She has clout, and is absolutely bashing "them" with it. WAY TO GO. She has woken up the young crowd that was asleep in the doldrums.

To clarify the Nicki Minaj post -
Nicki Minaj is a pop musician with a huge following. She said NO to attending an awards ceremony because the vax was required. It was a good decision, and I have little doubt that at this time, if she got jabbed her name would come up for the death batch. She might "commit suicide" over this anyway (perhaps her popularity will save her) - she has an enormous following (well over 20 million on Twitter alone.) So obviously there's a big slander campaign against her going on now because what she did might have destroyed the Covid con. She jabbed a stake through the heart of the monster. She deserves KUDOS.A new kind of trollage
We have noticed on various forums that unlike the usual topics that center around politics and the vax, that they are being bombed with irrelevant, entertaining, and distractive stuff. It appears that "they" know they lost the political fight and are now simply trying to dilute topics and distract people away from what is relevant. This is not coincidence, stay relevant, STAY FROSTY. we think Nicki Minaj did SERIOUS damage that they are having convulsions over. She hit such a huge and unaware group so hard it might have flipped the script. ANYTHING BUT THAT.PREDICTION: The Corona shot is being used to groom the next round of death camp killers
ALL the doctors and at this point ALL the nurses who are giving the shot know it is destroying people. A week or so ago it was revealed that the doctors were getting perks of up to six figures MONTHLY to keep going along with it all and not speak up. Prior to this, a few months ago, I came across a CVS employee who said they were being given huge bonuses of thousands a week to shut up about the shots and just keep giving them. Then about a month ago a corrupted nurse did a TikTok laughing about how she was getting paid so much to wreck people and saying "You have all been warned, so I am just going to keep giving this shot until people stop coming in for it". Meanwhile, the good doctors and nurses quit. That is the grooming.
What if this is a filtering process that is allowing the "elite" to sort out the doctors they need in the camps, who will falsify paperwork on why people died and never utter a peep? The doctors that will do the dirty work that pays so well? They are already murdering people on vents to get the numbers they need - they are already falsifying cause of death to suppelemnt those numbers - The elite cannot go with a full on genocide unless they have people who have proven they are corrupt enough to help them pull it off, RIGHT? They already have that now with the corona scam and who went along with it.
A lot of people are saying "Where would they get the doctors they need to do this? Easy answer: YOUR DOCTOR, who pushed the vax. That bastard is not stupid about it. It is not a secret anymore and money buys corruption. Just legitimize it and pay well. An enormous pile of American doctors already screw people over on purpose to develop an income stream. What's a poison shot that may or may not kill to such types? They have been analyzed via "Microsoft updates" and their G-phone, the "elite" know exactly who they can call on to get the job done.
We know we are right. We know we nailed it. The corrupted vax is the grooming tool and people would be fools to think America's medical system would never go along with this, it has become a cesspool of the least ethical high intellect the world has ever seen.
Lysine for Covid? Yes, IF YOU WANT IT REAL BAD
Lysine is used for biosynthesis of proteins. It is like giving a virus or the clot shot a full tank of gas.
People must consider that there are those who want to cause the max damage possible. Those at the top of the pyramid pushing the vax, those who caused or created COVID to begin with. Anyone can post to the web and when it comes to the new one - "Lysine cures covid", Be careful who you believe.
We remain a skeptic about graphene in the shots, but have also said it does not matter if you know the shots are bad - graphene or not they are to be avoided at all cost. Now a new topic has entered the fray: Lysine. And we knew a bit about lysine to begin with and for preventing covid, it did not sound right. So welooked it up again "lysine cellular mitosis" were the words I typed, And from what we can see, all lysine is going to do is help your cells:
1. Encorporate genetic changes into your DNA, and
2. Help your cells produce as many spike proteins as possible.
2. Help your cells produce as many spike proteins as possible.
Those are the functions lysine is supposed to encourage and assist, WE WOULD AVOID IT LIKE THE PLAGUE. Lysine is in your diet, in lots of stuff. And as far as a regular diet goes, we would not bother with changing it over the vax or Covid. But would I switch to foods or supplements to intentionally boost my lysine levels? HELL. NO.
We have, for combating a virus that usually is not lethal anyway: Quina (the quina bark you can brew, and it does work) plus tonic water that has quinine, PLUS hydroxychloroquine, PLUS Ivermectin, PLUS vitamin C, PLUS zinc, PLUS chlorine dioxide, and ALL OF THOSE WORK. The people behind the covid scam wanted to be safe no matter what, so there are a multitude of things that can stop it. How many do we need? Is it worth it to risk lysine being a hoax? If that set off my alarm bells just from my education, and then I looked it up to double confirm and there it is, - boosting DNA activity - is THAT what you want after a DNA/RNA/god knows whatever shot, or when you are dealing with a virus that can utilize that boosting mechanism? We think someone is pushing a SCAM.
Final words of a great weather man
Today, it is with a heavy heart, I announce after over 33 years, I am no longer employed at TV6.I am sad, but, to borrow a quote from a famous ballplayer, 'I'm the luckiest man on the face of the earth" because I had a dream as a kid to be a weatherman. That dream came true and to top it off, I got to broadcast weather for one of the most challenging, beautiful spots in the United States. As an added bonus, the people I broadcast to all across Upper Michigan were so kind and encouraging.
Thank you for watching.
I am leaving TV6 because the station's corporate owner, Gray Television, has mandated vaccination against COVID-19 for anyone entering a property owned by the company. Since I chose not to take one of the shots, I was fired. Many of you have taken one of these injections, and that is absolutely your right. It is also my right to choose the medical options I feel are right for me. I have authority over my body.
I have decided against the vaccine option, first and foremost, because the manufacturers of these injections have absolutely no liability if injury or death occurs after the shot. I asked myself, would I buy brakes for my vehicle if the brake company had no liability if the brakes failed? No! So, I will certainly not allow a medicine in my body from a company that does not stand behind its product.
Now, if the risk of death from COVID would be significant, I might take a chance and get injected. However, for a normally healthy adult not housed in a nursing home or not suffering from serious comorbidities, the chance of surviving COVID is well over 99 percent. I will take the chance and go without a shot. I choose not to risk serious side effects.
The abrogation of our liberty and freedom under the guise of a pandemic is very disturbing to me. Hopefully, whether you lean right or left, you are concerned about what has occurred the last year-and-a-half. I just wanted to go about my business, "live and let live", and keep my mouth shut. But this act by the federal government through corporate America has brought me to a crossroads. Our way of life, our freedom and liberty, is collapsing before our eyes.
Many of you have served in the U.S. military or you know friends, relatives and family members who have served. It's a strong tradition here in the U.P. They have served, and some have given their limbs and even their lives to preserve our freedom and liberty. It's time to wake up to what is occurring here in America and across the world. We are being bludgeoned with fear, I believe, in an effort to control us. Eminent doctors, virologists and epidemiologists who post facts contradicting the "official" accepted narrative regarding COVID are being censored; some are losing their jobs. It's time to honor those who served. For me, I honor them by saying "Enough! I have the right to choose-we all do. If we do nothing, we will lose that right.
One last thought-a distillation of a portion of Jefferson's masterpiece, the Declaration of Independence: "When tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty." Those who love America and the freedom and liberty it stands for, must speak up. Hopefully, it's not too late.
The Cumbre Viaje volcano on LaPalma
These are predictions based on latest data, it is not being said yet.
The relatively large city of El Paso will be destroyed. More vents will open, including in El Paso. A recent earthquake to the south is giving hints of another major eruption to the south. If that happens, we will be looking at a worst case scenario and if there ever was an event that could drop that giant piece off into the Atlantic, it appears we are going into it. At a minimum, a majority of the south west portion of the island will be all new volcano, roads, homes, businesses and all. It looks like Lapalma is going to get the worst case scenario out of this, and it makes sense because there were so many earthquakes preceeding this.CVS hiring 25,000 people???
That's a lot. I wonder what kind of perks they'll be offering. They have been paying giant bonuses to jabbers because it takes a certain type of valuable trash to do that when everyone knows by now what those shots do. The work involves finishing off the last of the idiotic sheep who were locked up in cellars away from everyone and everything but a constant droning display feeding them lies. And I beg to question HOW CVS suddenly needs 25,000 new employees.What happened? Did they kill them all? Did a bunch find their morals and quit? That's a hell of a walk off or die off, I know one thing, it was not due to attrition, something big happened at CVS and it has to be something like "I just can't do this anymore" or "The shot got me" x25,000 because CVS is paying WAY TOO MUCH for people to just walk off the job now. They are not all suddenly gone for no reason.
CVS ought to call all the super max prisons and death rows for their new employees, absolutely anyone can operate the plunger on a syringe and stab things, why not be honest and pay a few confirmed killers well? Can't let morals get in the way of "progress". I am sure a lot of them are already familiar with injecting drugs, they'll do just fine.
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