are going into Revelations 16.

Use the King James version. It is the least manipulated. 
I'll tell everyone how to know if the vax is the mark of the beast and if we really are going into Revelations 16.
Revelations 16 talks about the mark of the beast and a grievous sore that befalls the people who take the mark. I am seeing increasing reports of those who survived the shot breaking out into horrible rashes and blood blisters and *.* related. It all started with people getting blood blisters, and is now evolving into hives that burst open and other skin disorders. This would be caused by the shot blocking micro capillaries and starving the skin of blood, causing necrosis. Not the classic gray rotting necrosis, - a different type where the skin gets at least some nutrients, but not nearly enough. It does not die totally, but it breaks out horribly. 
If this becomes commonplace to such an extent you see it every time you go to Wal-mart, WATCH OUT, because it really could be revelations and accepting the shot really could be accepting the mark of the beast.
Suggest everyone read all of Revelations 16 because it really looks like we are going into the first vial and there are 7. The calls to repentance will be obvious. There's nothing subtle about it. 


The ones who are still alive when the first vial gets opened will be those who are the most evil (lots of those) and the most good (a few of those). The rest will be dead by then and that may be a blessing. More and more good people will be gone as the vials progress. If you don't make it to the first vial you are likely among the good. It really looks like it is going to be opened over the course of the next 12 months. Wait and see I guess. 

I am in stressed freak out mode.

Today found 2 pound bags of pancake mix for $1. I bought them all, regretably only 27. Why pancake mix? Because if you get the stuff that is in the sealed plastic bags, it will keep forever if stored right and will not get bugs while stored. If you get it for close to the price of flour, you get instant bread mix with no fuss or added ingredients. Just add water and apply heat. You'll get bread. It does not have to be pancakes.
We are extremely worried for the United States, Austraila, Europe . . . We are not comforted at all by the fact that Mexico is going to be the last great nation to fall. Today Anaya was attempting to destroy Obrador because Anaya was the pick for Covid and lost. If Anaya had gotten in, Mexico would have already kissed it all away. We'll see how long this lasts. But for now, Mex is in a lot better shape than anywhere else.
Dread sitting here watching a slow motion train wreck, looking at stats, watching declining numbers (has not happened yet) but when it does, we will know the missing readers are dead. That is going to happen, and it is going to be a terrible thing to witness.

Will predict the future.

We'll be frank, made this up. But this was written - the major plays - as a chess master would plot out a game. Watch it happen.

Here is how it is going to go. We can see it already.
1. Vax will be made so close to mandatory, if not fully mandatory that the extent to which it is not mandatory will be insignificant.
2. Large numbers of people who did not want the jab will buckle, and they'll get about 75 percent jabbed while the remaining percent made the sacrifices and is therefore dying for other reasons.
Throw in war somewhere around here.
3. MOST IMPORTANT STEP: It will be Israel that "discovers the vax is bad, and should be discontinued." Israel will front the illusion of being the most damaged of all when in reality they took no damage, and then will front being the good guys who "saved the last of humanity" by "discovering the shot was bad" and finding the solutions to that problem. All the while, it was them doing it all along, and all they will really be doing is saying what they knew would happen and had the answers for all the way back in 2015. They have planned this longer than that.
4. Israel will then step forward with "magical answers" anyone who was not a piece of wet toilet paper knew all along. They will present as the savior, and out of the ashes, they, (and other Jewish cohorts elsewhere) will rule. The other governments which are fully infiltrated by Israel will declare the massive deaths to be their fault for "not doing enough research," and they'll resign.
5. Israel will then claim to be the savior and will rule the world, with Jewish plants they have all over the place. They caused the problem, they knew the reaction, and they'll be the solution. The "great reset" will then be complete.
This is forward looking, and some people will no doubt call me "crazy" but already, from the way the chess pieces are moving, this is my 17 moves away "check mate". I know I nailed this. Grand masters of chess have opponents NAILED many steps beforehand, and this is the game, as I see it. 

Sit back and watch this happen. Of course I left out several steps, such as the mark and more, but those are the BIG steps. Watch it happen.

They are moving on the clotshot at warp speed

The FDA did a hoax pen stroke sans testing approval, and IMMEDIATELY Biden has announced the possibility of an executive order to make the vax mandatory to work or go to the store.
No work, no food, no NOTHING without the shot. You can sit in the weeds and die without it if you wish.
Additional rumor -  will start this one because have not heard it anywhere, but American troops are about to be re-assigned to administer the shots by force. That's a guess, however, This is based on classified orders given to soldiers for a mandatory and immediate 10 day training prior to a domestic deployment. Our tip off is could be accurate. They are in the process of doing this NOW.
The only rumor is my guess about what this classified training for a domestic deployment is for. Can you add 1+0? I knew you could!!
Australia ought to be an example. NO WHERE ON EARTH was the resistance to the jab as enormous as it was in Australia, and as a result, "they" clamped down HARD there, suddenly, swiftly, and forcefully - Australia is an example. PEOPLE WILL GET JABBED AT THE MINIMUM AMOUNT OF FORCE NEEDED TO MAKE IT HAPPEN. EVEN IF "MINIMUM" IS USING THE MILITARY TO FIGHT A HAIL OF BULLETS. They'd prefer for everyone to just go in like a flock of sheep, but they'll take this all the way to drone strikes if they "have to".

There is nothing at all benign about this shot, and their desire to be peaceful about it will vanish the second they know they won't get it done without force.

2021, America, Australia, Europe, Government, Health, Hälsa, NWO, New World Order, Vaccine,


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