This is a fact: The White House the lights go down by a timer every night, so you all have to ask yourselves why this is so. Why arent't the scamming MSM covering this?!
Now, some sort of survival food would be good to have at home, not talking doom here, but as certain things going down we are nearing the crossroads where the information goes down. Mainsteram media, internet and cable tv is gonna be shut down for a period of time between about now to April 2021. Some of us heard of this for some years, some even heard doom, but none of sources, none of them mentions doom these days. Therefore would be good to have food and water for a few days at home. Myself has 14 days of food and water for just in case. 95% certanity this should happen in the coming months.
Don't get vaccinated by the covid vaccine. There is a war against us.Bush Sr talked about NWO. Ithe agenda is some sort of satanists, the MSM are working for them but they don't know it. If you don't think this is a fact you should ask why aren't the MSM covering the pedophile rings more than they have? Millions of people is vanished every year and tha MSM is almost silent about this fact.
The global satanist cabals runs the earth. They planned covid about 10 years before it started in late 2019. Rockerfeller had a written file in 2010 mentions about the disease going down today in 2021. People all over the world should wake up and stand up against these tyrants pushing covid vaccine and lockdowns. Every night before bed i turn off the wifi router. The EMF is bad for health, there are many scientists and sources that warns about the EMF, this is actually quite old info but it's known for years, actually more than 50 years.

Remember when Greta Thunberg accidentally tweeted out her marching orders for agricultural protests in India? This proved that Greta was a scripted troll following marching orders. I posted this a couple days ago, and there has been a HUGE development. First, the classified document she tweeted, (actually there were several but this is the one I thought was most important) because it shows the specific plot against the government of India: 

Yeah that's right.

The magnets in an Iphone 12 can switch a pacemaker off

If a hospital needs to disable a pacemaker so they can perform procedures, they use a strong magnet to tell it to shut off. Evidently the magnets in the latest Iphone are strong enough to switch off pacemakers also when the phone is placed in a shirt pocket. 

PHRASE OF THE DAY: Design oversight. No one at Apple saw T

It appears this needs to be discussed again, (from the reactions on social media)

We have always stated that the elite will not release a disease that can return to nail them. Instead, they will create a scare and the disease itself, (or the vulnerabilities needed to mimic a disease) will be in the shots they give to "prevent the disease". 

There is no way they would make themselves open to being killed by their own weapon. So there is no "weapon" floating around in the wild on ATM screens and shopping carts . . . .

Instead, they are giving shots which are so devastating they maim people frequently and immediately, and those that get through the shot without significant apparent problems get their DNA re-programmed to create locations on critical cellular tissue that appear to the immune system to be the same as what is in normally (predominantly) benign viruses that are already out in the open (the common cold in this case, which is the coronavirus).

The shots are given in preparation for the release of or resurgence of already existing "harmless viruses", which, when infecting someone, will trigger the immune system into attacking and eliminating them. But after the shot, once triggered, the immune system will see many sites on cells that have been re-programmed to look like a virus, and the immune system then attacks and kills the vaccine recipient. Since no shot was recently given, no one draws the connection. At least in theory. Because people already know what the shots are doing, the info we just posted is ALL OVER the web, tripping bans left and right yet surviving because it is so prevalent. 

QUESTION: How on earth are "they" really expecting to get away with this?

I am going to say something straight: They are going to be needing people to administer the shots. With the prevalence of the knowledge of what the shots really are being so widespread, it will be safe to say that many, if not all the people giving the shots will know exactly what they are doing, and can be considered enemy combatants. Enough said. 

Biden is considering a travel ban in Florida

The article starts out with how a new mutation will un-do hard won battles with the "pandemic". Because, well - obviously someone needs a mutation for an agenda. And a new vax. And a new "operating system update". After all, our DNA actually is an operating system. About 715 megabytes long. It would fit on an over-burnable CD. Some of that is chatter, if cleaned up it might be possible to reduce it to 500 megs or so. How efficient is that, anyway? by the time Bill Gates is done with it, I'd bet it would not fit on a blu-ray. 

Anyway, we all know where the Corona scam is headed if we let it go there . . . . . 

Impeachment trial update:

Many many people are aghast at how "Billionaire Trump can't hire a decent lawyer". I am not surprised. Trump trusts the Jews, and is getting funneled into the worst legal situations as a result, and even if he did not trust the Jews, the bar association is such a corrupted entity that there's not an honest lawyer in the bunch that will actually help Trump. They have their marching orders to destroy and not a single one of them is going to step out of line, even Giuliani raped Trump with a weed wacker. This is what it looks like when war is the only way forward. 

Impeachment trial:

All we are seeing is that no lawyer can be trusted and the system is corrupted far beyond repair. Additionally, the intelligence agencies are eliminating anyone who would do anything about it before they even get a chance to take action. I do not believe no one did anything, what is happening is they are not following procedures that account for how invasive the police state is and that is essential. 

Lone wolves who understand the severity of the situation are the only ones that will ever have a chance, IF they never speak up before acting. My prediction remains the same - the communist revolution is complete and will not be turned back. How is anyone going to do anything when even their microwave oven will rat them out? 

Gorilla glue girl

Was not going to bother with this until it took a turn for the out the top ludicrous. Background 

A black girl ran out of hairspray. So she went to Home Depot. let me repeat that: HOME DEPOT a well known hair spray vendor and bought gorrilla brand permanent spray adhesive. It says right on the can "Forms a permanent bond, keep off of clothing and skin". You know, because keeping it out of your hair, or off your cribriform plate (don't spray it up your nose) or whatever - is too ridiculous to mention, "Oh, my hair, pee hole and ear canal are OK as long as I don't get it on my skin???" I guess that's what her lawyer thinks because SHE IS SUING GORRILLA GLUE BECAUSE IT WRECKED HER HAIR WHEN USED AS HAIRSPRAY.

Her black lawyer, who goes by "Exavier Pope" is a real social justice warrior, already calling everyone who ridicules her "racist" when "laughing" and "common sense" are far more appropriate, and a lawsuit over this is beyond galling.

So now there's this bitter white girl, "Kathryn Brightbill" who claims to use styling gel called "gorilla snot)- that's a lie, she clearly does not gel her hair - who donned her goodie "me too" shoes and did search terms for "gorrilla snot" and came up with nothing but "gorrilla glue" in her search results, - she claims "gorrilla glue is liable because gorrilla snot" is a brand of hair goo, whatever works for a teary eye - and I doubt "brightbill" is really her name, she's probably a crypto (whatever, you probably know) and is being ludicrous and frivolous to hopefully one day in her pathetic life set a precedent for suing anyone for anything - look at her twitter page at the link - she's a real work of art - and she's ALL FOR suing Gorilla glue over this. I disagree. Gorilla snot is one word off from Gorilla Glue, and even one letter off takes you from "Fabled" to "FAILED" and I'd say the fable about having grounds to sue Gorrilla glue IS A FAIL.

Let me guess: A prominent (now) tribe controlled glue company that wedged their over priced crap onto every store shelf does not want to compete with REAL products so they went after a company that makes products that work??? Probably not. This is too ludicrous. I opted to not name the company but the "o" in the name is a star of david now . . . . and I'll buy ANYTHING BUT their products because they really are garbage. If gorrilla glue girl had any common sense, she'd accept being an icon for Gorilla glue, after all, she just proved it REALLY WORKS. Why the lawsuit? It worked as claimed.

Let's see if an "election lawsuit" court room, which refused to hear a legit case gives credence to this B.S. and allows Gorilla glue to be sued. I would not be surprised.

Oh well, I wasted time on that but it was fun and at least showed just how ridiculous SJW's can be.

Calls to make sure the SIX GOP senators who voted to impeach are voted out????

FAT CHANCE. There is no vote, the last election proved it. All that did was give them perks.

2021, Alternative Media, America, Apple, Food, Health, MSM, News, Politics, Smartphones, Survival, Trump, Vaccine, Vaccine Scam, Virus, World,


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