I don't like repeating myself,
but a not troll got through with a message about the nuclear facilities we have said before, so we might as well touch the topic again.
And now repeat: The following was told to us during an interview I held with the lead engineer that designed reactor 3. This information was a lot more important than anything he said about Fukushima.
In the late 70's when America's nuclear industry was off to a good start, the original plan was to use the fuel in reactor cores multiple times. The "closed loop nuclear cycle" had been invented, where the fuel, when consumed in one type of reactor, looked like fresh fuel for a different type of reactor which made it usable again, and when the second reactor was done with it, it could go right back into the original reactor as new fuel. Reactor cores were supposed to last 10 - 20 years because of this closed loop cycle and president Carter completely and arbitrarily banned it based on lies that those who stole this last election decades later told. People think Carter was a 'do nothing' president, but his ultimate reality will likely be the complete destruction of the continent of North America.
Back then, the people seeking to destroy the United States knew that the enormous investment the nuclear facilities represented would not be abandoned just because they banned the closed loop nuclear cycle, and that they'd continue to be operated by being continuously fed new fuel. Since the second reactor was not available to make the fuel re-usable, once used it got put in fuel pools that were only designed to permanently and safely handle a couple cores, even if the nuclear facility was abandoned. Enormous safety margins were built into the original designs-SO-
They started using the safety margins to store more and more totally active cores, which had many re-use cycles of nuclear potential in them. Approximately one per year, when the projected target was 1 every 20 years or so. They had to install cooling systems to keep the now overloaded fuel pools from boiling off. Now they are SO FULL of fuel that if disaster happens and the cooling systems cannot run, the fuel pools will boil off in a few days. After that, the fuel will catch fire and it will be FAR WORSE than 40 or 50 chernobyls, the American reactors were much larger, and PER REACTOR there's about 150 chernobyls of disaster waiting for the right event to touch them off. Multiply that by 100 or so nuclear facilities with a couple reactors each in this condition and then calculate THAT disaster for the United States.
The absolute best thing that could possibly happen - if our government was not usurped by people hell bent on destroying us - the BEST thing that could happen is for ALL the reactor cores to be ditched in the finger lakes of New York. There's enough water there to keep them cool, they'd be hundreds of feet down in fresh water that is well contained. You'd have to say ADIOS to whatever lake they went in, but that would be a hell of a lot better than losing the entire hemisphere and their disaster potential would be perfectly contained, maintenance free, for millions of years.
That won't happen, somewhere, the same people who made the death vax are absolutely giddy with the prospect of having this particular disaster get touched off and it was these people who stole the election. The coup is complete, and THEY are in charge. There will be no way out of this.
This disaster will happen. It's not a question of if, it is only a question of when. If China took over the United States, they'd put a stop to this and rejoice over the free fuel. Absent that, one day we'll be kissing it all away.
The most pressing issue, probably until the end of this civilization will be whether or not the people who got the shot are contageous in a way that makes magnets stick to those who refused.
Self spreading "vaccines" were the goal, and it appears they reached that goal. However, if this went SO FAR that those who refused the shot yet were around the shedders end up having magnets stick to them, the world needs to find out PRONTO.
This cannot be ignored. People who have been around shedders need to make sure magnets are not sticking to them, and if they discover they are, they need to blow the story to the moon. I'll tell you one thing: If this ends up being legit, I am going BSL4, quarantining totally, and painting the door frame in blood like passover.
If the non-vaxxed start coming down with this, play time is over and people ought not be running around all proud of not wearing a mask. You had better isolate and quarantine to protect yourself from becoming whatever this new species is. For many who have received the shot it is already too late.
They are prepping the story line for excusing their way out of destroying millions with the vax.
Skip to 2:30 in that video, the beginning is not really fluff, you will know Israel is behind the con in that 2:30 but it's not needed for the core message.
Let me sum up the excuse they are going to use to back paddle their way out of destroying so many people with that vax. Here it is, in a single sentence:
"We caused everyone's body to produce only the spike protein while not realizing it was the spike protein that was doing the damage, NOT THE VIRUS." ONCE AGAIN, YOU SAW IT HERE FIRST, that's EXACTLY what they are going to say.
They are not going to ever explain how that spike protein is shedding and self replicating in people that never had the shot. They are never going to explain how the hell magnets are sticking to people. They are never going to admit there was never a virus, and the spike protein was the entire weapon. They are never going to tell the truth, NOT EVER, but at least now we know what the story is going to be, and that is: "The vax was experimental and everyone was told that, and OOOOOOOOOOOPPPSSSS!!! WE SCREWED UP. But we warned you, so you can stick it, and you had damn well better accept our next concoction too.
I find it even more galling and more damning that they are choosing to beta test this story line by releasing it on an Israeli program first. That ought to tell you who's in the know, and they just had to fake it even harder by saying the symptoms are mild and Israelis are suffering from them too. But they are not, there's no damn way they did this to themselves, before I pointed out their autism stats were near zero they were 1 in 80,000 and as soon as that story broke they launched B.S. upon B.S. about how Israel has such a horrible autism epidemic. They lie about everything, the ultimate "mee too" because they don't want the rest of us pointing at their numbers and questioning why they are not suffering the same fate everyone else is.
Magnets sticking to un-vaxxed people who were exposed to shedders?
There's a video of this out there now and I am skeptical because the people doing it don't come off as honest, and the manner in which it was done could have been faked. However, HEADS UP, watch out for this stuff to make good and sure it is not true. Because if that video was true (I am not going to link it, if it is legit more will surface if people are paying attention) and if it is true, EVERYONE needs to go to BSL4 or quarantine the hell out of themselves OR ELSE. The only way cells generate iron particles big enough to attract magnets is if they are not coded with their original DNA. It's that simple. This really needs to be watched out for because if shedders are indeed causing this via shedding alone, there needs to be the most massive separation of groups that has ever happened, EVER.
Trolls in the in box and nothing in the news.
Supposedly there's a new cartel in Jalisco that's killing cops in Guanajuato. I'll be frank here - there's no such thing as the Jalisco cartel (at least there was not any such thing) until the election in the United States was stolen and Biden put in place destructive border policies that helped the cartels blossom, on top of sending them enormous money via NGO's in an attempt to boost corrupted opposition to Obrador so they could oust him.
Jalisco is not a cartel state. It is not known for that AT ALL. So how could this be happening? Blame Biden, he's the only thing that changed and is documented to have funded the bastards DIRECTLY and in plentiful amounts via "non government entities" that are soros backed and are funding the political parties PRI, PAN and PRD under which the cartels flourished in the past. Someone wants a "return to normal" after Obrador started to straighten things out.
A NOT TROLL sent a mail a couple days ago, telling me I was bang on about Belarus.
The story about Belarus intercepting a flight to capture an activist won't die
If the * had this happen more often, perhaps they would not actively seek to destroy nations so openly and overtly. You can safely bet that if there's any covert capability growing like mycillium in the fabric of belarus society, the * are going to put every effort into enhancing that growth wherever it is not possible to find it and hit it with bleach. Actually, it is possible to find it, but people need to have the guts to stand up and say "it is ALL of them.
So lately, I have had the most horrible feelings and thoughts about their insidious and despicable vax, which is an act so low absolutely no one other than the most filthy sci fi or comic world villains would ever do it.
Their damn vax, which is despicable beyond belief merely commands the body to build more of their bioweapon so people spread it and they don't need to worry about getting busted for dispersing it. Instead, they will profit from it.
BOOOM! Rense posted proof the blood is being robbed of iron by the vax
Under a microscope you can tell the blood cells have changed, and are not as dark anymore and the more the damage progresses, the more the cells appear to be changed from their original form. This is not going to end well, one of the slides has the blood cells changing from round to having many points on them. They are round for a reason. One way clotting is triggered is by having red blood cells come in contact with uneven surfaces (like what an injury creates when it ruptures a vessel), how are jagged edged blood cells going to get along? Quite obviously not very well.About the vax and the mark of the beast
We think mankind passed the test better than predicted. There is some variance allowed for in the prophecies for how many fall. I would say the mark of the beast is not doing very well. Even a large number of melinnials will not go for it. Do not be among the fools who accept it, there are a lot more people resisting it than predicted. Obviously people have not been tested to the fullest extent which will mean accepting the loss of everything (an obvious outcome to not being able to buy or sell) but I will hedge my bets that there are a lot more people out there who will refuse the mark and accept the sacrifice than people think. I know it all looks hopeless and it may end up being so but I believe those who choose the correct path will be in far greater company than they realize.
So go for it. Do the right thing. You will not be alone, even if it kills you.
Something we have been meaning to post for a while but keep forgetting -
Earlier posts cover how they already experimented successfully with controlling rats. However, that process involved injecting the rat brains directly. They cannot get away with doing that to people, so a different method was formulated via genetic modification to cause the body to make crystals, probably everywhere but they show up near the vaccination site first. The shot is too crude to select where the crystals are going to grow, they just grow everywhere and eventually enough turn up in the brain to do the job. This would obviously be horrible for health, but remember my post about the bad farmer? they clearly do not care.
Remember the covid swabs that went very far in and swabbed the cribriform plate? Our guess is that they were attempting to place gene modifying materials right on the brain to accomplish the same thing and it failed, so they moved on to shots that basically took the sledge hammer approach.
Once again, this is only a guess, but we bet we are right.
Covfefe - Covid-iron-ferritin?
Really hate to post this, but it is being said and makes sense:
Fertility clinic warns covid shot kills sperm and ovaries
Every last thing you are reading on the web about magnetic vaxxes, AND the fact that the vaccinated can't go into an MRI if they did not get the saline started on this site. All others are building on what started here. And since I was the first with this, I am going to take it a step further and tell you the next step in all of this, in sequence, with the last part of the sequence not admitted to yet, but it eventually will be:
3. Once the iron is inside the cell, another aspect of the vaccine - possibly the spike protein - is assembling the iron into crystals that span the entire length of the cells and it is doing it without killing the cells. I had assumed an extra-cellular structure was being built but today I came across something that indicates that the structures are being built inside the cells themselves, all the way to the epidermis just under stratum cornicum which puts the magnetism right on the surface, and that's what the magnets are sticking to. Mark our word, we are right. We are 100 percent right that the magnetism is originating right from the epidermis (and probably a lot deeper also) but the epidermis is involved.
One of the earlier studies we quoted stated that these iron crystals were tested in the brains of lab rats and when exposed to a magnetic or electromagnetic signal, they could modify behavior. That's probably one of the big goals with this shot, but clearly there's something else going on also.
We firmly believe that if we had not served the early magnet stick vids on this site so they could not be censored, this would have been successfully censored and no one would be aware of anything on this topic. But the genie is now out of the bottle, and it is not going back in. Watch everything we said here be SPOT ON, no matter what trollage you see these people CANNOT go into an MRI EVER AGAIN and over time the magnets are going to stick more and more strongly, possibly across their entire bodies. This mess is not going to reverse itself, the body has been programmed to do this as if it was a natural function. This is not going to go away.
The most important quote from the link above: "To make the new crystals, the researchers fused genes encoding ferritin and Inkabox-PAK4cat and expressed the new protein in human cells in a petri dish. The resulting crystals, which grew to about 45 microns in length (or about half the diameter of a human hair) after 3 days, did not affect cell survival."
IN OTHER WORDS: The iron crystals grow SO LONG they stretch the cells out but don't puncture the cell membrane and kill the cell. They are programmed to the max size the body can survive making, and that's why the magnets stick. Cells are a LOT smaller than half the width of a human hair, this is stretching the hell out of them.
AVOID THE CORONA JAB AT ALL COSTS, EVEN IF ONLY OUT OF SELF RESPECT. I was surprised by this, how audacious the people who did these shots really are.
AND #4: Once the top layer of epidermis dies to make stratum cornicum, the magnetic properties would be smack dab on the surface. Once this really comes home to roost, the skin that flakes off will stick to a magnet. God only knows how much losing iron from the body that way is going to impact people and kick off problems with anemia, but you can safely bet the creators of this shot don't care. Maybe that's why they are now working so hard to stifle meat consumption. Speed up the impending slow kill.
And they'll just sit there and laugh as possibly the most key element in the body flakes away as room dust, leaving people in horrible condition, possibly even dead. Whatever happens will be determined by how widespread the magnetic effects eventually become. If they become widespread, where a magnet will stick practically anywhere, this is going to be killing people because their blood will be too raped of iron to carry oxygen and that iron will be sloughed away as lost skin. The body does not lose iron that way naturally, how's that going to work out? OUR BET: NOT WELL AT ALL.
JUST WATCH. you heard it here first. The full effects of this will take a couple years to play out. But if things go as bad as they could, they will.
and that's approximately the ratio of "I am fine" to maimed they need to keep their plausible deniability afloat.
Here is what happened: A youtuber set up a "magnet challenge" site on a public street, telling people to test to see if the magnet sticks to their arm after the shot. 15 people were tested and 6 had the magnet stick. Since they probably go by rounded numbers (that's the most logical way to do it) 4 out of 10 jabs is the actual shot. That's why they need endless repeat vaccinations, to make sure they get everyone. And our guess is that if the first shot is the real one, records are kept to make sure the second shot is the real one.Wow, the first two covid shots did nothing to me, but that third one kicked our butt." Reply: It did not. You are a paranoid anti science hick!!!
If Youtube decides to ban the embed, copy and paste this text into your browser, do not click the link.
The above was done in a confirmed and organized way. There's no way to debunk this now.
I'll also add that the way people reacted when they discovered the magnet sticks is typical of rock stupid leftists.A lot of errors or intentional disinfo about the magnetic vax
This is not a re-post, it is an effort to say this a lot more clearly to circumvent rampant and fraudulent trollage on this topic which is exploding.
An enormous pile of people are inventing theories about how the magnetic vax vids are possible. The refrigerator magnets won't stick to anything across a distance unless it's a solid sheet of metal, or so much metal in one spot it amounts to a solid sheet. The magnetism at the vax site therefore cannot be caused by a 1 ML vax directly. So what is happening? Consider the strokes and clots people are having. There's LOTS of iron in the blood to be had, and the clotting is being caused by the blood getting attacked for it's iron, which then, somehow gets returned to the injection site.That is the ONLY way this can be happening. Absolutely the ONLY way. All other theories are FALSE.
False theories will be spread for these purposes: 1. To make people believe there might be a medical reason for this, like tracing who's been vaxxed with an MRI. That way, the people who did this don't have to admit they caused 10 million strokes by attacking the blood directly.
2. To make people think they probably are not being tracked full time.
3. BIG ONE: To make people believe that they can detect the magnetism by putting a magnet up to the vax itself while it is still in the vial. That way, anyone can put a magnet up to the vax, prove there's no reaction, and call B.S. on the whole thing because that would discount the mechanism of action which causes the magnetisim to happen in the first place, which is a direct attack on the blood, proven by all the clotting.
4. The fourth reason is because there's clearly not enough material in the vax itself to build a widespread structure in the body that could attract even a weak refrigerator magnet, and therefore claiming the vax itself is responsible can be debunked if you ignore the fact that the actual magnetic material was taken from the blood.
Let's look at this through the eyes of a farmer. A not nice at all one, to boot.
Let's say you have a farmer that does not care at all about his cattle, in fact, he thinks he has too many. So many he can't keep track of them all, so he'd just as soon see them dead because they keep stripping the nearby mountains of vegetation. They are all "useless eaters". He'd like to keep a few, but wants them identified. He does not want to corral them because he can't. There are too many. AND FIRST AND FOREMOST, he's a CHEAP BASTARD.What does he do? He formulates a shot that in reality costs about 15 cents to make, and it's crude, not proven, he knows he's going to kill and maim but he does not care. The shot does what it does by mining the bodies of the cattle directly for the materials it needs to build inside the body something the farmer wants there. The shot will kill or wreck a bunch and cause the bodies of those that do survive to build a tracking system via genetic modification, that will make all the survivors easy to keep track of.
That's probably what we are really looking at. And trolls are out in force inventing all kinds of crap that fails to answer the basic question: How the hell can a 1CC shot attract a refrigerator magnet weeks afterward? Answer: It cannot, unless the cattle story is true.
Youtube muted the audio of Covid vax victim, she is now on Bitchute
The claim is that the vax hits women harder than men. It is probably true, and I'll tell you why
Because when populations get decimated during war, and there are more women than men, men take more than one woman and get them all pregnant. The population replacement is based on how many women survive, not how many men survive. If they want to prevent population recovery, the women have to be the target, not the men. All you'd need is 100 men to survive in a population of several thousand and all the women can have children if they are able to. I won't say the vax is good for men, but you can safely bet it will hit the women harder.
A final warning to humanity from former Pfizer vax development chief Michael Yeadon
He quit over this. The vax is for de-population and control, it treats nothing.
The WHO is claiming this year of Covid will be more deadly than last year
What won't be said is that the people who got the shot will be the fodder. One thing to clarify with this shot however is so many placebo/saline shots were mixed in with the actual dope that it is obscuring how bad the damage is when you get a real one. Obviously, with the chemical SM-102 in the real ones, no one is going to feel good and all will have very noticeable adverse effects. That will not be variable. And they can't have that show, they want 2 people screaming about being maimed and maybe 4 or so saying the other 2 are nuts.
A very interesting study of the covid test swabs was done
Going over the slides I did recognize one item - a "morgellons" microbe that is a weaponized GMO form of Dictyostelium discoideum which was chosen as a weapons platform because it is so able to withstand harsh conditions and immune to all antibiotics. The only thing that will wipe it out is thymol. I have actually looked into Morgellons deeply but have not posted about it here much. However, after I looked over the slides I noticed two things that are a feature of the morgellons microbe - a hook shaped structure that can penetrate cell walls, and the ability of multiple organisms to bond together and form structures. Dictyostelium discoideum has an ability to penetrate other micro organisms and cells, and it is used for both predatory reasons and sexual reproduction (that microbe has sexual, asexual, and communal reproductive abilities) and for the sexual reproduction ability it stabs itself through the microbe it is going to reproduce with. If it wants to eat another microbe it either engulfs it or stabs it. That structure is visible in one of the microscope slides.
On one of the slides you'll see the microbes attached to each other to form a larger organism, and the stabber is showing on the one on the top.
Additionally, Dictyostelium discoideum has an ability to bond and form multi-cellular communal structures that are also a feature of morgellons. This is what the fibers and patterns are that people see in morgellons.
Look up what Dictyostelium discoideum can form in the wild, and then compare it to what morgellons forms in the body. It is a match, and there's no way that microbe belongs on a test swab, GMO weponized form or not.
It was very convenient for the morgellons coverup - "Ah, Dictyostelium discoideum! That can't prey on people. You contaminated your slide!" That microbe is so common such a ruse would work.
Man walks out with his covid shot still in the vial
RENSE POSTED A DOOZIE: Self-Spreading Vaccines Are No Myth...It's Hard Science Johns Hopkins Confirmed Them - Covid Genocide Is Here
Summary: The father of Bill Gates established the Gates foundation and passed it on to his kid, who changed the name. Under the former name, the foundation funded work in self-spreading vaccines for the purpose of triggering massive die-offs, which was tested successfully on rabbits. The people who developed these "vaccines" erected the Georgia Guidestones AND paid for the development of the covid "vax". Quote:"Jeff,
Self spreading vaccines are no myth. Johns Hopkins University confirms it. See attached page down below. I have their original document.
You'll get the vaccine whether you like it or not.
Self propagating vaccines were conceived by Australian Nobel Virologist Sir Macfarlane Burnet. You know about him. As you know, my interest arose when I bought his former house in 2013 and strange things happened. I looked into his life. I was so shocked, I proposed getting a priest in to do an exorcism the house. No joke.
Burnet with his protege Sir Gustav Nossal, and the CSIRO, developed the Myxomatosis virus. First used in Australia on rabbit plagues. It was the world's first self-propagating virus that recognized - self, and acted as a vaccine which caused immune suppression. AIDS for rabbits!
Australia is ground zero for the unfolding Covid genocide.
Burnet and William Gates were friends.
William Gates started the William Gates foundation, later renamed the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Burnet's prot辿g辿, Gustav Nossal went on to work for the foundation and WHO after Burnet died in 1985. He carried forth the Burnet-Gates Senior plan for genocide.
Gates, Sr. and Burnet conceived and financed the genocidal message on the Georgia Guide stones. Think about that.
The two were friends with the eugenists William Shockley who engaged a friend Dr Herman Kermet to undertake the works incognito. I trust you watched the doco, Dark Clouds over Elberton.
The US bio weapons lab at Fort Detrick commissioned Burnet who proposed unleashing an Influenza Carona Virus on China in 1947. The technology of the time couldn't guarantee no virus blowback, so it was shelved. He was also working for the British equivalent. Burnet was seriously connected
. In the late 1970s, the Australian government CSIRO developed CRISPR gene editing for Myrtleford, Victoria tobacco farmers. They originally called it Gene Shears. The science minister of the time, Barry Jones, stated the technology would change the world. It has. We've seen none of the full horrors yet of chimera humans and ethic DNA targets bioweapons which was Burnet's dream.
The CRISPR biotech is being used for the Covid Myxoma self-spreading 'vaccine' bioweapon.
Melbourne, Australia is ground zero for Covid technology and the Gates family plan. It was also ground zero for curfews, lockdowns, freedom of movement denial and mask wearing. The techniques spread around the globe.
Both Burnet and Gates were eugenists connected to the London Eugenics society (rebranded the Gaulton institute to drop the term 'eugenics'). Bill Gates has been marinated in this stuff from his childhood. He is executing the plans of his father and the maniacal Sir Macfarlane Burnet.