Wait no more, TSHTF
Everyone was wondering when it would finally happen, and missed it when it did. But it could not be more obvious it did happen, and we are now living in a true SHTF scenario.
Governments around the world are imposing horrendous lockdowns while pushing a killer shot. How much more SHTF could it be than that? How about how the rigged election, and the kind of governance that followed? Would that not qualify? How about how we all found out the courts were rigged after that? Does that not qualify? At the same time all of this is going on, we have the government doing clear and obvious weather mod, in a clear and obvious effort to destroy the nation. Does that not qualify? We have practically all of the productive regions of the United States and Canada in a horrific drought that is clearly caused. And this is repeated in the productive regions of the other top global producers. Does that not qualify?
How about the supply chain shortages where manufacturers cannot even make cars anymore, which I verified is true globally by talking to dealers outside of the United States? Would those shortages, for no legit reason, not qualify? One might make the case if China shut down production of chips, but they did not. What happened? And why is meat so expensive? Corona did not kill all the cows, meat prices should be stable. What happened? TSHTF is what.
We are living it, right now. Record low employment with so many people disabled or dead that even the far fewer jobs that exist now don't have people available to fill them. How did that happen? We now live in a world where 30 of America's "top gun" pilots opted to stop flying their jets and quit to avoid a clearly killer shot that's being forced on everyone. If that's not SHTF, what is??
In a SHTF scenario, you'd expect the government to shutter churches to kill the Christian faith. IT HAPPENED. We all knew they'd eventually do that here when China started bulldozing Christian churches and just like magic, within two years of China doing that, suddenly the churches elsewhere are no-go zones, by mandate??? Yes, shtf happened.
The SHTF so bad that an enormous pile of doctors and nurses quit to avoid death jab mandates (if anyone would be pro vax it would be them,) AND THEY QUIT OVER IT after they saw what the shot does? Come on now, if it's that bad TS has definitely hit TF. And all that did was set us all up for an EVEN WORSE SHTF scenario because we don't have the first responders in adequate numbers anymore, and those we do have left are probably maimed
We live in such a SHTF situation that any election can be stolen because a false premise is being used as an excuse for elections to be run via mail in, in a system where voter ID is not required and anyone can send in anything until the election is "fair" rather than accurate. That's a "game over" deal and there's no end to it in sight.
Just wait for the REAL SHTF. It won't be long.
The consequences of SHTF are about to be seen. When all those crops that were never harvested hit the store shelves. TS already hit TF and set us up for that. If there really are no grain reserves, (there might be enough for a little while) but what if there are not? TS hit TF the moment Trump got out and they knew they could get away with anything, and subsequently used weather mod to parch America's agriculture and more. No Canadian backup. Russia and Ukraine are TOAST. China's wrecked enough for them to not export. Where is THAT going to put us? As a punctuation mark on the guidestones? There's a good chance the answer is YES.
So have fun predicting when TS will hit the fan, And when you are done predicting, WAKE UP.